All This Time

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All This Time Page 22

by Stacy Lane

  Introspection was extremely hard to grasp post orgasm. It became impossible when he dropped his pants. Why did I care about self-observation in a time like this anyhow? Observation: satisfied.

  Luke took himself in hand while watching me laid out on his bed. He swaggered back to me, ripping open the wrapper and sheathing himself in it.

  Luke came on top of me, arms bent beside my head. I could feel him between my legs, immensely engorged enough for me to worry about the state of vagina when we were through.

  “I won’t be willing to let you go after this,” he spoke with sincerity and constraint.

  I tilted my head as I watched him carefully. “You know I have to go home tomorrow, Luke.”

  “I can handle that. For a little while. But that’s not what I meant.” He kissed me hard. And then he entered me. So full, so wonderful. Our pleased sounds mixing together. “This right here. You and me. It’s different. It’s special.”

  I couldn’t agree more.

  He started to move. Pulling out, thrusting in. Slow and firm. I reached for him, pulling his face to mine and kissing him with everything I had. My leg came up, hooking over his waist. He went deeper. He groaned, and thrust harder. We lost control together.

  With his hand gripping my leg around him, Luke’s strokes came faster. Harder. Fierce. I lost myself. I gave myself. And we went over the edge together.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The first three seconds I roused from sleep were like any other ordinary day. But as I rolled onto my back for a morning stretch the heavy arm draped over my waist dislodged.

  I turned my head way too fast, neck cramping, to lay eyes on a sleeping Luke. My muscles were not as awake as I was just then. And then there’s the soreness from our sexcapades, too.

  Fallen arm or not, it didn’t stop Luke from pulling me back into him.

  I like that he’s a snuggle type of guy.

  Rolling again, this time I press my naked front to his underneath the sheets. Luke’s eyes remained closed. He stirred when I moved, but I could tell by his breathing he was drifting back to sleep.

  The sun was shining through the blinds behind us. It was way too bright, and he needed curtains.

  Instead of bothering with the time—because I needed to pick up Brielle—I took advantage of this moment and watched his gorgeous face while he slept. I found it impossible not to touch him, brushing fingers lightly over his temple and down his cheek.

  I toyed with his bottom lip. Those magical lips. All those times I stared and envisioned them doing exactly what they did last night brought my reverie to life.

  After our first round, Luke decided he wasn’t done with me. He explored every inch, teasing and torturing until I begged for another release. When he lured a third orgasm from me, I found his hard cock poking for attention. Luke went straight for a second condom.

  Our first time was intimate. Our second was more an intimate fucking.

  I associated “fucking” as a description that lacked intimacy. Wrong, wrong, dead wrong. Luke did me hard, fast, and pleasured me with raw adoration.

  My body stirred just thinking about what we shared in this bed only hours ago. I should take full advantage while I can. Once I leave today who knows how long it will be until I see him again.

  The physical distance between our two homes brought a whole new light into the room. We were doing this despite that stretch of road, but how long could it work? With split trips I would spend my turns fearing another run-in with Brady.

  Now that Brady wanted to “talk” it felt like a whole new dilemma has been added to my plate. Even though it was the last thing I wanted to do, I had to consider it for my daughter. He’s an asshole, but even assholes could turn their life around.

  I would never forgive him for leaving her before she was born, and it would never be a picturesque life for the three of us, but if Brielle wanted him there, I would deal. Then again it might not be as simple as all that. He flipped in to a jerk when he realized Luke and I were together at the wedding. And I had a hunch he would remain a problem if I get more involved with Luke.

  “If your touch wasn’t already waking me up, your thoughts would be.”

  My eyes lift from his left pectoral where I had been doodling with a finger. Luke’s hooded, sleepy brown eyes were sexy as hell.

  “What’s got you thinking so hard this early in the morning?”

  “That I have to go home today.” I peeked over his shoulder at the clock on his nightstand. “It’s after nine.”

  He groaned his dislike and pulled me in tighter. “How much longer do I have you for?”

  “I should go soon. I have to pick up my car, and Bri. Stop by to see my dad for a little bit.”

  Luke rolled on top of me, pressing his morning erection between my thighs. “Sounds like we have time for one more go-around.”

  “If your go-around is anything like last night then I’ll be here all day.”

  “Even better.”

  I giggled when his nibbled on my ear. It couldn’t be helped. But then the galling sound morphed into a moan when he kissed behind it, trailing his mouth down my neck.

  Told ya. Magical lips.

  “One night and I’m already spoiled. The next five days are going to suck,” he said, still exploring my neck.

  “What’s in five days?” I had no clue what he was talking about. Then again it’s hard to concentrate when his mouth was on me.



  Pausing his attempts to distract me, he lifts up. “Next weekend. When I drive out to your place.”

  He had my attention now.

  “You’re coming to my apartment next weekend?” I asked, even though he clearly said that’s what he is going to be doing.

  “Yes. Is that a problem?”

  “No,” I say quickly. “I’m just surprised, is all.”

  “Good surprised, I hope.”

  “Of course. Just not what I expected with Paul being gone for the next two weeks.”

  “We don’t work weekends. Er, most weekends.”

  “And you’re already making a trip up my way like it’s nothing.”

  “Babe, it’s two hours. Not that far.”

  “I guess.”

  “Liv, I want this.” Luke sits up taller, showing me how serious he is. “You and me. And Bri. I’m willing to drive the two hours to your place every weekend if that’s what it takes.”

  “Oh wow,” I breathed.

  He was twisting my stomach up in heart shaped knots with his cushy, sweet words. I should have expected this. Luke was always that intense kind of person. If you were a part of his life—family, friend, girlfriend—he gave his all.

  “Every weekend, for now,” he reiterated.

  I could only live in the now. Thinking too far ahead of the whens and wheres in a few months, after dating Luke not even a full twenty-four hours, is too much. He’s an all-in guy. I’m a baby steps type of girl.

  Thankfully, he’s also a patient man. There are some bad situations I need to sort before I can fully enjoy the good.

  “Wanna take a walk on the property before you go?” he asks.

  I nod.

  “Let’s shower first.” Luke winks, hopping out of bed.

  Stark naked.


  Had I really been naked with someone who looks like that?

  The property wasn’t the only privilege I was seeing for the first time in the morning light. Narrow hips, muscular thighs, and a mammoth of a co—

  “What are you doing? C’mon. Shower.”


  Luke reaches for the sheets to pull me out of bed, but I held on like a vice.




  “Babe,” he grinned. “You haven’t seen my bathroom yet. Trust me. You’ll want to shower.”

  “I do want a shower. But I’ll wait until you’re done.”

  His grin deepened. Then he craw
led back over me. As he came closer, I went down on my back. Luke leaned above me, arms outstretched beside my head.

  “I want you against the shower walls, but I’ll take you here too.”

  “I know what you’re doing. It won’t work.”

  “Wanna bet.” Luke thrusts his hips. The sheet between us leaving nothing to be desired.

  A moan rips from my chest when his phallus meets my soft, wet center.

  “I promise you’ll leave here more than satisfied,” he whispers into my ear. “Maybe just a little later than you planned.”

  My hands run along his sinewy back.

  “Fine,” I give in. Such a hard choice to make.

  Luke jumps out of bed taking me with him. Circling his arms around to trap me in, he walks backwards toward the bathroom with a mischievous smile on his face.


  An hour later, with wet hair falling down my back and soaking my shirt, I walked hand in hand with Luke around his empty land. He bought five acres from Henderson. The orange groves in the distance separated his property from Henderson’s.

  With nothing to actually see on the property, Luke pointed here and there and told me of all his visions for what he would eventually do.

  “You have a camper,” I impart with a bland tone as I stare at the chrome airstream twenty yards ahead.

  “Before the house was built that’s where I lived.”

  “In a camper?”

  “People do it all the time. Besides, if you ever want to go real camping—well, minus a tent kind of real—we can.”

  “You mean not the way Paul camps,” I joke.

  “That’s why I didn’t plan on going with them to begin with. Don’t get me wrong, the RV was nice, but he might as well have stayed at a resort if he wanted luxury. That wasn’t camping.”

  “Mm. I agree. You don’t have to explain your reasoning with me.”

  “Love that guy like a brother, but he’s way too extra.”

  “Della too. That’s why they’re perfect for each other.”

  “Can you believe I dated that girl?” Luke laughs with sarcasm.

  I…can’t find a response to that for the life of me.

  “Too soon?” he asks, pursing his mouth.

  “No,” I drag out.

  Luke throws his arm over my shoulders, burying his face in my neck while he laughs.

  I smack him.

  We pass a large naval orange tree planted closer to the house. The plump fruits hang in bright yellow-orange orbs against the deep green leaves. I can picture coming out here to pick a few for fresh squeezed orange juice in the mornings. Brielle would love that.

  The humidity and heat is so high today my hair has already dried, and what is sticking to the back of my neck is not residual wetness from the shower.

  Picking the hairband off my wrist, I flip my head upside down and throw the heavy, wavy strands into a topknot.

  “You need a Gator,” I comment.

  “Henderson probably has one hiding out in the fish ponds if you want to go see it.”

  I stand straight again, glaring at his joke. “Not funny. Please tell me your property isn’t near those nasty ponds.”

  Luke laughs. “No, we’re nowhere near them.”

  “Ugh. Good. And I meant a side-by-side Gator. Not the reptile.”

  “I know what you meant.” He keeps laughing. “It’s on the list.”

  We head back to the house. My flip-flops dirty and possibly ruined from walking around out here.

  “I should have worn your boots,” I mutter.

  “I told you.”


  “Here.” Luke stops in front of me, bending at the knee. “Hop on.”

  At the expense of sounding prissy…dirt between my toes is gross.

  I’ve been living in the city too long.

  Jumping on his back, he wraps his hands around my legs and hoists me up.

  I lean forward and kiss his cheek. “Thanks.”

  “Thank you. I’ll take any excuse to have you pressed against me.”

  I hug him from behind, pressing my face between his neck and shoulder.

  Happy. Him and I walking around, sharing laughs, picking at each other—makes me happy.

  Leaving my old life behind and starting a new one gave me certain joys. Independence, motherhood, possibilities to make the right decisions for our lives, but what I was missing was happiness.

  Coming upon the back side of the house I admire the wrap around porch on one side.

  “You need a porch swing.”

  “Anything else you want to add to my list?” he smirks over his shoulder.

  “Curtains for your bedroom. I love all the windows, but that morning sunlight is brutal.”

  “Got it.”

  “And barstools for the island.”

  “You said that last night.”

  “Did I?”

  Luke sets me down at the back door. We climb the wobbly, makeshift steps he has in place for now. The wood piled around the yard is for the back patio he’s going to start building soon.

  As I’m packing up my things, Luke asks, “If you’re going to your dad’s, are you going to tell Brielle about his cancer?”

  I sigh. “She just got him. I’ve kept her away from a grandfather for five years, and right when she get’s him I supposed to tell her he has cancer.”

  Luke runs his hands up and down my shoulders.

  “And now there’s Brady. I have to unload two giant pieces of news on her.”

  “I’m going to go talk to him after y’all leave.”

  “You think he’s actually serious about wanting to meet Brielle?”

  “Brady’s a selfish prick. I think he wants to talk to you and meet Brielle, but for all the wrong reasons.”

  I nod. “I saw the jealousy in his eyes when he figured out you and I were together yesterday.”

  It wasn’t my belief that Brady harbored feelings for me after all this time. When I witnessed the flash of green in his pure blue eyes, it wasn’t the kind of envy where little brother got the girl and he did not. It was jealousy that little brother made all the right choices in life where he’s made the wrong ones. It was jealousy that gave him the pretense of Luke showing him up. It was jealousy that made someone more dangerous.

  Envy and jealousy carried similarities. Like twins, but jealousy was the more evil, darker sibling.

  “If he’s serious, I don’t want you talking to him without me there.”

  “I’m a big girl, Luke. I can handle Brady.”

  “Not saying you can’t, Liv. I am asking you not to. He had a bad look to him yesterday. I didn’t like it.”

  “You think he’ll cause trouble?”

  “He’ll try,” he replied honestly. “That is the only reason I’m glad you don’t live here yet.”

  “Yet?” I smiled, lifting a brow.

  “You heard me,” he replies, gripping my face and bringing it to his for a fierce kiss. “Think I’m going to live in this big house all by myself?”

  My breath caught. “Luke.”

  “There is a lot of shit I hold back from saying so I don’t scare you away.” His deep brown gaze searches mine. “But you have to know, Liv. I haven’t exactly been subtle when it comes to you since you got back.”

  “We just started dating. What if you don’t like me as much as you imagined?”

  “I was never one born with a wild imagination. So it’s safe to say, I know what I want.”

  Luke drives me to the Neilands to pick up Brielle. Driving away from the house, seeing the full picture in the daylight—I fell in love with it. I could be somewhat biased now that Luke voiced his plans of a future where he shares all this with me. It was secluded and quiet. It felt a million miles away from the rest of the world.

  Saying goodbye to everyone again grows more difficult each time we leave for home in Tampa.

  It’s like Calusa has a dome over it. One giant bubble, and every time we crossed the town
line the atmosphere changed. The air cleared. I felt whole, included. The others on the outside didn’t exists, and all of sudden I had people. My people, not pretenders like the ones I’ve tried bonding with at work.

  Calusa wasn’t perfect with sunshine and rainbows just because it felt detached from the rest of the planet. It has storms, and the thunder and lightning within clashed imperfectly like me.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Between getting caught up with work at home and the office, I was dragging by Wednesday evening. Before starting dinner, Brielle called my dad, as she’s taken habit to every night after we get home. She tells him about every little thing that goes on during her day, and he listens with equal enthusiasm.

  Being away all weekend pushed my house chores back a few days. Shouldn’t seem so bad, yet I was up to my ears in dirty laundry. Most week nights I was too worn out after work, Brielle’s homework, dinner, and bath time to worry about keeping the apartment tidy. At least it’s summer break and homework is not on my long list of to-dos.

  Like grocery shopping. A look inside my pantry reminds me I have to get that trip done very soon.

  As something I have taken habit to, I speak with my dad on every phone call once Brielle’s through. The first question out of my mouth every time is how he’s feeling. He tells me honestly, but he hates the fuss I make. Most days are good for now. The bad ones are hit and miss. But he knows the clock is ticking. And that makes me sad. For as much as I had issues in the past with my dad, I’ve decided to overcome them and live in the now. For however long I have left with him.

  I’ve peeled, cut, and boiled the potatoes, and now they are ready to be mashed. Brielle sits in the living room watching a movie, but this is a task she can do, and this Momma likes to take advantage of any extra help from her kid she can get.

  “Bri, can you come mash the potatoes, please?” I call out.

  “Yes,” her sweet voice travels back.

  As I hear the rustling movements she makes on her way to the kitchen, a knock on the door shatters all my composure. We don’t get visitors. Hardly ever, really. It could be a neighbor, that is not too unlikely, but I still find it odd.

  A second round of knocks tap against the door. Brielle and I are both staring at it like it’s an oddity.


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