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Lauren Page 9

by Laura Marie Henion

  She decided, before heading into the Ridgeburgh Police Department, she would stop by the restaurant. Maybe the bus boy always worked the day shift.

  Either way, she wanted to avoid seeing Eddie as long as possible.

  Suddenly, she heard a knock on the motel room door. She couldn't help but freeze where she was and instantly she hoped it was Eddie. She damned herself for having the initial thought, finding her attitude as she opened the door.

  To her surprise, it was Jack.

  "Hey, what are you doing here?” She motioned for him to come inside.

  "I thought you might need some help up here, dealing with these local yokel cops,” he joked, and she laughed. Jack was a city boy, born and raised, along with most of his family. He just didn't seem to ‘do’ suburbs well.

  "They're really not too bad. It's further up north that you hit the real yokels. So what's in the bag?"

  "One ham, egg, and cheese sandwich, just like you like it—light on the salt, heavy on the pepper. And, coffee, black, two sugars."

  "You're the best, Jack."

  "I know it. So what's going on?"

  Lauren filled him in on the latest with the case, and her idea about talking with the bus boy.

  "So, do we call the detectives you're working with or what?"

  "I'll give Ken a call and let him know where we're headed, then we'll go to the department."

  She and Jack finished eating breakfast and headed out of the motel room.

  "Hey, Ken, it's Lauren. Jack showed up at the motel, and we're headed to the Twist and Shout. I just wanted to ask the bus boy some more questions. Then we'll head over your way."

  "Okay, I'll let Eddie know you'll be in soon."

  Lauren hung up the phone, and they headed toward the restaurant.

  "So how are these two guys to work with?"

  "They're fine. Pretty thorough, just like us.” Lauren wasn't quite with the conversation, and Jack seemed to notice.

  "Is everything all right? These guys aren't giving you a hard time, are they?” he asked, with obvious concern, and she gave him a sideways glance. “I'm just asking, Lauren. It's not like you'd tell me anyway. I know you like to handle things on your own, but if these guys are pulling some sexist shit, I'll tighten them up."

  "No, Jack, they're really nice and very professional. I'm just a bit tired this morning, and I hate hotel rooms, but at least the coffee's kicking in.” She hoped she was right.

  If it turned out Eddie was pulling some kind of joke on her, or there was some other ulterior motive behind his behavior last night, then she would handle him herself. She got her attitude up immediately, then calmed herself down again before she and Jack entered the parking lot. She needed to focus on the case and stay professional.

  She was confident now, as they pulled into the front parking lot of the Twist and Shout. They were waiting for her by the front door, and continued to knock until someone opened it.

  "We're not opened yet,” some young guy said.

  Lauren showed her badge. He let them in, and they headed to where the manager was accepting a delivery. He hadn't been in yesterday, when Lauren and Eddie stopped by.

  The delivery guy kept his hat down low, but smiled at both Lauren and Jack, before heading to the kitchen. She saw the bus boy from the other day, and he made eye contact with the delivery guy.

  The exchange was quick. She would have missed it, if she hadn't been watching the delivery guy. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion, as her brain processed what was going on, and her gut instinct kicked in.

  The delivery guy avoided eye contact, but she could see the expression on his face. Lauren walked over toward the bus boy, and told Jack to stop the delivery guy.

  The delivery guy hurried through the door, with Jack following from the front of the restaurant.

  She quickly spoke to the bus boy in Spanish. “Is that the guy who was with the missing girl? The blond girl? You saw him leave with her?"

  The bus boy said ‘yes', and Lauren ran through the kitchen doors.

  Jack was yelling at the guy, “Hey, you. Stop right there. I need to ask you something!"

  The delivery guy closed the metal back door in his face. Jack kicked it back open, and, as he ran through it, he received a slash to his ribs, then a blow to his head.

  Lauren emerged from the door, and the delivery guy punched her across the face. The hit came out of nowhere, as her feet lifted off the pavement and her body slammed down to the ground. He lashed out at her arm with something. The pain hit her forearm hard, and as she tried to reach for her gun, the restaurant manager and other staff emerged with their own weapons of knives and pots.

  It was total chaos.

  "Get out of the way. Call the police now!” Lauren yelled.

  The guy went running around the building, and Lauren jumped up, pushing through the crowd of employees to chase him. She took the corner of the building wide, unsure whether the perpetrator might try another sneak attack.

  Her heart pounded in her chest. The adrenaline was kicking in. She could feel it running through her veins. Lauren didn't think. She didn't want him to get away. This was their killer. The suspect they had been searching for.

  Horns were honking. She saw him in the distance, as he ran through the street, in between traffic. She jumped over the small, three-foot border of green bushes that separated the restaurant property from the sidewalk and street. Her face throbbed, and so did her arm, but she ignored the dizzy sensations and allowed her adrenaline to take over completely.

  The suspect was far ahead of her, but she kept after him. Arms pumping, she pleaded with her body to speed up. She was so close.

  At the stoplight, he pulled a young woman from her Suzuki jeep, shoving her hard into Lauren. The woman fell over her, landing on the ground, taking Lauren with her.

  She rolled over and away from the woman, in a last attempt to grab the delivery guy. But, she was too late. She watched him speed off down the highway. Disappointment and anger filled her body.

  Lauren grabbed her knees and bent over, breathing heavily, as people came over to assist. She regained her composure, watching as civilians took care of the injured owner of the stolen jeep. Then, she headed back toward the restaurant.

  "Sit down, Detective Phelps. You're bleeding,” the manager said. He took her around the waist.

  Lauren looked back to find Jack. He lay unconscious on the ground, bleeding.

  "Oh, my God, Jack.” She went running to him.

  Someone handed her some towels, and she pressed them against the wound, unconcerned about her own injuries.

  Sirens sounded in the distance, and she looked to the street. Some workers were helping the woman who was car jacked get out of the middle of the street.

  "The police and an ambulance are on their way. My God. Is Ben Silver the killer?” the manager said, while Lauren just stared at Jack, hoping he was all right.

  * * * *

  Eddie walked into the Ridgewood Police Department, and he wasn't happy. He hadn't slept a wink last night.

  He wanted to see Lauren, but he didn't know what to say to her or how to express his feelings. He kept seeing that sad, angry look she had in her eyes when he left, and it broke his heart. He caused that sadness and anger, and he wondered if she would even forgive him.

  "Hey, Eddie, what's going on? You look tired,” Ken said, and he went right over to his desk.

  "You in a bad mood or what?"

  "No, I'm not in a bad mood. I'm just a little tired, that's all. So what's going on?” Eddie checked his messages. He looked around hoping Lauren sat well hidden in a corner somewhere in the large main office, but there was no sign of her. Obviously, she hadn't gotten to the department yet. Maybe she would make up some excuse for not showing up today? He wouldn't blame her.

  "Lauren is going to be a little late. Apparently, her partner, Jack, came up from the city and surprised her at her motel room,” Ken told him, with a smirk.

  Anger r
ose in Eddie, heating his cheeks. He nearly jumped out of his chair. “I'm just kidding, Eddie. There's nothing going on between those two. Lauren said she wanted to question some bus boy at the Twist and Shout, and Jack went with her. They'll be along shortly,” Ken explained, but Eddie was still annoyed.

  Lauren was gorgeous, a real catch, and it wouldn't surprise him if Jack did make a move. Eddie had no right to be jealous, but damn it, he was furious as he looked at the clock. It was eight thirty in the morning. Where the hell was she?

  Ken sat on the edge of his desk, looked around to be sure no one was listening, and whispered to him, “Did something happen between you two?"

  "No. Nothing happened."

  Ken probably could tell from his voice that he shouldn't push it any further. He didn't say another word, and went back to his desk to work.

  Another twenty minutes passed, before the chief entered the room. “Tennellie, Murphy. Something just went down at the Twist and Shout. We heard an officer was down, then something about two NYPD cops..."

  Before the chief could finish, Eddie and Ken were up and headed out the door.

  * * * *

  Eddie drove as fast as he could to the scene, burning numerous red lights and praying Lauren was safe. As they pulled up, one ambulance was leaving. There was no sign of her. Immediately, he noticed the white delivery truck, and the yellow crime scene tape being set up around it.

  Lauren sat to the side of the taped off area, and appeared to be arguing with the paramedics. He released a sigh of relief. He and Lauren locked gazes, and all he wanted to do was grab her, hold her, but he knew he couldn't.

  The bruise on her face spread from her lip to her cheekbone, and the paramedics were bandaging up her forearm.

  "What the hell happened? Are you all right?” Eddie asked, as he looked at her injuries.

  "I'm fine, but Jack was unconscious for a few minutes, from a blow to the head. He was cut across his ribs. He'll need stitches."

  The male technician wrapped Lauren's arm, but the blood was soaking through.

  "You need stitches, too.” The technician looked at her with obvious concern.

  "I'm fine. I'll get to it later.” Lauren sounded defiant. The technician wrapped things up, then walked away, the annoyance apparent in his expression.

  "You should go, Lauren, that looks really bad,” Ken said.

  "Not until I fill you in on what happened."

  She got up off the ground, grimacing in pain. The fall she took was sure to leave some hefty bruising. Eddie reached out to help her, but she pulled her arm away from him, and continued to talk.

  "This is his truck. I got a good look at him. His name is Ben Silver, and he works for a restaurant supply company from the city. I don't want any mistakes here, Eddie. This truck is definitely going to contain evidence. The police are putting out an APB on a Suzuki jeep, purple, and a description of the killer. This son of a bitch is going down.” Lauren explained exactly what happened.

  An hour later, she was at the hospital, and the truck was towed to the containment garage at the department. The truck would be examined from top to bottom by the forensics team.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 8

  "The fucker got away,” Jack said, as he lay on the bed in the emergency room.

  "That's not our fault. I'm just glad you're okay."

  "I'm fine, and I have to tell you, you're amazing, Phelps. How the hell did you catch that exchange between the killer and the kid? You just blew me away."

  "I have no idea. I'm just glad we were together when that went down."

  "My wife said the same thing twenty minutes ago,"

  "What? That she was glad you were with me?"

  "No! That she was glad you were with me. She knows that you're always watching out for me. He would have killed me if you hadn't smashed through that door all gung ho, as usual."

  "Let's not even talk about it, brother.” Lauren winked at her partner.

  "How's your arm, because your cheek and lip look pretty bad,” Jack teased.

  She proudly displayed her arm for Jack to see. “Ten lovely stitches to add to my injury file.” She sounded rather proud.

  "Oh, great. The next big family gathering, you'll be talking shop and comparing injuries with a bunch of other overzealous cops."

  "And like you won't be showing the little wife your injuries and playing up the lovey dovey?” Lauren teased back, and Jack laughed, holding his ribs.

  They were silent a moment, then she spoke. “I'm glad you're all right, partner. That was pretty close."

  Jack closed his eyes a moment, took a breath, then gazed back at Lauren.

  "We make a good team, despite your gung ho ways."

  "Somebody's got to keep me grounded."

  He squinted at her wise remark.

  "You look tired, Jack."

  "I am,” he said, as Eddie emerged around the curtain with a nurse's aide.

  "Hey, Jack, Lauren, looks like they got a room all ready for you,” Eddie said.

  Lauren was surprised to see him here.

  "I'm fine. Why can't I just head home?” Jack said.

  "You are not fine. You were out for a good five minutes, and they want to keep you for observations. I'll drive you back tomorrow.” Lauren gently touched Jack's forehead.

  "I know. I finally convinced Kelly to stay in the city and not to worry. I guess I'll see you here tomorrow morning."

  "You got it, partner.” Lauren squeezed Jack's hand.

  "Keep an eye on her, Lieutenant. She has no fear,” Jack said, then the nurse's aide reentered the room with a wheelchair.

  Once Jack was out of the room, Lauren gave Eddie an annoyed look.

  "What are you doing here?” She picked up her copies of all the forms and papers she needed to fill out.

  * * * *

  Eddie watched her closely. Lauren was tough, and she was trying her hardest to be strong, but he was sure today frightened her. Shit, it frightened the hell out of him.

  "You need a ride, remember? I had to force you to get the lift here, from one of the patrol officers."

  Lauren rolled her eyes, and they headed out of the hospital.

  Eddie followed her around to the passenger's side of the unmarked police car. Once again, he stopped her from opening the door, but this time she didn't look up.

  Eddie took her face softly in his hand, tilting her chin up. “That's a good one. Does it hurt?” he whispered, gently gliding his thumb just below the bruising.

  "A little."

  "How about your arm? It was bleeding pretty badly?"

  "Eddie, just stop it, will you? I'm not in the mood for your games. Let's just get this ride over with. Bring me to the department and update me on the case.” She pulled away from him, and placed her hand on the door handle.

  He got the message, and walked around to the driver's side. A moment later, he was reversing the car from the parking spot.

  "Any sign of Ben Silver?” She laid her head back against the headrest.

  "Nothing, and I'm afraid that we found the jeep abandoned, two towns south of here."

  * * * *

  Lauren listened to the sound of the engine, as Eddie exited the parking garage and headed onto the main road. He remained silent for a few minutes, until he got to the next traffic light.

  "So, you and Jack are pretty close, huh?” he said. Lauren kept her eyes closed.

  "We've partnered up a lot over the year. I'm glad he's safe, and his injuries weren't worse."

  "You should have called me."

  There was that stern tone again. Is he reprimanding me? Challenging my actions? She opened her eyes and glared at him, just as the light turned green.

  He stepped on the gas.

  "I called Ken, and Jack was with me."

  She watched him. He sighed, in obvious frustration.

  "You should have waited for me, instead of your boyfriend,” he snapped. She sat up quickly in the seat.

"Don't you dare make any such accusations, Tennellie. Jack and I are partners, pals, and he's married to a wonderful woman that I am a very good friend of. Don't you even think about criticizing my actions. I was investigating our case, following up a lead, a gut feeling I had, that turned out to be right on target. And, I was doing so with a fellow homicide detective. I don't know what your problem is."

  Eddie hit the breaks. Lauren looked out the window. They were in some empty parking lot, off the side of the road.

  "Where the hell are we?” she shouted, as Eddie placed the car in park, then jumped out.

  She watched him, his fists down by his side, as he paced in front of the car. Lauren was angry too, and so confused.

  The throbbing in her head increased, and all she wanted to do was lay down and sleep, but she knew she couldn't. This detour from the department wasn't helping matters, and she didn't understand Lieutenant Eddie Tennellie at all. Was he just on some kind of power trip? Did he think she was stealing his limelight?

  What an ass!

  She opened the door and got out of the car.

  "What is your problem, Tennellie? Do you have something against women in general, or just ones that are better homicide detectives!"

  He whirled around, paused a moment, and headed straight for her. She could sense his anger, his body language warned her, but she stood her ground.

  * * * *

  Eddie stared at her, at the bruises on her beautiful mouth and her bandaged arm. Her blouse had bloodstains on it.

  He had to try and control his anger, but her backtalk wasn't making it easy. Never had he met a woman, another human being for that matter, who was so stubborn, confident, passionate, and, damn it, irresistible in his life. He couldn't ignore his need for her, desire for her, in ways he'd never experienced, or even thought of having, for another person.

  Releasing a sigh of frustration, he stared at her wounds. I would've protected you. The anger and worry took over again.

  "You should have waited for me. He could've killed both of you. I heard every detail of what you did, Lauren. He could've killed you, and you were jumping over bushes, running around in traffic with your arm slashed, face all beaten! God damn it, what the hell were you thinking?” He took a step toward her.


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