An Inconvenient Trilogy - Three Regency Romances: Inconvenient Ward, Wife, Companion - all published separately on Kindle and paperback

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An Inconvenient Trilogy - Three Regency Romances: Inconvenient Ward, Wife, Companion - all published separately on Kindle and paperback Page 5

by Audrey Harrison


  Eventually Elizabeth entered the drawing room, looking pale and drawn. She had avoided the dining room and gingerly sat near the slightly open window. Violet smiled to Edward as Elizabeth took a steadying breath.

  “Good morning Elizabeth,” Edward boomed from across the room.

  Elizabeth flinched and closed her eyes before answering, “Good morning.”

  Violet laughed, “Edward, don’t tease her. Speak quietly; you know we ladies cannot take the affects of alcohol as you can. Are you well dear?”

  “I never want to taste champagne again.” Elizabeth whispered.

  “Oh you will, just not today. Michael will be here shortly, he sent a message round this morning. You are to go riding together.”

  “Oh, no! I couldn’t possibly.” Elizabeth groaned, her stomach had lurched in a dangerous fashion at the thought of having to ride a horse.

  “You must!” Violet insisted with the tone of voice that would accept no argument. “If you hide today everyone will think it is because of the bet. You must face the world and show them that it does not matter.”

  “I just want to go home.” Elizabeth almost whispered to herself, then a lump formed in her chest as she realised that she did not have a home to go to.

  Violet heard the comment, but chose not to respond. She would speak to her brother rather than trying to speak to Elizabeth in her delicate state. She ushered Elizabeth out of the room after forcing her to drink some tea.

  Elizabeth returned to the drawing room dressed in her riding outfit. She was not quite as pale as she had been, the exertion of changing in a matter of minutes had increased her colour slightly, but she was feeling even more delicate. She greeted Michael with a wan smile and they quickly left the house and mounted their horses.

  Michael led the way through the streets and into Hyde Park without starting a conversation. Elizabeth wondered if he had also over indulged as he looked pale and drawn. She tried to fight away the thoughts that he may be angry because she had kissed him, or had he kissed her? She did not know what to think except that every time she tried, it hurt, badly.

  As they entered the gates Michael turned to her with a smile that did not reach his eyes. “We are going to give this despicable lot a taste of their own medicine. You need to go along with whatever you are faced with. It may not be easy.”

  Elizabeth nodded her head slightly and tried to suppress the knot forming in her stomach. Life had been far easier when she had known exactly what she needed to do. This world was proving more difficult and complicated than she could possibly have imagined.

  They rode through the park nodding to one or two people as they passed, but not stopping initially. Elizabeth had the feeling Michael was looking for someone in particular. She was proved right when she heard him mutter “at last” under his breath as he saw Lady Wilmslow and her daughter, and turned his horse in their direction.

  “Good morning Lady Wilmslow,” Michael greeted her as they approached the pair. Elizabeth was both wary and alert; she had no idea what Michael was going to do. “Did you have a good evening last night?”

  “We did,” smiled Lady Wilmslow, a middle aged dame, who almost filled the carriage she was riding in. Her expression was that of annoyance, her permanently pinched mouth making her constantly look as if she had just eaten something which had disagreed with her. She smiled at Michael. “Although we were sad to see your early departure, my Lord.”

  “Ah, we didn’t want to over indulge ourselves, as after all, we have the Duke of Richmond’s party tonight, and a favourite of my ward shall be in attendance. As with all young ladies, she wants to look her best for those who are enamoured with her.”

  “Oh really. Do we have a romance in the air Lord Dunham?” Lady Wilmslow asked, clearly looking Elizabeth up and down and almost sneering. Elizabeth met her gaze without flinching, giving no sign that her insides were tense.

  “We may indeed, Lady Wilmslow, but I’m afraid it doesn’t bode well for you though.” came Michael’s smooth reply.

  “How so?” Lady Wilmslow asked, still smiling, but she looked a little wary.

  “Your wager will be wasted. After all, when Miss Rufford has the chance of marrying a Lord, I am sure she would reject any advances from Mr Brooke, wouldn’t you agree?” Michael’s tone had not changed, it was still light and pleasant, but Elizabeth shuddered to think that anyone could look at another person with such a glint in their eyes.

  Lady Wilmslow faltered and flushed, she started a sentence three times before she could actually decide how to respond. “Lord Dunham, it was a little joke. Nothing more! I do hope you don’t think our silly group meant any harm by it?”

  “I would hope that no one would be foolish enough to start such a scheme maliciously.” Michael responded quietly.

  “Not at all!” Lady Wilmslow laughed, the sound a little high pitched for comfort. “Just some silly foolishness. Miss Rufford knew it to be so, didn’t you my dear?”

  Elizabeth knew she should be magnanimous, but she chose to follow Michael’s lead. “But the bets were going so high Lady Wilmslow. It seemed to be a serious business to me.”

  “Oh my foolish girl, we weren’t serious at all! I should have explained to you. It’s my fault, I should have told you about it from the start. I shall have to make it up to you; I would not want you to be upset by any confusion caused over such nonsense. Oh dear me no!”

  Michael let Lady Wilmslow rattle on while her daughter was quiet throughout the exchange. When he had heard enough, he turned to her daughter. “Miss Wilmslow, I was surprised to hear how much your bet was. It must have been a full quarter’s pin money.”

  Miss Wilmslow flushed and glared at Elizabeth. “I meant no harm, my Lord.” It was obvious that every word cost her a great deal.

  “I’m sure you didn’t. After all, the amounts being placed on you, make Miss Rufford’s scheme pale into insignificance.”

  Lady Wilmslow spluttered before managing to speak. “There is a book running on my daughter? How dare they!”

  “I beg your pardon?” Michael asked, turning back to the older woman.

  “This is ridiculous, why would they have bets against my daughter?”

  “Why indeed, Lady Wilmslow. I asked myself the same question when I found out about the bet on my ward. Your response about the one on your daughter would suggest there is a difference between the two girls. Is there a difference between the two cases?” Michael asked quietly, very quietly.

  “No of course not,” Lady Wilmslow snapped. “I think this foolishness has gone far enough, don’t you Lord Dunham? We need to nip it in the bud, but you can leave it with me, my Lord. I will sort everything out.”

  “I can sort it out to my own satisfaction, thank you. I am inclined to sort it out in the way that I think would be most effective, and remind those who started such a scheme, that they should think twice before doing something to cross me,” Michael replied smoothly.

  Lady Wilmslow paled slightly before answering. “You would do me a great favour if you let me sort this nonsense out for you Lord Dunham. I should have nipped it in the bud at the start, so I feel a hint of responsibility, please let me be the one to rectify it. There is no need to trouble yourself over it.”

  “As you wish.” Michael bowed to the two ladies and moved away. The conversation had been noted by others in the vicinity, and all were watching with interest. Michael nodded to a few while moving through the park to the area that was less occupied. Throughout, he had spoken of nonsense to Elizabeth. When they had space in front of them, he encouraged his horse to gallop and Elizabeth followed suit.

  They galloped as far as they could before turning and making their way back to the crowd, equally as fast. Michael pulled his horse to a stop before they could be heard by anyone and turned to Elizabeth with a smile, a genuine smile this time. “That should do it.”

  “What’s that?” Elizabeth asked with her first real smile of the day. The ride had invigorated
her and she felt much better once the feeling of nausea had subsided.

  “Lady Wilmslow will stop the silliness, and she will not dare to allow anything else to start again. Added to that, we have shown everyone else that you are in excellent spirits, and are not affected by last night at all.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Remind me not to cross you. I’m still not sure how or why Lady Wilmslow would bow to your demands; you are both the same rank after all, but she looked positively afraid.”

  “Yes, but I am not married to Lord Wilmslow and having an affair with his younger brother. Something which I discovered a few weeks ago, when I disturbed them in a less than dignified position.” Michael grinned.

  “Oh my goodness! How do these people ever survive with each other? There are too many dalliances for me to keep up with,” Elizabeth said shaking her head. “Life was far simpler in Lancashire.”

  “Do you not enjoy seeing the foibles of others?” Michael asked. He was used to the women of his acquaintance being desperate to hear the latest gossip, or scandal.

  “Sometimes I do find the foolishness of others funny, I admit, but it seems that it too often hurts others, and I dislike that,” Elizabeth replied soberly. “One point I need to question you on though. You told an untruth to Lady Wilmslow, you said that there was the chance I could marry a Lord and that is not true. You should not spread rumours which will make you look foolish when the truth is found out.”

  Michael had to try and dismiss the image of Elizabeth becoming Lady Dunham that flashed through his mind at her words before answering. “There is a Lord interested in you my dear. Whether it comes to marriage or not will remain to be seen.”

  Elizabeth was distracted from asking anything further by the arrival of Mr Dawson. “Good morning to you both, delighted to see you,” he greeted as he rode up.

  The party turned back to the main throng as John teased Elizabeth about too much champagne. “I admit I shall not be indulging again.” She responded. “My headache this morning was not something I would want to experience again. It felt as if a whole army was marching in there,” she smiled at him. “I admit to being reluctant to take part in this outing, but it has done the trick and cleared the army away!”

  “Don’t let Michael know that he was right about something. He has enough of an air of superiority about him without him thinking that he knows best adding to it,” John advised giving his friend a sidelong glance.

  “Oh I think being my guardian will give him enough of a challenge to avoid developing any feelings of superiority over others.” Elizabeth grinned at Michael.

  “I would have a far more peaceful time if you two did not constantly undermine my steadfast guidance.” Michael pontificated with the air of someone who was expecting his comment to be ridiculed. Elizabeth and John both happily obliged him throughout the remainder of the outing.

  Chapter 5

  When Michael escorted Elizabeth back to Violet’s home, Elizabeth asked to speak to him in private. He led the way into Edward’s study. “Is something troubling you?” He asked as they sat in the chairs near the shelves of books.

  “Only that we have never spoken about the estate in Yorkshire and I don’t want to lose it,” Elizabeth explained.

  “Are you still as determined as ever to leave London?” Michael asked. “You haven’t been here for very long.”

  “I know, but even now I realise I will never be the type of woman that fits into this society. I am amazed that Violet is so lovely after spending so long here. I would probably become bitter and twisted and slightly mad if I stayed,” Elizabeth said with feeling.

  Michael laughed. “Violet uses her husband and family to keep her sane, but she enjoys the shopping, visiting and gossip too. That is where we differ as brother and sister; I prefer the country so I do understand your longing to return.”

  “And yet still you encourage me to stay. You did not strike me as so inconsistent,” Elizabeth said with a grimace.

  “I want you to give it the best chance that’s all.” Michael responded, with a smirk at Elizabeth’s expression. He could also have added that he was beginning to dread the thought of her leaving. If London was unbearable before, it would be completely intolerable without Elizabeth to brighten every event.

  “Thank you, but I would be happier if you would secure my estate.”

  “I have actually been working on your behalf.” Michael replied loftily.

  “Have you? You absolute dear, what have you done?” Elizabeth asked, all excitement.

  Michael could not help but smile at her enthusiasm. “I have instructed Charles to make enquiries and he has been compiling some information that I was going to go through with you in a day or two.”

  Elizabeth’s mouth twitched, “So you haven’t actually done anything except give orders out.”

  Michael glowered at her defensively. “While he is undertaking business for you, he isn’t doing business for me, so I have to exert myself, I’ll have you know.”

  His words had the effect he had hoped, Elizabeth roared with laughter, “Oh, you poor Lord, you.”


  The Duke of Richmond’s party was to be one of the biggest of the season. Even Elizabeth had been looking forward to it and had planned her dress carefully. She had chosen a pale blue silk, almost aqua marine, edged with ivory lace. The dress appeared to float around her, the fabric was so sheer. She loved the feel of silk and had chosen it over other heavier materials for her dresses. Her hair had been tied with loose curls, cascading down from secure pins. It was not as formal as the current fashion, but it gave innocence to her appearance which suited her. Small flowers were attached to her hair, matching the colour of the lace and emphasised the warmth of the colour of her curls. A simple string of pearls finished the outfit. Even Elizabeth did not think that no jewellery was acceptable for such a prestigious event.

  Michael waited for Elizabeth in the drawing room, happy to be entertained by his sister. Violet took great pleasure in updating him on the reparation Lady Wilmslow was undertaking to try and make things smoother between the two families.

  “It is time she was stopped in her tracks. She is making a fool of Wilmslow,” Michael said with some asperity.

  “She has a willing partner in his brother, but it is really none of our business how they conduct themselves. It is best not to get involved at all. I am glad the silly episode is over, I think everyone was in danger of becoming overly upset about it,” Violet countered, ever the more diplomatic of the siblings.

  Michael wondered if Violet was going to mention anything about what happened in Elizabeth’s bedroom, but they were prevented from further conversation by Elizabeth’s entrance. Edward stood to greet Elizabeth and engaged her in trying to tempt her with some refreshments.

  “Your ward will be the Belle of the Ball tonight dressed so exquisitely,” Violet whispered.

  “Yes Halkyn will be all over her,” Michael muttered.

  “Lord Halkyn? Is he back in London?” Violet asked in surprise.

  “Yes I saw him the day before yesterday. He wants the first two dances with Elizabeth tonight,” Michael replied not meeting his sister’s surprised gaze.

  “I do not need to ask how he has found out about Elizabeth’s presence, you have obviously arranged things, but are you sure you know what you are doing?” Violet was well aware that Halkyn was the catch of the season. Good looking, single and wealthy, he gave the impression of being perfect, but there was a cold streak in him that made Violet uneasy. Violet had a suspicion of Michael’s developing affection towards Elizabeth and worried that her brother might regret introducing such a person into their circle.

  “I am giving her every chance to find a husband as is right,” Michael shrugged non-committedly, but he was fighting the increasing knotted feeling in the pit of his stomach as he looked at Elizabeth laughing with Edward. Halkyn would be smitten within minutes and he could offer her everything.

  They arrived at the party and almost im
mediately Elizabeth was introduced to Lord Halkyn. He was slightly younger than Michael, probably three or four years. He had blonde hair that fell in waves around his ears; his eyes were a deep blue and seemed to sparkle in the candle light. His lips were almost like a rosebud, more suited to a woman really, but gave the appearance of being angelic, although Elizabeth was not so easily taken in. He was dressed in the height of fashion, but there was colour in his clothing. Most men opted for cream silk waistcoats for evening wear, but Lord Halkyn wore a deep blue waistcoat. It seemed to reflect his eye colour and Elizabeth was sure that it had been chosen for that reason.

  She was surprised by, but accepted, the request for the first two dances, only raising her eyebrow in question at Michael when Halkyn had turned away. Michael did not respond with his usual smile which increased Elizabeth’s wariness about the introduction.

  As the first dance started Elizabeth was aware that her dance partner was causing quite a stir in the crowd and the fact that he was dancing with her seemed to increase the whispers. She was speculating as to why she had been chosen when Lord Halkyn spoke.

  “I am glad to have made your acquaintance so early on my return to London, I hope to see a lot more of you over the coming weeks,” he smiled down at her.

  Elizabeth was convinced by his words that there had been some sort of matchmaking done behind the scenes after such a comment, and decided not to act like the simpering women she despised. “I would suggest you reserve judgement until the end of our dance Lord Halkyn, before making such a comment. I could prove to be a tedious bore.”

  Halkyn smiled, “I very much doubt that and even if you were, at least I could gaze at you while ignoring your tedious conversation.”

  Elizabeth smiled despite herself, “I can see why you are a friend of Lord Dunham.”

  “Ah yes, the King of the direct comments. Yes we are acquaintances, although no-one is really close to Dunham. I admit that he was the first person I looked up on my return to see what had been happening in this den of iniquity.”


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