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Lauren Page 17

by Laura Marie Henion

  Tom sighed, in obvious relief.

  "I don't think she's showing up today, Lieu. I'm going to give her a couple more minutes. Then, I'm headed back to the 53rd."

  "I'll be there in ten,” he told her. There was no use in arguing with him.

  He radioed out, and Lauren couldn't help but smile. Tom was a good friend. She knew he would do anything for her, just like she would do for him.

  She heard, then saw, a beat up, eighties’ looking Bronco pull into the parking lot at full speed, The driver swerved its front end into a tight parking spot. They nearly took out the car one space over.

  Salina Bard stepped out of the vehicle, wearing a short, red miniskirt and a tight, black blouse, along with very high heels.

  Lauren didn't think the outfit was suitable for a profession such as a secretary. A different profession came to mind, though.

  She waited a moment, then followed Salina, who walked to the side of the building, instead of the main door. Lauren approached the corner, then made the turn, surprising the three people huddled in the group there. She was surprised, as well.

  Everyone halted.

  Lauren eyed the narcotics Salina held in one hand, as well as the money the other two guys held out to her.

  "What the hell is this?” Salina yelled out, obviously trying to act tough, then she dropped the drugs and ran for the gate. The other two guys did the same, but ran in different directions.

  Lauren grabbed the bag of drugs, and went after Salina. She smiled, knowing there was no way the girl could get away, or run that fast, in the heels she wore.

  She caught up with Salina quickly, and she grabbed her by her poorly dyed, red hair, yanking her to the ground.

  Salina kicked and screamed, nearly making contact with Lauren's face with her fist. Lauren retaliated with a right hook to Salina's cheek, then a forearm to her nose. The blood splattered. Salina gave up, and laid flat on the ground. Lauren pulled out her handcuffs and arrested Salina.

  Afterward, she reached down for her cell phone, and realized, once again, she left it at home. She cursed the situation, until the owner came out, declaring he'd called the cops, and that Salina was fired.

  * * * *

  A few minutes later, Tom and Jack met her at the scene, and she went over what happened. One look at Salina, and both Jack and Tom smiled at one another.

  "That's a nice ‘collar’ you got there, Phelps, with a drug deal like this. The school yard, right around the corner, is an awesome arrest,” Tom told her, and she winked, as she finished speaking to the responding officers.

  "Looks like you can add resisting arrest and assaulting an officer,” Jack added.

  "Not assaulting an officer. She never had a chance.” Lauren gave Salina a dirty look, as the patrol officer placed her in the back of a patrol car.

  "What were you doing down here?” Tom said.

  Lauren explained her theory about Salina possibly knowing more than she'd let on.

  "You want to question her a little? Maybe find out what Silver was into, before murder?” Jack said.

  "That, and maybe there's a place he likes to act out his sexual fantasies. You remember all those X-rated videos and home movies you found at Silver's apartment? They were taken at a different location than his apartment. Maybe Miss Fake Redhead/Miniskirt has an idea? Let's thoroughly question her. We'll talk to the D.A. and see if we can negotiate Salina's charges. Promise her that if she talks, and gives us some useful info, we'll make sure the judge goes easy on her."

  "Sounds good. We'll head back over."

  "Oh, shit! Wait a minute. I left my cell phone at home. I'll go run by to get it, while you guys take her in and start questioning her. First, I'll wrap things up here.” Lauren headed over to the patrol car.

  * * * *

  Officer Lizzy Lopez finished taking a shower and getting something to eat, then started looking for her necklace again. She'd almost finished her third bottle of water, and placed the plastic bottle onto the dresser.

  She prayed to Saint Anthony—the saint of lost things and lost people—multiple times, to try and locate the heart locket her father had given her, when she graduated from the police academy. She was his only daughter. Her three brothers were cops, just like her dad.

  He wasn't too happy his little girl wanted to get involved with law enforcement, but with her natural instincts, Latin attitude, and street savvy ways, she was going places in the department, and there was no doubt in anyone's mind.

  The locket just seemed to disappear into thin air. It had been two days ago since she noticed it was missing. Lizzy searched through her jewelry.

  Her stomach started acting up, and her head felt funny. She reached for the dresser, missing it completely. As she looked into the mirror, it appeared to move. It started to spin, and she couldn't focus.

  She held onto the maple dresser, when she finally got a hold on it, and nearly fell across it, knocking everything onto the rose-colored carpeting.

  "The lovely Officer Lopez. How do you feel?"

  The voice seemed to echo through her bedroom. She wondered if she was imagining it?

  "Let me help you,” he called to her. She swung away from the dresser, staggering toward the figure she wasn't sure was real or a hallucination.

  She never felt anything like this before. It was as if she floated, was intoxicated. Lizzy made contact with the man in her room—a tall, thin figure. Her body was engulfed in fear.

  She tried to fight, but she was weak, and slow in her reaction and timing. There wasn't a chance in hell she could defend herself. She realized, he'd drugged her.

  * * * *

  Ben Silver stood there, watching Lizzy fight against herself. He knew she didn't have a chance. He was cutting it close, was short on time, and he still had the remainder of his plan to accomplish.

  She crawled across the floor, and reached under her bed for something. Silver could see she used all her strength to stay focused, as she turned to raise the gun and aim at him. Quickly, he reacted, and knocked her over the head with his gun.

  * * * *

  It was after 10:00 a.m., when Tom arrived with Salina, back at the 53rd Precinct.

  "Where do you want her, Lieutenant?” The officer asked, and Tom told him to place her in an interrogation room, down the hall.

  "Should we wait for Lauren?” Tom asked Jack.

  "She said to get started without her. I hate when I forget my cell phone, and especially during morning commuter traffic. We won't see her for a while."

  Suddenly, both his and Jack's cell phones began ringing. They looked at one another, both obviously sensing it wasn't good news. The information came in by an anonymous caller, stating Officer Lizzy Lopez was the next victim. The police were dispatched immediately, to her apartment, where they found evidence of a struggle.

  "Jack, you head down to the interrogation room, and start finding out what you can from this Salina chick. I'll head to Lopez's place, to make sure everything is finger printed and bagged."

  "I'll call Lauren, and let her know what's up,” Jack said.

  They headed their separate ways.

  * * * *

  Lauren sat in traffic. She was minutes from her house.

  She hated that damn cell phone, but it was necessary, so she waited, losing more patience by the minute. She wanted to question Salina, but they couldn't do anything without the D.A.'s approval anyway, so she had some time to spare. She knew she was just anxious.

  After a good thirty minutes, she arrived at her house. The neighbors had left for work, and the streets were quiet. As she entered, her cell phone and her house line started to ring. She ran through the front entrance, not bothering to close the door behind her.

  "Hello!” She answered the house line, out of breath.

  "Lauren, it's Jack. I got bad news."

  She stopped, not moving from the kitchen. “What is it?"

  "He's got Lopez. Tom's headed to her house now. We just got the call a little while ago."

  Lauren felt sick. Her heart felt like it dropped, and she felt completely responsible. She got Lizzy involved in this case. She prayed the decision didn't get Lizzy killed.

  She reached into the refrigerator for a bottle of water.

  "What about Salina? You have to question her now, Jack. She knows where we can find him."

  She stared at the bottle cap a moment, and noticed the plastic seal was broken. She barely heard Jack speaking. Opening the refrigerator door, she found three other bottles with their seals broken.

  The chills ran over her body. The killer had been in her home again.

  "Hold on a second, Jack,” she whispered.

  "What is it? What's wrong?"

  "He's been in my house again. The water bottles have been tampered with. I'm checking the upstairs.” She drew her weapon from its holster.

  "Wait for backup, Lauren!"

  She heard Jack scream to the other detectives, “Call in a ten-thirteen, officer needs assistance, to Detective Lauren Phelps’ home residence."

  Lauren placed the phone down, and made her way up the stairs. Her heart thumped hard, and her mind focused on Lizzy Lopez.

  Lizzy was her responsibility, and now Silver held her, somewhere. If she got her hands on him, she'd kill him. That was her initial thought, until she entered her bedroom.

  She pushed the bedroom door open, and found Lizzy Lopez crunched up in the fetal position, on the floor. Running to her to check her pulse, Lauren was relieved to discover she was still alive.

  There was a huge gash across Lizzy's head. As Lauren went to reach for her cell phone, she heard the sirens coming up the main street.

  "Phelps, are you in here? Are you okay?” Officer Guy Johnston, Lizzy's partner yelled.

  "I'm up here. I need an ambulance,” Lauren called back to him.

  * * * *

  "This is crazy. It's like he intended to go after Lauren, and then went after Lopez instead,” Eddie said.

  He stood in Lauren's kitchen along with Jack and Tom. The forensics team was collecting evidence, and removing all the bottles from the refrigerator. They had fingerprints all over them, and everyone knew they would turn out to be Silver's prints.

  "Who's with Lauren at the hospital?” Eddie said.

  "Officer Johnston, and another officer. Lauren was pretty shaken up. She feels responsible. That's Lauren. She's a very compassionate person, tough as nails, stubborn,” Tom said.

  Eddie grinned. “I noticed that pretty quickly."

  Tom laughed.

  Eddie made sure no one was in earshot, when he spoke to Tom. “Hey, I appreciate you calling me the other night. I would have been going out of my mind, worrying about Lauren's safety. If I'd have headed here anyway, she would've been furious."

  "Hey, with a woman like Lauren, you need reinforcements. You don't handle her, she handles you. She's independent. Man, she can be fierce sometimes,” Tom said, looking rather serious. Eddie figured the comment was from personal experience.

  Eddie smiled. These were all qualities he never thought he'd admire, or love, in a woman. “I'm going to head over to the hospital now. Please, keep me updated."

  "Hey, Tennellie. What are we going to do about Lauren? She's not going to want protection. She's got some crazy, gung-ho ideas, you know?"

  "She'll have no choice, if I have anything to say about it."

  Tom shook his head, as if to say Eddie didn't have a chance.

  Eddie walked out of Lauren's home, and headed to his car. He knew Lauren wasn't one to be told what to do. The situation would have to be handled delicately.

  He looked around, one last time, before heading to the hospital. Her house was a crime scene, a chaotic mess of personal invasion. She wouldn't take that lightly. No cop would. He took a deep breath, and prepared himself for the confrontation with her. It would be hell.

  * * * *

  Lauren stood by Lizzy's bed, along with two nurses. The Ecstasy had already kicked in, and Lizzy was hallucinating. The bruises on her face were intense, but at least there were no broken bones. Silver had restrained her by her wrists and ankles, but the rape kit done showed no signs of sexual assault. Lauren was relieved.

  She took in every action, every effect the Ecstasy had on Lizzy. She recorded it in her mind, already forming a plan.

  Silver would go down, and she was willing to do anything to catch him.

  Finally, after a good hour or so, Lizzy started to calm down. She relaxed, and fell into a deep sleep. The doctor came in to examine her again. Lauren headed out the door.

  * * * *

  "How is she, Detective Phelps?” Officer Johnston said. His face was filled with obvious concern for his partner. The partner Lauren had taken away from him, and had nearly gotten killed.

  "She'll pull through, Johnston. She's a fighter."

  "Thank God she's alive. That guy could have...” Johnston couldn't finish his sentence, it seemed. He just looked at the floor.

  Lauren put her hand on his shoulder. “She's going to be all right, Johnston. We're going to catch this guy."

  "I know you will, Phelps. You live for this."

  The words echoed in her head. You live for this. She lived for it, all right. She allowed it to consume her life, her every thought and action.


  When she heard her name, she turned around, and was surprised to see Eddie.

  "What are you doing here?” She felt defensive.

  "I heard you were here with Lizzy. I just came from your house. How is she?” Eddie tried to console her by touching her hand, but she pulled away.

  "She'll pull through.” Lauren glanced around to see who was watching.

  Johnston hadn't noticed a thing, apparently. He just stayed by the door, waiting on an update.

  Lizzy's brothers arrived, as well as her parents. Two of her brothers were in police uniform, but the oldest was in plain clothes. Lauren knew he worked in the Robbery Division, as a detective.

  They acknowledged Lauren, and Lizzy's brothers introduced her to their parents.

  "Dad, this is Detective Lauren Phelps. She's the one Lizzy told you about,” Carmen said. The tall, large Hispanic man reached his hand out to her.

  "It's an honor to meet you, ma'am. Lizzy told us all about you. Thank you for everything.” He shook her hand.

  Lauren was shocked Lizzy's family didn't hate her. “Please, Mr. Lopez, it's an honor to meet you. You got yourself one tough daughter. I couldn't have asked for a better cop to assist me with this investigation. I'm so sorry this happened.” Her voice cracked

  Apparently noting her reaction, Lizzy's family moved closer to her.

  Lizzy's mother grabbed her hand. “This is not your fault, darling. Our Lizzy was thrilled to be involved with the case. That you gave her a chance to show her abilities, and her instincts. You gave her opportunity. Don't feel that you are to blame. It's that madman, who's still loose out there."

  The sons and husband agreed.

  "We know this is an intense case, and we're glad our sister is safe. You do what you have to do to catch this guy. If you need any help, just ask,” Carmen said. Lauren thanked them.

  "You can go in to see her two at a time, but she's still experiencing some side effects from the drug she was given,” the nurse told the Lopez family. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lopez entered first.

  Lauren walked down the hallway, toward the back door. She needed some air, some time to think.

  Just as she leaned against the outside concrete wall, the metal doors opened, and Eddie walked out. He looked at her, but she refused to look at him. Again, he tried to touch her, but she turned away.

  "Lauren, I want to help."

  "No! I don't want this right now. I need to focus on what has to be done."

  "What do you mean you don't want this right now? You mean us? This relationship? You need me right now, whether you want to admit it or not."

  She looked up into those beautiful eyes of his. Damn it, he was right. It would be so eas
y to weaken, fall into his embrace, and pretend today didn't exist. She couldn't, though. There was way too much to get done.

  Eddie moved closer. She put her hands against his chest, trying to stop him, but it was no use. He held her hands, then embraced her.

  She stayed silent, although her mind didn't. Words chanted through her head: Ben Silver. Killer. Ecstasy. Lizzy. You live for this. You belong to me.

  Then, images of her bedroom, and torn clothing. Lizzy lying there, bleeding, hallucinating, at the hospital. She saw Silver's face, him laughing at her, taunting her. Lauren closed her eyes.

  "It's okay. Everything is going to be okay,” Eddie whispered against her forehead. He kissed her lips.

  She pulled away, turning to the side. “I have to go back to the department. They're interrogating the woman I believe can help us find Silver, but I want to check in on Lizzy."

  "I'm sure Jack and Tom can handle it for a while. I need to head back north and check on those tire tracks, and the make of the car. Make sure you call me,” he told her, as they walked back into the hospital.

  But, Lauren barely heard him. Her attention was drawn to the scene up ahead. Mrs. Lopez was crying.

  She ran down the hallway, with Eddie following. “What's going on?"

  Johnston spoke first. “The doctor is in there. They think she went into a coma."

  * * * *

  Eddie headed back to Ridgeburgh. He wasn't too happy about it. He wanted Lauren to come with him, but she stayed at the hospital with the Lopez family. He had to keep reminding himself that Lauren was a cop, a trained detective, not some fragile woman who needed his protection.

  Damn it, this is crazy. He cared about her, wanted her to be his, yet her job, her hazardous occupation, was her whole life. He damned her stubbornness at first, then realized they were one in the same. The job was his life, too. Everything else came second. That's why he wasn't home with Sarah that night. The job kept him away from her, away from their home. Now, some psycho was after Lauren. He knew it, had the heads up, and yet his hands were tied.

  He banged his fist down on the dashboard. There had to be some way to protect her, to make her see it wasn't some macho male ‘you can't handle this because you're a woman’ type of thing. What if something happened to her because he stayed at a distance, like she wanted? He was becoming increasingly frustrated with the situation.


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