The Sheikh's Virgin Mistress 4 (Jatar Sheikh Series Book 4)

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The Sheikh's Virgin Mistress 4 (Jatar Sheikh Series Book 4) Page 4

by Jessica Brooke

  Omar bolted upright so fast his chair flew backwards and crashed into a table, sending the contents crashing against the wall. His hands were balled into fists as he strode to me. I squared my shoulders and stood, facing him.

  “You are not leaving!” he hissed.

  I met his eyes, “Taking out your frustrations on me will solve nothing.” He pulsed his jaw and tightened his grip. I bit out, “Well, it will solve one thing.”

  “What is that?”

  “I will leave, and you’ll never see me again. I will never tolerate you abusing me.”

  He cocked his head in thought, and tightened his grip one more notch, “I abuse you all the time.”

  “No, Omar, you don’t. What we do in the throes of passion and with my consent is a far cry from what you wish to do to me in this moment. You do understand the difference, right?”

  I was surprised at how calm I felt and how sure my voice was. I think Omar was equally surprised. He released my neck and went back to his desk, righting his chair and resuming his seated place behind the massive mahogany desk. “Just leave, Anna,” he said in a defeated tone. I debated ignoring his last command, but I was also out of words so I turned to leave and he called after me, “You should sleep in the guest suite tonight.”

  I began crying as I headed down the hall and away from my husband of only a week.

  How we could go from insatiable lovers to this so quickly was beyond me, but I also knew that Omar was an intricate and complicated man, and I was yet to know all of his complexities. I went to our room and gathered a few items and made my way to the second story and the large guest suite there. I took a shower and was just about to crawl into bed when a knock sounded at the door. I called out that it was open, and Omar came in. He said nothing as he walked to me and took me in his arms. He kissed the top of my head and then muttered. “I’m frustrated. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me?”

  I burrowed my face in his chest and replied, “Only if you start including me and talking to me. I won’t be your whipping boy, Omar.”

  He held me even tighter and no other words were said. He took me by the hand and led me back up to our room. Without more than a kiss to my forehead, he crawled into bed next to me, and we slept.


  The next morning when I woke up, he was in his chair, looking out at the city, and I asked him, “Is it calmer?”

  He gritted his teeth and shook his head, “No. They are tearing apart my city.”

  “It’s their city, too.” I said without thinking and Omar furrowed his brows together. “I’m sorry, I only mean maybe if we listened to them? Tried to help instead of summarily dismissing or killing them?”

  “They will only want more.”

  “Omar, I talked to the leader of the group that took me, and what I gathered was they just wanted slightly better living accommodations and fair wages. Was he right that most of them still lived in dirt floor huts?”

  Omar shrugged as if that were not uncommon, “Most get paid what they are worth.”

  “Well, perhaps you should re-think that statement. Who dictates worth? Look at how you live. How can you decide worth when you have so much?”

  “You enjoy all of this immensely. You cannot lie and tell me otherwise.”

  “I do. I am not saying I don’t! What I’m saying is, what if we give back to the community in a greater way? I know you treat your servants better than most. You know, I actually argued that exact point with my captor. I defended you! I want you to know that.”

  He looked surprised and then turned to look back out the window. “Omar, why don’t you let me implement a housing improvement program, and an affordable food exchange or food bank,” I continued. “What if instead of me shopping or buying myself anything at all for the next year, I put all that money into helping the underprivileged in Dubai? Would you allow that? Just see if that helps? I promise, if it doesn’t, if the riots continue and the attacks resume, I will say I was wrong, and you can do whatever you want as retaliation. Will you at least consider it?”

  “Julie will not come if you tell her you don’t get to shop.” His snarky comment made me laugh, which lightened the mood considerably.

  “Forget Julie!” I said with equal sarcasm. “I am the wife to the King of Dubai, and I think its time you let me take on some of these responsibilities.”

  He exhaled through his nose and nodded, “I’ll consider it.”

  I laid there, silent, and then he added in a more subdued tone, “I do like it when you talk with authority. When you talk as if they are your people, too, your burden as much as it is mine. I shouldn’t, I should be disciplining you for this insubordination.”

  “So you agree with me?” I asked in a small voice.

  “Yes, Anna. You have a valid point, and it would be narrow minded of me to dismiss your ideas.”

  I blinked at him, sort of in shock at his attitude. He gave me a wry half smile and nodded, mostly to himself, “I might discipline you just because I gather so much pleasure from the act, but I will not in this moment and not for your worldly viewpoint. I have lived in other parts of the world, and I realize we are often antiquated in our beliefs. Behind the times. Although, this is not a promise that I will heed your suggestions, just merely me stating I will take it under advisement.”

  “Thank you,” I replied and then stretched out on my back. I closed my eyes and pulled the covers up to my chin. “I think I’ll sleep in.”

  He said nothing, but did stay in the chair. Soon I drifted back to sleep. He woke me up when he crawled under the covers and pulled me to his chest. He was naked, and of course I was since he’d decreed I always sleep in the nude. I sleepily cuddled into his warmth and kissed his chest over his heart. I mumbled, “Omar, I really do love you with every ounce of my soul.”

  “And I you, my beautiful goddess.”

  “Want to make love?” I asked.

  “No, I just want you. Sleep. We will both sleep as I decide what to do.”

  So we did just that. In the middle of the day we both cuddled into a ball of limbs and slept. When he woke me up, we made slow, careful love. There was no violence or urgency in his strokes in and out of me, and when we both came together, it was a muted sort of release and we laid there, breathing in unison.

  That night at dinner, he invited some of his advisors and I was shocked to be included. He announced before the food was served that I was in charge of a new program to restore the most run-down areas of Dubai, and they were to assist me in all ways possible.

  In hushed tones, the men leaned towards Omar, and I saw one after the other shake their heads. Omar again surprised me when he shut up their mutterings with a simple statement. “I am giving her a million dollars and six months. If nothing changes or we see no perceptible shift in the uprising, we will destroy that entire part of the city and rebuild from scratch. We will evict the current civilian population and import willing workers. Six months. We can give her that long.”

  Some of the men continued to grumble, and Omar slapped the table with authority. They all shut up after that. I sat there and tried not to smile.

  After the meal, one after another of his advisors came to me and handed me cards with private numbers. We set a date for an initial meeting in one week and all of them were given invitations to the island celebration in honor of our recent matrimony.

  After the last of the powerful men had left, I turned to Omar and gave him a demure grin, “You surprised me tonight. Was that uncomfortable for you?”

  He twitched up a lip as if it had been painful. “Yes, excruciating. I just lost the respect of most of my dearest advisors.”

  I pursed my lips, “Really? That bad? They seemed okay to me.”

  He shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck, “Ahhh, they put on a show. They are diplomats and politicians, after all. No, they are not, okay, with any of it. Trust me, they are more than likely discussing my replacement right this second.”

  “Can they do
that?” I shrieked.

  “No, not yet. We are still ruled by a long lineage of royally born. They can assassinate me, however.”

  “Oh my God, Omar! I had no idea. Do you think that is a possibility?” Then I had a thought and I furrowed my brow, but I didn’t verbalize anything.

  “What just crossed your mind?” he asked. “I know you well enough, Anna. Tell me.”

  “Um, nothing really.”

  He walked to me and gripped the tops of my arms, “No, tell me now. You were the one that insisted we communicate everything. Now it is I insisting!”

  My cheeks flushed, “It sounds really paranoid, but I was thinking how much your sister seemed able to rule. She wouldn’t go all Shakespeare and kill you to take your position. Would she?”

  He sniffed and his eyelids lowered as if he were tired, “No, it wouldn’t matter, either. She wouldn’t be given the position. It would go to one of my brothers. Even if she killed the entire family, they wouldn’t set her on the throne.” He gave me a steely gaze, “She is a female and that will never happen in an Arab world. Never!”

  “Okay. Well, I guess I’ll have to prove them all wrong and make this plan work. I intend to start planning first thing in the morning.”

  He nodded and took my hand, “Yes, Anna. Make it work.”

  We decided to go for a swim and headed for the pool. We both stripped without words and then went in naked. At first, Omar simply swam. He did multiple laps as I floated on my back and thought. Then he came to me and wrapped me in his arms and wordlessly we dwelt in the other’s company. The only sounds were of our breaths, the occasional kisses, and the lapping of the water against the tiled enclosure.

  He never grew hard or desired for sex, and even though I was still achy from the honeymoon, I wondered if he’d somehow put me in a different category, and I no longer aroused him. I reached between our bodies and fondled his flaccid penis, and he let me, but remained silent. I played with him for a very long time, and he finally lifted and filled under my hand, but he made no move to enter my body. I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I asked, “What can I do to please you?”

  He made a throaty chuckle and pinned himself between our bodies, “Just your existence pleases me, Anna. I simply do not wish to penetrate you this instant. My mind is other places.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He kissed my forehead and rubbed himself between us, “Yes, darling. Not tonight.”

  There wasn’t much else I could do or say, so I sighed and floated in his arms, weightless.


  True to his word, Omar opened an account with a million dollars in it and my name as the executor. I was suddenly no longer aimless when he was away and busy. I had work to do and lots of it. I wanted to prove to him that if we helped, his people would stop the riots and random attacks. I had a job, and I was going to do it to the best of my abilities.

  I quickly became so busy I was getting up with Omar at dawn and working all day long. At the end of the day, he and I would fall into bed, exhausted, yet satisfied with our endeavors. I was learning how to navigate through an entirely male-ruled empire, and despite the setbacks and constant cold shoulders I encountered, I was slowly making headway.

  My mom was helping me from afar. When I was younger, she’d held chair on numerous charitable organizations—so her advice on how to disperse and what to focus on was immeasurable to my naïve knowledge in these areas. Within a week, I’d implemented a food bank/soup kitchen operation set up in the middle of the most poverty-stricken area, and already we’d served over a four hundred customers in both meals and food goods they could take home.

  My next project was a new housing development I hoped to have completed before my six month time limit. Omar wanted to help and so had offered his best contractor and architect and all their men to complete the project. I rewarded him handsomely for that extra help.

  Now that I had some assistance already implemented, most of the uprising had settled and for the time being, it seemed as if we were once again at peace with the civilian population. Now I needed to focus on the upcoming celebration and the arrival of all my friends and family. Tonight was a rare free evening for both of us, and we found ourselves alone and watching the sunset from the pool room.

  “I am so proud of you, Anna,” Omar announced.

  I sighed and waved my hand, “Don’t be too proud yet. I’ve not done much, and I have a lot to learn.”

  “No, I am proud of what you’ve already accomplished and the simple fact you are taking on the mantle of Queen to a population of rebellious civilians. You are brave, Anna, and I can already see a shift in perceptions. You realize I talk with my advisors regularly? They do keep me updated of what you are asking them to implement and how you are taking command so easily. I am proud to call you my wife, and soon I am certain the entire nation will embrace you just as much as I have.”

  I blushed and shrugged, not knowing what to say. After thinking about it, I offered, “I am so in love with you, Omar, that I want to please you, and I know that if I help your people and your country, I will please you. That’s why I am doing this. Why I’ve insisted you let me.”

  He made a motion and pulled me over to his lap, something he’d not offered me in a while. I kissed his neck and rested my cheek against his collarbone, “You haven’t set me on your lap in a long time.”

  He petted my back and then gripped my hip so that I pushed harder into his front and could feel what my bottom was now producing from his body. He rolled his hips and ground his now very hard cock up against me and he growled in my ear.

  “I need to ravage your body, my love. I need to show you just how much you please me.”

  I giggled and bit at his lower lip. Then in a much too eager tone I simply said, “Okay!”

  He chuckled and then kissed me until I was totally out of breath. His voice became all dominant male, all commanding general, and my body lubricated just from the hunger I saw in his eyes. “Now, here, present yourself to me—on your knees before me.”

  I obeyed him and slid to my feet and slowly sashayed out of my yoga pants, dropping them to puddle around my feet and baring my naked self. He pulsed his jaw and unzipped his pants. I pulled off my tee shirt next, and I didn’t have on a bra, so my breasts gently swayed from the motion of my arms. He released his shaft in a lewd moment where it popped free of his pants as if it were on springs. He growled and his nostrils flared and he palmed his huge erection.

  I went to my knees and knelt before him, presenting all of my exposed flesh for his perusal. I heard him stroking himself, and I knew he saw how wet and shiny I already was. He leaned forward and rested one hot palm on my behind, and then he trailed his finger up through my cleft. The sound he made turned my insides to mush. “Perfection,” he muttered.

  He pushed back his chair and knelt behind me on the plush carpet, and he took long moments of just stroking my palest, plump flesh. He spread my legs farther apart and laid down under me, and his hands pulled my center to his face. His nose touched my clit and he began to use his tongue to pleasure me. “Oh Omar, oh God, Ohhhhh.”

  He devoured me like a meal and him the hungriest man on the planet. I was on the brink of an orgasm, and I began gasping and pleading that he allow me to release. He pulled on my waist and dragged me over his body until I was straddling his hips with his hardness prodding into the skin at my thigh. He fisted his erection, holding it for me, and I slowly sheathed him inside my soaked entrance, “Climax for me, my sweet wife,” he ordered as I felt him jerk inside me.

  “Good girl,” he said in a gravely tone as I continued to pulse inside of him.

  “Turn around, goddess. Ride me,” he again commanded.

  It took me much too long to navigate that kind of rotation without unseating him, but I managed, and soon I was leaning forward, gripping weakly at his massive ankles. He squeezed my plump behind and used its fullness to massage his shaft from this position. Then he lifted and pulled my bottom
up and down over his length until I took over and found a steady, sliding, gliding—erotic rhythm.

  His hands continued to fondle and grip and massage me, and soon I had increased the rhythm until I was lifting and sitting back down over his body, bouncing against his groin and feeling the ripples of the action up through my plump posterior. He started making all kinds of pornographic sounds and before long was helping and thrusting up and into me with equal force.

  His shaft grew heated, and I knew he was close. When he came, he pulled me down hard so that he was as deeply in me as he could physically get. The repetitive slapping of our bodies was oddly hypnotic, and I came so fiercely it was as if my insides had exploded.

  When we were done, he pulled me backwards to drape uselessly over his chest. His heart thudded against my spine and hypnotized me into an odd, out of body moment where I wondered if we had become one. His arms wrapped around me, and he held one ripe tit in each hand. He kissed my nape and whispered in my ear how much he adored me and how incredibly satisfying I was. I felt entirely complete and sated.


  It was only a week before the big celebration and I had been going back and forth to our private groupings of islands. My mom was due to arrive this evening, and I was arranging with Yasmin on wardrobe for the planned week of festivities. We were hosting and housing over a hundred guests at the retreat that Omar had built only a few years prior. There was a small hotel-type resort with fifty rooms on the main island and bungalows and cottages were sprinkled out over the adjoining offshoot island croppings that would provide beds and rooms for another fifty guests.

  My parents, Julie, Omar, and I were staying in our private home about a mile away from the main hall and boutique hotel. We’d employed two servants per guest and also had to provide transportation to and from the mainland as we rotated staff. All told, this was an unbelievable undertaking, and I had helped plan almost all of it, including the menus for every meal provided. Again, Omar seemed impressed, and I was pleased I had been able to take most of that responsibility off his shoulders.


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