Judged By You (Judge Me Series)

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Judged By You (Judge Me Series) Page 25

by Patricia Voois

  “Have faith Savannah. Maybe if, you say how you feel he will reciprocate.” Nicole shrugs in suggestion.

  I turn back and look towards the lounge room. Three immensely influential people sit there on the couch laughing at Carl Barron on television. I look at them all, and I feel love for each of them, all different love but all love all the same. Maybe Nicole is right. Maybe I do need to tell him how I feel…… and just hope that he feels the same.

  Chapter 15

  Two hours of “slaving” in the kitchen and dinner was about to be served. It was unmistakably a team effort from both Nicole and I. We worked so well together, I did say to her that we should join a team cooker show, but she wouldn’t have a part in it. She knew I was joking and we both starting laughing. Just the thought was funny enough, truth be told I can only cook selected few things. And by selected few things I mean pancakes, bacon and eggs, sometimes I can cook a good steak Other than that I work in the kitchen under the constant direction of Nicole. By all means if you want char grilled, food poisoning or raw food just ask me.

  Angel arrives just in time for dinner. Her dress sense hasn’t changed as she is wearing tight leather pants, a hooters singlet and bright pink chunks. I shake my head and take the last of the food to the table. The seats fill up with our guests, and before long everyone is sitting around loading their plates with food.

  “This looks fantastic.” Derek states, loading roast potatoes onto his plate.

  “Let’s hope Savannah didn’t cook it.” Stephen comments. Laughter breaks out over the table.

  “Couldn’t be as damaging as your cooking.” I state back.

  Stephen nods in agreement. He knows he can't cook to save himself either.

  The renovation is the hot topic of the conversation at the table during dinner. Everyone has a different input on what colour to paint the main areas. I was thinking a creamy grey colour, but nobody likes my idea.

  “It will make the room look small if you go to dark in colour.” Derek pipes up.

  “I don’t want a dark grey, just a light grey. I don’t want yellows, green, or blues.” I state.

  “I like blue.” Stephen pouts.

  We all start laughing at his childish attitude. True to word, if he had his way the house probably would be painted blue, and all shades.

  “We will have to go to the paint place and get some colour ideas. We have a few weeks to decide.” Stephen says, and I agree.

  I am honestly getting excited about the new change. It's going to improve the value of the place as well as update the old look. I thought about putting a new barn in, but I haven’t spoken about that yet. I don’t want to spend too much until I get a job. I have enough money to last me a lifetime, but I don’t want to spend it on things I honestly don’t need or can't make up for.

  “So I'm thinking about going back to work, just a few days a week.” Stephen says lifting his head to look at me.

  “That’s great. But I don’t want you to over do it or anything.” The words come out, and I suddenly get why he got upset at me this afternoon. I do sound like a nagging mother.

  “I know. I just need to get out and do something. I still have a few more anger management classes, and the rehab program don’t finish for another month or so. But like I said, just a few days, maybe two or three.” Stephen shrugs, but we all encourage his choice.

  Angel seemed particularly quiet at dinner. She didn’t talk much or join in our laughter, Nicole, and her had a brief conversation about her shoes, but that was pretty much it. As soon as she finished eating angel excused herself from the table and headed out the back, which is where she normally went to smoke. Derek followed her outside saying something about making sure she was okay.

  Damon’s phone rang during dinner, and he silenced it, but shortly after dinner was finished and we were sitting around talking it vibrated on the table, and he excused himself to answer it.

  Nicole stood and started stacking the plates off the table, I got up and helped. Much to my surprise Stephen volunteered to do the dishes, I didn’t object of course. I did offer him some assistance.

  “I'm going to jump in the shower, are you two okay with the dishes?” Nicole asked.

  “Yeah we got it.” Stephen and I said at the same time.

  We started laughing like a bunch of idiots. It was so childish but funny. While Stephen washed the dishes, I wiped and put them away.

  “Do you know what the go with Angel is.” I whispered to Stephen.

  “I have no idea. She has been weird every since she got back. Derek thinks she is hiding something”. Stephen leans closer to talk.

  “Like what?”

  “Don’t know. I thought maybe she was cheating, or something but he doesn’t believe that’s it.”

  “She is defiantly not herself. I mean it is just so weird, but something is off,” I look over my shoulder to make sure no one has returned. “She isn’t doing drugs is she?”

  Stephen looked at me frowning. “Angels been clean for years. I know she may be a lot of things in your eyes, but I don’t think it's drugs.”

  I just nodded and kept drying the dishes. Derek came up behind us a few minutes later and told us he was taking Angel home as she was feeling unwell. We said our good byes and Derek called out to Nicole. I heard her loud “goodbye” all the way from the bathroom.

  “I am planning on cleaning out the barn over the next week. Is there anything that you don’t want me to throw out in there?”

  “All mum and dads stuff is in the storage room in there, I would like to keep that. But other than that, if it's junk chuck it, or if you’re unsure just ask.” I ask, putting the last dish away.

  Damon walked into the kitchen looking some what nervous. I walked over and put my arms around his neck. He relaxed the moment my lips landed on his. His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me towards his hard body.

  “Get a room.” I hear my brother shout.

  I felt Damon smile against my mouth before he pulled away fully. I pouted playfully, I genuinely wanted a warm, long, passionate kiss, but I also knew that in the kitchen with the company we had wasn’t the place to start something like that. And right on time, Nicole came waltzing in the kitchen.

  “Coffee?” She asked.

  “Yes please.” Damon said, and I nodded.

  I excused myself and went upstairs to see Stephen. He was lying on his bed with the phone to his ear. I knocked, and he turned to look at me.

  “Hold up,” he said into the ear piece. “What’s up?” He said towards me.

  “Just wanted to say sorry for today. I love you, and I don’t want to be in the same position as before. Your right, I have to trust you and I do. Just don’t let me down okay.” I let out a breath when I finish speaking.

  “Okay. And I'm sorry to.” He said, turning his head to look at the roof.

  I walked back down stairs to the kitchen, Damon and Nicole were talking about book work that Nicole was currently completing for him. I don’t want to interrupt their conversation, so I go ahead and finish making the coffee. I hear Nicole ask Damon if he will come and have a look at work she has done quickly, to see if she is on the right page with it all. I hear them walk away while I finish my task at hand.

  I decided to head out to the porch and sit in the swing for awhile. It's always relaxing to sit here looking to the sky, listening to the sounds of crickets in the grass………I close my eyes, and relax. The breeze blows softly on my face, I take deep slow breaths. Today has been testing and trying, I can't wait for it to be over. The thought of being in Damon arms comes to mind. I smile to myself. That feeling of butterflies in the pit of my stomach returns, I know how I feel about him. he makes me think good things in life instead of bad, he brings light to my darkness, he brings laughter from heartbreak……..I want to be with him, I need him….. I love him.

  The clearing of a throat brings me out of my thoughts. I open my eyes and see Cameron staring at me.

  “You look like you’re think
ing something pretty specific there Sweet cheeks.” He says coming to sit beside me.

  I instantly tense. I go to get up, but Cameron puts his hand on my thigh almost painfully, keeping me from moving.

  “Let me go.” I say in an aggressive tone.

  “I want to talk to you. Just give me time to explain.”

  I search his eyes. I see a lot of things, but I don’t see remorse.

  “I told you not to come back here. So why are you here?” I spit out.

  “I'm here for Stephen. But….”

  “No, I don’t want to talk to you Cameron. You are dead to me.”

  Cameron removes his hand from my thigh, and I stand quickly, I have to get away from him. I turn to walk away and see Damon standing in the door way. He eyes me than Cameron.

  “Is everything okay here?” He asked curious.

  Cameron looks up at Damon than to me. He stands and walks over putting his hand out to Damon.

  “I'm Cameron. I've known savannah for a long time.” He draws out the word “long”.

  “Damon.” They shake hands.

  I shake my head. This can't be happening. At that moment, Stephen walks out whistling. He stops when he sees Damon and Cameron shaking hands.

  “Ummm….” He says looking at me.

  I shrug.

  “We will have to catch up for a drink sometime Damon. I can tell you a thing or two about Savannah.” Cameron looks at me and winks.

  Stephen interrupts the pissing contest and tells Cameron they have to go. I have no idea where they are going, and right now I don’t want to know, and I don’t care. I need Cameron gone, he needs to go back where he came from before he does more damage than good. He is seriously toxic, and me and toxic, don’t work well.

  Cameron approaches me. He looks at me with a smirk. I try not to hold eye contact, but I can't help it. I look at him, but I make a point to snarl.

  “We will catch up for that chat sometime soon, Sweet cheeks.” Cameron whispers when he leans in.

  Then he walks away. I let out the breath I was holding, and look at Damon. He is standing there taking me in. I know I have to explain to him, as much as I don't want too, I know he deserves to know.

  “Can we talk?” I say walking up to him.

  He brings his hands up and cupping my face.

  “Not tonight.” He whispers before kissing my forehead.

  “But I need to explain something.” He cuts me off, placing a finger over my lips.

  “I don’t want to hear it right now. You can tell me later when the time is right, now is not the time,” He briefly kisses my lips than pulls away. “Now, I want to take you to bed, and bury myself deep inside you.”

  I practically melt, and I'm instantly wet. I grab his hands from my face and head back inside shutting and locking the door behind me. Nicole is sitting on the couch and I say goodnight a little to quickly dragging Damon up stairs.

  “Night.” Nicole shouted back with a laugh.

  Once inside my room, I turned quickly and closed the door. When I turn around again, I’m pinned up against the door with a thud. My dress was pulled over my head before his lips were on mine. I opened to grant him better access to my tongue. I stroke his with mine. A small moan escaped me as my hands found the hem of his shirt. It landed somewhere near my dress. I ran my hands over his hot chest until I found his the button on his pants.

  Without pulling apart from our kiss I undid his pants, I felt them fall at my feet. My fingers trace the band around his briefs before I let my fingers roam inside. His hard, hot length brushes against my palm before I take him in my hand. I broke our kiss by pulling back, my head resting against the door while I watched his face with my hand stroking him slowly he moaned.

  I removed my hand and pushed him towards the end of the bed. Just before, he sat, I yanked his briefs down his legs than pushed him to sit. I dropped to my knees looking at him. His hand stroked my cheek lightly, I leaned my face into his palm before kissing it. His hand fell away from my face as I leaned in and trailed kisses over his tight stomach, snaking my tongue out to wet the surface. He was deliciously hot. As I trailed those wet kisses down, I met his erection standing proud. Without thinking twice, I wrapped my lips around the tip and slowly sink my mouth down until I could feel him in the back of my throat.

  “Fuck,” He hissed.

  I grabbed the base of him and stoked as I sucked him. My head bobbing up and down in rhythm. His hands worked their way into my hair, and before long he was using my mouth to fuck himself. It was so hot, I was literally dripping wet.

  “Stop beautiful, or I'm gonna come.” Damon panted.

  I continued my assault on him. I seriously wanted to do this for him. I also needed to do it for me. I felt his hands pull tighter on my hair, and a moan escaped his sweet lips as he poured himself into me. I drank him in until he stopped his jerking movement. He tasted mighty fine……..

  I kissed the tip of his length as I pulled away and sat back on my heels. The look in his eyes was dangerous and unbelievably sexy. It also told me that he was satisfied with my effort. I licked my lips in response.

  “Oh, Savannah.” Damon said dropping to the floor in front of me.

  I smiled.

  Without warning, I was on my back, and my panties were coming off. I felt his hands on my knees before he opened me to him. As I looked at his beautiful face, I saw his mischievous smirk before his face dropped between my legs.

  I gasp as he blows on my clit gently while slowly inserting two fingers. Before I get used to the feeling, he sucks my clit into his mouth while using his fingers to stretch me. I arched my back at the sensations travelling through my body. Instinctively one of my hands went to his head were I treaded my fingers through his hair while he worked me over. It wasn’t long before those sensations had be rattling on the edge of one hell of an orgasm. I clamped my thighs around his head while the waves of pleasure rung me out. I let out a muffled scream of his name.

  “Holy, fuck.” I panted when the last wave left.

  Damon removed his fingers before climbing my body. On the way up, he trailed hot wet kisses over my body. When he came to my bra, he pulls the cups down freeing my aching breasts. They aren’t abandoned for long before he takes a nipple in his mouth while one of his hands pinch and rolls my other nipple. He swaps tortures after long minutes. Than his mouth makes it's way to my collar bone.

  Finding the feeling in my hands again, I grabbed his face and brought it to mine. I needed to kiss him regardless of where his devilish mouth has just been. I run my tongue along his bottom lip until I hear him moan. He then opens his mouth to take my tongue with his.

  His hard cock sat the entrance of my core, I moved my hips to get some sort of friction. I needed him there, needed him inside me, making me forget everything else. I only wanted to remember him……….

  “Inpatient beautiful?” Damon spoke against my mouth.

  “I want you, please.” I panted in response.

  Finally giving into me, he slowly sunk himself into my core. My insides melted as he worked me over with his rhythm. My subconscious was screaming “I love you”, the brain to mouth filter was short circuiting with pleasure.

  Moans and grunts filled the air as we worked together in a slow delicious rhythm with each other. With Our eyes locked on each other, we came apart at the same time. My finger nails digging into Damon’s back in the process.

  “You’re so Beautiful Savannah.” Damon whispered before kissing me tenderly.

  I was in love with this man. Truly, madly, deeply in love…………

  Chapter 16

  “You know I love to hate you, and hate to love you right Sweet cheeks.”

  “You know what? I feel the same way Cameron.”

  He strokes my cheek with his fingers, staring into my eyes.

  “Everything will be okay with Stephen, you know that right?” He says with a soft smile.

  “I have to believe that everything will be alright, or I will fal
l apart.” I say grabbing his palm and kissing it.

  “I should have been there for you Savannah. But I wasn’t. I failed.”

  “You did………..”

  “Savannah, wake up beautiful.” Someone shakes me.

  That voice, I know that voice……… it's Damon…….

  I open my eyes to see his beautiful smile. His smile fades slightly, it turns into more like a face of concern, uncertainty.

  “Everything alright.” He frowns when he sleeps.

  “Yeah, I just…. I had this weird dream”. I shake my head of those thoughts.

  I smile up at Damon, and grab his head bringing if down to mine. I lick my lips before kissing him deeply. He pulls back shortly after it started, tucking my hair behind my ears.

  “I want you to come to my place tonight, for dinner,” Damon says in a soft tone. “My family to coming to town and I would like you to meet them.”

  Meeting the parents do I want to meet his family? The thought of him never meeting my parents hits me. I would do anything to have them meet this man that I love…..

  “Of course. I would love to.” I kiss him quickly.

  “Good. I have to go into work for a while today, but will be back around five.”

  “I can meet you at your place if you like? I have to take the Dodge for a drive.” My poor baby has been neglected of late, so it’s a perfect opportunity.

  “If you’re sure. I will see you at the apartment later,” He kisses me again but lingers longer than before. I try to encourage the kiss, but he pulls away smiling. “I seriously have to go, as much as I want to stay here with all day, I can't.”

  I nod at his response.

  Damon picks up his suit case and walks to the door, he pauses before turning around. He looks at me and opens his mouth like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t. He smiles and walks out.

  I throw my arm over my face and cuss out loud. “Shit, shit, shit.”

  I cannot believe I was dreaming about that….. About him. What the hell kind of trick was my mind playing on me. My dreams are often filled with Damon, or my parents, not with the bad memories of Cameron……… I need coffee…….


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