The author and the photographer would like to thank a great many people for a great many things.
For the generous loan of old clothes, new clothes, hats, props, jewels and furs, our gratitude goes to Mrs. E. P. Adam, Miss Kaye Ballard, Mr. Kurt Bieber, Mr. A. L. Brandon, Dr. and Mrs. William G. Cahan, Miss Peggy Cass, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dobo, Mr. Robert Fryer, the Generosity Thrift Shop, Miss Dody Goodman, Carol Irwin Hollister, Mr. Sterling Jensen, the Manhattan Hardware, Miss Alice Pearce, Mr. Walter Pistole, Miss Rosalind Russell, Mr. Martin Scheider, Mrs. Curtis Walsh and Miss Vivian Weaver. And our special thanks go to Mr. Robert Riley and the staff of the Design Laboratory of the Brooklyn Museum, who offered not only their valuable time and advice, but who turned over their priceless collection of authentic period costumes to this frivolous venture.
For wigs, beards and hair styles we are indebted to Mr. Wally Mohr and to Ryan-Davis Hair Culture.
We would also like to thank the luckless owners of many splendid houses, apartments and studios—Mr. Alexander Bender, Mr. Hervey Jolin, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jefferson, Mr. Franklin H. Kissner, the New York City Center, Mr. Shaun O’Brien, the Plaza Hotel, Mr. Carl Reynolds, Mrs. Edward Tanner, Voisin Restaurant, and Mr. H. D. Vursell—who stood by with grim smiles while their furniture was scratched, their carpets soiled and their fuses blown. Typographical pyrotechnics were seen to by the horrified Dorris Huth.
And most of all we would like to thank our cast of 100, most of them busy actors and dancers who missed meals and sleep, dashed across town in full war paint between matinee and evening performances and even sacrificed that time most sacred to the members of Equity—Sunday morning—just for the fun of appearing in this book. We love you all.
How Firm a Foundation
The Joyous Season
First Lady
by Martha Dinwiddie Butterfield,
as told to Patrick Dennis
Around the World with Auntie Mame
The Pink Hotel
by Dorothy Erskine
and Patrick Dennis
Guestward Ho!
by Barbara C. Hooton,
as indiscreetly confided to Patrick Dennis
Auntie Mame
As Virginia Rowans
House Party
Oh, What a Wonderful Wedding!
The Loving Couple
Love and Mrs. Sargent
Little Me was originally published in 1961 by E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc.
Copyright © 1961 by Lancelot Leopard, Ltd., renewed in 1989 by the Estate of Patrick Dennis.
Preface © 2002 by Cris Alexander. Foreword © 2002 by Charles Busch. All rights reserved. No part of this
book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
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from the publisher. For information, address Broadway Books, a division of Random House, Inc., 1540
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents
either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual per-
sons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
First Broadway Books edition published 2002
Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress.
eISBN: 978-0-307-41910-1
Little Me Page 26