A Pirate's Darkness (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix Book 6)

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A Pirate's Darkness (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix Book 6) Page 17

by ML Guida

  Palmer emerged. “We have reached Zuto’s island. Prepare to die, wench.”

  There was no mercy in his voice.

  Phearson and another lackey trailed him like timid curs. Palmer opened the brig and tilted his head. “Bring her.”

  Since she’d been in the brig, Palmer had only visited her once to announce that he was bringing her to Zuto. He always forced his crew to attend her. She suspected the man actually feared her, which made her grin. If only he knew how often her power failed her, he might have returned to his brutish self.

  Phearson and another man approached her. Phearson gave her a quick wink while the other man hesitantly approached. She would have laughed if ’twas not such a dire situation. Did the man think she would turn him into a snowman? The truth was, she was conserving her power to fight Zuto. She’d had sex with and kissed Ewan before he died, but she wasn’t sure it had been enough. Her worst fear was with Ewan dead that her power had diminished. Sometimes it worked better the first time she used it, and with him, there wouldn’t be a chance to be second-best.

  She allowed them to put manacles on her shaking wrists and lead her out of the brig. She climbed the stairs with Phearson in front of her and the other man behind. Her legs shook, and her heart beat faster and faster.

  Up on deck, the morning sun had just risen over the blue sea. She looked toward the island and swallowed the fear on the tip of her tongue. The spider and Zuto waited on the shore.

  ’Twas the first time she’d seen the demon and was amazed by how tall he was. He was a good foot taller than Palmer, who was a giant of a man.

  But there was a third figure standing next to Zuto––a little red-headed girl. Any fear she possessed was replaced with anger. Her body heated with rage that the demon would take a little girl from her home and threaten to kill her.

  “Bring her to the dinghy,” Palmer said. “Be prepared to sail when I return.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “You’re not staying? Are you that afraid?”

  “Silence, wench. My reasons are my own.” He pulled out his sword and put it under her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Don’t force me to slice your pretty neck.”

  She glared but kept her mouth shut.

  Phearson grabbed her arm. “Are ye daft? Dona make him mad. Tis not healthy.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Stubborn wench.” He tossed her over his shoulder and knocked the wind out of her. She inhaled his scent of salt and gunpowder. She was surprised he didn’t stink like Paddy and Gibbons, but she’d learned not all pirates were alike. She’d lost her heart to pirate, and now he was dead.

  She didn’t know how to tell Catriona Ewan was gone, but first, she had to get her out of here and return her to her grandmother.

  Phearson carried her down the ladder to the dinghy and carefully placed her in the boat. Palmer came in last and sat the furthest away from her as if she had the plague.

  Phearson and the other man rowed the boat toward the shoreline. Penelope sat in the boat, awaiting her fate. She wished Ewan was here, but he was gone. She looked up into the blue sky and wondered if he was watching her from heaven above.

  I’ll make you proud, she vowed silently. I will save your daughter.

  The spider, demon, and Catriona waited patiently on shore, none of them moving. Zuto wore nothing but a white loincloth, and she thought she saw golden sandals. His black hair was tousled, and he leaned against the abominable creature. The sun was behind him, so she couldn’t see his face except for his red eyes filled with eagerness. The spider snapped its fangs together as if in anticipating biting her. She wouldn’t make it easy. She’d freeze the fangs that had taken Ewan’s life.

  Catriona had Ewan’s red hair and eyes. She stood still and seemed to move closer to the demon as if she expected him to protect her. Was she under a spell?

  The demon actually put his hand on her shoulder, and the girl didn’t flinch. Something wasn’t right.

  Hate brewed inside her, and she clenched and unclenched her fists, anticipating freezing as many enemies as she could. She’d probably die in the process, but she’d didn’t care. Zuto deserved to be trapped on this miserable island.

  As they drew closer, Penelope studied Zuto, and she gasped.

  Palmer turned around. “I suggest you not comment on what you see.”

  Penelope couldn’t tear her gaze from the demon. He had horrible deep scratches and bite marks down his chest and legs. Like some wild animal had attacked him.

  But strangely enough, Catriona did not have a mark on her.

  Some of the anger left her. She turned to Phearson. “What happened to him?”

  Phearson lowered his voice. “The demon Natasa. She’s grown angry with Zuto because he won’t tell the time spider to stop spinning its web. If it doesn’t stop, she’ll be trapped in time forever. She can only escape at night.”

  So, that was why Natasa wanted her to stay away from Zuto. “But why doesn’t he put a stop to her torture?”

  He shrugged. “I’ve heard that his God, Maketabori, has ordered her to torture Zuto every night to remind him that he’s a slave.”

  Her eyes widened. She couldn’t imagine going through torture every night. When Ronan was imprisoned on board the Fiery Damsel for months, he nearly went mad.

  “I thought demons could heal themselves.”

  “Legend has it that Maketabori will not let Zuto heal until a few hours before Natasa returns. ‘Tis his punishment for not handing over O’Brien’s woman.”

  She gasped as she thought of Hannah. How could Maketabori despise Hannah for something her father did?

  Skin hung off Zuto’s broad chest. He even had deep scratches and bruises on his face, which she suspected was usually handsome. Morgana had said that Natasa was evil, but she’d had no idea the depth of her debauchery.

  “My God, it’s as if something tried to eat him alive.”

  “What do ye expect? She’s a demon.” They reached shore, and he clasped her shoulder. “If you’re smart, lassie, you’ll keep your thoughts to yourself.” Fear flashed in his eyes. “Zuto’s quick to anger and doesn’t like anyone pointing out his weakness. If yer lucky, ye’ll survive the beastie’s bite.”

  She realized Phearson would do nothing to save her. She remembered Ewan’s torn and battered body. She held her chin up high and gave him a haughty stare. “Have you seen many men survive the spider’s bite?”

  Shame heated his cheeks, and he lowered his gaze. “No, I’m sorry, my lady. But I canna help ye. I wish I could.”

  “Meaning you wish you had the courage to do this. I expected nothing less from a thief from the Damsel.”

  He jerked his head up, and she actually saw pain and shock in his blue eyes, but she turned her gaze ahead and drew on her power. Her fingers tingled, and her heart pounded. She stared at the beaten and tortured demon. Poseidon, it looked like he was standing, but he was actually leaning against the time spider. If the beast pulled away, he’d fall.

  Mixed feelings rushed over her. She wanted to hate him because Ewan was dead. But she couldn’t imagine enduring such a bleak future of endless pain. And why wasn’t Catriona hurt?

  Palmer turned his head and whisked his hand, meaning for Phearson to escort her out of the boat. She met Zuto’s eyes, and for a minute, she thought she saw a flash of sorrow, but then ’twas gone.

  Something screamed through the air and exploded onto the beach. The smell of sulfur and smoke filled the air. The spider shrieked and rose up on its back legs, clashing its fangs. Zuto fell to the side, cursing.

  Catriona screamed and fell next to the demon.

  Palmer whipped out his sword. “Blast it, O’Brien!”

  Penelope turned, and hope filled her. The Soaring Phoenix headed into the cove, her guns drawn. A shriek brought her attention to the skies. She blinked, not believing what she saw.

  William in dragon form and Mariah flew toward her, but ’twas the man who sat behind Mariah that forced her to use her po
wer. Ewan was alive!

  She smiled as she the demon’s angry eyes. His devious plan was unraveling.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Ewan sat behind Mariah as they rode William’s broad back. William soared through the clouds and descended toward the people on the beach. He caught his breath as he looked down, hunting for his frozen princess. He spotted her, and his heart turned to ice. Penelope had her wrists bound behind her. Her hair was a tangled mess, and her shirt and trousers were stained and dirty. He thought she’d be pleading for mercy, but she held her head high like royalty. She’d changed from when he first met her, always relying on her father and her sisters to fight her battles. Pride rose in his heart. She was his woman, a warrior princess, and he’d battle the gates of Coaybay to save her.

  She was alive. But for how long? The time spider and Zuto were only a few feet away.

  He suddenly realized Catriona had fallen next to Zuto and actually looked like she was trying to help him up. There were no chains binding her. What had the bastard done to her? Was she under a spell?

  Through the smoke from the exploding cannonball, he saw Zuto allowing his wee daughter to help him as if he was in too much pain to stand on his own. Who had the power to hurt him? He prayed that Zuto’s god hadn’t come down from Coaybay to punish him, because none of them had the power to defeat him.

  The spider remained by his side, as if guarding him and Catriona, cutting off Penelope’s escape to the sea.

  “William.” Mariah patted the dragon’s long neck. “We need to protect Penelope and Catriona.”

  The dragon growled, then spread his long wings and sailed lower through the foggy smoke. He exhaled fire, sending Palmer and his two men running for cover into the jungle. Trees and bushes burst into flames. Heat poured on Ewan’s skin.

  The line of fire separated Zuto and the time spider from Penelope, but flames caught on a wooden leg next to her, and it burst into an inferno. She shuffled away, but tripped over a branch and screamed.

  “William,” Ewan cried. “Watch out for Penelope!”

  One of the men ran back. He grabbed Penelope’s arm and dragged her away from the fire that lit up the beach.

  The Fiery Damsel and the Soaring Phoenix exchanged cannon fire. Kane’s demi-cannons were impressive, wreaking havoc on the Damsel’s sails, while the Phoenix was out-ranged. ’Twas as if the Phoenix had divine help, and Ewan couldn’t help but think that Raphael had interfered enough to keep the Damsel’s cannons from tearing apart the Phoenix.

  He unsheathed his sword. William put out his talons to land, but Ewan couldn’t wait. He jumped off the dragon’s back and rolled onto the ground.

  “Ewan, no!” Mariah cried as she whirled around.

  Smoke blinded his eyes. Palmer’s men were on board the Damsel and battling the Phoenix so at least he didn’t have to fight them. Their worst fear would be for the Damsel to sink and be stranded on the demon’s island where they’d have to endure his wrath.

  Ignoring the heat, he ran through the smoke. “Penelope, where are ye?” His first task was to get Penelope and Catriona as far away from this island as possible, then he could battle the spider.

  Guns fired, and shot whined through the smoke. Palm trees exploded, and branches flew through the air.

  Through the blaze, he saw the creature shriek and try to find a way around the fire. Zuto faced his palm toward the flames, then they died down, allowing the spider to scamper across.

  Catriona stood next to Zuto, unsure what to do. If she’d followed the spider maybe she could get to the jungle and get away from the demon.

  “Catriona!” Ewan yelled. “Run straight ahead.”

  Bewilderment flashed in her green eyes. She turned toward his voice. “Pa?”

  But the demon grabbed her arm. “She’s not going anywhere, Kelley.”

  Drawing on vampire speed, Ewan rushed toward her, his sword lifted high over his head. “Catriona, I am coming.”

  He didn’t care if the demon struck him down. All that mattered was getting Catriona away from that bastard.

  “Zuto, that’s me pa.” Catriona said as she pulled on her arm. “Please let me go.”

  “No.” He motioned to a nearby pirate. “Guard her. If she escapes, you die.”

  As the spider scurried toward Penelope, William and Mariah blocked its path. Smoke puffed out of William’s nose, and Mariah held up a stone that faced the foul beastie. She claimed it was charged and could defeat evil.

  But that wasn’t the only problem. The ground quaked and Ewan fell onto his knees. A loud crack spread across the beach. Another giant spider, this one white, crawled out.

  Grand, two spiders!

  “Attack the dragon and the witch!” Zuto yelled.

  White strands flung out of the white spider’s mouth, knocking William onto his side while Mariah held up her arms as if trying to conjure a spell.

  The black time spider rose up on its hind legs, and Ewan saw the hourglass on its underbelly.

  “Here, you foul thing, take her.” Palmer seized Penelope’s arm and ripped her away from the dark-haired pirate.

  Ewan hesitated. Both Penelope and Catriona were in danger. Whichever one he chose, the other would die.

  Penelope beat on Palmer’s arm as he dragged her toward the spider. “Ewan, save Catriona.”

  The pirate holding Catriona fled as the white spider approached, but not before Zuto seized his sword and put it under her throat. “Kelley, don’t interfere, or you’ll not force me to slice your daughter’s throat.”

  “Zuto?” Tears slipped down Catriona’s cheeks. “Why are ye doing this? Ye promised ye wouldna hurt me.”

  “I am not hurting you. It’s your selfish father. He’s choosing a whore over you. He is ashamed of you.”

  Catriona’s face crumpled. She broke out into sobs that tore at Ewan’s soul.

  “Zuto, ye bastard!” Ewan yelled. “Catriona, ’tis not true. Yer the light of me world.”

  “Then prove it,” the demon said. “Let Penelope die.”

  Ewan looked between Penelope and Catriona. His heart nearly broke in two. He suddenly realized that if Penelope died, he’d endure the same pain he had with Wynda. He couldn’t do it.

  Not again.

  Suddenly, a tall dark-haired pirate shoved Palmer and he fell face forward right at the beast’s legs. He released Penelope.

  Ewan made a split decision and hoped he wasn’t making a grave mistake. With vampire speed, he pulled out his pistol and fired. The shot hit Zuto’s arm enough, and he dropped the knife.

  “Catriona, run!”

  Catriona didn’t hesitate this time and raced away from Zuto.

  Palmer rolled on his back. “Phearson, you bastard!” His tone was edgy and sprinkled with anger.

  The beast didn’t even slow down and walked over Palmer, who aimed a pistol at the creature’s underbelly, his hand shaking.

  “Palmer, you fool.” Blood dripping from his arm, Zuto flicked his wrist, and the pistol flew out of Palmer’s hand.

  Shock and fear flashed into Palmer’s eyes. Suddenly, he rose into the air as if by magic and was flung across the beach, straight into the jungle, screaming.

  Unfortunately, Catriona was headed in that direction.

  Ewan was only a few feet away when he noticed Penelope was free and her manacles were at the bottom of her feet. The dark-haired man held a skeleton key in his hand. Ewan didn’t trust him and was afraid he had some ulterior motivation for freeing her.

  Zuto swayed on his feet. “Seize her!”

  The spider scurried across the smoke, and the dark-haired man’s partner was too slow. The beast stabbed him with its long legs, and blood spurted into the air like a fountain. Ewan almost felt sorry for him, remembering the unforgivable pain he’d endured.

  “Leave her alone!” Phearson cried. He fired a pistol foolishly at the beast, nicking its fang. The spider lifted a leg and kicked him so hard he soared into the air, then slammed into the edge of the crack wher
e the other white spider had appeared and disappeared into darkness. His scream spurned Ewan on.

  “Fight me, ye filthy beast!” But Ewan’s voice was blocked out by the guns.

  Penelope hadn’t seen him and raced over to the crack where Phearson had vanished, which was a deadly mistake. The spider and Zuto blocked her path to escape. To make matters worse, Palmer limped out of the jungle, murder and rage in his eyes, and he had Catriona by the arm.

  He hauled Catriona up by her arm, her feet dangling. “Here’s yer daughter. Time for ye to watch her die.” He took a pistol and put it next to Catriona’s temple.

  “Pa, help me!”

  Zuto held his arm, blood leaking from his fingers. “I won’t let him kill her, Kelley, but I can’t stay here. She doesn’t deserve to die.”

  Ewan marveled at his statement, but he couldn’t let his mate die, either. Drawing on every bit of energy he possessed, Ewan jumped into the air higher than any mortal man. With his sword high over his head, he landed on the spider’s back. It screeched and raced around, arching its back. He could feel the fear emitting from the creature, but he didn’t care. He raised his sword to stab it, but then a hard force knocked him off. He didn’t need to think who it was.

  He looked up to see Zuto standing over him. He had to blink twice. Instead of the arrogant demon, he stared into the red eyes of a broken man. His skin was ripped and torn as if someone had taken a blade and slowly peeled off his flesh. His face was bruised and swollen. Ewan couldn’t imagine the agony he must have endured.

  Zuto seemed to struggle to breathe. “You will not steal my freedom.”

  Ewan still gripped the sword in his hand and decided to distract the demon. “What happened to ye?”

  “That is none of your concern.” He flung the sword out of Ewan’s hand and caught it. “Do not under estimate my power, fool.” He raised the sword over his head.

  Ewan moved, but once again, he was paralyzed. He struggled, but only his beating heart had the power to move. Death reflected in the demon’s eyes. Ewan looked over at Penelope. She was in a warrior stance with her palms facing the spider. She had become so brave and fierce, and he wanted her to be the last person he saw before he passed onto the next world.


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