The Bracelet

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The Bracelet Page 8

by Fredrica Alleyn

  As she worked, Tarquin continued studying Kristina. ‘Turn around slowly,’ he said when Lydia was removing his trousers. ‘I’d like to see what you look like from all angles.’

  Kristina obediently turned around, wishing that she was just a fraction more voluptuous. When she’d turned full circle his expression was thoughtful, and she had no idea if he found her pleasing or not.

  ‘Turn and face the opposite end of the room,’ he said, and this time she wished she didn’t have to obey because Lydia was about to remove his boxer shorts and she wanted to see him fully naked for the first time. ‘Quickly,’ he said abruptly, and unlike before there was a suggestion of impatience in his soft voice. Swiftly she turned, and remained staring at the chaise longue at the far end of the room until suddenly she felt his lips on the back of her neck and his hands coming to rest on each side of her naked waist. He kissed the top vertebrae of her spine and moved down the curve of her back, licking and kissing as he went, until he reached her waist. Then he squeezed her with his hands, his strong fingers pressing into her delicate flesh for an instant before she was released. Finally he walked round to the front of her and at last she was able to see him naked.

  He was, by any standards, a well-built man. His shoulders were broad, his chest and upper arms muscular and his silky golden-brown skin had less hair on it than she’d expected. His waist was narrow, as were his hips, but his legs were even more muscular than his arms and chest, and his penis, which was fully erect and standing up proudly from the surrounding dark pubic hair, was huge with a very dark head. She shuddered at the prospect of him inside her, easing the ache that she could already feel between her thighs.

  Tarquin let her look at him for several minutes, then caught hold of her right hand and led her over to the chaise longue. She expected him to lay her down on it, but instead he left her standing at the foot of it before releasing her briefly to pick up a silk scarf from a small table.

  ‘I want to tie your hands behind your back,’ he said quietly. ‘If, after I’ve tied you, there comes a time when you wish to remove the bracelet then you must tell me and the evening will immediately be terminated. You need have no fear that this will not happen. My pleasure comes from my partner’s pleasure. If you are not enjoying yourself then neither will I. In addition, if I should break the rules of the society I would be expelled from it, and that is not something I would wish to happen. Having told you this, I shall now proceed.’

  Kristina’s mouth went dry. After spending so much time with her eyes downcast, and with no control over the events of the evening, she was feeling totally lost. This was a world of which she had no experience, but a world she was eager to explore further. In order to have Tarquin make love to her fully, to have him inside her, spasming in ecstasy, she was willing to allow anything to happen.

  Very carefully he tied her hands behind her back, and then turned away from her and with one swift movement removed the waiting Lydia’s sari from her so that she too was totally naked.

  ‘Kristina, you must remain still,’ he said, his mouth curving upwards in a slow smile. ‘I’m going to touch Lydia in various ways, and if you think that such a touch would pleasure you then you may say “yes”. That is the only word you are allowed to utter during this stage of the evening.’

  Kristina felt like crying from frustration. His lips on her back, his hands on her waist and the sight of his nakedness had brought her to fever pitch and when he’d tied her hands she’d been expecting him to take her in some complicated way. Never for one moment had she expected him to leave her to watch while he touched another woman.

  Lydia and Tarquin stood facing each other, with Kristina on Tarquin’s left hand side. She watched in despairing silence as he poured some oil into the palm of his left hand and then slowly began to massage it over the Indian girl’s breasts.

  Lydia gave a tiny groan of delight, and Kristina had to bite on her lip to keep herself silent. She watched as Lydia’s nipples hardened and extended and then Tarquin looked across at her, his eyes deceptively kind. Suddenly she remembered what was expected of her. ‘Yes,’ she said hoarsely.

  He nodded, and now he spread his fingers wider across Lydia’s ribcage as he continued to massage the oil into her flesh. When he reached the top of her pubic hair he turned her round so that her back was to him and Kristina watched as he pushed the Indian girl’s upper body down until her forehead was resting on the chaise longue and then tipped some of the oil into the small dent at the base of her spine.

  As Lydia gasped Kristina felt her own flesh jump in sympathy and suddenly Tarquin was kneading the oil firmly into Lydia’s rounded buttocks. Then he parted the fleshy globes and very slowly inserted one well-oiled finger into the servant girl’s puckered rear opening.

  Lydia gave a low moan of delight and thrust her belly forward as she tightened her buttocks and drew the softly caressing finger deeper inside her. The cheeks of Kristina’s bottom also tightened and her hips tilted forward while her internal muscles twitched with desire.

  Tarquin glanced across at her, his eyebrows raised in a silent question. At first Kristina didn’t notice him as, with flushed cheeks and throbbing breasts, she struggled to keep silent. Just before he looked away she caught his eye. ‘Yes!’ she shouted, and again he nodded so that she knew that in time this pleasure too would be hers.

  Tarquin’s free hand reached round the front of the bent-over Lydia and began to massage her abdomen. He pressed firmly, and the pressure caused the Indian girl to cry out with excitement as her desire mounted.

  The watching Kristina could see the tension in the young woman’s body and understood it only too well as her own was throbbing and aching with the need for a climax. She’d never watched another couple make love before, and was finding it more erotic than she’d imagined possible. Lydia’s tiny gasps and moans only increased Kristina’s need and when the large light-brown hand moved lower down the servant girl’s stomach and began to explore her soft pubic mound Kristina felt herself grow damp and her outer sex lips began to open as her state of arousal increased.

  ‘Yes!’ she said urgently, this time not even waiting for Tarquin’s question. He flicked his large dark eyes sideways at her, and then she realised that his fingers were busy between Lydia’s thighs because suddenly the girl was squirming and wriggling frantically, her breathing rapid and loud in the otherwise silent room.

  Despite the fact that no one was touching her, that her body was without any form of stimulation, the sight of Lydia climbing towards her climax was enough to start Kristina on the ascent towards her own release. She wished that her hands were free so that she could touch herself between her thighs in the way Tarquin was touching Lydia. Then with startling abruptness, Lydia’s entire body was shaken from head to foot as she came with whimpering, gutteral sounds of gratitude.

  Those were the most sensual sounds Kristina had heard in her entire life and she realised that she too was balanced on the brink of an orgasm. She concentrated on the sensations deep within her: the tight coil of sexual tension behind her pelvic bone, the bittersweet ache between her thighs and the tingling streaks of excitement from her swollen breasts, but before she could actually manage to force herself over the edge Tarquin had released the Indian girl and was standing in front of her.

  ‘You are not allowed to come,’ he warned her, allowing one finger to touch the very tip of each of her erect nipples in turn. ‘Not until you too have been stimulated as Lydia was. Now, I shall untie you and then we will begin.’

  ‘But I’m nearly there!’ protested Kristina. ‘I won’t be able to wait until you’ve done all that!’

  ‘I am ordering you to wait,’ he told her, and his left hand gently tugged on the slim gold bracelet, reminding her that her wishes were of no importance.

  Kristina was shaking with desire as he led her across the room to where Lydia had been standing. Then with such slowness that it was a kind of torture, he began to pour the oil into his left hand and mas
saged her breasts, just as he’d massaged Lydia’s.

  Kristina’s entire body was so over-sensitive after all she’d witnessed that even the most innocuous touch felt like the final caress that her orgasm needed, and by the time he’d turned her and was sliding his finger into her tight rear opening she knew that no matter what he wanted there was no way she could obey him. She longed to do as he said, was fighting as hard as she’d ever fought to subdue her frantic flesh, but the sensations were too exquisite.

  When he reached round her bent-over body and began to massage her straining belly she knew that she was lost because the deeply coiled tightness suddenly released itself into a wonderful spreading sensation and heat flooded through her as his clever finger moved against the highly sensitive walls of her rectum. Her body went rigid as every muscle contracted prior to the explosive moment of release and Kristina moaned in despair.

  ‘Not yet,’ said Tarquin calmly. ‘I still haven’t touched your clitoris, you must wait for that.’

  Kristina heard the words, but there was no way that she could obey them, and almost before he’d finished speaking the giant orgasm crashed over her. Her breasts were stimulated by the brocade covering of the chaise longue as she thrashed wildly from side to side until the final flickers died away and then she was still. Still, silent and terrified that because she’d disobeyed him she would be sent home, and never see him or feel his hands on her again.

  ‘I accept that you tried to obey,’ he remarked casually, ‘but it seems that you need more practice. What do you think Estelle?’

  Shocked, Kristina glanced over her shoulder. To her horror there was another woman in the room. An elegant, voluptuous woman with long brown hair and pale green eyes. She was dressed in a tight calf-length black skirt and a long white-and-black cotton top.

  ‘I agree,’ said the woman, her voice clipped and commanding. ‘She’s wonderful to watch though and I’m sure she’ll improve with practice. Watching her tonight’s been very stimulating!’

  Tarquin helped the still-shaken Kristina to sit on the chaise longue. ‘Sit up straight, with your breasts thrust forward,’ he murmured. ‘Estelle likes to see women’s breasts when they’re excited, so I’ll try and do something with them.’

  He lowered his head to her quiescent nipples and sucked on each of them in turn until Kristina felt them hardening between his lips. When he was satisfied with each one he tugged softly at it as he withdrew his mouth and when he stood back from her she knew that once more her breasts were firm and the pink nipples hard and pointed.

  ‘Are you going to make love to me before I leave, darling?’ Estelle asked Tarquin after looking at Kristina’s body with approval. ‘I’m sure your visitor would enjoy watching us, and I’m certainly ready for you.’

  Kristina knew that she wouldn’t enjoy it at all. She wanted him to enter her tonight, it was her turn, but because she’d failed the test to obey totally she realised that once more she was going to leave the house without him having actually entered her.

  ‘I think not,’ said Tarquin, standing in front of Kristina with his hands clasped loosely in front of him. ‘I don’t want to wait any longer before I possess her. Her forfeit for failing to obey will have to be paid next time.’

  ‘But I want you now,’ said Estelle sharply.

  Kristina was fascinated to see that Tarquin’s habitually sombre expression didn’t lighten for Estelle any more than it did for her. In fact, if anything he looked irritated by her objection.

  ‘Lie at one end of the couch,’ he said to Kristina. ‘Prop your shoulders against the cushions there.’ When she was in position he climbed on to the chaise longue as well and then pushed upwards beneath her buttocks until she lifted her legs. Next he lay face down on top of her and with her knees bent she was able to hook her ankles over his shoulders while he took his weight on his hands, lifting himself off the couch until she could feel the tip of his erection nudging against her moist opening.

  Estelle stood beside them and very softly stroked the side of Kristina’s body, running her hand in a sweeping movement from the outer side of her breast down to her hip bone. Kristina shuddered and twitched and felt herself opening wide between her thighs.

  Carefully Tarquin eased the tip of his penis inside her, taking his time so that she was slowly able to take the entire length of him. Then, once he was in place, he withdrew a little and she gave a cry of protest.

  ‘Push against me,’ he urged her. ‘When I withdraw, you push upwards, then you withdraw and I’ll plunge deeper again.’

  Kristina found this easy to do because every time he withdrew from her, her body automatically surged up towards his, desperately seeking the wonderful sensation of fullness that he was at last giving her. After a few alternate thrusting movements she caught the exact rhythm that he wanted, and suddenly they were moving in perfect harmony and she felt the sparks of another impending orgasm smouldering behind her clitoris.

  ‘I want you to tell me when you’re about to come,’ he whispered.

  Kristina concentrated on the sensations as they built with glorious speed towards an orgasm. She climbed steadily towards the peak, and then at last felt the heavy fluttering pulse start to throb somewhere deep inside her, a pulse that always preceded that final rush of ecstasy.

  ‘I’m coming now,’ she whispered, and at once he changed the rhythm, thrusting himself fully into her until their pubic hairs were touching and then rocking his hips without withdrawing his penis at all.

  With this deep penetration he seemed to reach some part of her that had never been touched before and after a few seconds she heard herself screaming aloud with delirious excitement as her body once more convulsed and she came in a long shuddering rush of release that left her totally exhausted.

  With a smile Estelle picked up the iPod that had been lying on the table nearby and stopped it recording. She knew that Tarquin would want it for their next session.

  Tarquin looked down at Kristina and as she stared up at him, her eyes wide and shining, he suddenly smiled one of his heart-stopping smiles and she smiled back at him. Then he withdrew from her, climbed off the chaise longue and picked up his clothes. ‘I shall dress in another room. By the time I return I would like you to be gone. Leave the bracelet with Estelle.’

  After the brief instant of intimacy when he’d smiled at her, and the incredible pleasure that he’d given her body, this brusque, indifferent dismissal came as a terrible shock to Kristina. She looked at him in amazement and he looked calmly back at her, almost as though he was waiting for her to speak. Then she remembered that she was still wearing the bracelet and as he saw that realisation dawn in her eyes he broke eye contact by blinking twice in rapid succession and then, picking up his clothes, he left the room.

  Kristina mentally filed the blinking away in her memory. She’d noticed that he often did this, usually when he wanted to shut himself off from a moment that threatened to become too intimate. When he did it she felt that it was a small victory to her, just as his smiles were a victory, although of a different kind.

  Estelle remained where she was, sitting in one of the chairs and watching Kristina closely. ‘You’ve got a nice body,’ she remarked, watching her dress. ‘Rather small breasts for Tarquin’s taste, but everything’s nicely shaped.’

  Kristina drew off the bracelet and handed it to Estelle. ‘This is for Tarquin. If you don’t mind I’d prefer not to have to listen to your comments about my body. They don’t really interest me.’

  She was surprised at how quickly she was able to return to the everyday Kristina now that Tarquin had left the room. Estelle looked surprised too.

  ‘You’re right,’ she acknowledged. ‘I don’t belong to the society so the rules don’t apply when Tarquin isn’t here. He likes me to join in though, which is always fun. Most of his women haven’t lasted long. They start to fall in love with him, or object to some of the things he wants to do. I’ve got the feeling he’s chosen well with you.’

  Kristina zipped up her dress, picked up her handbag and walked out into the hallway. ‘If you’re his mistress I’m surprised you’re not put out that he needed to join,’ she commented.

  ‘Why should it worry me? It’s only a bit of fun; a break from his normal way of life. We all need diversions, as you’ve obviously discovered. I recognised you of course, although I’m more used to seeing you with your clothes on. The Publishing News doesn’t run a sexy agent photo page yet!’

  ‘You read The Publishing News?’ queried Kristina, opening the front door.

  ‘But of course. I’m the new senior editor at Stoddart-Wades. I was appointed after the merger.’

  ‘Fiction or non-fiction?’ asked Kristina, assessing whether or not Estelle could be useful to her professionally.

  Estelle smiled. ‘At the moment non-fiction, but I’m beginning to think fiction might be more fun! Have you thought about writing your own novel?’

  For the first time fear of discovery touched Kristina. ‘This has nothing to do with my work,’ she said sharply. ‘I’m sure Tarquin wouldn’t expect me to mention anything to a fellow psychologist.’

  ‘Of course he wouldn’t, but then Tarquin’s a member of the society, and I’m not, so the same rules don’t really apply. Don’t worry,’ she added as Kristina frowned. ‘Your secret’s absolutely safe with me. It’s more than my life’s worth to betray any of Tarquin’s confidences. As you can imagine, the last thing I’d ever do is upset him. Once you find a lover like that you make sure you hang on to him.’

  ‘I wasn’t worried,’ lied Kristina. ‘I know that absolute discretion is assured. Now, if you don’t mind I must get back home.’

  ‘Me too,’ said Estelle, closing the heavy door behind them. ‘I don’t live here. Tarquin hates anyone sharing his life. I’ve got my own pad round the corner, near enough for off-the-cuff meetings and far enough away to give him the illusion of freedom.’

  ‘I think you’re the one with illusions,’ said Kristina sweetly as she hailed a taxi.


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