Undeniably Darcy's

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Undeniably Darcy's Page 1

by Victoria Goodrich

  Undeniably Darcy's : A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate

  Discovering the Darcys

  Victoria Goodrich

  Published by Two Hearts Publishing, 2018.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. January 10, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 Victoria Goodrich.

  Written by Victoria Goodrich.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Undeniably Darcy's : A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Discovering the Darcys)

  “Elizabeth, you look absolutely stunning.”

  Jane wiped a tear from the corner of her eye as she stood behind her sister with her hands on Elizabeth's shoulders looking at their combined reflection in the mirror.

  Elizabeth took a deep breath and attempted to conceal her excitement... and her fear.

  “You cannot hide your feelings from me,” Jane smiled knowingly.

  “Yes, dear sister,” Elizabeth smiled and reached for her sister's hand. “You sometimes know me better than I even know myself.”

  “Has mother spoken to you yet?” Jane asked, trying to keep her composure and failing.

  Elizabeth smirked,”Yes, she's explained to me that if I lie on the floor and raise my feet to the ceiling I shall make a baby boy.”

  Jane laughed, infecting Elizabeth with her relaxed air. “Indeed I can assure you I did not make a baby by raising my feet to the ceiling.” Her face broke into a wide grin and she rubbed her round belly lovingly. “Well, I certainly was not lying on the floor,” she added, her face flushing gently while a delicate smile graced her features.

  Elizabeth's face flushed with embarrassment and she took a deep breath.

  “Please, dear sister I've had enough subtle teasing from Lydia.” Elizabeth shook herself gently, “The idea that our youngest sister would ever be in a position to offer me that sort of advice is disconcerting at best.”

  “And nauseating at worst,” Jane added.

  Both girls erupted into giggles with Elizabeth adding, “The last idea I prefer to have in my mind's eye is that of our sister and Mr. Wickham in a married way.” Elizabeth pressed her hands to her cheeks and let out a few more snickers, taking deep breaths to regain her countenance.

  “I am happy to help you feel more at ease about your wedding night dear sister, certainly more so than Mother is capable of.” Jane so rarely adopted the tone one often sees with older siblings that Elizabeth had to laugh again.

  “Allow me for once in your life to act as the wiser older sister rather than simply your confidant and eager ear. In this my dear sister I do have experience that you do not.”

  Elizabeth's face flushed a bright crimson, “Jane!” She couldn't believe her sweet amiable sister was suggesting they talk about these very private things.

  Jane laughed again, “Eliza, are you so very nervous that you cannot even bring yourself to discuss the matter with your oldest and dearest?”

  Elizabeth hung her head. Indeed, she was that nervous. She was nervous, excited and terrified all in equal measure. The idea of making her wedding bed with Fitzwilliam Darcy had both terrified her and titillated her since the very moment he begged her to be his wife. She tried to control the smile that erupted from her face as she remembered him on both knees with her hand clasped in his own, held to his cheek, the rain poured down upon the both of them but Elizabeth hardly noticed the icy water soaking her to the bone. She could only hear the words she'd longed for. The words she'd held in a special place in her heart, hoping against all hope that one day they would actually rest upon her ears and not live solely in her dreams.

  “Miss Elizabeth Bennet, if you do not agree to be my wife I do not know how I shall continue to live upon this earth for another moment. Every day, every moment I spend without you by my side I feel myself slowly dying a painful death. Please, my beloved, please allow me to spend the rest of my life proving to you that I am worthy of your love.” He'd hung his head for a moment then, unable to continue and Elizabeth wondered if he had questioned himself. The pain she felt at the suggestion of his unhappiness overwhelmed her to such an extent that she lost herself and joined him on the ground, covering his mouth with a kiss that even she had not expected.

  “Lizzy... “

  “Eliza... “

  “Elizabeth Bennet,” Jane interrupted.

  Elizabeth came back to reality, breathing heavily at the memory of that kiss. She looked at her reflection and took a deep breath, smoothing her hands along the beautiful pink gown that Mr. Darcy had insisted by custom made for Elizabeth for this very day. She pointed her foot to admire the satin slippers that accompanied Mr. Darcy's extravagant gift for his bride to be and felt a rush of fear.

  What if she were unable to live up to his expectations.

  “None of that Elizabeth,” Jane interrupted, the fear on her sister's face was a familiar sight. “Your future lies with Mr. Darcy and no man, save my Charles, could be luckier,” Jane admonished.

  Elizabeth laughed, feeling plucky, “Well there is Mr. Wickham.”

  The sisters broke into fits of laughter at the mention of their younger sister's unfortunate nuptials. Lydia had been for what seemed like her entire visit imposing on everyone's good nature by insisting that they agree to the luck that Mr. Wickham had found in marrying Lydia. It made Elizabeth sad to think that her sister might live her entire life not knowing the circumstances of her nuptials. Lydia was much better off believing in her own version of reality. Pointing out how much Lydia had nearly ruined the entire family, and in particular, Elizabeth's chances at true love were useless wastes of words.

  No one would truly know the arduous journey that Elizabeth and Darcy had taken to finally arrive at this day. Even Jane was unaware of the particulars, but that thinking seemed melancholy and delving into the past wasted precious energy. They were together now and this morning they would be united as husband and wife forever.

  And then they would have to consummate the marriage.

  Elizabeth's heart bounced about in her chest a few more times.

  She hadn't thought she would be so nervous about this particular aspect of marriage, but she'd misjudged herself. She was terrified.

  Jane broke Elizabeth's reverie, “It will be somewhat enjoyable to see Lydia's face when she sees you in your dress.”

  Elizabeth was shocked, “Jane Bingley, I never in my life thought you capable of such petty thoughts,” Elizabeth teased.

  “Oh, I am certainly capable of thinking them Lizzy, I simply do not let them pass my lips. Come now, the carriage awaits,” Jane raised her eyebrows and smiled.

  Elizabeth had not considered the idea that Mr. Darcy would send a carriage, but of course he would.

  “This is a new life I am entering Jane, I hope I am ready,” Elizabeth said as she took Jane's hand and headed toward the door.

  “Jane?” Elizabeth stopped.

  “What?” she looked up at her sister, “Oh,” a slight giggle escaped her. She took Elizabeth's hands in her own and held them tightly. “My best advice is to trust your husband's love for you, you will know what I mean when the time comes.”

  With that, the two sisters headed down to the carriage that heralded Elizabeth's first journey to her new life.

  THE CEREMONY LASTED but a second for Fitzwilliam Darcy. His beloved angel walked toward him on the arm of her father and time seemed to stand still. How could it be that he had been so blessed as to have this woman as his wife?

  The marriage lines were signed and breakfast was served before Darcy had a moment to allow a single
trepidation to enter his mind. He had been so steadfast in his focus, not allowing his imagination to give into the silence of the nights. His mind raced with thoughts that somehow he would wake from a dream where Elizabeth did not return his love.

  After his first night of sleeplessness, where a pervasive panic overtook him, he'd gone so far as to rush to Longbourn in the morning to ask for reassurance from Elizabeth that indeed she had agreed to marry him.

  Her laughter upon his request filled his very soul with the fortitude to carry on until the bans were read. He wanted her to have the finest dress to become his bride and made the arrangements before it occurred to him that he should have purchased a special license, to hurry the proceedings along.

  Torturous as those weeks of waiting were, the day had finally arrived and his beloved Elizabeth Bennet now shared his name. They would share their life, and tonight, they would share a bed.

  As a gentleman, Darcy had learned to control his thoughts and desires when it came to the more base nature of man. Elizabeth Bennet, however, eradicated a lifetime of practiced control in an instant. Since the first moment her lips had touched his, Fitzwilliam struggled to behave as a proper gentleman should and many a moment of confusion had occurred when his ability to control himself failed.

  Poor Elizabeth must have thought him a very fickle man, as he had several times in the last few weeks jumped to his feet abruptly if she were too near, insisted on taking walks when they had only just returned, and departed earlier than planned. All things due to “unexpected” circumstances.

  Poor Fitzwilliam had the same struggles now as a grown man that he'd suffered as a ten-year old boy. Never had he met a woman who stirred him so deeply and so consistently. It seemed his own manhood had fallen in love with the woman just as surely as his mind and heart had.

  When the time came to leave the wedding breakfast Darcy stole a glance at his angelic bride and felt the same stirring that he'd managed to keep under control for the duration of the morning. Now, however, he need not contain himself anymore, the carriage awaited and they were on their way to Netherfield to spend the night before they began their journey to Pemberley the following morning.

  Jane and Charles had insisted on staying in town for the evening refusing to acknowledge Darcy's protests.

  Darcy had given up his protestations fairly quickly as his mind had lost a good bit of its clarity over the last two weeks.

  With his beloved wife's hand in his own, the dear couple set off for Netherfield in the early afternoon, each of them in a love-filled daze that even the anticipation of the events to come could not penetrate.

  ELIZABETH WAS SHOWN to her rooms, by a delightful little girl no older than her youngest sister. To Elizabeth it felt like the whole world seemed to be thinking of the anticipated events of her new marriage. Surely that could not be the case, but Elizabeth swore she saw a twinkle in every maid's eye and a titter in every footman's greeting.

  Finally alone with her thoughts she stood alone in her rooms at Netherfield, wondering what to do now. Should she go and seek out Darcy? Would he come to her? Oh dear, what happened when he came to her? Was it now? Did it happen now?

  Elizabeth felt like she might faint for the anticipation and fear of it all. Yet when she closed her eyes and remembered the feeling of Fitzwilliam's lips on her own, his tongue darting in and out of her mouth, seeking a union that her body so desperately cried out for, she became slightly dizzy with the memory. She smiled remembering how they'd pulled away from each other so suddenly as though they might catch fire if they continued.

  Elizabeth had never felt such feelings of desire. Admittedly she had felt unusual feelings stirring deep inside her when Fitzwilliam was near, but they were harder to explain, and she had no one to confide in. Even if she'd had the nerve, Jane was abroad with Mr. Bingley and Elizabeth would never confide in any of her other sisters.

  Without any help for clarification, Elizabeth could only make her best guesses. The stirring were that of a longing bordering on a need, but that seemed an odd way to classify it. After all she had never felt this need for anyone else. She had to assume it was the feeling of being in love. She'd never been in love and what measure did she have to judge these feelings against?

  This feeling that overcame her when she was in Darcy's arms was indeed one of the most overwhelming sensations she'd ever felt. She lost all sense of propriety and nearly pulled him to the ground in a desperate need to feel him surround her. To somehow become one with her. It had frightened her and kept her awake most nights with a throbbing painful pleasure she didn't know how to endure.

  As she remembered their kiss the sensation returned. That pulsing feeling in between her legs that begged for some kind of release, but what? Would it go away when Darcy did his business?

  Did she want it to? She'd grown accustomed to it's presence whenever she thought of their kiss, their embrace.

  Over the last two weeks, she'd taken every measure to avoid being alone with him for fear she would throw him to the ground like a fox hound in heat. She laughed at herself remembering her unfortunate viewing of two mating hounds on her first visit to Pemberley. The Huntsman's face turned a violent shade of red as he ushered Elizabeth and the Gardiners away from the prizewinning hounds he'd been so boldly boasting of moments earlier.

  Elizabeth's face dropped at the thought of it, certainly that was not what awaited her, was it.

  “Oh Dear,” she said, not realizing she'd spoken it aloud.

  “What is the matter?” Darcy said from behind her, giving her such a fright she nearly fell to the floor.

  “Mr. Darcy,” she exclaimed.

  “Mrs. Darcy,” he returned, a sheepish grin splashed across his face.

  Elizabeth could feel the excitement and trepidation rush over her like a child at Christmas. She wanted to rush into her husband's arms and yet if she did she opened the door to the frightening unknown.

  “I'm frightened,” she blurted out, not having any control over her own voice. She took a step back, covering her mouth, astonished at her own inability to control herself.

  Darcy stood stock still, not moving toward her, his face confused.

  “Of me?” he asked as though his mind could not wrap itself around the logical meaning of her statement.

  Elizabeth laughed in spite of herself and rushed toward him, stopping short just as she was at arm's length.

  Darcy laughed as well, and held his hand out toward his new bride.

  She took his hand and a step toward him and looked deeply into his eyes, allowing the feeling of serenity that he brought her to settle upon her nerves.

  “I am all nerves, I can barely control my own tongue,” Elizabeth said.

  DARCY'S EYES WIDENED at her statement and another laugh escaped his lips. How many nights had he struggled to sleep as his imagination went wild with thoughts of Elizabeth Bennet's tongue. His face surely flushed with the memory of it now. Would she consent to allow him to ravage her in the way he so desperately wanted? So many nights taking himself in his own hand just to ease the desperate urge to feel her surrounding him. Even now as he stood in her chamber he struggled to control the powerful desire to bend her over and pull up her skirts. Just one delicious moment of being inside of her would last him for a lifetime.

  But what if he couldn't quench his need? He looked up at her, his beautiful bride, desire and love battled for supremacy making his head spin. Could he restrain himself? Would he be capable?

  The decision was taken away from him as Elizabeth threw herself into his arms, pulling herself into his embrace and covering his mouth with her own. He stumbled slightly from the surprise of it and the ensuing weakness in his knees, but he could not let his bride believe him weak, without a word he scooped her up off her feet intending to throw her on the bed an ravage her in the way he had imagined these many sleepless nights since she agreed to be his wife.

  No, he mustn't rush this, he will frighten her and he wanted more than anything for th
eir first time together to be a wonderful memory of love and tenderness. Later he might fulfill his most delicious fantasies, but this evening he must control his beastly nature and move slowly and deliberately ensuring her pleasure above his.

  He brought her to her feet and took her face in his hands. She looked up at him wide-eyed and wonderful and he thought his heart might burst with the love he held for her. He knew in an instant he would always give her all the pleasure she desired before ever attending to his own needs.

  “I'm not frightened anymore,” she said, laughing gently as she pulled his head down toward her, searching for his mouth with her own.

  He steadied his weakening knees as his tongue found it's way to hers, drawing slow gentle circles and sucking lightly on her lips.

  She wrapped her arms around him tightly and curled her fingers through his hair pulling it with a gentle pressure. A jolt of pleasure raced from the back of his head to his toes and he moaned in pleasure, increasing the force with which he explored her mouth.

  She leaned into him further, pressing her body to his and pulled away from his kiss, staring deeply into his eyes.

  Darcy felt he might drown in her eyes and swallowed hard, his self-control threatening to overwhelm him.

  He pulled away from her and turned her to face away from him.

  He would take his time.

  In silence he pulled each pin out of her hair, watching her silken hair tumble down her back onto the beautiful dress he'd had made just for her. For a moment he regretted his decision thinking it might have been better to watch her hair cascade down her naked back. As each pin released it's curl he felt his erection grow to near bursting. If just the feel of her hair alone did this to him he was a lost man for sure.

  DARCY STOOD BEHIND Elizabeth slowly undoing her hair pins. With each touch of his hands near her neck, Elizabeth's stomach flipped inside her and her legs threatened to give way. She swayed slightly as he neared the end of his task. If her neck had grown a voice of it's own it could not have screamed loudly enough to cry out its need to feel her husband's lips upon it.


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