The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men))

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The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)) Page 10

by Quinn, Shelli

  “Oh and by the way Indy, nice work with that bat to his face.” Pierce said smiling.

  “What he was telling the truth?” Luc asked.

  “Well I know who to call when I need someone to have my back and these guys aren’t available.” Gio said grinning. Indy smiled back as she left the room followed by both Asia and London.

  “Dang she is full of surprises isn’t she?” Gabe said.

  “You have no idea.” Gio replied with a smirk as he sipped his wine.

  Gigi was having a nightmare about Rodney finding her alone and attacking her, she opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out. She tried to fight him off but he wouldn’t let go of her he just keep squeezing her arm causing her pain. He started dragging her away from the Inn by the hair, away from her sisters away from Pierce and life she was building. Again she tried to scream but nothing.

  Gigi could smell his horrid breath against her face as he laughed at her showing his rusty brown teeth. She kicked and punched but still he wouldn’t let go. Where was everyone? Why wasn’t anyone here to help her? No she wouldn’t let him win she had to fight back her family needed her, her baby needed her, Pierce needed her. She broke his hold on her and ran it was dark and she wasn’t sure where she going but still she ran.

  Pierce promised he wouldn’t come back for her, he promised she’d be safe, where was Pierce she needed him. She screamed his name and this time it wasn’t silenced, so happy that her voice was back she scream his name again as she ran.

  Gigi heard him calling out to her telling her everything would be alright, telling that she was safe in his arms she could even feel his touch, his soft warm hands on her skin. She could feel his lips pressed firmly against her temple soothing her, she heard his voice as he promised to always keep her safe. She believed him she knew that he would do exactly as he said he would she felt it in his touch and in his kiss.

  Pierce had shot out of the recliner and into their bedroom suite the second he heard Gigi scream his name. When he came in she’d been trapped in what had to be a terrible nightmare kicking and swinging as she fought the demons in her dream. He was at her side in an instant trying to wake her from the nightmare she was having. But she was to deep in the dream so he pulled her into his arms a began to soothe her hoping that it would bring her out of whatever nightmare she was in.

  He relaxed a bit when she seemed to calm down and instead of screaming his name she whispered it softly as she stopped trembling. “I Love you Pierce.” He heard her whisper and his heart almost burst from his chest with joy. He’d never experienced such happiness because he’d fallen in love with her and wasn’t sure how she felt about him.

  Pierce knew that she cared for him but now things would be perfect they loved each other and would soon be husband and wife. They were expecting their first child in a couple of weeks, his brothers were here with him and his parents would be here in a few days life was good. He knew that his parents would love Gigi as much as he did, they better she was the mother of their first grandchild.

  In any case he wasn’t worried Gigi had a way of making anyone fall in love her. He smiled as he remember the first night they’d meet, who knew they’d come this far. Gigi slowly roused from her sleep.

  “Pierce, you’re still here?” She whispered.

  “Of course I am where else would I be?” He asked smiling down at her. She smiled back.

  “I think dinner’s ready are you hungry Caro?”

  “Are you kidding I’m eight months pregnant, when am I not hungry?” She said sitting up. “Just let me freshen up first.”

  “I’ll be right here.” He said helping her to her feet, she leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

  “I’ll be right back, sunshine.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Two days later Landry Landing Inn was buzzing with activity as they set up for wedding dinner which was that night and wedding which was tomorrow. The Inn looked beautiful London and Gabe had done a wonderful job with the decorations. London had finished the dresses for the wedding and she’d out done herself on the designs and the colors.

  Asia had roped Luc into helping her in the kitchen she forced him to be her taste tester, but he wasn’t complaining. One reason was because he loved her cooking and for other he just liked being around her. She’d done so much cooking that the entire Inn smelled like an award winning restaurant, thankfully the Inn was closed for the next month to all guests except family.

  Indy and Gio were hard at work developing a new blend of wine for the wedding and although they still argued they seem to be getting along better. The two of them had developed a really good after dinner blend of wine that Pierce and the other said had a rich, soothing taste Gigi couldn’t wait to try it after the baby was born.

  She and Pierce had decided not to spread the houses out so far apart it wasn’t so bad having family around all the time. His parents would be arriving any minute because he’d hired a private car to pick them up at the airport. She was so nervous about meeting them, hoping that they liked her.

  “Relax they’ll love you.” Pierce said reassuring her.

  Gigi glanced up at him. “Make that a promise and I’ll believe you.”

  “Okay I promise, so stop worrying.” He replied kissing her temple.

  “Okay no more worrying because you never break a promise right.”

  “That’s right Caro.”

  Luc came into the dining room from the lobby. “They’re pulling up outside right now, so if anybody is going to run you better get started.”

  “Luc!” Pierce warned.

  “I’m just kidding, besides it’s too late to run.”

  Everyone gathered in the dining room making last minute adjustments to their attire and overall appearance. When they were all satisfied that everything was in order they made their way to the lobby so that they could greet them properly.

  Pierce was the first to greet his parents as they walked through the door. “Ciao.” He said greeting them in Italian and continued to address them in Italian asking about their trip. His parents answered in Italian then turned to greet the rest of their sons, but when they turned their attention to Gigi and her sisters they switched to English.

  “Good evening ladies.” Giuseppe said in a thickly accented voice and wide smile. “I am Giuseppe Fabrizio and this is my wife Serafina.” He announced taking his wife by the hand.

  “Good evening.” Serafina said.

  The two were a lovely couple, Giuseppe was a tall man around six feet with rich olive skin and hazel eyes, his thick black hair was peppered with grey at the temples his handsome face reminded her so much of Pierce and Gio who looked a lot like him.

  Serafina was a petite woman about her height maybe a bit shorter, her once black hair was also peppered with grey but was pulled back into a bun at the back of her head. Her pale grey eyes were striking against her deeply tanned skin. Even at her age she was still a very pretty woman.

  Pierce pulled Gigi forward so that they could see her better. “This is Egypt Landry my soon to be wife and the mother of your first grandchild.”

  “Please call me Gigi it’s a pleasure to meet you both.” Gigi said nervously, she became fidgety when Giuseppe and Serafina turned to each other and began speaking in Italian she tried to take a step back but Pierce was blocking her retreat. He placed an open palm at the small of her back and urged her forward.

  When Giuseppe and Serafina stopped talking they turned their gazes back to her it was his mother that stepped forward and embraced her.

  “Pierce she’s beautiful. I’m sorry dear, my English is not so good, but welcome to our family and you may call me Sera.”

  Giuseppe approached Gigi taking her hands. “We welcome you, once you become a Fabrizio you will always be a Fabrizio.”

  “Mama, Papa I want you both to meet the rest of the Landry woman.” Pierce said luring them away from Gigi before they give her a long drawn out speech about being a Fabrizio. “This is Gigi’s older sist
er India, Her younger sister Asia and the in between sister London. Ladies this is Giuseppe and Serafina Fabrizio.”

  “We are very pleased to meet all of you.” They said shaking the hand of each of the women.

  “What smells so good?” Sera asked.

  “That would be dinner and I’m starving.” Luc said.

  “What boy you’ve been eating all day.” Asia said as she headed to the kitchen with Luc following close behind.

  “I see that lovely young lady has been able to tame my Luciano a bit.” Sera said grinning.

  “Don’t let him hear you say that.” Gabe said with a smirk.

  “If you’ll excuse us we need to check on the place settings for dinner.” London said grabbing Gabe’s hand as she dragged him away.

  “Gabriele seems to be thinking about something other than work that’s a good sign.” Sera commented.

  “Indy, do you think we should check on the wine we chose for tonight?” Gio asked.

  Indy rolled her eyes. “Oh so now you ask for my input, would you excuse us for a minute. Don’t try to be nice that your parents are here.” She said as she walked ahead of him heading out of the room.

  “Mama, Papa we’ll see you in the dinner room.” Gio said as he sprinted to catch up with Indy. “Why are you walking so fast, would you slow down?”

  Indy stopped just long enough to yell at him. “If you don’t stop bossing me around I swear I’m going to sock you right in the eye.” Indy smiled at the others before turning to make long strides out of the room.” Gio laughed as he followed her.

  “Honey, our Gio actually laughed and that India is quite a handful, I like her.” Sera said.

  “Whoa! Pierce I think your baby needs another one of those pep talks because there’s an unauthorized soccer game going on inside my stomach.” Gigi said as she leaned over and grabbed her stomach.

  Pierce went down on one knee in front of Gigi placing a hand on both sides of her stomach leaning in close he put his mouth against her stomach where the baby was once again doing a little tumble, roll and kick mommy. Speaking in Italian he told his baby to calm down and behave within minutes the movement slowed to a flutter.

  “That’s more like it little one.” He said getting to his feet smiling down at Gigi.

  “Thanks sunshine.” Gigi said tilting her face up for a kiss which he did planting a kiss on her waiting lips.

  “You’re welcome but we better feed you or the baby might decide to start kicking you again.” Pierce said as he started for the dining room asking his parents to follow them.

  Dinner had gone well and everyone had turned in for the night. Giuseppe and Serafina we’re pleased with their suite which was just down the hall it being the only other room on the top floor beside the girl’s apartment. Giuseppe and Sera were still awake but sat in bed talking as they did on many occasions, but this time instead of worrying about their boys they felt hope for them for the first time in years.

  “Seppe what do you think of the way the boys are acting. Luc is not acting like some wild playboy as he usually does. I think Asia might be just the woman to tame the boy.”

  “She certain is a wonderful cook and she seems to be a lovely woman but let’s let them work things out.” Giuseppe said.

  “Fine, then what about Gabe this is the first time in years that he isn’t complete focused on work London looks like she knows how to balance work and fun, she did a great job with the decorations for tonight and for the wedding she’s very talented.”

  “Yes she is talented and I’m sure Gabe knows that too honey.” Giuseppe said hoping that would keep her from interfering.

  “Seppe when was the last time you heard Gio laugh? I mean really laugh like he did tonight with India. She reminds me of your sister God rest her soul. She has that same fiery spirit, that same strong will and kind heart and she is quite beautiful isn’t she?”

  “Yes dear she is very beautiful and fiery and she seems to be able to handle Gio quite well, So I don’t think you need to push it they’ll find their way if it’s meant to be.”

  “Well at least our Pierce has found happiness with a gorgeous woman who appears to be very sweet. Our grandbaby is going to the envy of all the women in my ladies group I plan to show lots and lots of pictures the way they have all these years bragging about their grandchildren. I can’t wait to shut those biddy’s up.”

  “Sera, you might want to wait until the baby is born first.” Giuseppe said teasingly.

  “Seppe don’t make fun of me I’m just so happy that our boys are finally on their way to happiness.”

  “And they will Sera but if you push they’ll just push back then it will take that much longer for them to realize what we already see.”

  “You are right as usual my darling Seppe.” She said kissing him goodnight.

  The next morning everyone woke up excited about the wedding and jumped in head first making sure that things would go as planned. Pierce woke up and got out of bed carefully so that he wouldn’t wake Gigi she’d had a long night unable to sleep because of a terrible backache.

  He left her a note letting her know that he was with brothers but he’d see her at the altar. When Gigi got up that morning she was having sharp pains. Her sisters found her doubled over beside the bed.

  “Gigi what’s wrong, are you alright?” Indy asked rushing to her side.

  “Should we call Pierce?” Asia asked.

  “No!” Gigi yelled. “We are having this wedding, now help me up so I can get dressed.”

  “Girl are you crazy the baby could be coming.” London said franticly.

  Gigi grabbed London by the hand and pulled her down to eye level with her. “This baby isn’t coming until Pierce and I get married, you got that.”

  “Well she certainly is grouchy this morning.” Asia said. Indy glance at her shaking her head in disbelief at the stupid things Asia sometimes said.

  “If I wasn’t worried about making you even more stupid than you already are, I’d slap you right now.” Indy said.

  “Look, let’s just get this show on the road before I’m holding this baby in my arms while I’m standing at the altar getting married.” Gigi said through clenched teeth.

  An hour later they were about to enter the church when a contraction hit Gigi and it took all her will power not to scream out from the pain. Once the contraction subsided London cued the music and began to march.

  The Fabrizio men were waiting at the altar dressed handsomely in black tuxedos with bowties and cummerbunds in misty grey, that London had made herself.

  London walked down the aisle first in her misty grey one shoulder fitted dress, a design she’d made for this special day. Her short black hair was pushed back from her face with a silver headband that matched the rest of her silver accessories. Gabe thought she looked even more beautiful than she usually did.

  Asia was next to walk down the aisle wearing a dress just like the one London wore. Her long blonde streaked her was styled in an up do with wispy curls hanging around her face as silvery clips held it in place. She smiled when her hazel eyes met Luc’s hazel eyes as he smiled back thinking what a total knockout she is.

  Indy began walking down the aisle with her light honey eyes locked on Gio. Her breath hitched as she stared at him, as did his. The misty grey dress she wore was the same as the ones her sisters were wearing but with one big difference. Her dress hugged her voluptuous figure dipping in at the sides where it clenched her small waistline. Her shoulder length auburn hair had been swooped to the side in a cascade of curls and held there with silver hair pins.

  All Gio could think about was peeling her out of that dang dress to find out exactly what she was wearing underneath. The site of her long shapely legs in those high heel sandals had him wanting to lick her from her ankle to her…

  He didn’t realize he’d groaned softly until Pierce nudged him in side with his elbow.

  But it was Pierce that became dumbstruck when Gigi began her trip down the aisle towa
rds him. Her long dark wavy hair was piled at the top of her head with tiny flowers styled around her hair like a halo. Her wedding gown was done in a silvery white-grey material with an empire waist and a bodice that angled across her chest and over one shoulder down to a long flowy sleeve that London had added to cover the bruise on Gig’s arm. Her honey eyes glowed as she gazed at him on her way down the aisle but her smile didn’t quite reach those glowing eyes of hers.

  Pierce had a feeling that something was wrong but wasn’t sure until after the preacher asked who gives this woman’s hand in marriage and all three of her sisters answered in unison. “We do.”

  Just as the preacher was about to read their vows another contraction hit and this time Gigi did scream out from the pain. She bent over slightly holding her a hand at the bottom of her stomach.

  Pierce grabbed her. “Are you alright Caro?”

  “I’ll be fine just give me a second.” Gigi said through clenched teeth once again.

  “Pierce she’s been having contractions all morning.” Indy said stepping up beside them.

  “Why didn’t one of you call me?” Pierce asked. “We need to get her to the hospital we’ll postpone the wedding for…” Before he could finish his sentence Gigi reached up and grabbed him by the collar with one hand pulling him down so that she could see his face.

  “I’m not leaving this church until I am Mrs. Pierce Fabrizio, you got that sunshine.”

  Pierce turned to the preacher once Gigi had let go of his collar. “I’m going to need you to speed this up a bit, so I can get her to the hospital. Preferable before the baby arrives.”


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