Necessary Decisions, A Gino Cataldi Mystery

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Necessary Decisions, A Gino Cataldi Mystery Page 21

by Giacomo Giammatteo

  “It’s not me. And my friends—”

  “I didn’t accuse you. But this is how it works. If I am to find out who is doing this, I need to know absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt that it isn’t you or your friends. The only way I can do that is if you tell no one.”

  When she stared at me this time, it wasn’t with the rebellious, I-hate-all-adults look she’d used before. This time she might have grasped how important this was.

  “I won’t tell anyone. Not even Dad.”

  I smiled and patted her back. “Good. You’re helping Jada.”

  I had time for a few breaths, but that’s all before Doran came in. Sameena and a couple of the other guys were with him. I took them to the kitchen table and made sure they knew to keep the talk low.

  “Fill me in, Doran.”

  He told me how they changed locations at the last minute—not a surprise there—and one I should have expected and planned for. Doran had no ID on the men, because they wore gloves and masks.

  “The thing is, they knew too much,” Doran said. “I tried telling them the money wasn’t ready, but he knew. He knew.”

  “You’re positive?”

  “No doubt. After that, I thought I’d try a different tack. I told him the money was treated, and that Scott thought it would be better not to deliver it that way. He looked at me and said you made a big mistake.”

  “So he knew the cops made that choice.”

  “No, I mean you. He said, ‘Tell Detective Cataldi he made a big mistake.’”

  “He actually mentioned me by name?”

  Doran nodded. “And he knew I wasn’t Uncle Eddy.”

  “What the fuck is going on?” I paced a moment then turned around. “Anything else?”

  “He said you’d be hearing from him soon.”


  “What do you think they’ll do?” Connors asked.

  “Something not good,” Sameena said. “You can bet money on that.”

  I checked to see the Hacketts still a safe distance away then punched my fist into my other palm. “Where the fuck are they getting their information?” I focused on what had to be done. “Connors, you and Sameena get everyone in here. Cops, techs, everybody.”

  When everyone was seated, I started. “I want each of you to document every call you’ve made since you came on this job. Every person you’ve talked to. Anybody who might have overheard you say anything about this job.”

  “You can’t think it’s one of us,” Connors said.

  “I’m past thinking. These kidnappers know way too much about what we’re doing. Something’s wrong.”

  A car pulled into the drive. The car door slammed, and then the front door opened, and in walked Winthrop. Considering the circumstances, he wore too big a smile.

  “Detective Cataldi, how did things go today?”

  “I wondered if you’d ask, sir. But just so you’ll know, it went like shit. They said they knew the money was ready, and they knew that Doran wasn’t Uncle Eddy.”

  He gaped, dumbfounded.

  “So my question, Mr. Winthrop, is how do they know all this? Have you told people at work what’s going on? Who have you talked to?”

  He set his briefcase on the kitchen counter then poured himself a drink—scotch on the rocks. Might have been a double. “I haven’t told anyone anything. I suggest you look inside your own ranks, Detective.”


  Scott grabbed his drink and went to the patio, plopping into the lounge chair, and setting his drink and cell phone on the table next to his sunglasses. It had been a miserable day and now it looked as if it the night would follow suit.

  He took a long sip of Scotch. Work had been a bitch too. Fred pestering about the money, reminding him they could both get in trouble if something went wrong. Scott didn’t tell him that Alexa was home safe. The detective had asked him not to tell anyone anything, and he didn’t. Now Scott was catching shit on that end too. Cataldi as much as accused him of leaking information.

  The sliding door opened. It was Alexa, probably coming to ask for money or to whine about something. Scott drained his glass and got up. “I was just coming inside.”


  Sameena leaned toward the center of the table and whispered. “Maybe it is Winthrop. He’s been at work all day. Who knows what he’s saying or who he’s talking to?”

  Despite Winthrop denying it, Sameena had a point. I planned on having a private chat with him. In the meantime, I had to look into my own house, as Winthrop had suggested. “Get busy on it, folks. I’m calling Delgado to make sure all of his people do the same. We’ve got to eliminate possible leaks one at a time.”

  Before I had a chance to call Delgado, my phone emitted a shrill beep, alerting me that a new text had arrived. I opened it and almost shit. It was from the kidnappers.

  Detective Cataldi, stand by for a Kodak moment.

  I looked to Doran. What the hell? “Did you give them my cell?”

  “Hell no! I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Then how did they get it?” I stared at the group. “How the fuck did this guy get my cell number?”

  In the middle of my rage, the tone beeped again. I looked down.

  Aw fuck. No!

  Chapter 42

  A Little Bit of Justice

  Boss got the picture from Number Five and opened it on his phone. “This should send him through the roof. If he doesn’t pay now, the man has no heart.”

  “Let me see,” Two said.

  She looked at the photo. Thought for a moment. Grabbed Boss’ phone and checked the timing of the call Boss had made to Five and the one that came back from Five. “That was too quick.”

  “What?” Boss asked.

  “How did Five get her naked and tied again in less than a minute?” She shoved the phone back at Boss. “You called him at 5:09. At 5:10, he sent you back a photo of her naked on the bed. I can only assume she was already naked, which makes me wonder why.” Two picked up her own phone and dialed. “Driver, I need a ride,” she said, and started for the door.

  “Where are you going?” Number Three asked.

  “To check on Five.”

  “Who cares what he did to her? I’ll take seconds.”

  Two stopped. Slowly turned her head and glared. “Remember what I told you at the motel, Three. I meant it.” Two slammed the door as she left.


  “What the hell was that all about, Boss? You gonna let her talk to you like that? Is she calling the shots now?”

  Boss shrugged. “It’s a woman thing. Best not to interfere with that.”

  “Woman thing, my ass. I’m gonna fix that bitch when this is all over. Wait and see.”


  Number Two got in the van and went through the curtains to the back. “Motel,” she said. “And you need to wait for me.”

  Driver pulled into the space closest to the door then tapped the ceiling of the van to let Two know it was okay to get out. “I’m staying in the van, Two. No place for me to go.”

  Two removed her mask, put it in her pocket and exited through the side door, setting a quick pace to the motel room. She used her key to enter the farthest room on the right, making sure to be quiet then she put on her mask and went in through the adjoining door.

  Number Five was sitting on the bed, his hand resting on Jada’s leg. He jumped when Two entered. “What are you doing here?”

  Number Two took the scene in with a glance—Jada naked on the bed, one eye blackened and swollen, her lip puffed out, blood on her. She’d seen the photo. It looked worse in person. “What happened, Five?”

  “Bitch tried escaping.”

  Number Two kept her balance, her left hand in position to draw her gun if necessary. She moved closer, slowly. The nightstand was cocked to the left, and the lamp that used to be on it lay on the floor, broken. The pillowcase under Jada’s head was bloody. Number Five’s zipper was undone. Two risked a look at Jada and saw the…evidence on her stomach then
shifted her gaze back to Five. “We need to be quick. Gather everything.”

  “What’s wrong? Did we get the money?”

  “We’re doing the switch now.”

  When Five turned around, Two reached behind her and pulled a specially modified Beretta with a silencer extending from the end of the barrel. Not a piece of pipe stuffed with brillo pads or another makeshift device; this was a professional job. She took two steps toward Five and raised the gun to the side of his head, just above the ear. A small pop sounded, like a balloon breaking. It was followed by a second one. The noise was no cause for concern. Not in this motel.

  Five dropped to the floor.

  Jada stirred on the bed, trying to wriggle free. Number Two moved to her side, where she untied her hands and feet. “No need to worry. We’re going to get you a shower.”

  Jada shook her head violently.

  Two saw the panic in her. “He won’t bother you again. I promise. I’ll stand guard while you shower.”

  Two walked her to the bathroom door and removed her gag. “I’m trusting you. Don’t let me down.”

  “I won’t.”

  “All right. Close your eyes. I’m taking your blindfold off, but I want you to keep your eyes closed until the door closes. When you’re ready to come out, tell me.”

  While Jada took a shower, Number Two called Dispatcher.

  He answered right away, curiosity apparent in his voice. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on. I don’t like you calling me. Not a good situation.”

  “We need a cleanup at the motel.”

  A sigh followed. “What kind of mess is it?”

  “A big mess.”

  “What else?”

  “Tell the cleaners it’s room #180.”

  “Where should the body go?”

  “Take it to Boss.”

  “Anything else?”

  “I need another…never mind. I’ll take care of it.”

  Number Two hung up and called Boss. “I need Number Four to babysit.”

  “What happened to Five?”

  “Five is no longer with us.”


  “He broke the rules.”

  Silence on Boss’ end, then, “We’ll need Four tomorrow.”

  “Number Three and I can handle our end. I’m sure you can manage yours.”

  More silence. “I’ll send him over.”

  “Tell him to use the right door, #182.”

  “I sent the photo,” Boss said.

  “Did you scrub it before you sent it?”

  “Of course. Nothing but the picture went.”

  “This will be over tomorrow,” Number Two said. “And tell Number Three not to worry. His share just went up.”

  When Jada was through showering, Number Two put her blindfold back on and led her through the room, careful not to step in the blood seeping into the carpet.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m putting you in the other room.”

  “What about him?”

  “If you mean Number Five, he won’t bother you anymore.”

  “I heard a noise earlier. Is he…”

  “I didn’t like the way he treated you. I’m getting a replacement sent over.”

  Number Two felt Jada tense. “Not—”

  “No, not Number Three. Someone different.”

  Number Two put her on the bed in the next room, started tying her. She felt her shaking, heard tears lingering beneath each word.

  “What’s the matter? You’ll be safe. I promise.”

  “What if you don’t get the money?”

  “We will.”

  A lot of hesitation.

  “What is it?” Two asked.

  “Suppose he doesn’t pay? I mean…”

  “He will.”

  Two started to leave but turned back. “When this is all over, you’ll have your life back. You won’t be able to forget the stuff Five did, but time heals a lot of wounds. Trust me. People like him always pay for it in the end.”

  Jada started crying, unable to control her tears. “He’s not going to pay.”

  “You mean Number Five, or your father?”

  “My father. He won’t pay. I know it.”

  Two sighed. “I’m sure he can be an asshole, but he’ll pay.” She started to walk away. “He’d better.”


  Boss got off the phone with Number Two then issued instructions for Four to relieve her. Number Three seemed nervous. He paced, moved things around on the desk then paced more.

  “What’s the matter, Number Three?”

  “Suppose he doesn’t pay? What are we doing with the girl?”

  “He’ll pay. Trust me.”

  “But suppose he doesn’t? Two acts like that kid’s her own.”

  Boss got right in his face, inches away. “If he doesn’t pay, you can have the girl. But once you’re done, she dies.”

  Three perked up. “What about Two?”

  “If she puts up a fight, you can have her, too.”

  Three rubbed his hands together. “Looks like the shares of this pot keep getting bigger.”

  Boss grabbed hold of Three and placed a gun to the side of his head. “I said if he doesn’t pay. Don’t get any ideas. Thinking is dangerous for men like you.”

  Three walked away, mumbling. Boss couldn’t hear what he said but got the gist of it from the tone. That was all right; Number Two should be here soon. He’d have to remember to warn her about Three. One way or the other, Boss figured his cut of the ransom had just gone up. Besides, he’d like to see Number Three try to fuck Two.

  It would be like a Chihuahua trying to fuck a wolf.

  Boss sat at his desk. He changed a few words on the script for the call to Winthrop then fiddled with the final plans for the drop. He didn’t like Number Three. He hated to admit it, but the man did have a point. Number Two was getting soft on the girl. Boss couldn’t have that. If there was one thing he didn’t tolerate, it was weakness. He’d have to keep a close eye on them as this project came to a close. He’d already decided it would be his last job with this group. He just wanted to make sure it wasn’t his final one.

  Chapter 43

  Help, Daddy!

  I stared at the text they sent—a picture of Jada, naked and tied to a bed. Her face looked as if she’d been beaten. I prayed that was the worst of it.

  Bad as that was, the worst part was yet to come. “Lonny, Lucia. You need to come in here.”

  They ran to the kitchen. Connors stepped aside leaving room for them, and offered a seat to Lucia. She refused it, clutching Lonny’s hand so tight I could see the marks on it.

  “What is it, Detective?” Her voice was remarkably calm for what I knew she must have felt.

  “I want you to stay calm. Perhaps you should sit.”

  “What’s wrong?” Lonny demanded. “Did something happen to Jada?”

  “We don’t know anything yet, but…they sent this picture.” I swallowed hard and showed them the picture. Before long, instinct took over. This picture might have clues for us. “Connors, find me details in this pic. Maybe we can ID the motel. And see if we can get GPS on the pic.”

  Connors printed a copy and set it on the table. He sent the pic to the techs to analyze. “They didn’t give us much. No quilts, no headboard. All we got is a bed. I don’t even have wall color here.”

  I turned to the tech who got the pic. “Anything we can get from this picture?”

  “I’ll send it downtown, but if they’re smart, they took it with an old dumb phone, or they scrubbed it, which means we won’t have shit.”

  “Find something. We’ve got to find something.”

  I probably let too much desperation show in that statement. Tears flowed out of Lucia as if a faucet had been turned on, hands covering her face as she walked in circles. Soon the cries turned to the keening of a person who’s lost everything. The kind you only hear when someone has died. It sent a cold shiver down my spine.

onny’s arms wrapped around her as he pulled her to him. He rubbed her back and whispered to her, but he was anything but calm. The muscles in his arms flexed; he had the look of a man who wanted to kill someone. I just wished I could put the kidnappers in a cage with him. That would be justice.

  Mars poked his head in and looked at the picture then went to his parents, doing his best to console both of them. He seemed like a damn good kid. I was almost envious. Maybe I was envious. Lonny had a wife who reminded me of Mary and a couple of kids who seemed ideal.

  For the millionth time, I wished I hadn’t taken this case. I didn’t want to be here any more than I had wanted to be with Betty Ming’s family when they brought her to the hospital that day so many years ago. The day she looked at me and cried. The words she said to me still haunted me at nights.

  “Why didn’t you find me yesterday?” she’d said. “I was still a virgin then.”

  I tried blocking my ears so I wouldn’t hear Lucia sobbing, anything but that. I fell apart whenever a woman cried. Or a kid. I could do a lot of things—sew myself up with stitches, pack mud in a wound to stop the bleeding, beat a man half to death for things he’d done wrong. I’d done all that and more. Kill a man in cold blood…I could do a lot of things, but listen to a woman suffer…not me. I folded like an old accordion.

  Mars led his mother to a seat in the family room and sat next to her. Lonny came into the kitchen. In the ten or twelve steps it took for him to cross the room, I watched his tension build to a critical mass. He grabbed the phone from Connors’ hand, stared at the picture then…went berserk. He squeezed the phone, then twisted it, as if he could yank the photo out of there. Or shred it. A growl emerged from him, an animal sound that morphed into words I understood.

  “I’m gonna kill that motherfucker!” He grabbed the back of the chair. The veins on the back of his hands bulged. I think he would have broken it if I hadn’t intervened, but then I found myself in danger. The man was a beast.

  “You hear me? You’re dead. I’m gonna find you, and—”

  “Calm down, Lonny. Take it easy.” I had my arms wrapped around him from behind, but he shrugged me off like I used to do to Ron when he was ten or twelve. “Connors! Anyone.”


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