Book Read Free

This Time

Page 24

by Amy Reece

  “Yeah. I left the office around five o’clock. The girls had been sick all night, and Seamus stayed home with them. I should have stayed home too, but I’ve missed so much work since Neal died…well, I was worried about losing my job.” She chuckled ruefully. “I guess it doesn’t matter anymore, huh?” She ran her hands through her hair, wincing as she brushed the tender spot on her scalp. “Anyway, I was texting as I walked to my car—I know, I know.” She rolled her eyes at Chris’s frown.

  “Well, I beg to differ, sweetie.” Chris gestured to Nina’s blanketed form in the hospital bed. “The evidence suggests you aren’t aware of how dangerous it is to walk through a parking lot distracted. Clearly, a PhD doesn’t necessarily equal common sense.”

  Nina shrugged. “Yeah, well, you know. Don’t be mean. So, I was walking toward my car when someone grabbed me from behind.”

  “Can you describe the person who grabbed you?”

  “I never saw his face; at least I don’t think I did.” She frowned and rubbed her forehead. “I can’t remember. It all happened so fast, Chris.”

  “I know, hon. You’re doing great. I know this is hard, but you may know more than you think you know. Now, how do you know it was a man?”

  “I guess I don’t.”

  “You said ‘I never saw his face.’ Why did you say ‘his’?”

  Nina shut her eyes and tried to remember. “Hands. I remember his hands. He grabbed my wrist and I dropped my phone. I saw his hand and it was a man’s hand.”

  “What color was his skin? Were there any tattoos?”

  “Brown skin, no tattoos; at least I didn’t see any.”

  “What shade of brown? Light or dark?”

  Nina rubbed her forehead. “Kind of dark, but not black. I thought Hispanic at the time.”

  “And what do you think now?” Chris looked up from her note pad.

  Nina dropped her hand and sighed. “I still think he was Hispanic. I’m pretty sure I saw black hair. He punched me in the head right after he grabbed me, though, so I wasn’t really paying attention to details. Sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Nina. You’re doing great. Do you need to take a break?”

  Nina laughed mirthlessly. “Yeah, I do need a break. I need about a month off from all the shit in my life. Maybe two.”

  “Well, if I can figure out who did this to you, maybe you can get some peace of mind, at least. What happened after he punched you in the head?”

  “He stabbed me. Wait.” She held her hand up as a memory, distant and undefined, swam up from the depths of her injured brain.

  Chris froze, pen immobile on the pad, as she stared at Nina.

  “He said something before he stabbed me. I didn’t remember it before.”

  “Okay.” Chris drew the word out. “What did he say?”

  “Someone wants you gone, bitch.”

  Chris wrote as she spoke. “That is definitely significant. How sure are you about this memory?”

  “I don’t know. It just came to me when I was talking. Do you think I’m wrong? That I made it up?”

  “No.” Chris glanced up and stopped writing. “But if you really heard him say that, this wasn’t a random mugging.”

  “Shit.” Nina muttered the curse as she wiped away a tear. She sniffed and pulled herself higher in the bed.

  “Agreed. So, what do you remember after he stabbed you?”

  “Pain. Then someone yelled, and the guy ran away. Everything got really fuzzy after that. I remember paramedics.”

  “Okay. You’re doing really well, Nina. Can you take a look at the photos now?” Chris was already pulling the tray table back to the bed.

  “Yeah.” Nina leaned forward and examined the six photographs. She looked at them one by one, passing her gaze over the unfamiliar faces until she came to the fifth picture. “I know him.”

  Chris picked up the photo and read the information on the back. “Okay. What about the others? Do any of them look familiar?”

  “No.” Nina glanced over them again, but focused on the photo that had grabbed her attention. “But this man…”

  “Is he the one who attacked you?”

  Nina rubbed her temples. “I don’t know, Chris. He looks so familiar, though. I know I’ve seen him.” She shut her eyes and forced her mind back to the horrific moment she was grabbed in the faculty parking lot behind her building. What did she remember about the man? Her heart rate accelerated as she relived the terror of being attacked. The man had stayed well behind her, but she’d seen black hair out of the corner of her eye. Had she glimpsed his face? She must have, because this photo was ringing such a strong bell in her memory. “God, I just don’t know.”

  Chris wrote a few more notes on her pad, then slipped the photo in the envelope with the rest. “Okay. We’ve got something to go on. I want you to rest and try to forget about this for a while. When do you get out of here?”

  “Tomorrow, hopefully.”

  “Good. I know you’ll feel a lot better once you’re back home with your girls. And Seamus. He’s still staying with you, right?” Her question sounded anything but casual.

  Nina nodded, deciding to ignore the implication; she simply couldn’t handle it right now. “He’s been so amazing through all of this. I finally had to insist he go in to work.”

  Chris smiled. “I think people tend to underestimate Seamus. You’re good for him, Nina. You believe in him.”

  “I love him.” She chuckled nervously and glanced at Chris. “I haven’t exactly told him, though, so I’d appreciate you keeping it to yourself.”

  “Sure. Mum’s the word.” She shoved her hands in her jeans pockets. “Is there anything you need? Do you have enough to read? It’s got to be dull lying in bed all day.”

  “I’ve got several books and my new laptop, so I’m not bored. But…” She shook her head at the silliness of what she’d been about to ask. “Never mind.”

  “What? Come on, Nina. Spill.”

  “It’s stupid. I just wondered if maybe you have a lip gloss or something I could borrow. Seamus is coming in the morning and I finally get to take a shower later today and—”

  Chris smiled kindly as she held up her hand to stop the flood of words. “I get it. All I have is a Chapstick right now, but I’ll send some makeup later today.”

  “Really? That would be great, actually.” She laughed self-consciously. “I feel a bit ragged.”

  “Not a problem. Get some rest.”

  The shower later in the afternoon was wonderful, and Nina felt like a new person as she slipped into the clean hospital gown. The doctor had seen her earlier and ordered her IV removed. If the oral medication managed her pain for the rest of the day and overnight, she would likely be released the next afternoon. Nina didn’t care how bad the pain was—she was determined to go home. She tried convincing him to let her go immediately, but he stood firm.

  “Tomorrow is soon enough, young lady. We’ll see how you do tonight before I sign your release.” He smiled absently at her, then finished updating her chart.

  She realized he might be right when taking a shower completely exhausted her. A brief nap revived her, however, and she was working on her article for True West magazine when Izzy appeared in the doorway.

  “Are you up for visitors?”

  Nina smiled and closed her laptop. “Of course. Come in. Hi, Cara.”

  Cara slid around her sister and came forward to hug Nina. “Hi. Chris said you could use some makeup, so we brought a few essentials.” She held up a large tote bag.

  “That looks like way more than lip gloss.” Nina raised her eyebrows at the bulging bag.

  Izzy smiled and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Yeah, well, once we got started we were having so much fun we couldn’t stop. We brought pajamas, a robe, makeup, and some clothes to wear home tomorrow. Chris said yours were probably taken as evidence.”

  “I hadn’t even thought of that. Thanks. I really appreciate this. I would love to look a little nicer when Seamus c
omes by. This black eye makes me feel hideous.”

  Cara leaned in for a closer look. “It’s not too bad. Nothing a little concealer can’t handle.”

  “At least the swelling has gone down. I couldn’t even see out of it the first couple days.” She fingered the silky short robe Izzy had lain across the bed. “Do you mind if I change out of this hospital gown?”

  Cara grinned and reached into the bag again. “I thought you might appreciate these.” She held up a pair of lacy bikini briefs with a small, pink tag dangling from the edge.

  “Oh, my God, yes! I’ve been going commando for days and it’s driving me crazy. I swear I’ll pay you back as soon as I get out of here.”

  Cara laughed as she scooped up the robe and pajamas from the bed. “I had a feeling. I’ll follow you to the bathroom.”

  Nina threw the covers back and dangled her feet over the side of the bed as the nurse had told her; she certainly didn’t want to pass out and risk further injury. She held her hand to her incision as she stood, sucking her breath in at the pain the movement caused.

  “Are you okay?” Izzy was beside her, concern written across her features.

  “I’m fine. It just smarts when I move.” She made her way to the bathroom and changed into the soft fleece pants and warm pullover, then slipped the silky robe over it all. The thoughtfulness of the women—including Chris, who’d organized it—touched her deeply.

  “It looks like it all fits fairly well,” Cara said as Nina made her way to a chair in the room. “We raided Izzy’s closet because she’s the smallest. Or at least she used to be.” Cara gestured toward Izzy’s burgeoning belly.

  Izzy smiled and touched her stomach in the way pregnant women often did.

  Nina watched her and wondered what it would be like to carry a child. She’d never had the least desire to be pregnant, but watching Izzy rub her belly absently caused something new to flare to life deep inside Nina.

  “We also brought some fuzzy socks and slippers.” Cara reached into the bag yet again. “I know how cold it gets in hospitals.” She handed them to Nina. “You ready for your makeover?”

  “Bring it on. I’m feeling so wonderful right now I don’t see how it could get much better.”

  Cara pulled the tray table over and began setting out various tubes, pots, and brushes. Within twenty minutes, the yellowish-purple skin around Nina’s eye had been covered and her lips glistened a soft pink. While Cara had made up her face, Izzy brushed her hair and clipped it on top of her head with a barrette. She’d thought the shower was nice, but real pajamas and a little makeup made her feel like a million bucks. She enjoyed the conversation with Izzy and Cara as well, and looked forward to getting to know them better over the next few months. Nina yawned. It had been a busy day and she had no energy reserves; by the time the orderly appeared with her dinner, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to return to bed and sleep, but hated to make Izzy and Cara feel unwelcome.

  “Well, we need to get going.” Cara finished clearing the makeup items to make room for the meal tray. “Let us know if you need anything else, okay?”

  “I will. Thanks so much. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.” Nina stifled another yawn.

  “Let me help you back to bed.” Izzy held out her hand and helped Nina to her feet. “It’s amazing how tired just sitting in a chair can make you after surgery, huh?”

  “Yeah. I had no idea.” Nina sank gratefully into the bed as Cara slid the tray table closer.

  “Eat. I know you’d rather just go to sleep, but you need to build your strength back.”

  “Are all you DeLucas so bossy?” She ended on another yawn.

  “Yes, and stubborn to boot.” Izzy flashed her a crooked smile as she took the plastic lids off the various bowls and cups on the food tray. “This looks terrible. Hurry up and get out of here so you don’t starve to death.”

  Once they left, Nina attempted to eat all her dinner, but only made it halfway through her salad and beef stew before her eyes wouldn’t stay open any longer.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Godammit!” Seamus ran his hands through his hair, then when that didn’t alleviate his frustrations, he punched the door of his locker. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Finn stood, hands in pockets, and watched his brother. He’d stopped by the fire station to tell Seamus about Nina remembering what her attacker had said the day before. Chris had called and asked him to deliver the news on his way to work while she went straight to the precinct to find more information on the suspect Nina had identified from the photo lineup. “I don’t know, but I swear Chris and I will find out.”

  Seamus glanced at his watch, wincing at the pain the movement caused. I sure hope I didn’t break anything. “I have another hour before my shift is over. Is she safe at the hospital?”

  “Yes. We have a uniform outside her room. But there’s no budget for a protective detail once she’s released. She had an alarm system installed at her house, right?”

  He stared at Finn, his jaw tight. “Yeah, she did. But what good is that going to do if the asshole who stabbed her shows up at her work again?”

  “Listen, I know it sucks, but it’s the best we can do right now. New Mexico is basically broke, you know. I haven’t had even a cost of living raise in over three years.”

  “Fuck. Yeah, I know. Me neither. God, Finn! What am I going to do? How can I keep her safe?”

  Finn clapped his brother on the shoulder. “Trust me; I know what you’re going through. I’ll do my best to figure out who’s doing this.”

  Seamus wanted to shrug his hand off but knew that would be churlish. Finn did know what he was going through. His wife, Melanie, had been stalked and nearly killed by a crazy woman who’d become obsessed with Finn. “Yeah, okay. This is too much, you know? First Neal and now all this?” He narrowed his eyes at the sudden change he’d seen come over Finn’s features. “Wait. You think this is connected, don’t you?”

  Finn shrugged. “It may be. We’re not ruling it out.”

  “What about the break-in at her house? Is that connected also?”


  “Well, shit.” He rubbed his sore knuckles absently. “You need to solve this, Finn. Fast. And I need to keep her safe.”

  “We will.”


  He gripped the flowers tightly as he showed his identification to the state police officer seated beside Nina’s door. He heard voices as he pushed the door open and realized she already had company. The bed was empty; Nina and an unfamiliar man sat together in the two chairs near the window, chatting. Seamus narrowed his eyes. Who the hell is this?

  “Seamus!” Nina interrupted the man and smiled radiantly.

  That’s better. “Hey, hon.” He crossed the room in two quick strides and bent to kiss her. “You look beautiful today.” She was wearing real pajamas and looked like she’d put lipstick on or something. Her black eye looked much better too. She glanced back at the stranger, and Seamus noticed the tightness around her mouth, which he knew indicated irritation.

  “Thanks. Are those for me?” She gestured to the flowers.

  “Oh, yeah. Here.” He placed the bouquet in her lap and raised his eyebrows at the man seated next to her.

  The man took the hint and stood, hand extended. “Hello. I’m David Schaeler.”

  Ah. The ex-husband. At last. No wonder Nina looks annoyed. He shook the proffered hand—perhaps a bit firmer than his usual handshake—and managed a tepid smile. “Seamus DeLuca.” The guy was thin, with greying hair and glasses, and Seamus wanted to punch him in the face for bothering Nina at the hospital.

  “Hmm. I assume you and Nina are dating?” Schaeler glanced between Seamus and his ex-wife.

  “We are.” Seamus wasn’t about to hide their relationship from anyone, especially the man who’d thrown away his wife and family.

  The two men stared at each other for a long moment, each clearly assessing t
he other.

  “It was nice of you to stop by.” Seamus crossed his arms and rocked back on his heels, eager to get rid of him.

  David raised his eyebrows, acknowledging the dismissal. “DeLuca? Any relation to the state police detective who stopped by to grill me at my office earlier this morning?”

  “My brother.”

  “Well, isn’t that cozy? Seems a bit, I don’t know, conflict of interest, if you ask me.”

  “Nobody did.”

  “All right, boys! Let’s dial it down, okay?” Nina stood quickly, hissing in pain, and stepped between them.

  Seamus felt like a total shit for causing her discomfort. “Sorry, Nina.” He took her hand and led her toward the bed. “I’ll behave.”

  “Yeah, me too. Sorry. I need to be going anyway. I hope you’ll tell the police I had nothing to do with any of this.” David addressed his words to Nina as she pulled the blankets over her legs.

  “I already did. Take care, David.”

  Seamus waited until the other man had left. “Well, he seems great.”

  Nina speared him with a look that made him feel about five years old as she threw the covers off again. “I’m sick of being in bed. I only got in to get him to leave.” She sat in the chair she’d vacated and flashed Seamus a crooked smile. “I was young and stupid. What can I say?”

  He knelt in front of her and took her hand, raising it to his mouth. “I didn’t mean to be such an ass. My track record certainly isn’t a shining example of functional relationships, either.”

  She smiled and pulled him closer for a kiss. “Here’s to new beginnings, then.” She pulled back and cupped her hand on his cheek, still scruffy from several days’ growth of beard. “Did you see the girls this morning?”

  He kissed her hand again, then took the seat next to her. “Yeah. I stopped by your folks’ house and took them to school. Your mom will pick them up and drop them by the house this afternoon—assuming they let you out of here.”


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