Silver Master gh-5

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Silver Master gh-5 Page 14

by Jayne Castle

  The decision to move the Cadence Guild headquarters downtown had been a public relations bid designed to make the organization appear more mainstream. Here in Frequency, however, the local authorities were apparently not overconcerned with public opinion. The very fact that a man like Benson Landry had risen to such a prominent position in the Guild was proof that the local organization was not all that determined to modernize.

  Landry was unstable and very dangerous. The dark energy emanating from him was similar to other para-sociopaths Titus had encountered in the course of his professional career. In addition, the man was obviously clinging to sanity by his fingertips. When this was over, he would have to be dealt with. But right now he was the only tool available for the job at hand.

  Landry’s office had been built in the period following the Era of Discord when the status and power of the Guilds had been at their height. The room was paneled in spectrum wood and elaborately inlaid with yellow amber. A variety of alien antiquities, including an array of unusual-looking green quartz vases, were arranged around the room. The top of Landry’s desk was a smooth slab of quartz. The walls of the Dead City rose right outside the window. At night the office would be suffused with a radiant green light.

  Power resonated throughout the room, not just the symbolic power associated with status and authority that one expected to encounter in the domain of a Guild Council member, but the very real paranormal power that emanated from the catacombs below.

  Landry looked at him. “I brought Miss Stowe because I thought she would find this interesting.”

  “Yes, of course.” Titus gave the blonde his soothing, Trust me, I’m a doctor smile. “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Stowe.”

  She smiled back, looking baffled but not frightened. She was clearly making an effort to show polite interest, a professional call girl who was accustomed to satisfying the whims of her clients.

  “Benson tells me that you want to demonstrate an alien artifact to him,” she said.

  “That’s right.” Titus looked at Landry. “Any chance we can do this down in the catacombs? There’s a fair amount of ambient psi in here, but the more the better for our purposes.”

  Landry shrugged. He crossed the room and rezzed a hidden lock. A section of the wall opened up, revealing a flight of steep stone steps that led down into darkness.

  Invisible waves of energy flowed up the steps into the room. They were, Titus knew, a sure sign that somewhere down below there was an opening into the catacombs.

  “This way,” Landry said, picking up a flashlight. “Watch your head.”

  He rezzed the flashlight and led the way down the steps. The blonde went next. Titus followed.

  The staircase ended in a dank, heavily timbered basement that dated from the Colonial era. Landry played the beam of the flashlight on one wall, revealing a modern, mag-steel door secured with a sturdy lock.

  Titus watched him rez the lock, wondering how many bodies had disappeared through the door and into the maze of catacombs over the years. There had always been rumors about that sort of thing, especially in the old days. Titus did not doubt the stories and legends associated with them. He was certain that at various times, all of the Guilds had found the endless, largely uncharted alien tunnels convenient dumping grounds. Once a body disappeared into an unexplored section of the ancient underground maze, it was unlikely ever to be found.

  The heavy door swung open on near-silent hinges, revealing a scene illuminated in the acid-green glow of alien energy. Titus found himself looking through a jagged opening in a green quartz wall. Beyond was another staircase. The steps, like the endless maze of tunnels and chambers beyond, were constructed of green quartz. They had been designed for feet that were not quite human.

  The green quartz that the aliens had used to build everything from urns and vases to the most ethereal aboveground spires and towers was virtually indestructible. Certainly no tool yet fashioned by humans was able to make a dent in the stuff.

  The experts did not know what forces had been powerful enough to create the rips and tears in the tunnel walls, but there was no shortage of them beneath all of the Dead City ruins. Some researchers speculated that great earthquakes had, over the years, created the openings. Others suspected that the holes in the walls had been fashioned by the aliens themselves—possibly criminals, rebels, or others who had found the openings useful and who’d had access to the powerful tools that had been used to construct the catacombs.

  Over the years the main entrances to the vast underground realm had been excavated by licensed, authorized explorers and researchers. The Guilds controlled access, because they were the only ones who could provide protection from the energy ghosts that drifted at random through the tunnels.

  But ever since the arrival of the human colonists, uncharted holes in the walls had been exploited by a wide assortment of people who, for one reason or another, had a reason to go underground without professional protection. Licensed and unlicensed small-time antiquities collectors, entrepreneurs engaged in the manufacture and distribution of illegal substances, criminals fleeing the law, and risk-takers attracted to the adventure of unauthorized exploration all made use of the openings.

  A short distance into the glowing green tunnel, Landry came to a halt and looked back at Titus.

  “Will this do?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Titus said. “This will do nicely.” He withdrew the ruby amber artifact from his pocket and smiled at Miss Stowe. “This is what I intend to demonstrate.”

  She glanced at it without much interest. “It’s not made out of green quartz. It looks like red plastic.”

  “Believe me when I tell you that this is no human-made plastic.”

  He focused on her psi patterns, rezzing energy through the ruby amber. He possessed a great deal of natural talent, enough to read her psi waves and even exert a limited and very temporary influence over them. With the aid of the ruby amber, however, his own power was enhanced to an astonishing degree.

  Working swiftly, he pulsed psi through the device, dampening and neutralizing the woman’s own paranormal wave pattern. Her eyes widened slightly in shock. She shook her head once and started to step back, as though to flee.

  Then she froze, an expression of total blankness on her beautiful features. She stood, unmoving, staring blindly into the middle distance.

  Landry frowned. “What the hell did you do to her?”

  “I put her into an instant trance by temporarily neutralizing her psi rhythms.”


  Landry walked slowly around the blonde. He paused behind her and clapped his hands very suddenly. The woman did not flinch. He continued walking until he was back in front of her. He waved one hand before her eyes. She did not blink. There was no sign that she was aware of him.

  “Okay, so you can put her into a trance,” he said. “What good is that?”

  “This is not just any trance,” Titus said, assuming a lecturing tone. “With the aid of this relic I have placed her in what is essentially a blank dreamscape.”

  “She’s dreaming?”

  “Not yet. She is prepared to dream, however.”

  “Explain,” Landry ordered.

  “As you may or may not know, scientific research has confirmed that the dreaming state is the only state in which our psychic senses interact freely with our other five senses without distinction. When we dream, our natural ability to distinguish between the normal and the paranormal disappears.”


  “Most people have had the experience of going to bed with a problem on their minds and awakening the next morning with a solution or at least a new way of approaching the problem. They will tell you that the answer came to them in their dreams. They are correct. During the dreaming state the mind is free to work on the problem with both psi and normal senses in a unique and extremely creative manner that cannot be duplicated in the waking state.”

  “Skip the academic crap. Get to the point.”
  Titus suppressed a sigh. It was extremely irritating to be forced to work with an individual of such limited intellect and education, but he had no choice.

  “As I said,” he continued, striving for patience, “the dream state provides a very creative environment, but there is a downside.”

  “What’s that?”

  “There is a reason why, in the waking state, our normal and paranormal senses are distinct and separate, so much so that many people unknowingly suppress their psychic side altogether.” He hurried now. It was obvious that Landry was losing patience. “That is because the dream state is extremely hazardous from a pragmatic point of view.”

  “Got it.” Landry snapped his fingers. “If we went around in a dream state all the time, we wouldn’t know if the car coming at us in the intersection was real or just a dream construct.”


  Landry was smarter than he appeared, Titus thought. It would be a good idea to keep that in mind.

  Landry surveyed the blonde. “All right, you’ve got her in a waking dream state. Now what?”

  “As I said, in this condition she is not able to distinguish between dream and reality. With the aid of this relic I can ensure that when I bring her out of the trance she will believe that everything that has happened during the past few minutes was nothing but a dream.”

  “You mean she won’t remember our conversation?”

  “No more than she would any other dream.” Titus spread his hands wide. “And what she does recall she will dismiss as only a dream.”

  “This is getting interesting,” Landry said. “But I’m not sure I’ve got a lot of use for that device.”

  Titus cleared his throat. “Perhaps I should mention another application.”

  “What’s that?”

  “In the dream state many of her natural defenses are down.”


  “Meaning that if you ask her a question, she will give you a completely honest answer. This is all a dream to her. In the dream state one does not lie. Go ahead, ask her something you think she would likely conceal if she were awake.”

  Landry laughed harshly. “How old are you?”

  “Thirty-six,” Miss Stowe said. She spoke in a monotone.

  Landry frowned. “She told me she was twenty-eight. She sure as hell looks twenty-eight. Must have had some work done.”

  “Why don’t you try something a little more complicated?” Titus suggested dryly.

  “She was Senator Rathmorten’s mistress for a while,” Landry said. “I wonder if she knows what really happened to his wife. There were rumors that he killed her, but they evaporated quickly. There was no proof, and he was a senator, so he would have been able to quash the investigation.”

  “Why don’t you ask Miss Stowe what she knows?”

  Landry looked at her. “Do you know how Elizabeth Rathmorten died?”

  “Rath murdered her,” Miss Stowe said.

  “Shit,” Landry whispered, fascinated. “How do you know that?”

  “I was there that night,” Miss Stowe replied in the same uninflected voice. “His wife had gone out earlier. The senator and I had sex in his office. I left the mansion but returned a few minutes later through the side entrance because I had forgotten my earrings. When I got back upstairs to his office, I heard his wife’s voice. She had come home sooner than expected. There was an argument. I was afraid they would hear me, so I hid in a hall closet.”

  Landry glanced back over his shoulder at Titus. “This is fucking amazing.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” Titus murmured. Holding the focus with the ruby amber for this long a period of time was exhausting, but he dared not show any weakness to Landry.

  Miss Stowe continued speaking. “I heard sounds of a struggle. And then there was nothing but silence. When Rath came out of his office he was carrying his wife in his arms. I could see that her head was covered in blood. He took her out of the house and drove off with her.”

  Miss Stowe stopped.

  “They found Elizabeth Rathmorten’s body in the alley behind an apartment building,” Landry said to Titus. “It looked like she had jumped. Shit, with information like this, I’ll have Rathmorten in the palm of my hand.”

  “Have you seen enough?” Titus asked.

  “Yeah, sure, let’s get out of here.”

  “One more thing.” Titus focused on Miss Stowe. “You have had an unpleasant dream, but that is all it is, a dream. You do not want to remember it because every time you try, you will get a pounding headache. You are not feeling well. You want to go straight home and go to sleep.”

  He stopped pulsing psi through the relic. Miss Stowe blinked several times, looking confused. Then she collected herself and turned to Landry.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, her hand on her stomach, “but I’m feeling a little ill. I think I should go home.”

  “Sure,” Landry said. “I’ll drive you back to your apartment myself.”

  BENSON WATCHED KENNINGTON USE THE RELIC ONE LAST time just before the woman got out of the car, ensuring that the events of the past hour would be nothing but a dream to her.

  He sat behind the wheel of the big Oscillator 600 and waited until she disappeared through the door of her apartment building. Then he looked in the rearview mirror.

  Titus Kennington, sitting in the backseat, looked a little weary but smugly satisfied.

  The son of a bitch thinks he’s playing me.

  “I’m impressed,” Benson said. “You’ve got a deal.”

  “Excellent.” Kennington smiled his patronizing smile. “I’m delighted to hear that, Mr. Landry. It will prove profitable for both of us.”

  Once he got his hands on the other relic, Benson thought, he sure as hell wasn’t going to turn it over to Titus Kennington. Instead, he would get rid of the doctor and take possession of both relics.

  Whatever Kennington’s form of psi talent was, it was a safe bet that it was not unique. There would be others who could control the relic, others who, in turn, he could control. With the resources of the Guild behind him, he could find the talent he required to take advantage of the ruby relics.

  “I suggest we discuss the problem of Miss Ingram and her new bodyguard,” Kennington said.

  Chapter 20

  CELINDA WIPED THE STEAM OFF THE BATHROOM MIRROR with a washcloth and surveyed her image. She didn’t look any different, she decided. Okay, maybe she was a little flushed, but that could be attributed to the recent shower. Surely no one in her family would guess this morning that she’d spent a goodly portion of the night engaged in hot sex with her bodyguard.

  She looked at Araminta, who was perched on the counter, grooming herself.

  “This is the bride’s day,” Celinda said. “Everyone will be focused on Rachel. I’m just the maid of honor. No one will give me a second glance.”

  Araminta stopped fussing with her gray fur and batted her blue eyes.

  “Well, it’s not as if you spent the night entirely alone, either, missy.”

  She scooped up Araminta and went back into the main room to finish dressing. The door to Davis’s room was still partially ajar. She could hear the shower running. She stood still for a moment, remembering the night with mixed emotions.

  I like to sleep alone. Don’t take it personally.

  How else could a woman take that kind of comment? she wondered.

  She dressed in the black trousers and the dark green top with the three-quarter-length sleeves that she had brought along to wear to breakfast. She heard Davis’s shower go off while she was putting on her lipstick.

  A knock sounded on the door of her room.

  “That’ll be room service with the eggs and toast I ordered for Araminta and Max,” she called through the connecting door. “I’ll get it.”

  She crossed the room, Araminta on her shoulder, and opened the door.

  Waves of dark, twisted psi energy slammed across her senses, making her recoil backward so quickly t
hat she stumbled and almost fell.

  Benson Landry, dressed in traditional ghost-hunter khaki and leather, a knife on his hip, lounged in the opening.

  “Hello, Celinda,” he said, giving her his trademark hunter’s smile, the one he thought was so incredibly sexy. “Heard you were in town for a family wedding. Thought I’d drop by and see how you were doing. Been a while.”

  She heard a soft rumble in her ear. Araminta was growling. Only her daylight eyes were showing, however. She had not gone into full predatory mode, but she was clearly on the edge.

  “What do you want?” Celinda asked, astonished that she was able to keep her tone even. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and adrenaline was snapping through her.

  “I told you,” Landry said, reptilian eyes gleaming. “Just wanted to see how you were getting on.”

  “You’re here for some reason. What is it?”

  “Why don’t you invite me in, and we’ll talk?”

  “We have nothing to say to each other. I kept my part of the bargain. Leave me alone.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m in a mood to change the terms of our deal.” He raised his brows at the sight of Araminta on her shoulder. “What is that thing? Looks like something a cat coughed up.” He chuckled.

  Davis materialized beside Celinda. He had put on a pair of trousers, but he was still nude from the waist up. Max was perched on his shoulder.

  “Get out of here, Landry,” he said, his voice gravedigger soft.

  Landry narrowed his eyes. “Who the hell are you?”

  “Davis Oakes. You might want to write that down. We’ll be meeting again one of these days. But this isn’t a good time. Got a wedding to attend.”

  The rising tide of male hormones was palpable. Celinda’s anxiety level went up several more notches. The last thing they needed was a bad scene with a powerful member of the local Guild.


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