Love for All Time

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Love for All Time Page 8

by Kianna Alexander

  “I’m game.” He took off his leather sandals and placed them on the blanket. Then he stood, towering over her once he got on his feet.

  She kicked off her jeweled slides, leaving them next to his shoes. They started walking toward the pier, moving close to the water’s edge. She thrilled at the cool liquid lapping around her ankles as they strolled down the sandy strip. She tried to walk next to him, but remained a step or two behind because his legs were so much longer than hers.

  “Thanks for walking with me.”

  “No problem.”

  “Tell me your story. What was it like growing up around here?”

  He hummed low in his throat, as if thinking about what to say. “Well, the major thing I remember is feeling like everybody here knew everybody else. I don’t think it’s just Sapphire Shores, I think it’s probably like that in every small town. I guess it’s a little more intense here because we’re separated from the folks on the mainland.”

  She nodded. “I can see that. Even in the few weeks I’ve been here, I’ve picked up on that. This is a very neighborly place.”

  “Right. That meant I couldn’t cut up as a youngster.” He slowed his steps, as if he’d noticed her struggle to keep up. “My parents basically had a network of spies and informants. Wherever I went, if I acted the fool, they would know about it before I got home.”

  She couldn’t help laughing, at both his statement and his tone. “Sorry, but it sounds funny when you say it that way. What were things like at home, with your brother and sister?” As an only child, she’d often wondered what it would have been like to have a sibling.

  “Savion’s the oldest and the most serious. He’s always been that way. Even when we were kids he was always trying to supervise us. Hadley’s the baby, and she’s a little bit spoiled. She’s grown up to be very capable and independent, though.”

  Sierra could tell he loved both his siblings, but he seemed especially proud of his sister. “What about you, Campbell? What were you like as a kid?”

  He shrugged. “I kind of did my own thing. I grew up being the only one in the house who liked comic books. I was pretty active, too. Skateboarding, surfing, played baseball in high school.”

  She was impressed. Now I know why he’s got the athletic body type. “Do you still do any of those things?”

  “I still read comic books.” He chuckled. “You couldn’t pay me to get on a skateboard these days. But I do play the occasional game of baseball. Every other year I play in a property managers association game for charity.”

  Hearing all this about his life satisfied one side of her curiosity, and piqued the other. She wasn’t sure how he’d react to her next question, but knew she had to ask it anyway. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but can you tell me a little about your marriage?”

  He stopped walking, turned to look at her. “Really? Why?”

  She looked away from his piercing eyes, toward the dark surface of the water. “I’m curious. I can’t really explain why. We’re learning about each other, and I know your ex-wife was a part of your life. Past relationships are part of what makes us who we are.”

  He released a long breath through his lips. “Her name is Tiffany. I loved her, and I believe she loved me. Being married to her was like being married to two different people.”

  Sierra frowned. “How so?”

  “In public, she came across as very confident and capable. In private, however, she was fragile, unsure of herself and clingy.” He started rubbing his hands together. “She couldn’t understand why I wanted time alone, to pursue my own interests. And when she decided she wanted more attention than I could give her, she sought that attention elsewhere.”

  Seeing the expression on his face, and the way he kept rubbing his hands, Sierra touched his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Campbell. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  He stopped fidgeting, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his shorts. “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

  She didn’t think he was fine. Still, she knew pressing the issue would get her nowhere. She couldn’t imagine how painful it must have been for him to discover his ex-wife’s infidelity. So rather than make him relive it any longer, she changed the subject. “Something else I wanted to ask. Have you ever lived anywhere else?”

  “Just in college. I got my bachelor’s in hospitality and tourism administration from NC Central, so I lived in Durham for those four years. Other than that, I’ve pretty much only lived here. I’ve traveled a lot, but I’ve never made my home anywhere else.” He started walking again.

  She followed him, catching up more easily this time. “Have you ever wanted to live somewhere else?”

  “Not really. There’s something special about the island, something I don’t think I can find anywhere else.” He turned and started walking back the way they’d come.

  “We’re turning back?”

  “We have to. Beyond that sign up there is private property.” He gestured to a blue metal sign nearby.

  She nodded, following him. This time, rather than chase him, she caught hold of his hand.

  He looked back at her, appearing surprised for a moment. But he held her hand anyway, and a smile touched her lips.

  As they neared the pier again, he led her underneath it. There, he leaned his back against one of the supportive wooden columns. Clasping both her hands, he said, “Sierra, I’ve got to say something, and I don’t know if you’re going to like it.”

  She braced for whatever would come next. “What is it?”

  “I know what you’ve been saying all day, but this is starting to feel dangerously like a date.” He stared down into her eyes.

  Gazing up at him, she nodded. “You’re right.” Taking a step closer to him, she raised her hand and stroked her open palm along his jawline. “And as it turns out, I’m okay with that.”

  He smiled. “Good. Because I don’t think there’s any way we can stop what’s happening between us.”

  “I don’t think I want to stop it anymore, Campbell.” She leaned in, raising her face to him.

  A moment later, his lips met hers, and the whole world melted away. His strong arms circled her waist, while she tossed her arms around his shoulders. Her mouth opened and their tongues mated. She could taste the remnants of sweetness left behind by the grape juice. His kissing, skillful and passionate, had her seeing stars. She never wanted this to end, never wanted him to let her go. The heat of his body combined with the potency of his kiss made her feel alive in a way she never had before.

  When he broke the kiss, she took a moment to catch her breath. Still in his arms, she whispered in his ear, “Spend the night with me, Campbell.”

  He touched her cheek. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  “It isn’t what I want.” She kissed his fingertips. “It’s what I need.”

  * * *

  Campbell swore the drive back to Sierra’s condo was the longest he’d ever taken. After her whispered invitation, they’d dashed across the sand to gather their things, then gotten into their cars to go to her place. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d struggled so much to focus. Her touch, the look in her eyes and the way she’d asked him to come home with her had him so turned on he wasn’t sure he’d remember how to get there if not for following her car.

  When they finally made it to the house, he kept pace with her as she ran up the stairs. Inside the condo, she locked them inside and tossed her keys in the bowl on the table near the door. He dragged her against his body and captured her lips again.

  He kissed her with all the hunger he felt inside, working his hands into her hair. The bun came loose, and her hair fell free beneath his fingertips as the kiss deepened. Her legs began to tremble, and without breaking the kiss, he turned her and braced her against the closed door.

  Between their bodies, his hardness grew and throbbed. He want
ed her with every cell in his body. He moved one of his hands down the right side of her body, dragging it down to the hem of her dress and then slipping it underneath. When he cupped her bottom, and gave it a gentle squeeze, she released a soft moan into his mouth.

  The sound pushed him to the edge of his self-control. Breaking the kiss, he looked into her eyes. “We need to move this party to the bedroom, before I take you against the door.”

  A wicked gleam lit her eyes.

  He grabbed her hand and led her down the hallway to the master bedroom.

  There, he watched as she stood by the bed, facing him. She stepped out of her shoes and kicked them aside. Grasping the hem of her dress, she pulled it up over her head and tossed it aside. His eyes widened at the sight of her soft blue lace bra and panties. He kicked off his sandals for the second time tonight and closed the distance between them.

  He splayed his palm over the flat plane of her stomach. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She gave him a naughty little smile. “You haven’t even seen it all yet.”

  He growled low in his throat. Snatching off his own T-shirt and shorts, he tossed the clothing to the floor. Gently, he guided her back until she lay horizontally across the bed.

  With a slow, deliberate hand, he caressed each inch of bared skin. He stroked lazy fingers over her shoulders, then cupped the mounds of her breasts. Her arms, her stomach, her long, shapely legs...he left no part untouched. By the time he reached beneath her to undo her bra, her rapid breathing turned to a soft sigh. He worked the clasps free as she leaned up to his kiss, then freed her from the bra. He took her panties from her and added them to the growing pile on the floor.

  Her nudity overwhelmed him. She was more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. The womanly curves of her body were as lush as the rain forest, and twice as breathtaking. His manhood pulsed with need for her, but he restrained himself. She might not be a novice at lovemaking, but it was still their first time together. He wanted to bring her to the heights of passion in a slow, languid fashion that assured him she would never forget this night, no matter what happened in the future.

  Stripping off his boxers, he rejoined her on the bed and drew her into his arms. He kissed her lips, her jawline, the hollow of her neck. He flicked his tongue over her collarbone, then took his time suckling at each dark nipple until she cried out.

  “Campbell.” Her words were a faint whisper in the dark. “Please.”

  He heard the pleading in her tone, and knew it was time. He left her for only a moment, to sheath himself with protection, before returning to her. Adjusting himself so that he knelt between her parted thighs, he caressed her hips with his palms. “I know, honey. Let me fix it.”

  A heartbeat later he pressed himself against her opening. She was slick with desire, and as he pushed inside, her tight warmth enticed him to go as deep as possible. She purred as he entered her fully and rocked his hips.

  She soon joined in the rhythm, her hips rising to meet his every stroke. He gritted his teeth, keeping a tenuous hold on his self-control as her body enveloped him with magnificent heat.

  She clung to him, her throaty sighs coming in time with his thrusts. He caught a glimpse of her, head thrown back, spine arched like a drawn bow, as she screamed her completion. Seeing her go over the edge pushed him over, as well, and he pulled her close and growled his release into the crown of her hair.

  Later, in the silence, he lay awake with her in his arms. He listened to her soft breathing, and felt his heart turn over in his chest. With her naked body fitted against his, she seemed so content. Her sleeping face, so peaceful in the moonlight, reflected the peace he felt inside.

  He remembered the days when he would enjoy a woman’s company, then return home directly afterward. But with Sierra, something shifted inside him, something he couldn’t name. He didn’t want to let her go, didn’t want to leave her warmth behind to seek his own bed. So instead of trying to extricate himself from her while she slept, he grabbed the covers and pulled them up over their bodies.

  Chapter 10

  Sunday morning, Sierra awakened alone in her bed. She sat upright, searching through sleep-heavy eyes for any sign of Campbell. She didn’t see anything, but she did smell something delicious coming from the kitchen. A smile touched her lips. He’s in there cooking.

  She lay back against the pillows for a moment, letting the erotic memories of the night before wash over her. She could still feel the light throbbing between her thighs, reminding her of the way he’d loved her well into the night. There had been no man before him who had given her that kind of pleasure, and in her heart, she knew no other man would be able to live up to him.

  Feeling the emotions rise within her, she did her best to tamp them down. What they’d done last night had been the culmination of their undeniable attraction to each other. It didn’t mean they were in a relationship. Or did it?

  Not wanting to dwell on that, she got out of bed and entered the master bathroom. She stepped into the stream of hot water, cleansing her body of the sweat she’d worked up last night. Freshly washed, she emerged from the bathroom and slipped into a clean cotton tee that grazed her knees.

  She was sitting on the edge of the bed putting on lotion when he entered the room, a tray in hand. He’d put his shorts back on, but had forgone a shirt, leaving the hard, muscled lines of his chest bared to her appreciative gaze.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.” He sat the tray on the bed and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Are you hungry?”

  She nodded. “This looks and smells fantastic.” There were two plates on the tray, holding scrambled eggs, wheat toast, strips of turkey bacon and mounds of grits running with butter. There were also two glasses of ice-cold cranberry juice. “You’re really trying to spoil me.”

  He smiled. “Just a little something I threw together. Go ahead, dig in.”

  She stood. “As soon as I wash my hands, I will.” When she got back from taking care of that, she sat cross-legged on the bed and picked up her fork and plate. Resting the plate in her lap, she forked up some of the grits. They were just as delicious as they looked, and so was the rest of the food.

  While they ate, he grabbed the remote from the nightstand and turned on the wall-mounted flat screen. The picture came on, and he flipped a few channels before stopping. “Looks like they’re playing a rerun of The Shores.”

  She looked up, and sure enough, her face was on the screen. She washed down a mouthful of food with the tart cranberry juice, and swallowed. “Oh, no. Change the channel.”

  “Why?” He appeared genuinely confused.

  “I don’t really like watching myself on film. It just feels a little weird and egomaniacal to me.”

  He sat his empty plate aside. “Come on, now. There’s nothing strange about enjoying the work you did.” He scooted closer to her on the bed. “You’re a talented actress, Sierra. Embrace that.”

  She sighed. “If you really want to watch it, I guess it’s okay.”

  “Yes, I really want to watch it.”

  She finished her meal, half watching the drama unfolding on the screen. It was an episode that had originally aired about two weeks ago. They’d filmed eight more episodes since this one, and would soon wrap up filming for the season. During that episode, as with most of them, she’d had a lot of on-screen time with Mia.

  Seeing Mia’s face on the television made Sierra cringe inwardly. She hadn’t spoken at length to anyone but Jazmin about her issues with Mia. Though at this point, she was pretty sure everybody in the cast and crew could feel the tension between the two of them. For all Sierra knew, Mia could be telling anyone at the studio who would listen that she hated Sierra’s guts. Mia was just petty enough to do that type of thing.

  The show went to commercial break, and she blew out a breath.

  He glanced at her, his brow furrowed. “What’s t
he matter?”

  She shook her head. “It’s complicated. Suffice it to say there’s a lot of drama at the studio, and the worst of it is playing out off-screen.”

  “Whatever it is, you can’t be involved in it. I know you’re too classy for that kind of thing.”

  Yeah, but Mia isn’t. “You’d be surprised, Campbell.”

  He cleared the tray and dishes off the bed, and tugged her hand. “Come on. Get comfortable and tell me what’s bothering you.” He helped her change position in bed, until her back came to rest against the pile of pillows near the headboard.

  Without going into too much detail, she told him about the ongoing tension between her and Mia. “I don’t have any personal problem with Mia. She’s been this way with me from the day we started working together, even though I’ve treated her with nothing but respect.”

  His frown told her he shared her frustration. “I can understand why you’re stressed out about this. You’re taking the high road with someone who obviously lacks maturity, and I know that must be difficult.”

  “Sometimes I wonder how much longer I can keep this up.” She shook her head, feeling the tension gathering in her neck and shoulders. “I’ve been advised to just stay professional and wait until this blows over, but Mia is really testing the limits of my patience.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t fix it for you.”

  His concern made her smile. “You’re helping just by listening to me.”

  “Let me see what else I can do to improve your mood.” The dark pools of his eyes displayed his desire.

  She felt the tingle of anticipation dance down her spine. “What did you have in mind?”

  “It’s easier to show you.” He moved then, kneeling on the bed beside her. He lifted her legs at the bend in her knees, easing them apart. He then raised the hem of her tee. His brow hitched. “Sierra, you naughty girl. You’re not wearing any panties.”


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