Flesh: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales

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Flesh: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales Page 5

by Raminar Dixon

  He spoke perfect, clear Elvish. “Why are you here?”

  “To broker a peace,” I said, ignoring the hissing laughter from behind me.

  He sat up. “You’re not in much of a position to offer terms, your majesty. I’d call this a surrender.”

  I stiffened. His arrogance displeased me.

  He draped his arms between his legs, and his alien lizard face twisted into a grin, his big eyes fixing on me. “I think I might agree to a truce, if you agree to surrender to me. Personally.”

  “What do you want me to do?” I sighed. “Bow? Kneel? Serve you?”

  “Something like that. Bring her to me.”

  Two of the guards seized me by the arms and dragged me up the dais until I stood directly in front of him. The lizard king studied me thoroughly, his gaze sliding over my body. I tensed, offended by his presumption.

  “You wear too many clothes. Disrobe.”

  My jaw dropped, and then my teeth clicked shut. “What?”

  “You heard me. Your robes, remove them.”

  I turned to call for members of my guard to help me out of my armor.

  “No. You do it.”

  I was shaking with rage. It almost hurt to uncoil my fists and my fingers shook as I undid the clasps. I undid the high collar of my flexible armor and tugged at the skeins of mail draped over my shoulders. The lizard king gave me an amused look and reclined in his throne, scratching his chin with his claws.

  “Slowly,” he said.

  I slowed. I shifted my mail and cloak from my shoulders. There was only the mail shirt that clung to my body and my armored leggings and skirts. The cool air sucked the heat out of my bare skin and I shivered, no matter how desperately I tried not to. I reached behind my back and undid the clasp holding my skirt in place and let it pool around my legs, then undid the clasp that held the leggings to my heavy belt and removed that as well. I took a deep breath and drew the light coat of mail over my head. When it dropped to the floor, I was standing before the lizard king in only a short shift that came down to the middle of my thighs and my silk underthings.

  “I said disrobe.”

  My eyes widened in shock.

  “Take it off, or my men will do it for you. Before they strip the rest of your sad little entourage.”

  I stared at him in fury. I refused to move seductively, but matter-of-factly whipped off my shift and kicked out of my underclothes, and stood before him naked. I held my chin high, daring him to make some comment. He said something in the hissing tongue of his people, and one of the guards replied. The rest of them broke out in their hideous laughter.

  “What did you say?” I growled.

  “I asked my captain what he thinks of the view from behind,” said the King. “He approves.”

  I resisted the urge to cover my breasts or squeeze my legs together. The king beckoned me forward, and I stepped close to his throne. He sat up, sniffing at me. His snout almost touched my belly. I recoiled, but he grabbed my hips and pulled me close. The other lizardmen hissed in approval, beating the butts of the crude spears on the tiled floor. The king ran his hands up my sides, letting me feel his claws without breaking the skin. His hand gathered up my breasts, bouncing them to test their weight. He let go of me and made a spinning motion with his finger. I turned, and let my subjects see me. Their queen would not break down.

  The kind slapped my buttocks, smacking them and squeezing them as though testing horseflesh. His fingers pressed under me and I felt the pad of his fingertip move along my slit. I clenched my fists and endured it, biting down hard on my teeth.

  “Turn around.”

  I did as I was bid.

  “Have you ever had an elf cock inside you?”

  “No,” I snapped.

  “I see, I was hoping to ask you.”

  He hissed at his people and they burst out laughing at me again.

  “Ask me what?”

  “If it’s true what they say about elf men. That they’re small and scrawny and you need one of us to satisfy you. That’s why you let us raid and raid your settlements and carry off your women. At least we’re not hung like infants.”

  A red rage filled me, and I slapped him, or tried to. He caught my wrist and flicked my arm away contemptuously.

  “So much fire. Sit on my lap.”

  I didn’t move at first. I glanced over my shoulder and saw my subjects bound and kneeling before the monsters and I resigned myself to my fate. If it would spare them more suffering, I would deign to be this monster’s toy. I walked up to the throne and sat on his thigh, letting my weight settle in his lap, and crossed my arms over my breasts.

  “That won’t do,” said the king.

  He pulled me close to him, draping his arm around my waist, and groped my thigh while he pulled my other arm away. He ran his hand up my belly and cupped my breasts, letting them rest on his arm. He pulled me close, so he could whisper in my ear. His breath was surprisingly hot, and stank of meat.

  “Do you know what I want you to do now?”

  I remained silent.

  “Call the captain of your guard.”

  I bit my lip. “Faneth.”

  Her head lifted up. The king nodded to the lizardman behind her, and he pushed her forward. She awkwardly scrambled to her feet, her arms still bound behind her back. The held her chin up, at least until the lizard swiped the helm off her head, spilling her black hair over her shoulders. She met my gaze proudly.

  “Will she do as you command?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “My men,” said the lizard king, “will fall on their spears if I ask it. Would she do that if you asked?”

  I lowered my eyes to the floor. “Yes.”

  “What wouldn’t she do?”

  “I don’t know.”

  The lizard king said something to the guard, and he moved beside Faneth, tossed his spear to one of the others, and undid his belt, drawing away the cloth that covered his loins. His cock dangled between his legs, fat, pink, and glistening.

  “Order her to suck his cock.”

  I tensed up. My mouth worked silently. Faneth nodded, sank to her knees, and turned. The lizardman squared himself up before her. With her hands tied behind her back, she had to shove her face in his crotch and seek his shaft with her lips. He was already half hard, and he let out a hiss of approval when she closed her mouth around him and sucked, her cheeks hollowing. Something brushed my thigh and I glanced down. The king was getting hard, his loincloth tenting beneath his golden belt. I shivered when I saw it, and it caught his eye. He pulled me closer, forcing me to almost lay on him, and fondled my breasts, chuckling at Faneth’s misfortune.

  He whispered in my ear. “Play with yourself.”

  I trembled.

  “Do it.”

  I slipped my hand between my thighs and felt for my slit. I hated myself in that moment, because I was already wet. My eyes were fixed on Faneth. Hers were closed, and she sucked heartily at the lizardman, her head bobbing on his hard member. He rested his hand on the top of her head to guide her. She was unsure at first, but as she began to develop a rhythm with him, turning her head and slipping her tongue along the underside of his shaft. I slipped a finger in my pussy and bit my lip, trying not to shudder, and I failed. The king pulled me into an embrace, forcing my legs apart ever so slightly so my wetness trickled down his thigh.

  The king opened his mouth and touched my throat with his jaws, brushing the skin with small, sharp teeth. His tongue flicked over my neck and down over my chest, leaving a thin trickle of warm saliva. He closed his jaws around my throat and squeezed, not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to feel it and make it difficult to breathe. My other hand slipped down between my legs and I began to rub my clit while I pushed my finger into my pussy. The king released me.

  The lizardman came. Faneth coughed and sputtered and drew back, and when she opened her mouth, hot white cum spilled over her chin. The lizardman humped the air and sprayed a rope of it over her should
er, much to the amusement of his comrades, who rammed the butts of their spears into the floor and laughed at him, pointing and hissing.

  “What are they saying?”

  “They mock the young one and claim they could last longer,” said the king. “They are complimenting her for her whoring and suggesting that he is not good enough for them. The others are eager to claim their prizes.”

  I tensed, gasping. The lizard king ran his fingers through my hair, teasing my scalp with his claws. “Ah, you’re worried about the rest of them. I’ll offer you a choice. Each of my kin can take one of yours, or Faneth can have them all. It is yours to decide.”

  Faneth spat and looked at me, wild-eyed. “I’ll take them. Spare the others.”

  The lizard king looked at me, and I nodded, tears forming in my eyes.

  “You bastards,” Faneth snapped, “you don’t scare me. Do you worst.”

  The lizards laughed and hissed, and one of them came up behind the one who’d shamed himself with his quickness and shoved him towards her by the shoulder.

  “They say he should go first,” said the lizard king, “he didn’t have enough time with his whore.”

  Faneth raised her chin as the lizard got on his knees beside her and started undoing her armor, but left her chained. When he had her breastplate off, he used his claws to tear away her dress and shift, leaving it hanging in tatters from her belt and her shoulders. He undid his own armor, letting it slap onto the ground, and pulled her close, flicking his long tongue over her breasts. I saw the look in Faneth’s eyes as she fought herself, desperate not to give in to the pleasure.

  “She wants him,” the king whispered, “She liked her taste and she wants more. That’s why she volunteered, not for the other’s sake, but for hers. She wants them for herself.”

  “Lies,” I snapped, but there was no heat on my voice. I lay curled on the lizard king’s lap, pumping my fingers into myself while I rubbed at my clit.

  The kind laughed at me. “That is why your women never return from our raids. We are the better lovers. Do you know why we went to war?”

  I slowed the pace of my explorations. Another guard held Faneth by the shoulders, kneeling by her side to support her as the first lizard licked her chest, cupping her breasts with his rough hands. Another came forward and ran his tongue over her belly, pressing it into her navel, and she shivered, unconsciously thrusting her hips against empty air. There was a thick trickle of wetness down her thigh, and the soft hair between her legs glistened.

  “Your princess promised herself to us,” said the lizardman, “ages ago, but the elf king betrayed us and stole his bride. When the elves attacked my people to steal her back, they murdered her in revenge, and we have warred to bring you to your knees ever since. You can end the war, Your Grace. Remain with me and the conflict ends.

  The first lizard lay on the ground, his cock jutting up into the air. The lizards all but dragged Faneth over him, but it was she who ground her hips on him, pressing his cock against his belly with the lips of her sex, running them up and down his shaft. She let him spring up and sat on it, biting her lip a she sank down, pressing him inside her. The other lizards cheered, clapping their spears against the floor. Faneth fell forward, unable to awkwardly balance herself with her hands behind her back, and the lizardman put his arms around her and held her down as he thrust up into her. I saw the look in her eyes shift from defeat to acceptance to slack pleasure.

  “Do you see?” the king whispered. “Imagine what I can do for you.”

  The lizard’s coupling with Faneth was furious. He lifted her up with each thrust, arching her back, and she grunted from the fury of it until he fell back down and did it again, each slow, deep penetration drawing an almost pained sound from her, but the look of desire on her face was plain. I quivered as another lizard came up behind her and knelt. Having cat off his belt, his cock was bobbing before him. He ran his hand down Faneth’s back and squeezed her rump. She looked over her shoulder at him and nodded in invitation. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The second lizardman crawled over to her, and I saw her head lift up and her mouth widen in a silent cry of pain and pleasure as the lizardman’s thick member pierced her rosebud, sliding into her ass. Slick with his juices, it was easy for him to take her.

  The king’s snout nuzzled me ear. “Is that what you want? For me to take you there?”

  A jot of need ran through me, but still I resisted. The king turned me so I had to watch Faneth over my shoulder. He held my arms and bounced his leg. I was so slick with need that my sex was able to glide along his thigh, and I couldn’t stop myself from grinding, humping his leg. He pulled me onto his chest and turned me so I could watch Faneth’s debasement.

  She was wild, now. The lizards undid her chains to free her hands, and she used them to get on all fours, thrusting herself against the lizards. The one on top of her shuddered, much to the amusement of his comrades, and as he pulled out, sprayed a rope across her buttock. The next one in line came up and she looked over her shoulder at him, hungrily, slowing so that he could push inside her, taking his predecessor’s place in her ass. She curled and gyrated her body, grinding on the lizard beneath. I could see a pool of their issue forming between the lizard’s legs as he came inside her. Faneth moaned as he pumped into her, running her hands over his throat and chin while the one behind her pumped furiously into her backside, his hips slapping against her meaty ass.

  “Tell me, Faneth,” the king bellowed, “Do you like lizard cock?”

  “I love it!” she screamed, her voice melting into a gurgling moan as the lizard came in her ass and pulled out, spraying her. Some of it hit the young lizard as she rode him, prompting gales of laughter from the others even as another one, in the plumed helmet of a veteran, got on his knees behind her and crawled onto her back, sliding his body against hers as he pressed inside.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes. Others of my personal guard looked into the eyes of their captors and lacking the tongue to speak to them, opened their mouths and held out their tongues to beckon them. I gasped, and then king turned me so I sat sideways on his lap again, fondling my breasts as he rubbed my back, gently. My subjects were being stripped and taking lizardman cocks in their mouths. They were being unbound, and they weren’t reaching for weapons or turning away. I saw one, a veteran of many campaigns with a scar across one breast, lean forward and lean on the hips of a lizardman so she could take him in her mouth while one of his fellows entered her from behind and pounded her into submission. Another ground her ass into the lizardman behind her, clenching her teeth as she grabbed his hips and pulled, ramming him into her ass. I could see the pain on her face fading into slack pleasure as another came before her, put her arms on his shoulders, and lifted her legs from the floor, so that he could take her in her pussy while the other took her from behind. The floor before the king was a moaning mass of elves willingly violated by these monsters, entranced by their embrace.

  I wept, but not for them. I wept because I could no longer control myself. I settled on my knees, kneeling before the king of the lizardmen, and with trembling, clumsy fingers, undid his belt. When his member sprang free, I gasped, stunned. It was so beautiful. I ran my hands up its length. It was the same pale yellow as his underbelly, streaked with knobby red veins, the head wide and flaring. I assaulted it, taking it in my mouth as though I were trying to swallow the totality of its length, the velvety softness of it on my tongue driving me to madness. My head was bobbing, slurping sounds coming from my throat. The king hissed and his head lolled back as his hand rest atop my head, almost gently. He brought his thighs together until my cheeks slid against them, the soft skin caressing mine.

  I stopped, gasping for breath, to look over my shoulder. Faneth had shaken off her paramours and was stand as the others did. One of the veterans stood behind her, thrusting into her ass while she sucked one cock and stroked three others with her hands, the lizards holding her flanks and teasing at her hanging breasts, to keep
her from falling over. She made loud slurping and appreciative humming sounds as she bobbed her head, popped free, and sucked one of the others. The lizards were jockeying for position to be near her.

  “I see why she is your captain,” the king mused.

  He put his hands under my shoulders, holding me by my ribs, and drew me up; I crawled on top of him and leaned forward, my breasts resting on his bare chest. I reached between my legs and held his shaft, slick with my spit, as I lowered myself onto him. The head pushed inside me, and I gasped. I knew there would be pain when I first took a man inside me, but it was sharp and brief and followed by an onrush of pleasure. I tried to slow, to prolong the moment, but my legs refused to hold me and the king only steadied me, letting me fall onto his cock at my own pace. I melted against him, letting my weight rest on his lap, and breathed. Each time I exhaled I moaned softly into his chest. He stroked my hair and ran his claws lightly down my back, enough for me to feel it without harming me.

  I adjusted myself; a shot of pleasure ran through me from his cock slipping inside me as I moved. I drew my knees up to him, and he supported me by cupping my buttocks. I began to bounce, moving slowly at first, exhilarated and terrified by the hot girth inside me, spreading me open and filling me. I whimpered, I quivered and bit my lip. The king held me tight, raising his legs up to pitch me forward in to him, so his warm, soft belly and chest rubbed against me. He put his mouth to my throat again, letting his thick, hot tongue loll down over me. I squeezed my breasts together with my arms, hugging myself as though cold.

  I began to settle into a soft background pleasure when the first jolt hit me and I went rigid. It edged through me, making my toes curl. I clawed at the king’s shoulders, my nails scraping over his scaly skin. In reply he snarled at me harshly and nipped at my neck and shoulder, enough that I could feel his teeth without drawing blood. He slid down on the throne so I was properly on top of him, grabbed the back of my head, and held me as I rode him. I pushed him all the way inside me and flexed my belly, turning my hips in a slow circle. This made him his and his mouth hang open. I buried my face in his neck and began rolling my hips, lifting up and pushing into him slowly, again and again. Once more I shook with pleasure, harder than before, the waves building into an explosive crash.


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