Double Her Fantasy

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Double Her Fantasy Page 8

by Randi Alexander

  “I’ve tried some others, but I like beer.”

  She pulled one out of the fridge, used the opener to pop the top, and sat it in front of him on a coaster. “I like a man who knows what he wants.”

  His smile turned wicked. “Wait ‘till my brother gets here. You’ll be surprised what we’re gonna want from you, sweetheart.”

  Her breasts tightened as a swell of excitement raced from her chest down to her pussy. She leaned over the bar and gave him a quick kiss. Against his lips, she purred, “I can’t wait.”

  He reached for her but she was too fast.

  “We need to cool down a bit or…” She made a face.

  “You’re right.” He took a long pull on his beer, whistled for a couple seconds, then shrugged. “Nope. It’s not working. “

  She smiled while she poured her drink. What would distract him…them…from thinking about sex? “What did you work on today?” She came around the bar and sat next to him.

  He went into detail about a few things on the ranch, a couple projects he was handling for Garret, and the problems he was having with the government. After fifteen minutes of lawyer, land rights, and water rights talk, she’d effectively cooled herself down.

  The front door clicked and Garret walked in. Handsome in a gray button down shirt and charcoal slacks, he quickly heated her up again. Until she saw the look on his face.

  Trey noticed, too, and set down his beer. “What’s goin’ on?”

  Garret stood between their barstools holding a tabloid newspaper. “This shit.” He slapped it down on the bar.

  Chapter Nine

  Megan leaned forward on her barstool and saw her face on the cover of the tabloid. Twice.

  Trey mumbled a curse.

  The caption read, Two Brothers Dating One Girl.

  Nausea coated her stomach. “Oh, God.”

  “I’m sorry, Megan.” Garret walked behind the bar and grabbed a bottle. “I’ve got my PR people working on this right now.”

  Pain wrapped her heart as she looked at the split headline. On the left, a photo of her with Trey. On the right, Garret and her. In the one with Trey, she had sunglasses on. In the other, her face was blurred.

  Trey pounded a fist on the bar. “I should have had the limo drop us off in back of the hotel.”

  Garret poured Scotch into a glass and drank it in one gulp. “You had no way of knowing they’d do this.” He flicked the tabloid. “Why would they even take your picture?”

  “Yeah.” Trey stood. “Because I’m nobody.”

  Megan’s eyes watered and she swallowed hard.

  Garret slammed his glass on the bar. “That’s not what I meant.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Goddamn it, I meant that you’re not…” He waved his hands in the air.

  “A big fucking movie star?” Trey supplied, his jaw tightening.

  Garret punched a finger at his brother. “You’re taking this out of context. All I meant is that nobody’d buy a picture of you unless it was to make me look interesting in the media.”

  “Guys?” Her voice came out a whisper.

  Trey glared at Garret. “Is that what you think of me? Just someone pathetic to make you look better?”

  “You’re saying I’m so fucking self-absorbed, that everyone had better orbit around me?” He took a step toward Trey.

  “Guys!” Her volume went a little higher.

  The men glowered at each other, but weren’t arguing any longer.

  “This isn’t helping.” She felt a tear run down her cheek. Her pity party had begun. She’d been so careful, so cautious to stay out of the media, appearing only at CARC once a year where she felt safe. She’d hired an agency to hide her online presence. Her new name was linked only to her publisher. She asked her fans to respect her privacy and not snap photos of her. She paid her web people to aggressively hunt for, and take down, any that appeared online.

  She touched the cover of the tabloid to make sure this was real. There was her face, plastered nationwide in every grocery store in the U.S. She bit the insides of her lips to keep from crying.

  “Aw, sweetheart.” Trey’s voice broke. He pulled her up off the stool into his arms. “I’m sorry. We’re sorry. We spout off like that when we have no control over a situation.”

  Choking back tears, she relaxed into the security of Trey’s warm body, his strong arms.

  From behind, Garret’s hand stroked her hair. “Sorry. It’s just our way of diffusing the stress.” He kissed her above her ear. “We’ve even been known to take it out on each other behind the barn.”

  “If you two need to find a barn, don’t let me stop you.”

  Trey’s chuckle rumbled through her. “I’m good for now. You, brother?”

  “No barn needed.” He cleared his throat. “Listen. Let’s sit on the couch and see if we can figure out how to make this go away.”

  “Your PR team?” Trey asked.

  “They’re working on it, but between the three of us—”

  “No.” Megan pushed out of Trey’s arms. This just didn’t feel right. A tickle of panic spread through her brain.

  The men looked at each other.

  Garret put his hand on her shoulder. “What do you want to do, Megan?”

  She needed to run. Far and fast and anywhere away from this mess. Self-preservation kicked in. She had to protect herself. Looking into Trey’s eyes, she saw worry. Garret’s held confusion. Hers would have to be determined if she was going to pull this off.

  “I really like you two. You’re as different as two men could be, yet so much alike, it’s fascinating.” She shrugged but it felt forced. “But I can see that this isn’t the right place for me.”

  “Aw, jeez.” Garret clenched his teeth.

  “Now, hang on a minute.” Trey’s hand wrapped around her bicep.

  She shrugged them off and took a step away. “This has really been fun. An adventure.” She would not cry. She faked a smile. “But it’s not who I am.” Who was she? A woman in hiding? Was that all she was and nothing more? To her, this was the scariest thing that had happened in a long time, and it eclipsed everything else in her life.

  “Don’t say that.” Trey tipped his head to look into her eyes. “We’re just getting to know each other. We want you with us.”

  Garret smiled. “C’mon. Sit down and let’s figure this out. I can guarantee that after an hour of brainstorming, you’ll feel better about the situation.” He brushed his fingers along her jaw. “Feel better about us.”

  She knew exactly what he was implying. A night of hot sex would make this all seem less critical. She’d love to give in. No one would know, it wouldn’t exacerbate the tabloid situation, and it would even take her mind off it. But it might just break her completely to have one more night with these men, knowing she’d be leaving them in the morning.

  It had to be now before her body…her heart…grew any closer to them.

  Taking three steps away from them, she turned. “Let’s call it a one-night stand. I mean, we’d only have a couple more days together anyway.”

  Both men stepped forward.

  She held out a hand to stop them. “The best thing for me right now is to get on the next plane home.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” Garret’s brow furrowed. “We’ll make this go away.”

  She let out a humorless laugh. “How do you know that? You can’t promise that no one will know that’s me.” She pointed to the tabloid as a fresh fear invaded her mind. “It may be too late already.”

  Trey shook his head. “If there’s any problem, anyone tries to contact you…”

  He was talking about her stalker. “What if it gets worse? What if the tabloids get my name and publish it? My career…” Would her career be over? Would she have to change names, find another line of work? Her body grew numb, panic making her breath come too fast.

  Garret caught her elbow. “We’ll protect you. We’ll be here—”

  “For this week? What about after?�
� She tugged out of his grip. “No. I need to go.” She walked to the door, pulled the keycard they’d given her out of her purse, and set it on the entry table. It shone like a memorial to the exquisite fantasies she’d had about this week.

  She opened the door and turned to her men.

  They stood close together, so tall and handsome, they both had captured her heart. “Goodbye.” She closed their suite door and made it past the concierge desk and inside her suite before collapsing in tears.


  After Megan walked out of the suite, Trey closed his eyes and let her pain flow through him.

  Garret punched a fist into the air. “Son of a bitch!”

  “Keep that away from me ‘cause I could sure take a swing right back at you now.”

  Garret turned and glared at him. “I’d love nothing more than to duke it out with you, big brother. Get rid of some of this tension. But I’m filming tomorrow.”

  Trey glared right back at him. “Fighting between us won’t make this thing go away. We need a solution.

  “Right.” Garret walked behind the bar and grabbed the Scotch bottle.

  “Coffee.” Trey elbowed his brother aside and plugged in the coffee pot on the counter behind the bar. “Put the alcohol away for a while.”

  He slammed the bottle onto the shelf. “You sayin’ I got a problem?”

  Trey got right up in his face. “I’m sayin’ we just lost the best thing that’s ever come our way.” His gut clenched, the same way it did when she’d walked out that door.

  Garret’s face changed from anger to worry.

  “If you want to find a way to get her back…” Trey pointed to the bottle. “That ain’t gonna help.”

  He sagged back and leaned on the bar. “You’re right. For a change.”

  Trey turned back to the coffee pot. “Fuck you.”

  “Fuck yourself.” Garret’s voice was quiet, and held no anger.

  “We’re both fucked if we can’t fix it.”

  “True.” Garret pulled out his cell phone. “I’ll call and see if the agency came up with anything yet.” He gestured toward the hotel phone. “Order some food. We’re gonna need a kick to our brain power.”

  Trey walked to the phone and pressed the button for room service. While he waited for an answer, he found himself begging all that was holy to help them find the answer.

  At three-twenty-seven the next morning, Trey stood next to his brother waiting for the printer to spit out the picture he’d printed from his email. He rubbed his eyes then looked at Garret.

  His brother shook his head. “Shit, I hope I don’t look as bad as you.”

  “If this doesn’t work, you’re gonna look a whole lot worse.”


  “Meaning if she doesn’t think this is going to work…” Trey clenched his teeth and glared at his brother. “If she doesn’t come back to us, I’m gonna slug you so hard you’re gonna look ten years older.”

  “Fuck that shit. Why would it be my fault?”

  “You’re the big-ass movie star who can’t get away from the media.”

  “So you’re making this all my responsibility?” Garret slammed his fist into Trey’s bicep. “You got out of my limo in front of the hotel. Stupid move.”

  Trey grabbed his brother’s shirt in a fist, just itching to take a swing. “You want that broken nose now?”

  Garret shoved and they stumbled in opposite directions. Trey came back with both fists raised. Garret had his up, too.

  The printer beeped.

  Trey looked at his fists and laughed. “Damn. It’s like being teenagers again.”

  “Yep. What the hell has gotten into us?” He slid the color print off the machine. “This had better work or we’ll both end up in traction.”

  Trey slapped his brother on the shoulder. “It’ll have to work. We can’t lose her.”

  They exchanged long glances, nodded, and headed out the door.

  Trey forced himself not to run as they walked past the concierge.

  The man smiled and nodded but quickly ducked his head when they bypassed the elevator. Discretion was a big part of the man’s job. Thank God.

  Garret hit Megan’s doorbell.

  They waited. Trey’s stomach turned sicker with every second that passed. Had she left? Was she okay?

  His brother laid on the bell. “I’m giving her two more minutes before I ask the concierge to bust in.

  She ripped open the door and Garret released the doorbell.

  “Damn. Give a girl the chance to put her robe on.” She slung it over her other shoulder.

  He stared at her in her skimpy top and shorts, so rumpled and soft from sleep, his breath hitched a couple times on the way in.

  “Got a minute?” Garret grinned.

  She tied the belt holding her robe together. “If it’s good news, yes.” She stepped back and walked to the couch, sitting on one end.

  Trey took the spot on the opposite end and Garret sat on the coffee table in front of her.

  Without a word, his brother handed her the printout.

  She stared a moment. “They look like me.” She glanced at Garret then at him. “What’s happening?”

  “They’re twins. Models. My PR firm found them. They live here in Chicago.”

  “Okay.” She looked at the paper again.

  Garret pointed to the blank space at the top. “A picture of me and Trey will go there. No pictures of you will be used.”

  She nodded then shook her head. “Used for what?”

  Trey was proud of how calm, how brave she seemed. Her eyes looked a little red-rimmed, but she held herself together. “The tabloid is going to print this next week. Front page. It’ll be a retraction, and will say something about the McGatlin brothers dating twins.”

  Her eyes opened wide and a slight smile curled her lips. “Who thought of this?”

  Both Garret and he said, “He did.” Trey caught his brother’s wry look.

  She laughed.

  The sound filled Trey’s chest with something important that’d been missing since she walked out of their suite the night before.

  “So you both thought of it?” Tipping her head, she sighed. “Thank you.”

  Garret took the paper from her and set it down. “There’s more. This’ll go online by noon today, on the tabloids and at my fan website.”

  Her brows furrowed. “How did you make that happen?”

  Trey let out a huff. “He promised the vultures a feeding.”

  Garret glared at him.

  Megan sat forward and touched his brother’s knee. “What did you do?” She sounded exactly like his mother had when they were caught misbehaving.

  His brother sucked in a breath. “Well, there’s going to be a press conference.”

  She gestured between the two of them. “Both of you?”

  “No.” Garret grinned. “Just me and the twins.”

  Her left eyebrow rose. Was she jealous? Good.

  Garret took her hand. “Nothing to worry about, baby. You’re the only one I want to be with.”

  “Garret.” She blinked rapidly. “It’s too much. You don’t have to do that. I can just disappear.”

  Trey stood then sat beside her. “You will. His PR people are loaning us their jet. You and I will be heading north in…” He checked his watch. “Six hours.”

  Her eyes sparkled. “You’re coming to Canada?”

  “I am, but I’m not getting off the jet. For your protection.”


  Taking her hand in his, he laced their fingers together. “I wish I could stay, see your place, your studio. It’s just too risky right now. Besides, I need to get back to the ranch.”

  “I understand.” She squeezed his hand. “I really appreciate all you’re doing for me.” She looked at Garret. “Especially you. I never expected…” Her voice faded and she swallowed loudly.

  Garret looked at Trey. The unspoken question shot between them. How to ask her to let them s
tay without making it sound like they were looking for payback.

  Megan couldn’t speak. Garret had sacrificed so much for her. And Trey was flying all the way to Canada with her. They weren’t just doing this because it was the right thing to do.

  They were doing this for her.

  She had to have one last night with them. The realization struck her, hard and certain. It was too late to lose her heart to them, it was already theirs. If she denied them, denied herself, she’d regret it every day for the rest of her life.

  She stood, holding both their hands, determined to make this an unforgettable experience for all of them. “Will you stay with me tonight?” The fragility of her voice shocked her.

  Chapter Ten

  Megan felt her hands shake as she stood in her suite’s living room holding both her men’s hands. Trey was the first to get up off the couch. He pulled Megan into his arms. “God, yes, Megan.” His arms tightened until she could barely inhale. She loved every second of it.

  Garret rose, his face a mix of surprise and desire. “We’re yours.”

  Trey released her and she walked backward a couple steps. “Wanna see my bedroom?”

  The men glanced at each other and grinned, their faces so handsome, so similar in that instant, she could barely stand to look at them.

  Garret stepped toward her. “Baby, lead the way.”

  She backed up, her smile so heartfelt she nearly burst into laughter. “This way, gentlemen.”

  Trey stopped and gestured toward the front door. “I should go to the suite and get a few…supplies.”

  “No need.” She turned to face the bedroom, flipped her hair back, and purred over her shoulder, “I bought everything we need yesterday.”

  Garret growled.

  Trey moaned.

  Both men stalked her and nothing had ever felt so sexy. She swayed her hips as she walked into the bedroom. Maybe not so seductive in the hotel robe. Her nipples tightened and warmth pooled in her core, spreading to her pussy lips.

  She let them catch her.

  Trey cupped her cheeks in his big hands, his eyes so intense, a shiver ran down her spine. His lips touched hers as Garret’s hands grasped her hips and slid around to her stomach, untying the robe’s belt.


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