An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride - Volume 01

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An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride - Volume 01 Page 12

by Fuminori Teshima

  However, there were no animals running about. And there was no wind, either.

  And yet, the forest still felt alive.

  The animals were gathering deep in the forest. There were small squirrels, ferocious wolves, and wild boars, among others. Without raising a single cry, they were all staring fixedly at the Angelic Knights.

  It wasn’t like the trees were swaying, either. Instead, the leaves and branches themselves began stretching out, and thorny shrubs were extending from the thickets.

  The forest was alive, acting as if it had a will of its own. And something, perhaps the forest’s malice, was staring at the Angelic Knights.

  What exactly... is this? It wasn’t sorcery. After all, Nephy had a collar that sealed sorcery on her neck, so she couldn’t possibly be using any. Having said that, it clearly also wasn’t the power of the church.

  If one was forced to explain it...

  Is she... manipulating the forest itself? It was completely different in terms of scale and quality when compared to Zagan’s sorcery. A cold sensation ran down his spine.

  This was likely also the case for the Angelic Knights.

  Faced with that mysterious power, the one who threw the spear began to tremble.

  “No... S-Stop, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” The man Chastille had called Torres ran away.

  “I won’t let you escape.” Nephy stretched out her arm.

  Ivy crawled out from beneath his feet, entwining them.

  “Ugh!” Rough tree roots crawled toward Torres as he fell over. They writhed around like a living being, swallowed his body, and began dragging him into the ground.

  The power was terrifying, and looking closely, Zagan noticed that cracks were forming on Torres’ Anointed Armor.

  Zagan finally came to his senses upon hearing the sound of bones breaking.

  “Enough! That’s plenty... Stop that, Nephy.” Nephy brought her hand to a stop as he embraced her. She was clearly surprised.

  Luckily, it seemed Torres was just barely breathing.

  Is this... Nephy’s power...? Was it something characteristic of elves? Or could she use it because of her unique existence, which was outwardly displayed by her snow-white hair?

  Whatever the case, that power surpassed even sorcery, and it was something Zagan had absolutely no knowledge of.

  Chapter IV

  Unrequited Love is Something That Can Even Physically Hurt

  Chastille and the other Angelic Knights had retreated.

  The three who were with her were knocked out, so Zagan mended his barrier and threw them out on his own. He figured Chastille would likely somehow manage the rest on her own.

  “I’ve gotten someone unrelated involved in this. Sorry.” Right until the end, the girl kept repeating phrases like that.

  After returning to the castle, Nephy began treating Zagan’s wound. She seemed used to it, which surprised Zagan. After a bit, he began to question the girl who was skillfully tending to his wounds.

  “Nephy, I thought you couldn’t use sorcery?” With a twitch, Nephy’s body shook.

  “That wasn’t... sorcery.”

  “Then what was it?”

  “You see...” Nephy’s expression soured. Her face itself didn’t change all that much, but the tip of her pointy ears feebly drooped down.

  Upon noticing that, Zagan shrugged his shoulders.

  “Well, whatever. The kind of power you possess isn’t important to me.” Of course, he didn’t know whether it was sorcery or anything else, but if she possessed some sort of power, why didn’t she resist when she was captured? Why didn’t she break her collar? Why didn’t she think of just running away from Zagan? There was a mountain of questions that bothered him.

  However, nothing that had happened changed his opinion of her... was what he wanted to convey to her, but...

  Crap! When I put it like that, doesn’t it sound like I don’t give a damn about her!?

  It was clear that the way he worded his thoughts had betrayed his feelings. Seeing Nephy droop her shoulders more visibly, Zagan went on to correct himself.

  “You are Nephy, and nothing can change that. No matter what power you possess, you’re still the same.”

  I said it properly! He felt like it was still somewhat difficult to understand, but nevertheless, Nephy stared back at him in wonder and surprise.

  “...Thank you... very much.” Her drooping ears quivered with a twitch.

  For whatever reason, it seemed that she was a little more at ease... Though it was still questionable whether Zagan’s intentions were made clear or not.

  While they were talking of such things, she finished wrapping the bandages. Zagan still felt pain, but he could still move his hands around at the very least. Thanks to that, he knew he likely wouldn’t have any issues following his daily routine. To a certain extent, he could even endure combat.

  If it wasn’t for the power of the Sacred Sword, he would have healed such minor wound immediately, but Nephy’s first aid treatment was perfect.

  “Mm... Not bad. Well done.” “...No, it was... my fault... after all.” This time around, he thought she would obediently thank him, but Nephy hung her head in shame.

  Zagan truly wished someone had taught him words of comfort that he could use in such a situation. He was even seriously considering pulling out Barbatos’ tongue and transplanting it to himself.

  After worrying to the point where it felt like his brain would boil, Zagan finally managed to squeeze out some words.

  “Aah... Were you... scared?”

  “Are you... asking me?” And contrary to expectations, she made a face that clearly displayed her surprise.

  That expression made Zagan feel that he’d touched a sore spot. After he groaned, Nephy timidly opened her mouth to speak.

  “Master, do you not think... that I am... creepy?”

  “Why?” If anything she seemed even more charming to him as of late, as tiny hints of her feelings leaked through onto her face. What exactly was creepy about that?

  When Zagan earnestly tilted his head to the side, Nephy repeatedly looked up at his face and cast her eyes back down.

  And then, she muttered something, clearly mustering all her courage to do so.

  “Why...? Because of... the power... earlier...”

  “Oh, yeah. That was something I’ve never seen before. I’m quite interested in it, actually.” In fact, he thought that Archdemon Marchosias bought her because of that power.

  As he said that, Nephy spoke up in a curious tone.

  “Is that... all?”

  “Hm? I do believe I said that I didn’t intend to use you as a lab rat.”

  “I... understand that, but that is not what I...” It seemed that she finally believed in his goodwill, at least.

  He was honestly happy about that, but Nephy’s bewilderment only deepened.

  Before long, perhaps resigning to the fact that they were making no progress, Nephy combed her snow-white hair upward and began talking.

  “That power... is not sorcery... It’s called ‘mysticism.’”

  “Mysticism... you say?” Zagan had heard the term before.

  It was not a technique developed by accumulating the theories and definitions of sorcery. No, with mysticism, just wishing for something interfered with the laws of nature, and depending on the situation, it was said that it could even resurrect the dead.

  It truly was a miracle that surpassed human intellect.

  He never thought he would witness it in action with his own two eyes, so Zagan stared at Nephy in wonder.

  “So it is real... Can all elves use that power?”

  Nephy shook her head at his words.

  “No. It’s because... I’m a cursed child.” Nephy repeated the words she hesitated to say when they first met. And Zagan stared at her fixedly, waiting for her next words to follow.

  “I have... this strange power. Yes, it’s... a power that shouldn’t exist. Children with white hair who possess this power... shoul
d never have been born... That’s why...” Her azure eyes reflected no emotions at all as she said that. No tears ran down her cheeks, either.

  You aren’t a person. You aren’t permitted to have an opinion. You aren’t even allowed to have a will of your own. They were the eyes of one who was told such things.

  She’s been through a lot, huh...?

  Once again, Zagan didn’t know what to say to comfort her. And Nephy, expressionless like a doll, continued speaking.

  “In our village, when humans attacked, I was asked to use my power, but...”

  As the sound of Zagan gulping resounded, Nephy turned completely pale and confessed her sin.

  “Pay back the debt of being allowed to live... When I heard them say that, I felt something snap inside my head.” With a trembling voice, she continued speaking.

  “I did not... resist at all... and was captured by the humans. That was... my revenge... against everyone in the village.”

  Zagan thought her actions made complete sense. In fact, in his eyes, anyone willing to protect those that had been persecuting them had a few screws loose. Honestly, why did those people even believe she would rush to their defense? It seemed they were far too arrogant.

  “Everyone... ran away, looking extremely desperate. There were only a few who were captured, and everyone else was either cut down by swords or burned by sorcery. I assume no one managed to get away. Even the corpses of elves are useful, after all.” Nephy’s lips warped into the shape of a smile.

  “Seeing that, the only thought that came to mind was ‘it serves you right.’” Her voice was trembling.

  “Cruel of me, right? I... watched everyone die as they cursed me, and was laughing from the bottom of my heart. ‘This time... it’s your turn to suffer,’ I said.” After finishing her story, Nephy’s face returned to its neutral state once more.

  “After all that happened, I realized just how despicable I was. I understood that I was a person who could calmly laugh while watching others die.”

  As he said that, a sigh leaked out of Zagan’s lips.

  I see. So that’s why Nephy lost her ability to make any expressions...

  Because she hated herself, she ended up denying her own emotions.

  However, Zagan believed that her actions only served to prove how much virtue this girl had.

  Having held nothing back, Nephy sank to the floor despondently.

  “I’m sorry. I’m... disgusting, aren’t I...?”

  “Why?” As Zagan tilted to his side like he truly found her question odd, Nephy blinked as if she doubted her ears.

  “U-Uh, what? No, I mean...” “Isn’t that much... just normal? If it was me, I would have massacred the people of the village. Yeah, I would’ve teamed up with the invading humans. Since you didn’t do that, I think you’re extremely kind, Nephy.” He was not bluffing when he said that.

  No, he truly would do it. He would even kill a cute young girl like Chastille if he had to. That was to say nothing of those who brought harm to him. It was difficult to even find a reason to let those people live at all. He would have happily slaughtered them all.

  And if they were from the village who tormented Nephy, then he would have even thrown in torture as a free bonus.

  Nephy then made an even more bewildered face.

  “Is that... how it is?”

  “Yeah. When you were speaking down to those damn Angelic Knights earlier, you were real scary, you know? If you can do that much, you should have been able to strike all those elves down without a problem.” Saying that, Zagan thrust his finger toward Nephy.

  “Moreover, Nephy, you seem to be misunderstanding something.”

  “I-I am?”

  “That’s right. You’re thinking of ‘mysticism’ as something evil, but there is no good or evil when it comes to power. Are there any idiots out there who think a blade knows of good or evil? I’d say the only ones who do are people who don’t wield them.”

  Perhaps overwhelmed by Zagan’s vigor, Nephy nodded quickly and repeatedly. Even so, her ears were still drooping down.

  “But I think... what I did... cannot be forgiven.”

  “Who doesn’t forgive you?”

  “Th-That’s... Everyone... in the... village.”

  “Aren’t they dead? Forget about them. There’s no way for them to keep complaining at this point.”

  With a pop, Nephy’s mouth opened.

  “You hear me, Nephy? People can’t survive on kind thoughts alone. If you possess power, then use it and live. If you don’t, then you’re just disrespecting the powerless masses who have already passed away.”

  As if biting down on the meaning behind those words, Nephy patted her chest.

  “Is it really okay... for me to possess... power?”

  “Then let me ask you, is it bad to possess power? Is it evil to desire strength?”

  “That’s...” Nephy couldn’t reply, so Zagan gently chimed in like an affectionate father.

  “By the way, most people consider me evil.” Upon hearing those words, Nephy stiffened up.

  “...Huh?” In response to that shocked girl, Zagan spoke as if he was looking back on nostalgic memories.

  “I don’t remember who it was, but they told me that I, who could do anything on my own, couldn’t possibly understand their feelings. That the strong could not understand the feelings of the weak.” If he recalled correctly, it was an extraordinarily pitiful, yet cute, young girl who was escaping from a bandit attack, got lost in Zagan’s domain, and triggered a trap.

  It happened around the time Zagan had started acquiring power as a sorcerer. He felt lonely, so he also had the ulterior motive of maybe getting along if he were to save her. But still, he believed that he was really trying his best to save someone in need.

  Zagan drove away the bandits and saved her from the trap, but the only thing that girl had to say in return was the following.

  “Is it wrong for the weak to live? Do you feel good showing off your power?”

  He regretted saving her. And, at the time, he felt like vomiting as the girl ran away from him.

  Thinking back on it, he understood that the girl was just frustrated and wanted to vent her anger. Still, that incident just made him distrust strangers even more.

  Pity and kindness were naught but poison that corrupted people. And so, that girl hated being submerged in such a lukewarm feeling.

  Saving people had absolutely no meaning beyond self-satisfaction.

  Trampling the weak underfoot was a matter of course. They were worthless, after all.

  There’s no way... I would understand the feelings of the weak.

  As if spitting out bitter memories, Zagan spoke.

  “It’s obvious. I became strong because I didn’t want to be like those people.” The weak dragged down others with them.

  The thought of some stranger saving you in your time of need was pathetic.

  Relying on someone, when even a parent would abandon their child, was the same as inviting them to take advantage of you. That was why Zagan desperately sought power and became stronger.

  Well, there was nothing at the end of that road, though.

  After desperately seeking strength for so long, he came to realize that people did not deserve his trust.

  Being called superior sounded and felt nice, but it was also worthless. Even so, he could believe in himself.

  If it would help him survive, then he would gladly accept it.

  Zagan laughed at himself.

  I say that, but I lost my cool just because Nephy’s feeling a little down...

  Even he found this fact humorous. Still, even if he had been avoiding people for so long, he couldn’t help but find the girl in front of his eyes lovely.

  While spitting out that love was a mere fabrication, he loved someone else from the bottom of his heart.

  This was his first bit of romantic experience.

  He knew the contradiction could bring him to ruin one day, but even then,
he wanted to accept those feelings.

  That was why Zagan desperately wove a few clumsy words together.

  “That’s why, Nephy, don’t worry about other people.” Touching Nephy’s white cheek with his hand, without even knowing what he should say, he put all his effort into expressing his feelings.

  “So... don’t make that face. I told you before... that I need you, right?”

  Her azure eyes shook as she heard his words. And then, her slender fingers squeezed Zagan’s hand.

  “Is it alright... for me to... stay here?”

  “Of course it is. You’ve fed me such delicious food. I can’t even imagine living without you at this point.” He wondered if talking about food was appropriate, but right as he uttered those words, he realized none of that mattered.

  With a drip, tears ran down Nephy’s cheeks.


  “Uwah... Hic...”

  As Zagan let out a bewildered voice, Nephy clung to Zagan’s chest and began to sob.

  “Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.” And then she raised her voice and screamed.

  Zagan said nothing, choosing instead to stroke her head until her tears ran dry.

  After calming down and composing herself, Nephy hung her head and crumpled her apron in her hands.

  “...Um, I’ve shown you... something embarrassing.”

  “I don’t mind. This is the first time I’ve seen you talk so much, Nephy.” As he said to tease her, the tip of Nephy’s ears went red.

  “Master, that’s mean.”

  After she said that, Nephy lowered her gaze to Zagan’s hand. It was the hand that was petting Nephy’s head until just moments ago.

  “Master, does your hand... not hurt?”

  “Hm? Now that you mention it...” Before he knew it, he’d stopped feeling the pain.

  It wasn’t like he lost his senses, so why? As he tilted his head to the side, Nephy took that hand in her own.

  “Master, excuse me.” Saying that, she began unraveling the bandages that she had previously wrapped for him.

  And as she did, what did she find? The wound, which still had traces of blood on it mere minutes ago, had vanished without a trace.

  Seeing this, even Zagan opened his eyes in astonishment.


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