An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride - Volume 01

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An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride - Volume 01 Page 9

by Fuminori Teshima

  Zagan would have taken another seat without worrying about getting dirty, but all the other chairs had already been stowed away.

  If I yield the chair at the table to her... No, Nephy would never sit at the table she made just for me, huh?

  However, he couldn’t spot anything resembling a seat in the area. And so, for the time being, he thought it was fine to share the chair itself. However, the chair didn’t seem to be made all that sturdily. If both of them sat on it, it was clear that it would tumble over.

  No, it should be possible to keep it steady, right?

  Even if it was useless to try and sit on half the chair each, maybe it would work if she sat on top of his knees. Considering Nephy’s weight, it wouldn’t have bothered him at all if she sat on top of them while they ate, and since they would both be facing the food, it was quite the good idea. Thinking about it, Zagan had just woken up, and was maybe still half-asleep.

  That was why he didn’t doubt for a second that it was the best solution.

  After making sure of that, Zagan nodded his head.

  “Then you can just sit here.”

  “B-by here, you mean...?” Nephy winced.

  Hearing Nephy’s perplexed voice leak out, Zagan mercilessly pointed out his own lap.

  It was plain to see that Nephy’s azure eyes shook with unease upon being told to sit on his lap. It even looked like the tips of her snow-white hair were somehow springing up.

  From that girl’s reaction, Zagan finally realized that he was saying something strange.

  Hm? No wait, sitting on my lap... Isn’t that practically the same as embracing each other? Coming to his senses, even he realized it was a terrible idea, which made him want to curl up into a ball and die.

  However, Nephy then resolutely opened her mouth to speak.

  “I cannot commit such a rude act.” That was only reasonable. It was also the best possible answer to give in such a situation. If Zagan simply nodded his head, everything would have settled there.

  However, hearing Nephy’s tactful and effective reply left Zagan perturbed, so he ended up being utterly obstinate.

  “Do not concern yourself. I am saying it is fine.”

  What the hell am I saying!? It may just have been that he didn’t want to admit his own mistake. Honestly, if it was something he could rip off, he was sure he would’ve torn off his own mouth after saying that.

  “B-But...” The tips of Nephy’s ears were dyed red. And while he looked at her face that seemed to be forming faint tears...

  What’s this? I feel like I’ll drive her into a corner with just a little more.

  Even though he knew it was rude of him, after seeing her so shaken he felt like seeing more of it.

  Clearing his throat with a cough, Zagan once more slapped the top of his legs.

  “Be quick about it. The food will grow cold.”

  “Eek...” Along with a delicate and long sigh, Nephy’s pointy ears drooped down.

  It seemed that she had given up.

  “Master, all is... as you will...” Nephy timidly sat down on Zagan’s lap.

  She seriously did it! The soft feeling of her buttocks was transmitted through her skirt. He wanted to hug her from behind and gently pet her.

  Unintentionally, the sound of Zagan gulping down his saliva rang out.

  But even so, since it was his order, Zagan pretended to be calm and split off a piece of bread.

  “Here, you may eat it.”

  “...Master, this is... quite embarrassing.” Nephy’s ears were bright red right down to their roots.

  “Indeed. I can tell from looking.”

  “...Master, that’s mean.” Leaking out a voice akin to whimper, Nephy brought her face closer to Zagan’s palm. And then, she took the piece of bread with her pink lips and ate it.

  “Um, I can eat the rest on my own, so...”

  “R-Right.” He wanted to gaze at Nephy being bashful for a while longer, but it was about time that Zagan’s heart was reaching its limits from feelings of guilt and shame.

  And then, he noticed that Nephy’s pointy ears were bouncily shaking.

  It was indeed embarrassing, but it seemed that she didn’t hate it all that much.

  Somehow feeling relieved from that, Zagan then spoke up.

  “Next time, make sure to prepare your own portion of food as well.”


  “Well, I do not mind doing this again next time, either.”

  “I shall make the preparations.” It was a resolute reply.

  Zagan then reached out his hand to get some soup before it got cold, but Nephy had snatched the spoon from the side before he could.

  “Nephy?” As Zagan knit his brows, the girl dressed as a maid scooped up some soup into the spoon.

  After blowing on it gently to cool it down, she held it up to Zagan.

  “By all means, please enjoy it, Master.” Her expression was as inorganic as always, but it somehow looked like she was angry.

  So this is payback for just now?

  However, be that as it may, the person doing it was also embarrassed about it. The tips of her ears were dyed red as if they were burning, and her hand, which was holding the spoon, was trembling slightly. Thinking of how she lovably blew on the soup to cool it down, rather than payback it felt more like a reward.

  I feel like I want her to do this each and every time.

  That was why Zagan opened his mouth and let her do as she pleased.

  With awkward movements, Nephy carried the spoon over to his lips.

  It seemed to be a mix of lamb meat and root vegetables boiled in milk, but after washing it down his throat, Zagan could feel a warm sensation spreading out from his stomach.

  “It’s warm, huh?”


  “Ah, no, the soup, I mean!” Of course, there was also warmth from Nephy sitting atop his lap, but Zagan denied that in a fluster.

  Nephy was staring at him blankly, but before long, she slowly nodded.

  “...Yes. It’s... quite warm.” As if biting down on something, Nephy said that aloud.

  It would be nice... if this kind of thing could continue forever.

  And in her heart, she thought that to herself.


  On this day, Nephy’s bedroom was finally spotless.

  She insisted on doing the cleaning on her own, but it was difficult for her to carry over heavy objects like the furniture with her slender arms. That was why Zagan had carried over things such as the bed and dressers.

  Having said that, even now the only clothes she possessed were the dress she had on originally, the maid clothes, and a handful of underwear. Zagan wanted to provide her with a little more variety than that.

  I have to put some proper thought into how to make money, I guess.

  Selling his knowledge of sorcery was the most profitable method of making money, but it had the flaw that it was easy to trace back to him. Though it may have been possible when he was alone, if the church stepped in now and something were to happen to Nephy, it couldn’t be undone even if he massacred his enemies.

  In that case, just like the bandits’ bodyguard from the other day, it would be quick and easy to get hired by someone, but that also had long hours, and there would be days on end where he couldn’t return to the castle.

  People always said that there were things that couldn’t be purchased with gold, but it was reality that having no money left one living in want.

  He still had some money left over from the reward he received for saving the carriage, so he wouldn’t be troubled for food all of a sudden, but he still had to think of an immediate countermeasure.

  And then, while continuing to clean the castle with Nephy, a few days had passed.

  While Zagan was in the castle’s archives, pouring over texts on sorcery that were spread out before him, Nephy asked him a question.

  “Master, what have you been researching all this time?” Even while engrossed in his blissful
life with Nephy, Zagan did not forget to devote himself to the study of sorcery.

  Nephy handled things like cooking and cleaning flawlessly, so even if he helped her a bit, it was actually to the point where he was able to make more progress with his research.

  In response, Zagan tilted his head to the side.

  “Even if you ask what, does it look like anything but sorcery?”

  “I do... believe that to be the case, but I don’t see the meaning in drawing such circles...” Hearing that, Zagan was left staring in wonder.

  “Is elven sorcery different?” Nephy shook her head, and her snow-white hair swayed in the air.

  “It’s because... I can’t use sorcery.” This was an unexpected response.

  Even though she’s supposed to possess mana of far finer quality than most...

  He thought it was a waste. However, that being the case, Zagan pointed out to the magic circle he was in the middle of drawing.

  “This is called a magic circle. It is the ‘blueprint’ used by sorcerers to bring about phenomena as they will.”

  “Blue...print?” It seemed that was vocabulary she had not heard before. And so, Zagan began explaining from the very start.

  “Let’s see, for example, there are devices out there in town like water wheels and carriages, right? Those things are different from simple edged tools and hammers in that they’re made up of many components. If those components are not all assembled properly, then the device won’t function. The drawing which notes all the measurements and such to consolidate those components is called a blueprint.”

  A carriage had the size of the wheels, the door, the seating made from many pieces of wood put together with nails, and metal fittings. A water wheel was even more complex, and the size and number of gears had to all be arranged correctly. This was not something that could be done with just practice. No, it was necessary to have a drawing that anybody could understand at a glance.

  Nephy then nodded as she came to an understanding.

  “Sorcery is not all that different. It all begins by drawing the blueprint — a magic circle, in our case.” While speaking, Zagan drew out a crest on the dust ridden ground.

  “There is a notion that such crests possess power. The crest of a cross that is touted by the church is much the same. It is said that they are letters left behind by the gods, or proof of contract with the devil, but even I don’t know what they actually are.” Or possibly, the mere belief that there was power or divinity there gave birth to power itself.

  After touching upon sorcery, the laws of the world became ambiguous, and it became clear that it had a careless structure.

  Next, Zagan enclosed the crest he drew with a circle.

  “This... is the magic circle with the simplest form. This one brings about a flash of lightning, and upon having mana poured into it this happens.”

  “Uh, what...” She likely didn’t think that he would activate it in this place, so a panicked voice leaked out of Nephy.

  Even so, as Zagan touched the magic circle, a small crackling spark scattered about.

  Having put herself on guard, Nephy blinked as if it were anticlimactic.

  “This is... a flash of lightning?”

  “Yeah. Having said that, it disperses into the air right away, so it doesn’t look like much in terms of lightning.”

  “Haaa...” Seeing Nephy make an unsatisfied response, a smile seemed to creep up on Zagan’s face.

  “With just this, it isn’t all that different from leaves floating on the surface of water. You can’t give birth to fire just by striking flint together, right? That’s why we add on crests to amplify the effect. Crests to give the power direction, crests to define the range, and crests which define the time of activation.” Just as when he drew the crest for lightning, Zagan continued to draw out several crests lined up together, then drew a circle around all of them.

  “Now then, with this we can finally bring about a befitting phenomenon.” As he poured in mana, streaks of lightning struck down from the ceiling.

  “Hyaaa.” Hearing Nephy let out a small yelp, Zagan laughed lightly.

  “Sorry, sorry. However, thanks to this circle, anyone can use sorcery by pouring in the correct amount of mana. That’s why even if you draw a magic circle, there’s no meaning if your enemy steals it before you’re able to use it. It’s also why the next step is to add on constraints so only you are able to use it.” In a manner of speaking, it was sorcery to protect sorcery.

  The other day, when Barbatos intruded into the barrier and when Zagan nullified the effect of his enemy’s sorcery, it was done by overwriting this portion of the magic circle and stealing it.

  “This thing has to be made complicated, or else it’ll be captured by another sorcerer right away. From here it is up to the skills of the individual. So, a magic circle with this sort of composition is called a ‘circuit,’ you see.” A sorcerer’s true strength was based on the efficiency of high level circuits, as well as the ability to protect the crests at its core.

  It could also be said that replacing a magic circle with a spell was another show of strength.

  After hearing all that, Nephy seemed to stare at the magic circle with deep interest.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, Master, you added the ‘circuit’ to the exterior. Is it possible to add it to the interior?” With a ‘Hooo,’ Zagan let out a sigh of admiration.

  “That’s a good point to focus on. The answer is that it’s impossible, but also possible.”

  “...What?” Nephy tilted her head to the side as if what he said was complete nonsense.

  But Zagan continued on in a somewhat strange tone.

  “For the time being, that would be like taking a completed magic circle and creating another magic circle within it. With that, the flow of mana will become chaotic and neither will activate, or it will spontaneously discharge. However, since sorcery itself is based on the flow of the power of mana, it should be possible in theory.” Nephy brooded over it a bit.

  After that, she opened her mouth as if she wasn’t entirely convinced.

  “Does that help further control the activated sorcery?” This time it was Zagan who opened his eyes wide.

  “Correct. And if that could be done, it would mean that no sorcery could ever be stolen.” All attacks born of sorcery would be simple nourishment for the one under attack. It was on a different level from hijacking a magic circle. It was like being able to play rock-paper-scissors after your opponent.

  Not only that, sorcery could be activated without a problem and there would be no way to prevent it.

  “In other words — in theory, it would be the ultimate form of sorcery.” Having said that, Zagan shrugged his shoulders.

  “That is just a theory, though. If it was so easy to put into practice, nobody would go through hardships.”

  “Oh...? It is said that sorcerers live long lives, and devote everything to the research of sorcery. But even so, it can’t be done?”

  “Hmm, well, I’d say it’s more because nobody is seriously researching that theory.” Nephy tilted her head to the side as if what he said made even less sense than his previous statements.

  “Listen, sorcerers are not dogs of war like soldiers or the Angelic Knights. They perform experiments out of a desire for things like immortality, or wanting to know how strong of a miracle they can create with sorcery, or finding out if it’s possible to resurrect the dead.” In other words, sorcerers only ever thought of themselves. They were a selfish breed.

  People who did not recognize anything outside their own world, did not even sense the significance of competing with others.

  “Naturally, there are those like the sorcerer yesterday who are hired by others or cooperate in wars. But that is only the means, not the end. They’re only doing that because proper research costs money. The only goal in their minds is how to make more so they can fund their research.”

  Nephy opened her mouth like she was hav
ing trouble putting her thoughts into words.

  “...I’ve heard before... that sorcerers torture people.”

  “Yeah. There likely are idiots out there who do that as a distraction or to kill time. However, there aren’t any guys out there who study sorcery for that alone. After all, there’s a mountain of more efficient tools when it comes to torture.” The history of torture devices was long. Procuring secrets by opening the mouths of others was a long-standing tradition.

  They had been largely cleaned up, but even this castle was filled with a mountain of torture devices.

  There existed sorcery out there which used the anguish and hatred of people as a catalyst, so it only made sense.

  “Going back to the original topic, the ultimate sorcery I mentioned just now is something that would help you fight against other sorcerers. It may be of use in stealing the research of other sorcerers, but it doesn’t have any use beyond that. That’s why nobody bothers to research it.”

  Well, it’s not like there aren’t idiots out there who are seriously researching it, though...

  Zagan decided that there was no meaning in talking about that and left it aside.

  After having that much explained to her, Nephy then returned a convinced nod to him.

  However, she still muttered something, as if not entirely satisfied.

  “I feel like I understand the theory behind sorcery, but...”

  “What? Let’s hear it.” In a somewhat curious tone, Nephy said the following.

  “But, as long as one knows the structure, isn’t anybody able to use it?”

  Nephy seems to have a real head for sorcery, huh?

  Surely, if it were not for that collar, she would likely have the makings of an outstanding sorcerer. Possibly one beyond Zagan.

  Having that keenly pointed out, Zagan nodded as if praising a student who had done well.

  “Yes, very good. When we sorcerers acquire knowledge, there is a direct connection to the power we acquire as well. How efficiently and effectively that can be used is up to individual skill, though.” It wasn’t like Zagan was a sorcerer from the moment he was born.


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