The Sweet Life

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The Sweet Life Page 2

by David Horne

  Levi swallowed thickly and nodded his head quickly and began shaking his arms and bouncing on the balls of his feet as if he was preparing for a boxing match. I watched him take in a few deep breaths as he mumbled something under his breath. He finally stopped and nodded his head before he met my gaze.

  “Okay, I can do this, lead the way boss man.”

  I led him inside just as my bakers began to trickle in. They all shared greetings with me and gave Levi a friendly smile as they clocked in. Levi stared wide eyed as employee after employee came in. Some walked right back out to walk over to the other buildings and Levi seemed stunned by the number of people in my employ.

  “All of these people work for you?” he asked, and I nodded. “And you’re still looking to hire more?”

  I rubbed the back of my neck again, something I tended to do when feeling nervous, shy or uncomfortable. In this case it was a mixture of the three. I sometimes felt a little shy when it came to speaking with other’s about my success. My mother however told anyone who would listen. She was beyond proud of me and I loved her for it.

  “Ummm, yeah. I’m in the process of buying out the entire block and converting them to working kitchens. I have negotiations with a branding company who would like to put my items in stores, but I don’t think I’m going to go that route. I prefer the goodness of homemade treats rather than factory operated ones. So I’m just expanding my kitchens to meet the demand of the product.”

  Levi blinked slowly as he looked around the bakery. He finally noticed the framed pictures on the wall and his mouth fell open as he took them in. One in particular had him jumping out of his seat and rushing over toward it.

  “Oh, my God is that Lady Gaga?” he said, sounding a bit breathless. The sound made my dick twitch but I ignored it. I was not going there.

  “Yep. She’s one of my biggest supporters.”

  “Why?” he asked, and I could tell it wasn’t meant to be rude, he was just genuinely curious.

  “She loves supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Being a gay business owner and loving the products that I put out just seemed to work out.”

  Levi turned to me slowly and gave me a full head to toe look over. When he met my gaze, I saw the interest there, but I again ignored it. I never slept with my employees and there had been plenty who’d tried. I stood firm in my belief in not mixing business with pleasure, but I also had never had an employee that looked like Levi.

  “So, you’re gay?” he said before he shook his head. “Sorry. It doesn’t matter. Excuse me if I come off as a little blunt. My mom tells me I have no filter; a lot like my gag reflex, it doesn’t exist.”

  I choked on air as Levi’s hand slapped over his mouth. His eyes widened again before he held his hands out as if he were surrendering. “Oh my God. Sorry. That was so inappropriate. I promise to keep the sexual innuendos to myself. I know sexual harassment is a thing and I don’t think my dad would appreciate going to court because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.”

  It took a moment for me to catch my breath due to the fact I was lost in thinking about Levi’s pouty lips stretched wide while I drove into his throat. I covered my face with my hands and for the hundredth time in a ten-minute time span decided this was a very stupid idea.

  After I reigned in my filthy thoughts I took in a deep breath and decided in order to keep things on even keel, I had to look at Levi as an employee. Maybe that would help me get a handle on my crazy emotions.

  “It’s fine just… please try not to scare off my employees, I’m rather fond of them.”

  Levi moved his fingers across his mouth and twisted his wrist as if zipping his lips and locking them with a key. It was adorable but I had zero confidence it would actually help.

  Yep, this was such a bad idea.

  Chapter Three


  “I am in so much trouble,” I moaned to myself as my sexy as hell new boss went to his office to retrieve my paperwork. I wished I’d had my phone so I could text my mother and curse her to the seventh depth of hell for not telling me how gorgeous Jaxon Karr was. She knew I had a weakness for muscles and this man had them in spades. Upon first looking at him, you’d think he was the type to play sports. Like football or something. It made me an asshole to stereotype him, but he was just so beefy!

  I’d seen my fair share of hot guys being the socialite that I was but I’d never in my life seen anyone as hot or as gorgeous as Jaxon Karr. He was tall enough that I had to look up at him which honestly wasn’t that rare. I was five foot seven, most men were taller than me. His hair was light brown but bordered on blonde. It was wavy and messy, and I just wanted to run my fingers through it to see if it was as soft as it looked. He had sultry hazel eyes that I wanted to drown in. They were surrounded by the thickest eyelashes I’d ever seen and if they weren’t so gorgeous on him, I’d say they were wasted on someone as big as him. He was built like a linebacker and for the life of me, I just couldn’t imagine him in a kitchen cooking up cookies and cupcakes. He had to just be the face of the company, right?

  Jaxon returned a few moments later with my paperwork. When he placed the sheet down in front of me, I stared at it as if it were a snake waiting to bite.

  “Um, what is this?” I asked as I looked at the boxes on the paper.

  “It’s your tax forms,” Jaxon said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

  “Oh, right, my tax forms,” I replied as if I had any idea what he was talking about. I read through the forms and it took a lot longer than I thought was normal if Jaxon’s sighs were anything to go by. I’d had no idea what I was reading. I only knew what a dependent was because my dad had claimed me as one on his taxes and I knew I had none of those. Other than that I was guessing. When I was done, I handed the form to Jaxon who looked it over and filled in some of the things that I’d apparently missed. He nodded and then handed me an application. I stared at it in confusion.

  “I thought I already had the job,” I said, and Jaxon nodded as he continued to look over my forms.

  “It’s for auditing purposes. Everyone has to fill out an application.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about, but I nodded anyway and filled out the application. It didn’t take long considering I had nothing to put in the job section. Even though I didn’t graduate I still put my university on the application. I lasted a semester longer than my parents expected so that was a win in my book.

  I again handed the paper to Jaxon who scanned it and his eyebrows shot to his forehead.

  “What?” I asked a bit worried and he shook his head.

  “Oh, I’m just surprised. You’re twenty-two?” he asked, and I nodded. “Huh, I pegged you for a lot younger than me.”

  That piqued my curiosity, “So, just how old are you?” I said and Jaxon shrugged. His cheeks stained red and it was the most precious thing I’d ever seen on a guy his size.

  “Twenty-three,” he mumbled, and it was my turn to look surprised.

  “You’re telling me that you own what clearly seems to be an extremely successful business which connects you with celebrities like Lady Gaga and you’re only twenty-three?” His blush deepened and I had a mixture of emotions flow through me at the time. I felt weirdly proud of this stranger. Accomplishing something as big as his bakery couldn’t have been easy which told me he either had some heavy connections or his products were just that damn good. I also felt envious because at twenty-two years old all I’d accomplished was not catching an STD. It was rather embarrassing.

  I’d never truly been envious of anyone before. I was the son of Elijah James Croft, the most successful lawyer and businessman in the United States and Liliana Marie Rossi-Croft, a world-renowned surgeon and philanthropist. I lived in a five-bedroom, four-bathroom mini mansion with house keepers and chefs. I owned a custom-made Bugatti that had never been driven and cost more than most people would make in a lifetime. I didn’t have to slave away at some dead-end job to make ends meet. I was living the life. But a
s I took in what this twenty-three-year-old young man had created for himself, I felt like a failure and it completely shook me to my core.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Jaxon asked. It was then I felt the heat of his touch on my shoulder. I didn’t realize I’d zoned out.

  “Yeah, sorry about that, I’m fine.” He removed his hand and the warmth was gone. I met Jaxon’s eyes, but he didn’t seem convinced. He didn’t push though, and I appreciated him for that.

  “All right, let’s give you a quick tour of the buildings. Breakfast rush is going to be starting soon.”

  It was then I took in the line of people that had formed while I was zoned out. There were at least fifteen people in line already and I couldn’t imagine what the rush looked like.

  Jaxon showed me his buildings and I was stunned as I took it all in. The store had only been open for a little over twenty minutes and his employees were already working like busy bees, boxing up the shipping orders. Everything was organized perfectly, and they all worked around each other like a well-oiled machine. It was fascinating to watch, and I did so in awe.

  The custom orders were no less fascinating, in fact it was more. The team was working on what looked to be a wedding cake. It was at least five tiers tall and with intricate designs on them. The details were stunning, and I shook my head in disbelief. I’d watched my fair share of baking shows, but I’d never seen the work done up close. It was amazing.

  By the time we made it back to the main kitchen, I was a bit overwhelmed. I didn’t know how Jaxon did all of this on his own. It seemed like a lot to handle for one person.

  “You run this by yourself?” I asked unable to hide my curiosity.

  Jaxon shook his head and grinned. “No, I’d have to be insane to do this on my own. I have a business partner, Liam, you’ll meet him later this week,” if you’re here that long, was left unsaid but we both knew he was thinking it. “I also have a team of managers. They handle the operational side of the other two buildings. I also have an accountant and a financial advisor who helps me keep my finances in order. A business like this requires help.”

  I nodded as Jaxon cleared his throat. Everyone paused what they were doing to turn to him. The staff in this kitchen was a lot smaller than the other two kitchens. Only about five employees seemed to be working this one and I felt a little better about what I was required to do. Washing up for five people didn’t seem that bad.

  “This is Jaxon, he’s our newest employee. He’ll be taking over for Jonah. This is his first day so go easy on him and help out if we fall behind.”

  The employees nodded before they got back to work. They worked just as well together as the other teams did. It was clear that whomever trained them, did so thoroughly.

  “Carly,” Jaxon shouted and a petit young women came over. She looked eagerly up at Jaxon as if hanging on to his every word. I could see the hearts swimming in her eyes but when she looked at Jaxon, he seemed oblivious to it, or he just pretended to be.

  “I’m putting you in charge of training Jaxon over the next week or two. We’re going to start him off on dishwashing duty, but I want him to get a feel for the entire back of house operations just in case we’re short on staff.”

  Carly nodded like a puppy that had just been tossed a treat.

  “I’m counting on you,” Jaxon said, and Carly nearly melted on the spot.

  “You can count on me,” she said, and Jaxon nodded.

  “All right, I’ll be over in building three if you need me.” He then looked at me and gave me a sweet smile that had me almost feeling like Carly. Jaxon was a dreamboat.

  As he walked away, Carly and I both sighed dreamily. Her head whipped toward me and for a moment I thought there was about to be a smackdown. But she just chuckled and shook her head.

  “Sorry, sometimes it’s hard to hide how hot he is.” I laughed and her grin widened.

  “Levi Croft,” I said holding out my hand. Carly gave me hers before we shook.

  “Carletta Nunez, but everyone calls me Carly, welcome aboard.”

  She then showed me the different stations in the kitchen before leading me over to the dishwashing section. It only took her ten minutes to show me how to work the dishwasher and steamer. It seemed easy enough. Power wash with the handle that was a mixture of cleaning soap and water. Power wash with the other handle that only contained water and place it all on the rack to go through the steamer to dry. See? Easy.

  It was not easy! When my four-hour shift ended, I was drenched from head to toe. Carly had made using the power washer seem like a piece of cake. It wasn’t. Squeezing the handle a little too hard sent water shooting out like a rocket and that shit was powerful! Hence the name. And if you held a mixing bowl at the wrong angle, be prepared to get splashed. I learned that lesson the hard way, and again with the pans. I got more water on my clothes than I did on the dishes. It was a mess and I was over it! Who would have thought washing dishes would be so hard.

  Carly’s lips were pressed together as if holding in a laugh. But she did look a bit guilty as she walked over with towels.

  “It seems you forgot to mention a few things,” I said, and Carly bit her lip.

  “I’m sorry. I figured if Jaxon hired you that you at least had a little experience in dish washing. I had no idea you were a complete rookie. I’m so sorry. I promise it wasn’t intentional.”

  She looked on the verge of tears and I immediately felt like an ass for yelling at her.

  “No, it’s okay. Maybe I should have asked more questions before you got busy with your work, this is on me.”

  Carly went to speak when the door opened, and Jaxon walked in. His eyes came directly to me and his eyes widened before he too pressed his lips together as if trying not to laugh.

  “Ha-ha-ha jokes on the new guy,” I said with zero humor.

  Jaxon had the nerve to look apologetic as he smirked. “I’m sorry. It’s not funny. I’m just surprised.” He looked to Carly who stared at Jaxon with wide eyes. “I asked you to train him, why’s it look like he went for a dip in the pool fully clothed.”

  Carly bit her lip and began to speak, but I cut in. “I lied and told her I had experience. She didn’t know I was a newbie to the dish washing thing. My ego wouldn’t let me admit that I had no idea what I was doing.”

  Jaxon’s eyes came back to me and he sighed before nodding and focusing his attention back on Carly. “I’ll take the responsibility for this. It was my job to fully inform you on what it was you were training him for. That’s on me. Sorry about that Carly.”

  Carly blinked rapidly as her eyes darted to me. I gave her a slight nod before she nodded at Jaxon.

  “No worries, mistakes happen. But in his defense, we didn’t fall behind on orders. We always had the supplies we needed.”

  Jaxon nodded and smiled at me. “Well, good job today Levi. Your shift is officially over. I’ll see you again tomorrow morning, at eight.”

  I fought back a groan and nodded which caused Jaxon to grin, it was then I noticed a dimple in his cheek. I had no idea how I’d missed it earlier, but it was standing out proudly as Jaxon enjoyed my discomfort.

  “Oh joy,” I said sarcastically, and Jaxon didn’t even attempt to hide his chuckle. It was low and heavy just like his voice. His sexy as hell voice. I could feel my mind starting to conjure up inappropriate things I could say and decided it was time for me to leave.

  “All right, this has been fun but I’m going to get going. See you all back at this lovely establishment tomorrow.” Jaxon smiled and as I walked away it was to the sound of his sexy as hell chuckle.

  Chapter Four


  It was the fifth day of Levi’s employment and it wasn’t getting any better for me. I’d never had a hard time ignoring my attraction to my employees but with him it was different. Take yesterday morning for example.

  The door swung open and I looked up to see Levi walking in behind my morning prep chef, Chance. I frowned and wiped my hands clean on
of flour.

  “Hey, what are you doing here? You’re not on shift for another few hours,” I said. Levi sighed and his sparkling blue eyes rolled in his head.

  “I know, but I couldn’t make myself go back to sleep after waking up every day at six o’clock so I decided to come and watch you guys bake if you don’t mind. I watched Carly doing it the other day and I found it interesting.”

  I smiled as he spoke. He said it as if it was difficult to admit.

  “What’s your beef with baking?” I asked and Levi let out a long, suffering sigh.

  “I used to be fat, okay,” he said not meeting my eyes and it was the first time I saw him looking vulnerable. “I try to stay away from too many carbs so working here is like waving heroine in front of an addict.” His eyes finally came to mine as he admitted. “I have a weakness for sweets. Cookies in particular. Whenever I leave here, I go home and stuff my face with veggies.”

  I shot him a sympathetic smile before I waved him over. I appreciated his honesty and the fact he fought his temptations. It seemed there was a little more to him that I expected.

  I was working on rolling out some dough for the doughnuts and figured it was easy enough to start him with.

  “Grab an apron and I’ll show you a few things,” I said, and Levi froze. He gnawed at his lip and his eye twitched as if he was fighting off an exorcism.

  “Levi?” I said.

  He took in a gasping breath and rushed out, “I can think of a few things you can show me. Oh my God!”

  He spoke so quickly that I almost didn’t catch it. But I did catch it and I felt a blush creeping up my neck. Levi told me from day one that his filter was nonexistent and there had been times when he’d let it slip but he’d been doing pretty well with containing it for the most part.


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