Having My Son's Roommate (Needy Moms Book 2)

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Having My Son's Roommate (Needy Moms Book 2) Page 1

by Carrie Breeze


  Having My Son's Roommate

  other works

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

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  My Son’s


  Needy Moms 2

  Carrie Breeze

  Other works by Carrie

  Having My Daughter's Boyfriend

  Hot Asian Mom

  Stepmom Vacation

  Got Jacked


  Big Bad Stepbrother

  Stepbrother Lover

  Chapter 1

  I need to be filled. To feel something thick and solid and hard deep inside me.

  I see a stout young man crouched down in a three-point stance. Grunting and snorting. His thick chest heaving, shooting his hot steamy breath down upon the trim turf. Down upon my trim turf. He’s frightening. A raging bull of passion and desire. Ready to charge. His burning eyes locked onto a gaping red hole. It’s me he wants.

  He lifts and charges through a line of beefy bodies. Thighs thrusting like pistons. The impact of flesh slapping against flesh echoes across the open field. He crashes into the ball carrier. Two bodies, limbs entwined, wrapped in struggle, hit the ground with an earth-shaking thud.

  I leer at them through the vanishing fog of sleep. Young meat shimmering on a hot gridiron. The haze burns off. It’s not a dream. We’re arrived on campus, stopped alongside the football practice field. Waiting at an intersection. The linebacker jumps to his feet. He’s helmeted. Jersey cut at midriff. Sweaty abs glisten in the morning sun. Gray shorts hang loosely from his narrow hips. Thighs bulk like tree trunks as he stalks toward the car. Toward me. His eyes glaring at me. I feel his intense gaze hot upon my body. Peeling off my white sun dress. My hands gravitate to my lap. My moist panties are clinging to my privates.

  “Jeeze, mom, get a room.” My son, Kurt, busts me. “You got to get a man your own age.” The light up ahead changes and he steps on the gas leaving my fantasy man behind.

  “No harm in admiring the scenery,” blushing.

  “Yeah, but I’ll be living with these guys for the next year,” he glares at me. “I don’t want to hear guys whispering in the cafeteria, ‘Hey, did ya hear about Kurt Johnson’s mom?’”

  “You’re right, dear. I don’t know what got into me. I’m not that kind of mom.”

  Something about back-to-school time makes me feel young and horny. I think it’s all those eager young hot bodies all in one place. Makes me remember my own naughty college days. It was with those steamy memories swirling around in my brain that I eagerly offered to drive Kurt - the car jam packed with his clothes, books, sporting equipment, and various other necessities - to college. It was a two hour trek and we couldn’t fit all his stuff in the Civic. We’d have to make two trips.

  We’d have make it a fast couple trips because I had to be back by five for my job. I’m a Health and Beauty consultant for a major cosmetics company. There would be a room full of worn-out moms at the Regency waiting to hear how they can get rid of those liver spots, crow’s feet, and forehead lines. At forty, I’m no spring chicken myself. But I’ve managed to retain a respectable figure. I Get carded now and then at the liquor store. I Catch younger men staring at my ass when I’m wearing my best jeans. Only thing is, I haven’t been laid in ages. Not since way before the divorce. But something’s holding me back from jumping into another relationship. Just don’t want that kind of stress right now.

  Kurt turns the car onto a side street and stops near the door to a three-story dormitory.

  “Here’s home,” he says, jumping out and stretching. “Good old Woodman Hall.”

  “Great. What floor is your room on?”

  “The third.”

  “Ohh, well let’s get started,” groaning as I open the back door and grab a box of clothes.

  Kurt’s dorm room is long and narrow. A huge bare window fills the far wall overlooking a parking lot and twin dormitory building. Prison Industries furniture lines the room’s side walls - each side being a virtual mirror image of the other. First closets and dressers, then mini-fridges and desks with chairs, lastly twin beds. A table cluttered with the detritus of student life sits before the window. Sports posters, centerfolds, and beer signs adorn the walls.

  Our successive trips up and down the stairs from the car to the room have resulted in a mountain of boxes stacked hap-hazard at the foot of Kurt’s bed.

  “I’ll unpack later,” Kurt says, grabbing the car keys off his desk. “You got to get back for your presentation.”

  I drop the last box, the heaviest box in the whole gull-dang universe - filled with huge text books. It thuds on the floor, scattering dust bunnies under the bed. I collapse in a whimpering heap onto Kurt’s bed.

  “Hey, Mom, you okay?” rushing to me.

  “Think I strained my back,” rubbing my lower back. “Just need a little breather and I’ll be fine.”

  “Nonsense,” eying me sternly. “You stretch out and relax. Tell you what, stay right here, take a nap, and I’ll zoom home and get the second load myself.”

  “Sure you can handle it by yourself?”

  “Pfft,” waving it off. “Nothing to it. You might see my roommate, Derrik. He’s probably off at football practice right now. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  My heart pounds. Football? My son’s roommate is one of those beasts I saw out on the practice field. Do I really want to stay in this room all alone? What is he should come back?

  Chapter 2

  I’m lying in Kurt’s bed drifting in and out of sleep when the door opens and shuts.

  Kurt’s roommate. My heart leaps into my throat.

  Hidden by the stack of boxes, he doesn’t know I’m here. I don’t dare move. Just sneak peeks at him through the gaps between boxes. He’s tall with unruly blond hair cascading down to his broad shoulders. He stops in front of his closet and pulls off his football practice jersey. His V-shaped back glistens with sweat. His body odor fills the room making it smell like a locker room. Gets my hormones pumping. God I wish he wouldn’t have done that. I crave the smell of male body odor. It’s got my heart pounding as I swallow deep breaths of his intoxicating scent.

  He kicks off his shoes, lifts each foot to peel off his socks, and then drops his sweat shorts. Oh-my-god. My eyes gape in wonder. There’s not an ounce of fat on his tightly muscled ass. My eyes send out feelers caressing every sculpted muscle and tendon of the hardest ass in the world. My higher brain tells me I shouldn’t be looking at this boy. He’s my son’s roommate for God’s sake. This is wrong.

  Shut up, brain.

  He lowers his jockstrap, steps out of it and kicks it into his closet. Don’t look. My eyes are glued to him as he turns. Gasping, I can’t believe what I see.

  He heard me.

  He shoots a penetrating glance through the gap between the boxes. His look is a javelin to my heart. I recognize his face. He’s the linebacker I watched on the practice field.

  He struts over passed the stack of boxes. Striding like a warrior home from battle and I’m his booty. His massive horse cock sways from side to side with each stride. I feel my face heat up. Trapped. I’m surely fucked. He stops at my bedside. Giant cock and day-old stubble-covered chiseled face towering above me looking like he just stepped out of one of those glossy Magazines. His overpowering odor envelops me, making me light headed.

  I raise myself up on my elbows and look up at him with pleading eyes. Day-Glo bees are buzzing around my head.

  “Looks like you got a great set a tits, ma-am. Don
’t tell me… you’re Kurt’s ma,” grinning devilishly, raping my plunging bust-line with his gaze.

  “That’s right,” I swallow, hardly able to breath. “I’m Denise.”

  Hi, I’m Derrik,” crouching down on his haunches and smothering my delicate hand with his huge paw. “Damn, Kurt’s got a hot mom. And I don’t mind tellin’ ya I’d fuck ya right now. But Kurt’s my roomy and I got principles. Let me get some close on and get you a refreshment.”

  “I can’t tell you how much I’d appreciate that.”

  He swaggers over to the closet, wraps a white gym towel around his waste, grabs two beers from the fridge and returns. I sit up with a groan, feeling the dull ache in my lower back, and swing my legs out onto the floor.

  “So, where’s Kurt?” He pops a beer, hands it to me, pops the other and sits on the edge of his bed just a few feet away. He guzzles. I hold my cold can against my flush cheek. Helps return some clarity to my head.

  “Kurt drove back home for another load. Should be back in a couple hours.” I chug some beer. Feels good going down. I drink-in the sight of this wickedly handsome kid - granite chested. He sees me checking him out and I flush and lower my eyes to my hands and take another drink.

  “You okay? I heard you groan as you sat up?”

  “Oh, I think I must have pulled a muscle in my back lugging Kurt’s books up the stairs. That’s why Kurt demanded I stay and rest.”

  “That could be serious. You should let me look at it. I’m majoring in sports medicine and just completed a class in therapeutic massage.”

  “If you can help, it’d be great. I have to give a presentation tonight and I can’t do it crippled up in pain.”

  “Tell you what, I’m going to give you the deluxe treatment,” getting up, grabbing a fresh towel and setting it beside me on the bed. “Have you feeling like a million bucks. I’m gonna run down to the john and take a wizz. While I’m gone you slip out of your clothes and lie down on your tummy. You can cover your cute curvy behind with this towel. Sound like a plan?”

  “Well, I don’t know if I’d be comfortable being naked.”

  “Part of the treatment is rubbing in deep heating oils into the stressed tendons of your lower back. I promise, you’ll feel like a new woman.”

  “Well, I guess it’s worth the risk.”

  “Great. Back in a flash.”

  Chapter 3

  I’m lying face down on my son’s bed completely naked except for the towel covering my bottom. My eyes are closed. Butterflies swirl in my stomach. Is this a big mistake? Am I a fool? What if Derrik’s playing a college prank on me. He could be rounding up his football teammates to bring them back and gangbang me.

  Get dressed before it’s too late.

  The door opens and closes.

  “Good, your all ready. I’ll just put on some relaxation music and be right with you.”

  Strains of Marvin Gaye’s sexual Healing waft from the speakers by the window. Not good. My pulse starts pounding. He pads over, opens a jar of something, smells like eucalyptus and ginger - sets the jar down on the tile floor. I inhale deeply. Has a calming effect on my nerves.

  “Denise, I’m going to rub some soothing ointment into your back to help relax your muscles. It’ll feel a little tingly. Just relax, breath deeply like you’re doing and let my fingers do their magic.”

  Maybe this is on the up and up. He leans in over me. His powerful body odor mixes with that of the ointment stirring up my hormones like a nest of angry bees. They buzz through every vein in my body. His hands descend upon my shoulder blades, kneading my flesh and muscles. They burn and loosen as his hands move in ever widening circles. I claw the sheet at my sides and hold on.

  Keep your head. Talk to him.

  “Mmm… that feels so good,” I murmur.

  “You have beautifully soft skin, Denise. You must take care of it,” his voice soft and reassuring as he works lower down my back.

  “I am a beauty consult and I eat right…. So, Derrik, do you have a girlfriend?”

  “Well, you know, being on the football team I have a new one every week. Wanna be mine this week?”

  “Ha,” I laugh nervously, blushing but feeling flattered. “That’s a question no man has asked me in decades,” I gasp, realizing deep down it’s what I really want and I have the perfect man right here above me, his hands on my naked body. My heart is in my throat. My pussy is calling for attention.

  “Would you like that?” he murmurs

  I want to say yes but I’m afraid.

  “Would you like this?”

  My eyes have remained closed. One of his hands lifts from my back and does something that sounds like he’s just removed his towel and tossed it on the floor. Oh-My-God. His body odor has just jumped off the charts, becoming more musky and pungent. Something heavy and meaty has just slapped up against my cheek.

  I open my eyes and lose all sense of moral responsibility. Derrik’s huge beefy circumcised cock is dangling donkey-sized in my face. My jaw drops and I take him in, slurping and sucking on his delicious tube steak. “Mmm,” I moan around him as he grows fully erect.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” his hands finding my lower back. “Oh, I definitely feel some tension here that needs to be worked out.” He reloads on ointment and applies increased pressure with his strong hands, wringing the kinks out of my muscles.

  “Mmmm….” Pulling my mouth from his hard cock. “That feels so much better. Your a miracle worker with those hands.” Lost in lust, I reach up and stroke his shaft while lapping his low hanging balls, sucking on them like they’re eggs.

  “I’m not done yet,” he says, his voice seductive as he removes the towel covering my bottom. His hands move to my ass, squeezing each cheek hard.

  “Ohh, I love having my ass groped.”

  His fingers gravitate to my crack. I want him to go lower but, suddenly he gets up.

  “Why did you stop?” I pout.

  “Need to get a different lotion.” He puts away the ointment and returns with a tube of something else, sets it within easy reach and mounts the bed behind me. He spreads my cheeks and buries his face in my ass. I arch up to allow him full access. He teases the rim of my anus with his tongue while inserting a finger into my pussy. “Oh, you are so wet,” he growls, finger fucking me, driving me wild. I squirm and scream with delight, feeling like a college girl about to loose it all for the first time. He stops for lube and then inserts one finger into my anus and another in my pussy. One in the pink and one in the stink. He slowly double finger bangs me while stretching out along top of me. He nuzzles my neck, kissing me and sucking my flesh. “You are one damn hot MILF, Denise,” he growls.

  “I want your cock, Derrik,” I purr, my flesh trembling. “Fuck me.”

  He’s withdrawn his fingers. His steel-hard cock is riding my crack. He brings it down and pulverizes my clit with its head, driving me mad with mad with pleasure.

  “Fuck me, damn you.”

  He probes my opening and slowly sinks it in.

  “God, you are so big. Can’t believe I’m being fucked by my son’s roommate.”

  “And you’re so tight,” his voice husky in my hair. He is so long. His cock keeps plunging deeper and deeper. My walls clenching him, pulling him in. With his weight heavy upon my ass he starts pumping. Starting slow and then matching the funky rhythm of Sexual Healing.

  “God, I’m going to come,” my legs trembling. “Fuck me harder, harder.”

  But he pulls out. “C’mon, mom, I want a taste of those sweet pussy juices.”

  With his massive forearm he shoves aside the clutter from the window table. I squeal as he grabs my hips and hoists me up onto the cleared space and spreads my knees wide.

  “I so dig a full bush,” he smiles, drooling as he buries his face into my over-grown pussy patch. “Mmm, you’re sweet.” His tongue is experienced, dancing around my clit, his hot breath heavy upon it. Squirming, I arch my head back against the sun-hot window and dig my fing
ers into his gorgeous hair, pulling his head tight against my snatch. His hands fondle my saggy boobs, pinching my hard nipples.

  “God,” I moan, “You’re going to make me come again.”

  “I’m just getting started, babe,” he smiles, pulling his face out and straightening up. He steps in between my open legs and, holding his rod in his right fist like a hammer, he waps it against my pussy lips and clit, beating them mercilessly. I scream and squirm. My pussy lips bloat up and bloom like lilies.

  “My son finds out about this it’ll destroy him,” eying the parking lot three levels down. Don’t see him, just other arriving students. “We’re putting on quite a show,” seeing several heads look up. The bring out cell phones and point then up at us. “Shit, they’re Instagraming us.”

  “Fuck ‘em,” sliding his cock through my crevices, teasing my clit. “Don’t you want to be famous?”

  “Fuck you,” I scream, angry but also enjoying the dirty thrill of fucking in public. He presses harder into my folds, entering my hole, thrusting his hips faster than before.

  “Oh, such dirty talk from a mom turns me on,” he growls, sweat dripping from his scruffy chin and his massive chest. You’re gonna make me come. We’re both sweating like pigs and breathing just as heavy.

  “You fucking bastard, don’t you make me pregnant,” my words coming out machine gun-like because of his rapid-fire pounding. My breath is jagged. My limbs are quivering, trembling as my body erupts in volcanic ecstasy.

  “Your dirty talk is gonna make my balls explode,” he grunts, pulling his glistening cock out of me and shoots a geyser of cum onto my belly and boobs. Smiling, he scoops the white man milk with his fingers and smears it over my cheeks. I lick and suck his sticky fingers, “Mmm… I’d forgotten how delicious cum tastes.”

  Chapter 4

  “Any time you’re hungry, I got and endless supply,” he says, grabbing his still hard cock and love-tapping my mound. “Feeling better now,” tenderly caressing my neck and peering into my eyes. Through his rough and coarse exterior I see there really is a loving, caring side to him. He’s someone I could get used to being around. But how would Kurt take it? “I see a new glow in your eyes and radiance in your cheeks.”


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