Enlightenment (Children of Ankh series Book 2)

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Enlightenment (Children of Ankh series Book 2) Page 55

by Kim Cormack

  Astrid glared at Kayn and sighed. She’d been listening to Kayn’s thoughts. She exclaimed, “Keep a muzzle on that imagination of yours. Do not think up crazy shit. Please, don’t do it. We will never get out this place if you guys keep adding versions of death to the list.”

  Kayn’s mind wanted to be creative. She was losing grasp on her sanity. Don’t think about twisted things. Don’t think about messed-up things, she repeated to herself. She began to make a list of things that could not possibly be messed-up. She had to give her mind something to do.

  Astrid laughed aloud as she said, “That’s right, think about puppies, kittens, Shetland ponies and gummy bears.”

  “I can hear water running. I bet there is another fountain close by. I’m so thirsty,” Melody pointed out.

  “Okay, we’ll stop for a quick break,” Astrid conceded. “We can’t be too long. Trust me, there’s no worse feeling than getting to the end and discovering two clans have already made it out and we’ve been left behind.”

  They walked through the next opening. There was an exquisitely crafted fountain that appeared to be made out of jade. Nobody was around. They hadn’t seen any other clans since the two girls had joined their search for the Amber room. The crypt was dead silent except for the trickling sound of the water. There was no clashing of swords or muffled voices echoing through the walls. There were no more screams of Enlightening. They knelt before the fountain and submerged their hands into the well. The group drank from their cupped hands. The water was surprisingly refreshing. They probably wouldn’t need to bother with the time in the sleep chambers. Kayn sat on the edge of the fountain. She looked at Astrid and said the words they had all been secretly thinking, “What if they don’t let you two come with us?”

  Astrid had a simple honest response, “We need to believe that it’s possible.”

  Zach assured, “Nothing is impossible in here. That means there is a good chance it is possible.”

  Haley laughed from where she sat, “Well, I can tell you one thing that isn’t possible.”

  Zach grinned and teased, “I’ll bite. What isn’t possible?”

  Haley sparred, “It isn’t possible to find a hair dresser to get rid of my neon pink hair. It’s been like wearing a flashing ‘dinner is served sign’ on my head. I totally didn’t think that one through prior to being chased through this place for countless years.”

  They all stood up and began to walk away from the fountain. There came a click, click, clicking sound. It echoed through the grandiose archway that lead to the fountain and in scurried an enormous scorpion. It must have sunk through the roof right behind them. They all dashed for the sleep room, the door slid closed mere seconds before the scorpion made it there. They all looked straight above their heads and saw that directly above them were finger grooves. Zach gave Haley a boost and she attempted the obvious but it wouldn’t budge. Useless finger grooves. The room was taunting them with the possibility of opting out of dealing with the creature that still was still clicking around loudly outside the door.

  Zach smiled and exclaimed, “Well, that did seem far too easy.”

  Kayn confidently declared, “We are getting out of here, even if we have to die a thousand more deaths. We can’t walk away from any version, even if each one is more horrifying than the last. Those are the rules. We are getting out of this hell hole today!”

  Zach taunted, “Was that supposed to be a motivational speech?”

  Kayn smacked Zach’s arm and teased, “At least I’m still attempting to give them out.”

  Clowns and Confessionals

  Kayn knew how messed-up her motivational speech had come across but she was in a very different place mentally. At this point she didn’t give a damn if she was killed eighty more times today. She just really wanted to blow something up. It was a feeling that ached in the pit of her stomach. She felt like everyone could see her violent urges. She was afraid to look any of them in the eye. They all stared at her as she went to place her palms against the safe room door. She peered at Haley and Astrid even after all of their experience with death and the many ‘you can’t avoid it’ speeches they did not want to deal with this particular being. It was only a giant scorpion. It wasn’t even mixed with something else. Kayn had to admit that she had always felt a kinship with the creatures, even if it was twenty feet long. She kind of wanted to see it again. She looked at everyone else and decided to just open the ceiling. There was not a single person in this room that wanted to see that scorpion again. Kayn glanced at Zach and said, “Give me a boost. I’m going to use my powers of motivational speaking and mix it with the threat of blowing this whole place sky high.”

  Zach linked his fingers to give her a boost and teased, “Theoretically, we are hovering in the sky.”

  Kayn’s hands had almost made contact with the ceiling when Haley shoved Zach and he dropped her. Kayn landed with a hollow thud on the hard floor and accused, “You dropped me!”

  “She shoved me,” Zach responded while pointing at Haley.

  Kayn directed her eyes at Haley and questioned, “Is there a problem?” Had Haley seen right through her?

  Haley smiled as she replied, “Only if being dismembered is a problem.”

  Melody said, “Yikes…I personally find being dismembered a problem.”

  They all stared up at the ceiling. They could opt for being dismembered by a giant scorpion or whatever was behind door number two. It was going to happen. It was an inevitable fact. There was no way around each version of death. They had to go through it. They’d had enough free passes. This next level was going to be a painful one. Kayn glanced at the nervous faces around her and fought the urge to smile. Was she going crazy? She was a little bit excited. If dismemberment was the death on the table, her opponent would undoubtedly be something evil. It would be something far worse than the giant scorpion that was scratching at the safe room door. It would be something she could justify blowing up.

  Zach moaned, “I’ve been dismembered far too many times. I’m not sure my mind can cruise through it again.”

  “This is where I come in,” Astrid assured. “We have time to preplan this…Let me show you how we’ve managed to survive in the Testing for all this time.”

  “What exactly are you planning to do to us?” Mel probed.

  Astrid smiled and said, “My gift is a fast-acting hallucinogenic virus. I’m going to put us all in my happy place. It will trick your minds into seeing a much more pleasant version of what is really happening.”

  “Can you put us all in there?” Melody grilled. “Are you strong enough to do that?”

  Haley explained, “It has nothing to do with strength. Her gift is more like a transmittable virus capable of creating a mass hallucination. The main perk being, that you can’t feel any pain.”

  Astrid clarified her intentions, “I’ll have to kiss you, to infect you with a virus. Melody, you’re a Healer. The virus may not stay in your system that long. I might not be able to do that much to protect you. Try and stay in the middle of everyone else. We need to all make a conscious effort to keep the Healer protected and stay together.”

  Kayn was far too excited and not the least bit afraid. She was now a danger seeking energy junkie. She had to stop herself from smiling. Everyone appeared to be concerned.

  Astrid instructed, “Kayn, you are going to have to open the roof using your ability.”

  Haley touched her shoulder and gave her a light squeeze. She said, “After you’ve opened the roof you’ll need to keep it reined in, long enough for Astrid to infect you. Once she does, there’s a good chance you’ll lose control. Please try to avoid blowing up your friends. Blow up clowns. There are usually a large amount of clowns in Astrid’s happy place.”

  Kayn smiled, Haley was on to her. She’d read her mind. Kayn nodded and opted out of a verbal reply. She’d thought only Melody was capable of understanding this intense, addictive, overwhelming need.

  Zach whispered in Melody’s ear, �
�Well, this doesn’t promise to be disturbing at all.”

  Kayn was boosted up and before she placed her hand against the roof, Zach’s commentary made her giggle. Kayn mock complained, “You guys really have to stop talking. I can’t be intimidating if I’m laughing.” He made the motion of zipping his lips. Kayn pressed her palms against the ceiling. She felt the euphoric bliss of the energy as it coursed up the length of her arms. She didn’t want to stop. Every part of her mind told her to keep going. She gasped as the visions of those lost to the Testing began shuffling through her mind. So much brutality and death…There was too much information. She heard someone calling out her name. It was a hollow echo that she felt detached from as though it were coming from the end of a long tunnel. Her heart began to wildly palpitate. It felt incredible. Her nerve endings hummed with intense pleasure that blurred all sense of reason.

  Someone hollered, “You have to stop!”

  Her mind was lost…Drowning in bliss as the crypt’s energy coursed through the connection of her arms into her soul. She felt herself gaining strength and ability with every second that passed.

  She heard Zach’s familiar voice shrieking, “Kayn! Please, listen to me! You have to stop!” She snapped back to reality and severed the connection with the ceiling. Her hands were humming with energy. It tickled. She gaped-out while staring at her fingertips, mesmerized by the all-encompassing euphoria of power coursing through her. She wanted more. She pressed her fingertips together and as she slowly drew them apart, her pulse raced with pleasure.

  She could hear Zach’s voice saying, “Kayn are you still with me?”

  She heard him but had no reply to that question. She heard other voices but they’d ceased to be of any importance.

  She heard Zach say, “Kayn! Do you need Melody’s help?”

  Kayn snapped out of the trance-like state. Everything around her came into focus as she responded, “No, I’m good.” Even though she continued to be amused by the crackling sensation of the ball of energy she was manipulating between her fingers, she was with them now. Kayn’s expression darkened as she looked up at the ceiling and commanded, “Open!” The ceiling opened without hesitation. Astrid kissed Haley on the lips and she began to laugh as the others gave her a boost through the roof. She wedged her dagger into the grooves, just in case their escape hatch into the insanity tried to close before they all made it through. Astrid kissed everyone and with teamwork they were quickly helped through the opening before the toxin was in full effect. Kayn had managed to calm down enough to rid her palms of the visible energy, but it was still there, fighting against her as she slowly inhaled and exhaled.

  Astrid looked at her and said, “Be honest with me. Are you in control?”

  The struggle was in her eyes as Kayn honestly replied, “I’m trying.”

  “That is all I needed to know,” Astrid responded.

  Kayn had never kissed a stranger and couldn’t help but grin as Zach’s dare crossed her mind. It was a girl and a stranger. That had to be bonus points on her unbucket list. She felt her cheeks redden as Astrid leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips. She smiled at her new clan member. Astrid quickly boosted her through the opening and the others yanked her through into the next room. Kayn’s last rational thought before the virus took ahold of her mind was… That was nice.

  Kayn was standing in a beautiful lush field with a brilliant blue sky above her. It was miraculous. Her happy place appeared to be the in-between. Even in her moderately unhinged state of mind she recognized the in-between as her home. Home wasn’t the RV they travelled in, that was only a temporary place to rest her head. It gave her an overwhelming feeling of warmth and security to recognize that she still had a place to call home. Bubbles began to float all around her. This was incredible. She felt like a child full of wonderment and awe as she caught one on the palm of her hand and stared at it. There was a rainbow. She sighed. Astrid had a beautiful imagination. She heard music from an ice-cream truck. A couple dozen clowns danced through the bubbles towards them holding brightly colored balloons. Kayn had to admit that this sight that gave joy in childhood, made her feel a little bit anxious as an adult. As she stepped backwards, she tripped and as her hands touched the ground, the grass shocked her. Her mind whispered, it’s not really grass. The vision flickered with a disturbing sound bite of what was really happening… Chainsaws. She shivered with adrenaline as a voice in her mind whispered, you are allowed to kill the clowns. Don’t kill your friends. Energy surged through her body and she rose to her feet with her fingers sparking. This was going to be fun! She manipulated the orb until she’d created a giant blue bubble of destruction between her fingertips. The happy childlike clowns were still twirling and prancing through the field towing along their brightly colored balloons. Kayn giggled as she pitched the orb of energy directly at them, blowing them into a million shards of clown meat and brightly colored material. The bubbles stopped floating around her. The virus was beginning to dissipate. How was she still healing herself? She’d assumed the gift she’d borrowed from Melody was temporary. In the distance, another herd of brightly colored clowns sprinted towards her. These clowns were not carrying balloons. They were visibly carrying chainsaws. She was about to be attacked by a dozen assailants wielding chainsaws wearing maniacal clown masks. She’d have to take more energy if she wanted to have fun with it. As she knelt down, she noticed that even more of the façade had been revealed, the grass was now the stone floor of the crypt. The sound of uplifting ice-cream truck music changed to the raucous rumbling of chainsaws. Someone grabbed her arm and pulled her up. It was Astrid.

  Astrid abruptly kissed her lips and said, “I gave you the opportunity to let your freak flag fly and blow up a few dozen clowns but you have to allow this version to happen or they will just keep coming. Just go with it.”

  The toxin took hold. Kayn was instantly content and super chill with the ice-cream truck music playing again. Just go with it. The clowns were holding balloons and twirling towards them. They released the balloons; it was beautiful against the magnificent backdrop of azure sky. She watched them fly away as the clowns began tickling them. They laughed and laughed until the lights went out.

  The group awoke in a room covered in blood and chunks of clown. Kayn flung a red foam nose off her chest. That was ten stages of messed-up.

  Zach chuckled as he pointed out, “Your version of a happy place is slightly different than mine.”

  Astrid countered, “After being stuck in here for this long, we should all feel lucky my happy place isn’t further off the deep end.”

  Melody began to laugh, “My version of what we just experienced was pretty strange, but pain free and that my friend, is all that matters.”

  Astrid exclaimed, “Well, you will all have to keep travelling down the rabbit hole with me until we find the exit.”

  They continued their trek into the madness as they strolled down a darkened corridor with whispering walls and came across white smooth marble stairs that appeared to spiral upwards for quite a distance.

  “Does this feel too obvious to anyone else?” Zach questioned.

  Haley grinned and announced, “Nope, this is the right direction.”

  The first stair had something written on it. It was in another language. Kayn said, “Does anyone know what that says?”

  Haley quietly mumbled, “I know what it says but I hate reading anything aloud in here. It always backfires on me.”

  “Does it warn us to beware of something?” Mel asked. “I don’t care about anything else.”

  Kayn could read it. She wasn’t sure how but she knew what was engraved on the stone. She opted out of saying anything to the others. She’d freaked everyone out enough.

  Haley explained, “We are supposed to tell each other about our past as we climb up the stairs. It’s nothing overtly ominous.”

  Kayn fought the urge to crouch down and run her fingers over the engraved poem. It was almost poetry. It read, ‘to pass the te
st you must have told stories new and stories old.’ She smiled and stepped onto the first stair. They began to climb the staircase as a group.

  Haley casually asked, “How’s Greydon doing?”

  Kayn gave her a funny look before she clicked. She cooed, “Greydon? Awe, that’s such an adorable name.” They scaled the first couple flights of white marble stairs.

  Zach shook his head and chuckled, “I bet that reaction is exactly why he gets everyone to call him Grey now.”

  Astrid teased, “You’d know Zach. Is your real name Zachary or Zachariah?”

  Zach sighed as he trudged up the stairs. He said, “Just Zach is fine.”

  Kayn scaled the seemingly endless staircase. How many flights of spiral stairs had they gone up? There appeared to be no end in sight. They were all panting and totally exhausted.

  Astrid sat down first on the stairs and signaled Zach to sit down beside her. The rest of them followed suit. Astrid chuckled, “Zach, you’re a good-looking dude. I bet you walk past girls and they signal you in like a plane.”

  Haley gave him a once over, “You do have that sexy ‘Legends of the Fall’ thing going on.”

  Kayn took a good look at Zach. He was hotter. His hair was longer and wavy. When did that happen?

  Astrid checked Zach out and ribbed, “We’d have to soak him down with water and get him to run across the room before I can be certain.”

  He teased, “Is that the polite way of saying I need a haircut?”

  “Don’t you dare!” Astrid quipped.

  Kayn smiled and kept quiet, as she watched the cute flirtatious exchange. She was confused as she looked at Zach. How did she miss that?

  “So, tell us about the drama. When we left, Grey was with Arrianna, but not seriously. Frost was well... Frost. Jenna and Orin had just broken up. I bet that didn’t last long. The clan was searching for Freja. Did Frost end up with her? I always thought there was something more between those two. Lexy was a ticking time bomb and Lily was insanely beautiful.”


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