Judged By You (Judge Me Series)

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Judged By You (Judge Me Series) Page 17

by Patricia Voois

  I moaned into his mouth, and he swallowed it. Our lips parted and Damon sat up taking me with him, I grabbed his shirt, and he grabbed mine, both ended up on the floor in no time. I laid back down bringing him with me, my hands gliding over his rock hard body. He kissed my neck, gently biting and sucking at the same time, I moved my head to the side to grant better access, hot lips trailed their way down my neck and stopped at my breasts. Damon mouthed my nipples through my bra; I bit my lip to stop the noises. I had no idea if Nicole was home, and I didn’t want her hearing my pleasure that was taking place.

  “Lay still, do not move.” Damon said, raising his head to look at me. I nodded in response.

  He continued to trail light kisses over my stomach and down……..I gasp in shock. I felt his fingers at my jeans, the button being undone, and the zipper came down. I lifted my hips to allow moment, and slowly my jeans and pants were pulled off. Light kisses started at my ankles, and continued until I was feeling them there……

  “Spread your legs beautiful.”

  I did as he asked; I could feel my face getting redder.

  “Yeah that’s it.” Damon whispered.

  I grabbed the sheets in my fits as he slowly sucked my clit. I moaned in response, my body was tingling as his tongue worked me over and over. There was a climax coming, and It was coming fast I could feel it from head to toe, and when he slipped a finger in my hungry wetness, it was there. I moaned his name, and some other incoherent response. My body continued to convulse with pleasure. I opened my eyes to see Damon staring at me, his handsome features standing out. God this man was good looking. He was leaning over me, bearing his weight on his elbows. Our bodies were flush against each other, and I could feel his cock against my wet slit.

  “Feeling better?” He asked with a sheepish grin.

  My cheeks, I swear reddened. But I nodded.

  “Good.” He replied kissing the corner of my mouth.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and urged him to forward so I could feel more of him. This made him groan a low throaty sound. But it also urged him to slip inch by blissful inch into my body. Once filling me, he then slowly began to move, in and out. His hard length filled me, with each thrust. I could feel myself climbing to another orgasm, I began to pant and moan, and I can’t remember ever enjoying sex as much as I did with this man. His mouth came crashing down on mine, masking my pants and his. My mind was reeling…….. I didn’t want this to stop, this feeling I had when I was with Damon made everything else seem small, when in reality everything was immense.

  I slowly racked my fingers down his back, listening to him moan and swallowing them as we kissed. We broke our kiss, both needing to catch our breath.

  “You're, not on the pill yet are you?”

  “Ummm no….” I said breathless. Holy shit, he was bare….. No wonder it felt freaking incredible.

  “Ssshhh it's okay.” He panted before finding my mouth with his again.

  Within seconds, my world rocked all again. This orgasm was just as good as the first. Suddenly Damon pulled out, I sat up on my elbows to see him stroking his length before I had the chance to change my mind I sat up and grabbed it in my hands, and took over from his hand. Within a few strokes, hot liquid was spilling out over my hand and onto my stomach and breasts. I looked up at his beautiful face to see his eyes closed, and lips parted. It was hot as hell. After a few more strokes his eyes met mine, a smirk played out along his lips. I smiled in return.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up, and have some dinner.” He said leaning in to kiss my lips softly but quickly.

  I immediately got up of the bed finding a towel hanging on the back of the door, I wiped as much of the mess off myself as I could, then draped my robe around my body. I rummaged around in my draws finding a pair of shorts and singlet to wear once I got out of the shower. Damon followed me to the bathroom in his boxer briefs but had his clothes in his hand. I couldn’t see Nicole in the lounge or dining room when we walked through, so I guessed she was out. I seriously needed to talk to her and see what was up her butt this afternoon.

  The shower was lovely, I felt sticky and gross, and it was just what I needed. We both washed ourselves with only minimal touching. I think we both knew that if we started something else, we wouldn’t eat, and to be honest I was famished. Damon got out once he was finished and said he was going to get our dinner ready.

  “I won’t be long; I just want to wash my hair.” I said before he walked out of the bathroom.

  I washed my hair and shaved my legs while I was at it. When I got out I was clean as a whistle and felt refreshed. I quickly dried and dressed. I made my way out to the kitchen and stopped in my tracks, candles sat glowing on the table with a bunch of beautiful red roses in my great grandmothers’ vase. I reached out and traced the patterns on the crystal vase with my fingers and leaned down to smell the scent of the roses. Damon cleared his throat, and I looked up at him. He held two plates and came towards the table, placing them down. I walked to where Damon was standing and grabbed his face between my hands; standing on my toes I kissed him gently.

  “Thank you for dinner.” I said when I pulled back.

  “You’re welcome Savannah. Have a seat.” Damon said pulling my chair out.

  Throughout dinner conversation flowed between two people who were comfortable with each other. It felt good not have to think about anything else, but the man sitting in front of me. I didn’t know too much about Damon, but enough to feel whatever it was that I was feeling, the safe and security felt good. Once dinner was finished we made coffee and went outside to enjoy the crisp night air, the sky was blanketed with stars and the moon was whole, it was a blissful sight.

  “Have you decided what you are doing with study or work?” Damon asked, looking towards the full moon.

  “I think I’m going to give it up, and see where things lead to after.” I say before taking a sip of my coffee. I remember back to our telephone conversation earlier, I knew I over stepped the mark and genuinely should apologise.

  “Listen Damon, I’m sorry for this afternoon. The problems between you and carter have nothing to do with me, I just thought that maybe I don’t know….” I don’t know what I was thinking, carter and Damon’s problems are no one of my business.

  “It’s okay Savannah. Just don’t listen to anything he says about me. He and I used to be close, we are not now. It's over.”

  “You’re not going to tell me why are you?” I turn to look at his face. He is rubbing his forehead, and I can tell he is getting annoyed, and I honestly don’t want our night to end by me over stepping the line. Plus I’m not exactly forthcoming with information.

  “No, I’m sorry Savannah, but I can’t tell you, not yet anyway.” I knew that was the end of the conversation about that particular subject. Something inside told me I wouldn’t like what he was going to say when and if he ever did tell me. I pushed my feelings aside and grabbed his free hand. I entwined our fingers together, and we sat in silence for long minutes.

  “Are you staying tonight?” I asked when the wind picked up, and I began to shiver.

  “Only if you want me too. I do have to leave early in the morning, I have a seven o’clock meeting.”

  “You can stay. Don’t expect me to be out of bed that early though,” I said with a smile. “I need my beauty sleep.”

  “You are beautiful now, you could stay awake for the rest of your life, and you would still be beautiful.” Damon said turning so he was facing me. The look in his eyes told me he was sincere.

  “You’re too sweet Damon.” I said on a whisper.

  “Come on, let’s get the kitchen cleaned up, than go to bed.” Standing he put his hand out for me to take, I placed my hand in his and we went inside leaving the beautiful night sky alone.

  When the kitchen was clean, we headed to my room to get ready for bed. I was tired from today’s events, even though I had several solid hours sleep this afternoon. Maybe it had something to do with the mind-blowi
ng orgasms I endured earlier? That thought made me laugh out loud to myself.

  “What’s so funny?” I turned to see Damon climbing into bed. On my side mind you. Yes, I sleep alone, but I still have a side. Nicole does jump in every now and then with me if she can’t sleep, or if it’s storming, she hates the storms just as much as I do. We tend to have girly snuggles and chat about stupid things to take our minds of the current weather situation at hand.

  “Nothing, just thinking.” My cheeks redden. But I shake it off and climb into bed.

  “You’re actually on my side of the bed, just so you know.” I say turning off the bedside lamp.

  Damon chuckles, and before I can do anything else he has me pinned to the bed, his hands clamped down on mine above my head, his lips lingering just over mine. I flex my wrists, and I know I’m not going anywhere. His hold on me is strong, not just physically but emotionally. When I look at this beautiful man, I want to see more, I want to see the future. At that moment, I know I am falling……. And for some reason, I’m not sure he will be there to catch me, as much as I want that, I just don’t know.

  “Are you frowning Savannah?” Damon chuckles.

  I swallow hard and push those feelings aside. I need clarity.

  “What are we doing here Damon? Seriously, is this still just fun?”

  “Why do we have to label anything? Seriously, I am here, I want to be here with you. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, all I know is what is happening right here, in front of me. If we label this, whatever this is……it will fall apart. Just trust me.” Then his lips slowly descend on mine. When our tongues entwined with each other’s, it was fierce. The intensity of the kiss was unlike anything I had felt before. I can feel him. The need he has for me. I know what it feels like because, it’s the same need I feel for him.

  The grip on my wrists loosens, suddenly I have his hands either side of my face, and I racked my fingers through of his hair. Our heated moment slowed, and became softer; I can feel his erection at the entrance of my sex. Slowly, he sinks into me, making me gasp. With gentle moves and deep passionate kisses, we make love for the first time.

  When we break contact, we are both panting. After a moment, Damon slides off me and nestles in next to me. My body wrapped up in his warm embrace. It feels safe for this moment.

  “Savannah,” I can hear Nicole, than feel a finger poke me. “Wake up.”

  My subconscious is yelling at her to piss off and leave me alone.

  “Savannah it’s important, wake up, please.”

  I open my eyes and roll over to see Nicole slumped on the side of my bed, her head in her hands, shoulders shaking. I bolt upright in bed and climb over to her.

  “Nicole what’s wrong?”

  “Stan is gone, he just left.” Nicole sobs into her hands.

  I sit my now awaken body next to hers on the bed, wrap my arms around her body and hush her. Hysterical sobs are all the noise I can hear.

  “Where do you think he is gone?” I ask, gripping her tighter.

  Nicole lifts her head and wraps her arms around my body for comfort; I can feel her fresh tears against my top.

  “I have been trying to contact him for a few days now, and I haven’t been able to get in touch with him. So I go to his place, and his neighbour tells me that he just up and left. I rang his parents, and they have no idea where he is either.” My heart breaks for Nicole.

  “Do you know where he might go, or if anyone you both know might be able to tell you?”

  “Nobody knows.”

  “I didn’t think you wanted to talk to him, did something happen that you haven’t told me Nicole?” I lightly pushed her shoulders away so I can see her precious face. I know if she’s lying as her eyes change color.

  Nicole stares at me. Biting her lip. This isn’t good, I can tell.

  “He wants things that I don’t want, and I told him that I don’t want them. Of course, he didn’t take it well. That’s why we haven’t been talking much lately. He was still talking to me on a daily basis, but a he just stopped all a sudden and that’s why I have been trying to contact him. I didn’t want to push him away,” Nicole wiped her face on my shirt, “I just want to find myself at the moment, I’m lost Savannah. So hopelessly lost.”

  “You are not lost Nic, I am here,” I say taking her head in my hands, forcing her eyes to meet mine. “Why do you think you’re lost?”

  “This whole pregnancy shock, Stan wanting to run away and get married, then essentially forcing me to move in with him. It’s just too much. I need to find myself before I can find anyone else right now.” Nicole places her hands over mine on her face, fresh tears start streaming down her cheeks.

  “I will find you, together we will find you. You have a place here as long as you want Nic. I am here to help you. I promised you I would be here, and I am. You will never be alone. We will find you……together.” I speak clearly, and look her in the eyes. This is so hard for her, and I can’t begin to imagine how she feels. I don’t want her to be alone. I will never let her be alone. Nicole’s my family.

  “Thank you Sav, it means a lot to me,” Nicole kisses my cheek, and I do the same to her. “Thank you for the blanket early this morning, I never even thought about it when I fell asleep on the couch. But I was warm and toastie when I woke up.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, confused.

  “Blanket? I never had it on me when I went to sleep. Please don’t tell me I am turning into a freak and am walking in my sleep.”

  “Damon must have done it.” I say looking around my room for any signs of him. The clock tells me it’s after ten in the morning, I slept through, and he didn’t wake me. I smile at the conversation that taken place on the porch the night before, he is too sweet sometimes.

  “Damon stayed?” I turn to see Nicole with an arched brow.

  “Yes, he stayed,” I get up off the bed and stretch my rested body. “Meet me in the kitchen, I will cook you breakfast. I am just going to freshen up for the day.”

  “Okay, don’t have to ask me twice. I’m starving here.” Nicole laughs and walks out of the room.

  I briefly wonder where Stan is. He never seemed to be the kind of person to run away and hide. He and Nicole have been together for quite a while, he adores her. Well used too, and I believe he still does. Maybe he just needed time. In that situation, I would too, but I have to push my feelings aside. I am Nicole’s support, and I have to stand by her feelings, even if I don’t gauge what she is doing. I need to help her find herself.

  Breakfast consists of me and Nicole bickering over how to make pancakes. In the end, I give up and start cleaning the house she makes breakfast. I take a few minutes to admire my beautiful roses on the table. The scent of the roses flows through the dining area. It’s a beautiful day outside, so I open all the curtains and open the windows to allow the breeze through. Mom and dad always had ambitious plans for this house, and they never got the chance to do them. The thought of renovating this place brings me warmth. Maybe it’s something I should look at doing with my inheritance money? Dad left the plans for the renovations in his office and I filed them away when cleaning out their belongings. Maybe I should go back over them, and when Stephen gets out of jail we can decide together what we want to do.

  As I open the side window, I can see the barn door open, and my baby sitting in waiting to be driven. But it’s the tractor missing that catches my eye. I walk back towards the back of the house and sure enough, Derek is out slashing the fields.

  “When did Derek get here?” I turn to Nicole who is eating the pancake batter off the spoon. Yuck.

  “He pulled up as I was leaving. Said he needed to keep occupied or something. He seemed a bit this morning.” Nicole shrugged.

  Walking out the back door to the fence I waved my arms above my head to grab Derek’s attention. Five minutes later the tractor pulls to a Holt in front of the main gate where I am standing.

  “You want some break
fast?” I ask Derek when he is close enough.

  “Sure.” Derek turns away, and shuts the tractor off altogether, than walks straight past me and back towards the house. Something isn’t right. I watch as Derek throws open the back door, and close my eyes tightly waiting for bang. It happens within seconds. Turning back towards the fields, I remember when I was younger, dad would take me and Stephen out of the tractor, and we would spend countless hours slashing and planting crops. Then spend afternoons in the garage with him, fixing up the Dodge. Once that was over, we would enjoy moms cooking. She always was a good cook; I did not inherit that skill from her unfortunately. My chest aches, I miss them all so much. A tear runs down my cheek, and I wipe it off quickly. I make my way back to the house, and hear my name being called.

  Coffee, juice, pancakes, fruit and bacon are already placed on the table waiting. Derek sits down and rubs his head. I glance at Nicole, and she frowns towards Derek.

  “Are you okay Derek?” I take the seat next to him.

  “Why does everyone ask that?” He says with anger in his voice.

  I snap back in my seat. “Don’t speak to me like that; something is wrong I can tell.”

  “God, I’m sorry Sav. I didn’t mean to snap at you. Just got a lot on my mind. Come here.” Derek opens his arms, and I lean in to give him a hug. He squeezes me tight. Something is defiantly wrong, I can feel it.

  “Anything you want to talk about or I can help with.” I say into his shoulder.

  “Nah, nothing you can do. It will be okay.” He releases me and hands me the plate of pancakes.

  Breakfast turns out to be great. We all laugh and talk about drunken stories, house renovations and work. I tell them both that I am giving up once again on my Law Degree, both of them support my decision and Derek assures me he will start to pay the money he owes me.

  “I have enough money to last me a while, I don’t want to dip into the inheritance, but I will if I become desperate. But I am thinking about doing renovations to this place maybe. You know mom and dad had ambitious plans for this Derek. Maybe I should make some of them come true.” I look up to see them both eyeing me.


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