Teacher's Pet

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Teacher's Pet Page 9

by Amanda Heartley

  “Second best friend,” Gary coughs.

  “Best friend,” Rick repeats, scowling at Gary. “I want to be the first to publicly congratulate the happy couple on their marriage.” He reaches a hand up to loosen his tie, then takes a mouthful of champagne. “Now, let me tell you a little story about my friend, Lennon, here. This little gem took place back when we were in middle school, and Lennon was just beginning to blossom into the handsome young man he is today—”

  “Don’t you dare,” Lennon growls from the side of his mouth, and turning a deep shade of red.

  The crowd laughs and cheers Rick on, wanting to hear the story. Hell, I do too. I raise one eyebrow at Lennon, who bows his head and groans.

  “Now, where was I?” Rick continues. “Right. So, our little Lennon was twelve, and going through his first crush. The girl in question was a lovely young girl named, Amber.” Rick glances at me. “Don’t worry, Darcy. She had nothing on you.”

  I smile and shake my head, feeling sorry for poor Lennon. I squeeze his hand to try and show some support. Thank, God, I haven’t been friends with Cindy long enough for her to build up a backlist of embarrassing stories about me.

  “So, Lennon decided he was going to ask Amber out. Naturally, he came to speak to his best friend, yours truly, for some advice on how to woo his new love. I told him he needed to impress her. Do something she couldn’t ignore. Something big. Go all out, or go home. Then I sent him on his way.” He glances at Lennon. “Maybe you should finish the story?”

  Lennon shakes his head. “No way. I’m sure you’ll embellish it, and tell it so much better.”

  Rick shrugs. “Okay, your funeral,” he says, and the crowd erupts into laughter again. “So, Lennon had an idea. He wrote her a song. He went all out, learned it on his guitar, hired a suit, and paid his friends,” Rick says, motioning to himself, “to be his back-up singers. Think, Boyz2Men, only better.

  “Then he sent the video to her—at the end of which he added a heartfelt recording, pouring out all his feelings—to Amber.” Rick chuckles as he glances at Lennon again. “Turns out, she didn’t feel the same way about him. Thought he was a dork, and by the following day, that video was on YouTube, and it was everywhere. All over school, people in town knew… and everyone made fun of poor Lennon.”

  I laugh along with everyone else, but I feel so sorry for twelve-year-old Lennon. I step closer, and curl my arm around him, stealing him away from Rick.

  “And on that note, I just want to say congratulations to two of the most amazing people I know. Please join me in wishing them both nothing but happiness,” Rick grins.

  Giggling, I wrap my arms around Lennon’s neck as everyone claps and whoops.

  “Give the poor boy a kiss,” someone calls out.

  Everyone laughs, but I’m more than happy to oblige. I lean up and kiss him softly on the lips amidst cheers and whistles. Lennon looks at me with an amused expression on his face as he wraps his arms around my waist.

  “So, did that really happen?” I whisper to him.

  “Unfortunately, yes,” he says, cringing. “It took years to live that down.”

  “If it’s any consolation, I thought it was adorable. I wish someone would’ve done that for me,” I giggle.

  “It can be arranged,” he murmurs, raising his eyebrows. “I still have my guitar at home, you know.”

  “The only instrument I want you to be playing right now, is me,” I say, kissing him again.


  I smile up at Lennon, feeling completely exhausted. It’s been a great day, considering everything that went wrong before it, but as fun as the day has been, I’m so looking forward to curling up in bed with my new husband. I dance with Lennon, my hands draped around his waist. He kisses me on the forehead, and I smile, my eyes closed as our bodies sway to the music.

  “Thank you for making this work,” I whisper.

  “Don’t thank me,” he shrugs. “Thank, Rick, for finding someone to marry us, and Gary for organizing the catering. I didn’t really do much, except ask them to help me. They’re the best friends a guy could ask for.”

  I giggle and glance over at Rick. “God knows what favor he’s going to want in return,” I tease.

  Lennon chuckles. “I think he’s happy with what he’s got with Cindy by the look of things.”

  I laugh as I watch him dance around Cindy, arms flailing above his head. Her face turns bright red, and then she rolls her eyes and drags him into the middle of the dance floor. Immediately, there’s a commotion, and I turn to see Rick singing very loudly as he dances with Cindy. She looks embarrassed, but she’s laughing, and I can tell she’s loving his attention. Lennon groans, rubbing his forehead while I just giggle at the sight.

  “They’re cute together, don’t you think?” I say.

  “Destructive, I’d say,” he says with a grin. “Unstoppable? Maybe. Cute? Definitely not.”

  I roll my eyes and watch as Cindy wraps her arms around Rick’s waist. I haven’t seen that look in her eyes in a long time, and I’m happy for her. Lennon gently guides my face back to him, his eyes sparkling as they gaze into mine.

  “Am I that uninteresting that you have to look at them on our wedding night?” he teases.

  I blush and kiss him on the lips. “What do you think?” I giggle.

  I think I can’t wait to rip this dress off you,” he whispers in my ear, running his fingers over the soft, silky fabric. “Is that allowed? You’re not all sentimental about wanting to keep it in one piece, are you?”

  I giggle. “I can still be sentimental with a torn dress,” I tease, my pulse racing. The thought of him ripping it off me sounds pretty damn good. “Much more of a story to tell that way.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think our kids, or grandkids are going to want to hear that story,” he says, kissing my neck.

  I look up when I hear someone clearing their throat and see Mr. Wilson standing next to use. My heart skips a beat as I try to read his expression, but he’s not giving anything away.

  “Darcy. Lennon,” he says, his voice gruff.

  “Mr. Wilson,” I reply.

  “John, please,” he replies with a frown. I feel more intimidated now than I did when I was his student. “We’re not in school anymore.”

  “Does that mean…” I swallow. God, I can’t even finish the question in case the answer isn’t what I want to hear. Lennon reaches for my hand behind my back and squeezes it. He’s as nervous as I am, but his expression is calm and collected.

  “Here, this is for you” John says, and thrusts a small box into my hand.

  “What is it?” I ask, bewildered. The last thing I expected from him was a gift.

  “For your wedding,” he explains. “I couldn’t exactly gatecrash your reception and not bring you anything.” He sighs, and turns his attention to Lennon. “Just tell me nothing happened while you were teaching this young lady, and I’ll forget I ever ran into you both.”

  “Nothing,” Lennon says, his voice so calm, it scares me. “We met up after school had finished, and only then realized we had an attraction to each other. Things just progressed from there, and here we are.”

  John says nothing for a moment, then nods. “Okay. Then there’s nothing for me to say. I can’t say I don’t feel uneasy about this… arrangement, regardless of when this whole affair began, but I won’t let it affect the reference I have to write for you on my return.” He turns back to me. “And, I respect the fact you’re an adult, and you look happy—”

  “I am happy. In fact, I couldn’t be happier,” I say, cutting him off. The last thing I want is for Lennon to feel at all guilty for loving me. “Thank you for the gift, John, and thank you for keeping this to yourself. Now, I hope you enjoy yourself, and if you don’t mind, I’m going to go back to dancing with my husband.”

  He smiles warmly and gives us a wave of his hand as he walks away. I take Lennon’s hand and lead him further onto the dance floor, wrapping my arms around his neck.

>   He gazes at me, and says, “I think what you just did back there has made me love you even more, if that’s possible,” he murmurs. I giggle and bite my lip, as I trail my fingers softly over his arm. I lift one heel off the floor and kiss him tenderly on the lips. I’m so happy, I feel I’m going to burst. “Seriously, Darcy, thank you. For this, for marrying me, for being you… everything. I’m so in love with you, sweetheart.”

  “And I’m in love with you, too,” I whisper.

  I rest my head on his shoulder as we slow dance, and sway softly to the music. I swear, I can feel our two hearts beating. It’s the perfect end to a perfect day, and I feel like I’m walking on air.


  “Darcy, wait. Don’t go in there.” I turn around, startled at the urgency in Lennon’s voice. I was just about to open the door to our room when he called out. He smiles at me, an embarrassed look on his face. “Sorry, I just wanted to carry you over the threshold,” he says.

  I giggle. “You’re not serious?” I ask. He nods and scoops me up into his strong arms. I let out a squeal as he tilts me back, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. “Drop me, and you’ll be sorry,” I joke.

  He fiddles with the keycard he has in one hand, struggling to hold both me, and get it into the thin slot at the same time. He can’t even see the lock with me in the way, and I giggle uncontrollably. It would be so much easier if he just put me down, but I admire how committed he is to this, so I let him carry on. Truth be told, I’d never even thought about it before Lennon mentioned it, but now he has, I absolutely love the idea of being carried over the threshold by my handsome prince. Who said chivalry was dead?

  In the thirty seconds he’s been struggling, several other guests pass us by in the hallway, smiling as they make their way to their own rooms—and all I can do is smile back, a little uneasy that I know, that they know, what’s about to happen once Lennon gets me inside. I’m just praying I don’t see their faces again at breakfast tomorrow—if we even make it down—or I’m going to die of embarrassment.

  One of them kindly asks if they can help by opening the door for us, but Lennon’s dogged determination, and manly pride won’t let him give up, and he politely declines their assistance. He wants to do it on his own. Once out of earshot, he curses, and his face is going red, which makes me laugh even more.

  “Lennon,” I say. “Do you want to put me down? We could be out here all night and I’m starting to feel a little conspicuous, now.”

  “Nope. I want to do this. I’ll get it,” he replies, but I’m not convinced, and despite his strength, I must be getting heavy for him to hold.

  “Honey, have you got a good hold of me?”

  “Yes, of course,” he says, confidently.

  “Right, then top fiddling with the key for a second. Just don’t drop me, ok?” I say, and he stops struggling and nods. I hold on to his neck with one hand, reach around with the other, taking the keycard from between his fingers and sliding it into the slot and out again. The little light changes from red to green as I hear the lock unlatch and Lennon puts his foot against the door after I push down on the handle, swinging it open.

  “There ya go, lover. It takes a woman,” I say, cockily, turning back to him. He’s just staring at me and his face is a picture. Part amazement, part hurt pride, but he’s smiling.

  “Why, thank you, sweetheart,” he says, with a touch of sarcasm in his voice. “I knew you were so much more than a pretty face. Now, let’s get you inside and ravaged without further ado.”

  I laugh out loud at him speaking posh, then stop abruptly when I see he’s about to charge into the room with me still in his arms. “Stop!” I shout.

  With one foot already over the threshold, he looks at me, confused. “What’s wrong?” he says with a frown.

  “I know you can’t wait to get me inside, but mind my head, honey. I’m five-feet-eight, and this doorway is only three. We ain’t gonna fit.”

  “Oh, right. Yeah, sorry,” he says, turning around and trying to walk in backwards instead, cradling me tighter to his chest.

  “Watch my feet!” I scream, trying to tuck them under his arm as they loom perilously close to the oak door frame. We both burst out laughing, and I feel his abs vibrating against me as he struggles to get me inside without injury. He must have been holding me a good five minutes or more, and I can see beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

  “Turn sideways, honey,” I command, “and with my head first. Just slide in with your back against the door. Jeez, I can see why you chose English as a major, instead of Math. Five-eight into three just doesn’t go, babe.”

  “Who’s the smart ass, now?” he says, raising one eyebrow.

  “Me, but I’m cute with it.” I kiss his cheek, and we both crack up laughing again. He follows my instructions, kicking the door shut behind him, then carries me into the room and I look around and my jaw drops. The sprawling, open room is absolutely breathtaking.

  “Honeymoon suite,” he says with a grin when I glance at him. “I was so surprised it was still available when I booked this resort for the wedding.”

  “It’s beautiful,” I say, a shiver running down my back as he carefully lays me down on the huge bed.

  “You are beautiful,” he says, walking over to the bar to pour two glasses of champagne from an expensive looking bottle, nestling in an ice bucket. I stand and wander over to the window to look outside. We have most stunning view of an amazing stretch of beach with a door leading out to it, and the room has everything we could possibly want. Well, everything I want, anyway. I glance back at Lennon, still wrestling the cork out of the champagne bottle.

  I look around the room again, and gasp when I see a luxurious hot tub sitting in the corner. The surface has been scattered with rose petals, with a trail that leads out of the bath and over to the huge, king-sized bed. They’ve literally thought of everything. All the tiny touches are here, from the fluffy white bathrobes, to the deluxe slippers, to the gourmet coffee and chocolates perfectly arranged on the table. Hell, there’s even a card and a beautiful bouquet of flowers, congratulating us on our marriage.

  Holy crap. We’re married. Like, husband and wife, married. Every now and then it hits me, taking my breath away. Lennon walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. He cups my chin, pressing his mouth against my lips. I sigh, loving the feel of his body against mine. I’m so tired, but I have no intention of going to sleep anytime soon. There are plenty of other things I want to do first.

  “How does this come off?” he asks, turning me around. I giggle as he fiddles with the delicate buttons on the back of my dress. “Seriously? Would a zipper have been that much harder to put in?”

  I push him away and turn to face him. He watches, his jaw clenching as I reach behind and unfasten the buttons, one by one. When the last one is free, I tug gently on the dress, letting it slide down over my body to the floor. It wasn’t exactly him ripping it off me, but the way he’s staring at me right now, it doesn’t matter.

  “God, you’re so fucking beautiful, Darcy,” he murmurs. He steps closer to me and touches my neck, running his fingers down over my breasts. My nipples stiffen at the feel of his touch and I feel myself getting wet. I breathe out heavily, my heart pounding. All I want is him inside me.

  “Oh,” I gasp as he scoops me into his arms again. I’m wearing only a pair of lacy panties, but he’s still fully dressed. There’s something so sexy about the way he lays me down on the bed and hovers over me while he’s still in his tux. He kisses me passionately, while unbuckling his belt and reaching into his pants to free his cock. I touch him as he climbs over me, guiding him to my entrance. He slides inside me, urgent, yet gently, like he’s been waiting all day to do this. We both gasp and my toes curl as he fills me, inch by inch, as his mouth explores mine.

  “I’ve wanted to make love with you from the second I saw you walking down that aisle toward me,” he whispers as he fondles my breasts. “The moment I saw you…” He kisses me, bi
ting down on my lip. “God, I had a raging erection pretty much that entire ceremony.”

  I giggle, then gasp as he pounds into me, the rhythm of his cock brushing past my swollen clit with every stroke, pushing me close to breaking point. The thought of him wanting to fuck me that badly all day is such a turn on.

  “Then fuck me, honey. Fuck me hard,” I whisper as I dig my ankles into the back of his thighs and rake my fingernails across his back, spurring him on. “I want to feel you come inside me. I love you.”

  He kisses me so passionately as he rocks into me, again and again, his soft lips trailing over mine, then lets out a growl as he comes, releasing inside me. I feel his cock twitching, and my body gives in to him. I gasp, moaning and arching my back as electricity surges through me. Just when I think my orgasm is over, he pulls out and slides his finger inside me instead, massaging my clit with his thumb until I come hard again.

  He quickly undresses as I climb under the covers and snuggle into the pillows. I’m completely sated, struggling to keep awake, and the moment those arms wrap around me, I’m gone for the night. I’ve never felt as safe or as loved as I do, lying in his embrace. It’s like nothing can touch me while he’s here, protecting me. I manage a smile as he kisses my neck, his dick growing hard once more as it presses against my thigh.

  I giggle, fighting the urge to fall asleep. “Again?”

  Chapter Ten


  She’s still asleep when I wake up the next morning, which is exactly what I was hoping for. With all the planning for the wedding, and my refusal to let her sleep last night until I’d explored every part of her, I’m pretty sure she’s forgotten what today is.

  The first anniversary of the day we met.

  I sneak into the bathroom and carefully close the door, wincing as it creaks loudly enough to wake her. I brace myself and listen for the sound of her stirring, but she stays fast asleep. She was so exhausted after yesterday, I think she’d sleep though anything, right now.

  As quietly as I can, I spend the next half hour wrapping presents. I’d gone shopping the day before I flew over here, knowing I wouldn’t get a chance to do it otherwise. I know how much she loves presents, and I wanted to make sure she’d always remember our first one together, especially considering next year, this particular day would take a back seat to our wedding anniversary. I know it’s going to be one-sided, because she probably hasn’t gotten me anything, but that’s okay. Marrying her has already made this the best anniversary ever.


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