Club Comrade

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Club Comrade Page 3

by Michael James

  “It would be a lot easier on you if you would just relax.”

  “That’s easy for you to say, considering you aren’t the one being forced to marry a guy, pretend in front of a bunch of people you don’t even know and wonder when this maniac will let you go home. I’ll relax when I am free.”

  “Carmen, I’m not trying to be cruel to you. I’m sorry you are the one getting caught in the cross fire. I had no other choice besides this.”

  “That is such bullshit and you know it.”

  “Awe, the happy couple is fighting right after they say I do.”

  I twist my body to see Sherry standing behind me. “Go the hell away, Sherry. I’m talking to my husband.” I turn back to face Blake and his eyebrows are raised then he smirks at me.

  “Oh, don’t you worry your pretty little purple head about me. I am on my way out right now. It seems I’ll be having drinks later at Whiskey Jack’s with a certain somebody.”

  I get to my feet and swing my arm as hard as I can. My fist landing on her jaw. Her face jerks to the side from the impact. I shake my hand out from the sting. God that felt good to hit something. Sherry gets herself together and takes a swing at me, but Blake stops her hand mid-air. He calls for some guy named Harvey. Just about everyone from inside the clubhouse is outside by now.

  “Harvey, take Sherry to the shed.”

  “What! You can’t do this to me, Blake.”

  “I just did. See you tomorrow.”

  “Blake, what is the shed?”

  “Just someplace where she won’t be meeting anyone tonight.”

  “Oh my God, you are locking her up? What the hell kind of monster are you?”

  “I’m not a fucking monster at all. She deserves to be punished for coming after my family.”

  “I’m not your family.”

  “You are as of twenty minutes ago. I’m hungry and need a drink. If you are done talking, let’s join our guests.”

  We walk inside, there is no reason for me to try and talk to him. He isn’t going to let me go home until he is ready to let me. I might as well enjoy a stiff drink and hope the food is good.

  I glance around at all the decorations; they went overboard with the wedding bells and streamers. We pass by a table with a wedding cake sitting in the middle of it. It’s white and two layers high. It has a couple of purple roses on it and some black lace in the center. Blake’s and my names are written on it in black. Whoever frosted this cake either loves black or thinks my wedding is a funeral, probably the latter. It feels that way at least.

  Blake hands me a plate and we form a line buffet style. I fill my plate with some food. I wanted Ziti because it’s my favorite but I’m too afraid I’ll get it on Blake and Scarlett’s mother’s wedding dress. I would hate to ruin such a pretty dress even if Blake is an asshole.

  “That’s all you are going to eat?”

  “Yep saving room for the death cake over there,” I say, pointing to the corner.

  “Why wait?”

  Blake takes me by the elbow and tugs me along with him. I swear he does whatever he pleases, whenever he wants too. He picks up the knife and hands it to me. I take it and I think I could stab him with it, but then I remember the dress. I cut into the top layer and take a slice, placing it on a plate, then I repeat it to get him one too. He goes to walk back, and I stop him.

  “That isn’t all there is to a wedding cake. We have to feed each other a bite.”

  “That is stupid, you know that, right?”

  “I do, but everyone is watching.”


  He sets the small plate down and picks up the slice of cake. And I do the same. Blake holds it to my mouth and I open taking a small bite. I pick my piece up and he opens his mouth right before I get to his lips. I hurry and smash the cake all over his face. I step back, and he comes after me. He’s faster than I and his lips are on mine before I can do anything else. I taste the sweetness from his tongue and I deepen the kiss. His hand comes up to the back of my head and fists my hair. He slides his body closer to mine, his lips are gone but his hot breath is on my neck as he moves to my ear.

  “Careful wife, it might be time to start the honeymoon.”

  Chapter 7 ~ Carmen

  I sit at the head table watching everyone have a good time. They are drinking a ton of beer and throwing shots back like there’s no tomorrow. Blake has been mingling around the room but keeping a close eye on me. Not sure why it’s not like I’d get very far if I were to try and leave again. There is one of his boys at both exits, and I wonder if he told them to guard the door or if it’s just a coincidence. Either way, it doesn’t really matter, I’m stuck here until Blake lets me leave.

  I get up and make my way over to Blake. I want to get out of here. I did what he wanted and married him, now I want to get out of this dress, crawl into bed and hope I wake from this nightmare. I get halfway over to him, and the music stops. I stop moving when I hear it’s time for the first dance. Don’t these people know this is a fake marriage to piss Chad off? Why are they going to great lengths to make this bogus wedding real? How can we have the first dance? We don’t even have a song. We barely know each other to have a song. If Blake wants a dance, he can come to me because I’m not moving. I did the stupid cake thing to piss him off, and it turned him on more than anything. Foolish move on my behalf.

  I pretend I don’t see Blake walking my way. I don’t want to dance with him. I don’t want his hands on my ass again or anywhere. I just want the hell out of here.

  “Looks like my song is now our song.”

  “What do you mean your song?”

  “They picked my favorite song for our first dance.”

  “Well, I don’t know this song.”

  He pulls me to the dance floor and he holds me close and then he starts to sing the words near my ear. I don’t know this song or the words, but it’s deep and I can tell it has some sort of meaning to him. I find myself wondering what this song means to him more and more the longer he sings it. I want to ask, but I like his voice and I don’t want him to stop singing to me.

  When the words are gone and its just music I ask, “What song is this?”

  “When I’m gone.”

  “What does it mean to you?”

  “I’m the president of a motorcycle club, you tell me.”

  The lyrics come back on and he sings once again. Funny, a few minutes ago I wanted to get far away from him, and in this minute, I want to get closer to him. I want to know him, the real him, not the biker. I get this gut feeling inside that Blake Comrade is a good person, screaming to get out.

  “Blake, can we get out of here?” I ask when the song is over.

  Blake winks at me and next thing I know his lips are on mine. His tongue dancing with mine while his hand comes to the side of my face. The club members whistling and hooting. There for a second, I forgot I’m surrounded by people I don’t know and married to a man who gave me no choice in our marriage.

  Blake takes me by the hand and leads me out of the clubhouse. We take the path up to his house and now that we left everyone, I almost want to go back. I don’t know what is going to happen once we are alone. The way he just kissed me, I don’t know if I want to rip his clothes off or what. I’m so confused. I’m supposed to be marrying Chad. I’m supposed to be in love with Chad. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how far Blake wants to take this fake marriage.

  We get inside the door and there is a trail of white Christmas light with rose petals from the front door, down the hall to his room. Whoever did this, went to great lengths to really make this feel like a sexy wedding night. I look over at Blake and his eyes are glued on me.

  “You can go to my room, I’ll be there in a bit.”

  I get halfway down the hall and I glance back. Blake is nowhere to be seen. A part of me wants to know where he went, the other part of me wants to lock him out of his own bedroom. I open the door and Blake’s room is lit with Christmas lights, there are ros
e petals on the bed and a few candles lit around the room. I go in and sit down on the bed, picking up a few petals and I smell them. I look around hoping someone got me some clothes to wear, but I see nothing.

  I start to pace the room. I’ve been left here alone for the last hour. I have no clothes to change into, and there is no way I’m sleeping in this wedding dress. I have no idea where Blake is or what he’s doing. I thought he would have come in here a while ago. Should I go check on him? Should I just get clothes from his dresser and go to sleep?

  Opening the door, I peek my head out into the hallway. I don’t hear anything, so I tiptoe down the hallway towards the door. He isn’t in the living room nor the kitchen. I open the door and I find him sitting on his porch swing. I don’t think he has noticed me, and I stand here staring at him for a moment. He seems to be in deep thought. Maybe I should just leave him alone.

  “Not what you expected, is it?”


  “Your wedding day. I bet you have different idea’s when you marry Chad.”

  “I haven’t planned anything.”

  I go over and sit down next to him and take his smoke from his fingers. I put it to my lips and let the nicotine fill my lungs. It reminds me of a few days ago, when I sat next to him at Whiskey Jacks.

  “Why didn’t you go to sleep?”

  “You want me to sleep in your mothers wedding dress?”

  “Not really. I’d rather have you naked and lying underneath me. It’s why I’m out here.”

  “You’re not going to sleep with me?”



  “You should be happy, not questioning me why I’m not going to fuck you.”

  “I don’t get you at all, Blake. You are confusing on so many levels.”

  “Are you saying you want me to sleep with you? I’m going to warn you, if I do that, I wouldn’t be giving you back to Chad Harper.”

  “Do you hear that?” I say getting to my feet and walking towards the steps.

  Blake gets to his feet fast. “Get inside, Carmen.”

  “No. I know that is Chad’s bike. I know that sound anywhere.”

  “And I’m telling you as my wife, to get the fuck in the house.”

  “Isn’t this what you wanted? You wanted him to know I’m married to you, guess what, I’m still in the damn dress. Maybe then after you piss him off, I can leave.”

  Blake takes two big steps towards me. I see the headlight shinning on Blake and me. Before I can do anything, Blake puts his arm around my waist and yanks me to his body. His mouth is on mine and his taste is in my mouth. I don’t know what I’m doing when I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. Chad is never going to forgive me, and he will seek revenge on me for this.

  “Carmen? What the hell is going on here?”

  Blake stands in front of me like he’s my protector. “Get the fuck off my property.”

  “I came here to tell you I know what you did, and I will get you back. Club Comrade has been warned. Nobody takes out two of my men and gets away with it. Carmen get your ass on this bike right now.”

  “She’s not going anywhere with you.”

  “Carmen, you know if you stay here, you become one of them and I’m sure you don’t want that.”

  “I believe you have ten seconds to get off this land, or I’ll shoot you myself.” Billy says.

  Chad turns and sees he’s clearly outnumbered by the club. He gives me the evil eye and I know, he is serious. I don’t know if I can ever go back to him. I’m not sure I could handle the repercussions.

  Chapter 8

  Carmen runs into the house after Chad takes off. I don’t know her well, but if I were a guessing man, I’d say she is terrified of Chad. When he pulled up to my front porch on his bike, she was like a deer in headlights. Well it could be from me having my tongue down her throat and Chad caught it, but I really don’t believe that is it. Chad has put fear into her and I want to know why she planned on marrying a guy like him. I can’t find that right now, though, because I need to figure out how the hell he got into my compound. I know damn well the gates have been locked all day. No one was to come or go from the club on my wedding day.

  Walking in my house I find Carmen in my room digging through my dresser. I lean on the door frame and watch her. I almost never want her to get out of my mother’s dress. She is absolutely stunning in it. When she catches me in the reflection of the mirror, I push off the wall. I go to stand behind her and unzip the dress. She stares at me and I stare back.

  Leaning forward, I say, “Did you find something comfortable to wear?”

  “If you consider men’s clothing comfortable, then yes.”

  “I have to go tend to some club business. Make yourself at home.”

  Backing away from Carmen, I get to the door before she says, “I blame you for this.”

  I play dumb, and ask, “For what?”

  “For what will happen when you decide to let me go. You destroyed my life.”

  “Are you saying Chad will take it out on you and not me?”

  “Probably both. I hope you are happy.”

  “I guess I’ll have to keep you then.”

  Leaving the room, I keep walking until I am outside. I get a smoke from my pack and light it. I let the smoke fill my lungs as I step off my porch to head down to the clubhouse. Someone knows who unlocked the gate and no one is sleeping tonight until I know who the fuck it was.

  Opening the door to the clubhouse, I take one last drag of my smoke then toss it in the bucket. Making my over to where the music is playing, a few of my boys spot me. Their smiles fall from their face when they watch me cut the music off. I put my fingers to my mouth and whistle, getting the attention of those too drunk to notice me.

  “Now that I have everyone’s attention, who the hell was in charge of making sure the gate stayed locked?” Not one motherfucker says a word. “No one is leaving this clubhouse until I know, so fess up or get comfortable.”

  “Shouldn’t you be with your new bride?” One of the club’s wives says.

  “I should, but I had a visitor that only a handful of you know about. The rest of you were too busy getting wasted.”

  “It was probably me, Blake. I had to let the flower lady in. I’m so sorry.”

  I eye everyone in the room. I know damn well Kara didn’t do this. Who is she covering for? I pull out a seat and kick my feet up. I’m not going anywhere until I know.

  “It wasn’t Kara. She doesn’t even know the passcode, it was me.”

  “Were you coming or going, Reed?”

  “I left to go feed my mother’s cat. She is on vacation.”

  “Now see that wasn’t so tough was it?” I get up and turn the music back on then I use my head to motion for Billy to follow me. Once we are outside I say, “You watch him. I don’t trust the little prick. I’ve already had my eye on him for the last two months.”

  “You got it, Boss.”

  “What are you going to do about Sherry?”

  “Tonight, she is fine where she is. I’ll talk with you tomorrow.”

  I shut the front porch light off once I get back to my house, and then lock the door. I head right to my kitchen because I need a fucking drink after this day, that’s for sure. I flip the light on and go right for the refrigerator to get out a can of beer, opening it on my way to the living room, where I plan on sitting on my ass the rest of the night.

  Parking my ass on the sofa, I turn the television on and start flipping through the channels. Carmen is just down the hall and the man in me wants to go rip her clothes off. I can’t do that because my mother taught me to respect women, so I know I can’t go in my room and become all caveman on her, even though, I want too.


  I turn to see Carmen standing behind me. “I thought you might have gone to bed.”

  “I can’t sleep.”

  Carmen sits down next to me and lets out a sigh. “Want a drink?”

>   “No.” She reaches over and takes a smoke from my pack and lights one.

  “I don’t smoke in the house.”

  “Too fucking bad.”

  I reach over and take the lit cigarette from her hand and drop it in my beer can. I swear she wants to slap me. “You want to smoke go outside.”

  Carmen leans into my space to get another smoke. I grab onto to the side of her face and bring her lips to mine. Her hand grips onto my arm when her tongue enters my mouth. I run my hand from her face to her hair and fill my hand with it. Carmen moves her body and drapes her legs over top of mine. I yank her head back as I let my mouth fall to her neck. I keep traveling down to her collarbones then stop. I see her erect nipples through one of my white tank tops. I slowly slide my hand up her shirt to her nipple. My cock instantly starts to grow in my jeans.

  Carmen’s hand moves upward on my arm. I think she wants more, but that isn’t the truth. She gets my pack of smokes and hurries off my lap and runs towards the door.

  Chapter 9

  Once Carmen was done smoking out on the porch last night she came to my room where she found me lying on the floor. She didn't ask me to sleep in my bed with her, and it wouldn't have mattered if she had. I had no intentions of sleeping next to her. I can't kiss the girl without my dick coming to life, so there was no way in hell I could sleep in the same bed as her and not get a full blown erection. Carmen is smoking hot and kisses better than any girl I've ever been with. I think I made the right choice by sleeping on the floor.

  Carmen is taking a shower. I told her I would take her shopping for some clothes today since she only has the clothes she was wearing three days ago when I decided I was going to be bringing her home with me. Shopping fucking sucks, but I don't trust one of the ladies to take her. Carmen seems like a tough girl, and she'd probably kick the shit out of any girl here to escape. I am not about to let her go just yet, especially, after the effect it had on Chad when he saw his woman on my porch. Payback's a bitch, and I hope he lost sleep over knowing his soon to be wife was sleeping in my bed. He took my sister and had his goons keep her captive; this is mild compared to having Scarlett tied to a tree with a gun pointing at her. I'm pretty fucking sure they were ordered to take my sister out. I really do hate the fact that I am using Carmen to get even. It really isn't the type of man I am at all. I'm also a man of my word, and I will let her go home at the end of the week. I just need to keep my dick in my pants five more days.


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