Preternatural: An Erotic Paranormal Romance Collection (3 Book Bundle)

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Preternatural: An Erotic Paranormal Romance Collection (3 Book Bundle) Page 3

by Connor, Cara B.

  “Is that a yes?” Pamela asked. She did not wait for an answer. “Super… let me just grab my bag and we can go.”

  She laid both hands upon his right hand, leaned in and kissed him on the cheek before darting to the back like an eight year old that had just been given permission to go outdoors and play. Logan smiled as he waited for her to return.

  A Girl’s Best Friend: An Erotic Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance, Chapter 9

  Outside, she’d acted like a newborn baby girl opening her eyes for the first time. She’d blinked as if blinded by the sun’s ultimate rays of light. A radiant smile with an eager stride was all so new and pleasant. Almost like a weight had been lifted from her tiny shoulders. It was a weight in which she had carried for years on end, holding her back from a full and glorious life that one should honestly be accustomed. Of course Pamela had been happy before, but never so vibrant and lively.

  “So what’s going on with you?” Logan asked. “I never saw you like this.”

  She didn’t respond. Trapped in her own mind, she’d fantasized only of rolling through a field of flowers. It was like a breath of fresh air, one she hadn’t experienced in all of her life. A few cars rolled by in both directions as they walked away from her home.

  “Where are we headed?” Logan asked, as he looked ahead to see a dice game in full play on the corner.

  There were three young men. Two wore baseball caps, and white v-neck t-shirts, the third had long black hair that was tied into a ponytail, with a black shirt. They were stooped next to the bodega, bouncing the dice off the brick wall of the building, their backs to the street. Logan could see money on the ground but had no idea how much.

  Clapping and cheering went on as the dice bounced of the wall and smacked the cement; one of the baseball caps swiped up the bills from the ground, and rose to his feet. The other two guys reached in their jeans pockets and dropped a couple more. The dice were rolled again.

  “Pamela, did you hear me?” Logan asked as they neared the youngsters.

  She blinked back to reality. “Huh? No… What’d you say Logan?”

  “I asked what’s been going on.” Logan said, catching the red eyes of the young man with a ponytail.

  “Oh… well… guess what?” Pamela asked, as they neared the gambling trio.

  Logan looked to her. “What…”

  They stopped.

  She looked to Logan. “My father won’t be coming around any longer. He…”

  And just then her purse was snatched right from under her arm.

  The young man with the ponytail bumped into the pair in a frenzy and ran up the block from where they had just come. Logan and Pamela weren’t expecting such nonsense in broad daylight on an open road. There hadn’t been much crime, if any, in the neighborhood.

  Pamela shouted for the thief to stop. She looked behind to see the other two gamblers take off around the other side of the bodega. She turned back to the thief and took a few steps in pursuit before she slowed to a stop.

  Logan grabbed her by the arm. “No! I’ll catch him. You call the police.”

  What better time could there have been for Logan to be a hero? He dashed up the concrete sidewalk behind the purse snatcher, in full pursuit.

  A Girl’s Best Friend: An Erotic Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance, Chapter 10

  Ponytail must have thought he was going to make a clean getaway. He ran about a block before busting a right, and jumping over a picket fence into someone’s backyard. That was a bad idea.

  He leaped into a yard with a full grown Rottweiler. The dog instantly showed its teeth, and chased Ponytail to the other side of the backyard. Ponytail jumped the other side of the picket fence and kept going.

  The dog’s chain was just long enough to reach the boundary. It jerked at the edge of the fence, the dog whined in frustration.

  Logan was just about to leap the picket fence too when he noticed the Rottweiler as it was barking in the direction Ponytail ran. With no time to waste, he decided to run around the fence.

  The oddity in this was that Logan did not get winded as easily as he would have before transforming into that big brown and red dog. Plus he did not feel any soreness in his ribs, as he had before either.

  Logan moved at an incredible Olympic sprinter’s fast rate. He could feel his feet getting ahead of him, kind of like he still moved on all fours. The wind blew around his face; he could feel his cheeks blowing back almost as an animal would when running at such break neck speed. The next corner was nearing. Without breaking for a second, he dipped to the right, witnessed Ponytail dart through an alleyway.

  Ponytail passed by three trash bins while in the alley. He made it his business to knock them over as he flew by. Once reaching the other end of the alley, he sporadically looked both ways before deciding to make an immediate left on the sidewalk.

  Logan hurdled over the trash bins one by one. He hadn’t panted nor slowed down. In fact, he sped up a bit while giving chase. He caught a visual of Ponytail nearing the end of the alley, as he darted to the left.

  “Hey!” Logan shouted in hopes of the purse snatcher getting scared and dropping the purse he’d just snatched from Pamela. “Hey… stop!”

  It was useless.

  By the time he had reached the end of the alley, Ponytail had vanished. Logan slowed the pace down a bit to get a feel of the area while staying on the path he was led to. Where did he go?

  The streets were empty. Two cars had passed by. Logan looked inside of them to see if any of the occupants were Ponytail. No luck there. He looked toward the Duplex’s and single family homes up and down both sides of the street.

  Then he heard the sounds of gushing water. Up the block, just around the corner was a fire hydrant, spitting out H2O. Some noisy neighborhood kids came out of nowhere in swimming trunks and bikinis. They began splashing around in the water as it sprayed, to beat the heat.

  A gust of wind erupted. Logan grabbed himself a whiff and could not believe his senses. His face twisted to the aroma; his head lifted. His nose twitched – that was a scent he’d just not long ago encountered. With a jolt of his head, he followed his instincts and headed off straight for it.

  A Girl’s Best Friend: An Erotic Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance, Chapter 11

  His instincts led him in the direction of the children, but he knew the whiff he’d caught was not theirs. It was more of an odiferous person, a man. He knew it was Ponytail. And he had to have been somewhere, near the vicinity, hiding.

  But this was another quirk in Logan’s brain. If he had smelled Ponytail, then he must have been in his dog form and didn’t know it. He looked to the merrily playing children, and then faltered his sights, took a deep breath and stunningly looked downward to visualize the sweaty palms of his nervous hands.

  Bang, bang…

  The double shots arose from across the street.

  Logan ducked imperatively; the children scattered.

  It was as if Ponytail could run no further any longer. He huffed and puffed as he had sounded off three more shots in Logan’s direction. He stepped into the street, still grasping the purse clutched under his arm, unloading the semi-auto in the broad of day.

  Logan stayed low, ran along the bricks of the houses and walls to dodge the bullets. “What’s wrong with you?” he shouted, as pieces of brick and dust trailed him down the street, each shot just mere inches from hitting him.

  Sirens emerged from what broadcasted like two blocks over. Great, thought Logan. Pamela had finally contacted the police and they were on the way.

  Ponytail fired three more shots behind Logan before an about face, and a jolt for the next alley. In fact, he made it to the alley, turned back to look at his damage for a split second and smirked. Not a stranger to danger, he knew he still had a few extra seconds to make a clean getaway.

  He had not been intending on sticking around, going down for petty theft and attempted murder with use of a firearm by a convicted felon. He’d attempted to make another step
into the alley, but he was clothes lined by Thomas before he had the chance to duck.

  Ponytail instantly hit the concrete with a thump, dropping the pistol.

  He laid flat on his back, released the purse and pistol from his grips just as he got a short-lived glimpse of Thomas’s crumpled face and dark, sunken eyes.

  Then, Ponytail passed out from the blow.

  A Girl’s Best Friend: An Erotic Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance, Chapter 12

  Logan came upon the next street corner. He made a right, planning on doubling back but was instead met by a grinning Thomas.

  “You should go back.” Thomas advised his friend.

  Logan threw his hands in front of him, shocked. His eyes enlarged and his mouth parted. He stuttered, “W-w-whoa… H-how’d you…”

  His head twisted from left to right as a few cars passed by. He stood erect and then slightly hunched over. He shuffled his shoulders and jerked his hands around a bit, tried to juke his friend, not fully comprehending how he’d appeared right out of the blue.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, still hopping around on the sidewalk.

  “Wanna be the hero don’t ya?” Thomas asked, not even trying to stop his friend from going around him. In fact, he’d placed his hands in his pockets and laughed out loud.

  “Really…” he said with a jerk of the neck and a rising of his lip. He took a step back. “You should get back there before the police find him first.”

  Logan stopped popping around, but maintained a high school wrestling pose. “What’d ya do, Thomas?”

  “Nothing really… just a little incapacitation technique…”


  “Come on Logan, stand up straight.” Thomas made a quick observation of the surrounding area.

  “Don’t let this chance to become a hero slip away. Just go back, flag the cops down and you’re in there man…”

  Logan stared into his friends eyes. Thomas’s eyes were stern and clear. Logan saw no deception. He stood straight, looked back and then took a step back as the sirens grew near.

  Thomas said, “Times a ticking buddy. You’d better hurry.”

  “What am I supposed to do now?” Logan asked, winded from the run.

  “Like I said, you’ll have to prove that you can make sacrifices.”

  What could he do? He’d known Thomas all this long and he’d hadn’t fettered him in any negative way before. Yet he’d always had the answers. He’d always been on his side. Turning him into the dog helped him to be there when Pamela was in trouble with her father.

  Because of that magical feat he’d been able to help her out in a way that he couldn’t have if he were in his human form. He thought of this in less time than it took for him to turn back and be a hero. But now he would have to live with this secret as well as the one about saving Pamela’s life.

  So Logan ran back to where Ponytail lay in the alley.

  A Girl’s Best Friend: An Erotic Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance, Chapter 13

  A few minutes later the police had nabbed Ponytail. The squad car was heading out to the jailhouse with him handcuffed in the back seat.

  “You’re my hero!” Pamela gleefully shouted, giving Logan a huge hug that expressed her thankfulness.

  She held on to him for what seemed like forever. The tears in her eyes were of pure joy and happiness. It was a delightful moment they both shared. Then she puckered up and laid it on him, right in the mouth before releasing her heartfelt grip.

  Logan was in awe. As this all played out he realized that Pamela was completely different than he thought, and he fell even more in love with her, realizing that he treated her wrong before right there on the spot. He came to the conclusion that he felt happy and satisfied after seeing her, miserable and ill-tempered when he didn’t, and after arguing with himself about it for what felt like an eternity, he had to admit that he was in love. His eyes protruded from his skull in his surprise at the revelation.

  But he wanted so much more than just that. He wanted her to wrap those thin arms around his neck when he first got to up in the morning. He wanted her to slip her small elegant hand into his when they walked to the pub for lunch. He wanted to be able to say her name without worrying that someone will find out about his silly disregard for her in the past. He really wanted her to know him the way he knew everything about her by now.

  If only he’d really subdued Ponytail would he be just as ecstatic about his capture as Pamela had been just by believing the tale. How long would he let this go on was undetermined. Thomas had vanished into thin air once again, and he had not left a stipulation as into what he could expose about the subduing of Ponytail. Logan did not want the credit although he had already received it. And on the same hand, he sure as hell did not want to morph back into the brown and red dog ever again.

  Pamela fumbled through her purse. She extracted a small black leather wallet and counted her legal tender. “It’s all there,” she said, “I can’t believe it. You still want to go out?” she asked him.

  “Are you serious?” Logan blurted out with popped eyes. “After all this?” he pointed to where Ponytail once lay. “I don’t know Pamela―”

  “What…” She was excited, grinning from ear to ear in her moment.

  “Come on, it’s the least I can do. You’re my hero! You chased him down, knocked him out and now he’s on his way to jail. It’s the least I can do. Really!”

  “That’s not what I mean…” he said in response to her, then decided to just let it go.

  Logan rapidly waved his hands in desertion to her generous offer. He just couldn’t bring himself to accept any credit for something that he did not do, nor deserve the recognition for. Yes, of course, he did risk his life in the attempt to retrieve her purse from the snatcher, but it was not him that subdued the villain.

  He turned his head up to the clouds, slapped himself with both hands and thought, why Thomas, why. He looked to Pamela and smiled, trying not to let her see his aggravated thoughts.

  She maintained her happy grin. She actually laughed at the sight of him, and figured he had been through a lot. She said, “Okay… how about I just cook you a nice dinner? I just found a mean recipe for making large stuffed cheese shells. Sound good to you?”

  He shook his head. How could he turn her down after all she’d been through? And after all he’d been through. It seemed as if Thomas’s trick was working its magic. But on the inside, Logan was not a happy camper in the least. He agreed to Pamela’s kind gesture. And hand in hand, they traveled the sidewalk back to her apartment.

  A Girl’s Best Friend: An Erotic Shapeshifter Paranormal Romance, Chapter 14

  Pamela had a thought on their way back to her place – a way to truly reward her companion and she was pretty sure there’d be no interruptions this time. Her place was hers and hers alone. They had the house all to themselves to do whatever they wanted.

  Logan, still a bit winded, sat down on the sofa and buried his nose in a TV magazine. Pamela sat on the other end of the sofa twirling her hair wondering what she should do next. She wondered when he’d pay her some attention.

  She badly needed him to take her like he had the last time, only to take her deeper than they had gone. She wanted the full experience of love this time, the full experience of him inside her, from beginning to end.

  She scooted to the other end of the sofa and propped a leg across his to get his attention. He just kept on reading. Frustrated, Pamela began to rub Logan’s crotch through his jeans with her foot. She could tell he was liking it, but he continued to read the article in the magazine.

  So she took her blouse off and threw it on the floor, exposing her breasts. Her nipples reflected the living room lamp light, making their pinkness glow like a night light. Finally Logan took notice.

  It was the first time he’d taken his eyes off that magazine since they had gotten back. Pamela shook her shoulders, making her boobs wiggle. Logan put the magazine on the coffee table and placed his
hand around her neck, pulling her in closer for a kiss. As he did, his other hand moved to her right nipple. He caressed it with his fingers, feeling it harden as Pamela panted.

  “You want a repeat?” Logan asked.

  Pamela giggled. “Mmmm-hmm. Well, actually, I want more,” she said.

  She wondered when he would get the idea – men could be so dense sometimes. Now that he had it, she hoped nothing would distract him or interrupt them this time. She stood up and took off her pants, dropping her panties too in one movement.

  Logan just sat and watched. He loved the carefully cropped space between her hips. Pamela dropped to her knees and unzipped his pants then pulled them off his legs. She threw them across the room and took his penis in her hand before slipping her lips around the purplish head.

  Logan moaned as she flicked it with her tongue. He thought he might explode too soon, but Pamela removed her mouth before it happened.

  “You like that?” she asked. Her eyes twinkled in the lamp light. Logan nodded. He didn’t need words to express how that made him feel. His smile said enough, and Pamela knew he wanted more.

  He was hard. All eight inches. Pamela wondered what it would feel like to be on top. She kept her eyes locked on Logan’s as she straddled him, sliding him inside her. She watched his breathing pick up pace and concentrated on the feel of his thick membrane pushing against the walls of her vagina. It felt much better than she had remembered from before.

  Logan watched her small boobs bounce as she worked herself up and down, taking joy in his dick sliding deeper and deeper inside her. He reached for a nipple with lips and sucked on it. Pamela grew more excited. Her face grew brighter and her moans turned to soft yelps.

  Logan pulled her close and whispered in her ear, “Ride it, Baby.”

  Pamela could feel the soft fabric of Logan’s shirt against her tits. It made the pleasure all the more unbearable. She was getting wetter by the bounce. As his dick pressed against her walls she could feel it slide in and out so much easier. Logan took control.


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