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Red Moon Rising Page 40

by Matthew Brzezinski

Seventeenth Party Congress, 32

  Twentieth Party Congress, 18, 30–33, 42, 60, 208

  concentration camps, 11–12, 84

  Corona spy satellite, 251, 271

  cosmonaut, 108

  Council of Ministers, USSR, 27–28

  Craig, May, 180

  Cronkite, Walter, 233

  Cuba, 101, 270–72

  missile crisis, 271–72

  Czechoslovakia, 63

  Dahm, Wernher, 90

  D-Day invasion, 46, 257, 262–63

  Debus, Kurt, 261–64, 266

  Defense Department (Pentagon), U.S., 46, 50–52, 54, 79, 130, 136, 163, 220, 223, 225, 254, 265

  Defense Reorganization Act (1958), 274

  Democratic Party, 23, 50, 55–59, 78–79, 85, 132, 135–39, 141, 167, 169, 174, 176, 178, 182–83, 214–15, 221–22, 230–31, 242, 274

  de-Stalinization, 41–42, 72–73, 111

  Dewey, Thomas, 56

  Dickson, Paul, 170–71

  Dingell, John, 85

  DirectTV, 278

  Discover satellite program, 251

  Disney, Roy, 90

  Disney, Walt, 90–92, 234

  Disneyland (TV show), 90, 121, 234

  Dixiecrats, 182–83

  Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak), 62

  dog in space. See Sputnik II

  Dora concentration camp, 11–12

  Dornberger, Walter, 235–37

  Douglas Aircraft, 82

  Dulles, Allen, 23, 26, 75–76, 117–20, 123–25, 131, 134, 184–85, 244, 250, 271

  Dulles, John Foster, 23–24, 47, 55, 74–75, 118, 120–21, 123, 125–26, 131, 149, 169, 171, 215, 217, 221, 240–41, 243–45, 256–57, 275–76

  Eastern Europe, 37, 41–42, 72–73, 76, 185

  East Germany, 63

  Eckford, Elizabeth, 139


  Eastern European, 7, 73

  U.S., 49, 51, 91, 169–70, 174, 223–24

  USSR, 19–20, 36–39, 273

  Eden, Anthony, 76

  education gap, 222–23, 274

  Egypt, 76, 78, 184–85

  Einstein, Albert, 85

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 9, 262

  Bay of Pigs and, 270

  “Chin Up” speeches of, 217–20, 257

  criticism of, post-Sputnik II and Vanguard, 221–24, 226, 229–32

  D-Day and, 262–63

  Dulles and, 23–24

  election of 1956 and “bomber gap,” 55–59, 76, 78–79

  Explorer and, 248, 256–58, 265

  health problems of, 231–32, 242–44

  Hungarian revolution and, 75–76

  ICBMs and, 81

  Khrushchev and, 204, 206

  legacy of, 275–76

  Little Rock crisis and, 136–41, 168–69

  Medaris and, 48

  military spending and, 38, 50

  missile program and, 52–53, 132, 148, 269

  Nixon and, 54–56, 275

  satellite programs and, 93–94, 135, 163, 168, 170–71, 250

  Sputnik successes and, 174, 176–86, 204, 214–18, 219–22, 229–30, 251–53, 276

  Suez Canal and, 76

  summit of 1955 and, 24, 28

  summit of 1957 and, 242–43, 256

  U-2 and, 117–23, 127, 130–31, 270

  Vanguard and, 226, 240–44

  Eisenhower, Mamie, 170

  elections, U.S.of 1952, 55–56

  of 1956, 53, 55, 57–59, 76, 78–79, 137

  of 1958, 214

  of 1960, 138, 169, 274–75

  Ellender, Allen, 135, 148, 165

  Ericson, Bob, 120

  Europe, 36–37, 185, 240, 243, 256–57, 269

  European Assembly, 200

  Evans, Rowland, 183

  Explorer satellite, 255–56, 258–67, 276–77. See also Jupiter C ICBM

  Faubus, Orval E., 139–40, 168–69

  FBI, 89

  Federation of American Scientists, 85

  “ferret” missions, 126

  First Army Group, U.S., 46

  First Belorussian Red Army Group, 10

  First Ukrainian Red Army Group, 6

  Ford Foundation, 220

  Fort Bliss army base, 84–85, 87–88

  Fortune, 170

  485th Artillery Battalion, German, 2

  France, 36, 75–76, 83, 185, 240

  Frolov, Piotr, 107

  Fulton, James, 171

  Gagarin, Yuri, 268–69

  Gaither, H. Rowan, 220–21

  Gaither report, 220–22

  Galione, John M., 10–11

  Galloway, Eilene, 230

  Gardner, Trevor, 219

  Gavin, James A., 51, 135, 162–65, 219–20, 224

  General Dynamics, 251

  General Electric, 49, 225–28, 238, 258

  General Motors (GM), 48–49, 51, 82, 91–92

  Georgian uprising of 1956, 60–64

  Gerchik, K. V., 143, 149

  Gestapo, 261

  GIRD-09 rocket, 108

  Glushko, Valentin, 33–34, 39, 65–72, 95, 101–3, 109, 143, 147, 149–50, 153, 158–59, 198, 202, 205, 210, 245–47, 271, 273

  Goldstone tracking station, 267

  Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 73–74

  Goodpaster, Andrew J., 119, 177, 243, 249–50

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 175

  Gore, Albert, Sr., 137, 248

  Göring, Hermann, 235

  Gray, Gordon, 119

  Great Britain, 4, 36, 38, 75–76, 83, 129, 240, 256, 270

  Great Terror of 1937–38, 109, 112

  Greenstein, Fred, 59

  Grinfeld, Lidia Mavrikievna, 104

  Gromyko, Andrei, 149, 193

  Grottrup, Frau, 14–15

  Grottrup, Helmut, 14–15

  Group for Studying Reaction Propulsion (GIRD), 107

  Guatemala, 118

  Hagen, John, 227–28, 242, 251, 258

  Hagerty, Jim, 171, 178–79, 186, 241, 265

  Halberstam, David, 140

  Halsey, Will, 164

  Hamill, Jim, 88

  Harford, James, 33

  Harper’s, 252

  Harris, Gordon, 165, 167, 266

  Hermann, Rudolf, 87

  Himmler, Heinrich, 29, 166, 237

  Hitler, Adolf, 6, 9, 22, 29, 67, 87, 166, 190, 235–38

  Holocaust, 84

  housing, USSR, 19–20, 37, 39, 95

  Humphrey, George, 223

  Humphrey, Hubert, 183

  Hungary, 41–42, 63

  revolution of 1956, 74–78, 131

  Huzel, Dieter, 14

  hydrogen bomb, 148, 184

  information age, 278

  intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). See also specific types

  Eisenhower and U.S. lag in, 52–54, 93–94, 177, 181, 214–15

  failure of R-7, vs. Atlas, 269–70

  Jupiter C developed, 129–30

  Khrushchev and Soviet drive to develop, 24–26, 35, 38–40, 56, 191–92, 196, 204–5, 214–15

  legacy of race for, 278

  R-7 developed, 43–44, 64–72, 97, 113–14, 129–30, 148, 153, 184, 205–6

  R-16 developed, 205–6

  satellite-bearing, 166, 172–73, 179, 213–15, 217

  storable propellants and, 154–55

  intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM), 35, 51–52, 79–80, 82, 102, 129–30, 162, 241, 248–50, 256, 269–71. See also Jupiter IRBM; Thor IRBM

  International Astronomical Federation, 202

  International Geophysical Year (IGY), 92–93, 133–36, 143, 149, 151–52, 162, 179, 185, 202, 227–28, 244, 250–51, 255–56, 261

  international law, 126, 134, 179

  Internet, 274

  Invaders from Mars (movie), 92

  Iran, 41, 129

  Iran, shah of, 118, 200

  Iraq invasion of 2003, 278

  Irvine, Clarence S., 81

  Israel, 73, 76

  Italy, 256, 270

  ITAR-TASS news agency, 201

bsp; Itek Corp., 249

  Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 174–75, 242

  Japan, 129, 189, 200

  Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), 89, 255–56, 267

  Jews, 8, 32, 39

  Johnson, Clarence “Kelly,” 119, 133

  Johnson, Lady Bird, 176

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 137–38, 175–76, 182–84, 213–15, 221, 228–31, 242, 247, 250–53, 256, 269, 276

  Joint Chiefs of Staff, 24, 215, 241

  Jones, E. K., 116, 120–24, 130–31

  Junker bombers, 36

  Jupiter C ICBM (Missile Number 29), 129, 134, 144, 163, 165–68, 178–79, 218, 224, 248

  satellite launch and, as Juno, 254–56, 258, 261–67, 276

  Jupiter IRBM, 52, 79–80, 82, 102, 162, 256, 269–71

  Kaganovich, Lazar, 18, 27, 30–32, 41–42, 62–63, 72, 76, 109, 111–12, 149, 190

  Kammler, Hans, 2

  Katyushka rockets, 7

  Kazakhstan, 38, 96–97

  Keitel, Wilhelm, 235

  Keldysh, Mstislav, 145–46, 198

  Keller, K. T., 51

  Kennedy, John F., 53–54, 270–71, 275

  Kennedy, Joseph P., 277

  KGB (formerly NKVD), 18, 27, 29, 32, 62, 64, 67, 75, 109, 111–12, 123, 145, 152, 199, 200

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  apartments built by, 19–20

  arms race and Soviet economy and, 36–39

  background and education of, 20–23

  coup attempt and, 109–13, 190

  Cuba and, 101, 270–72

  de-Stalinization and, 41–42

  Explorer launch and, 268

  fall of, 271–72

  fear of nuclear attack and, 23–26

  Korolev honored by, 203–4

  legacy of, 274–75

  military spending and, 54, 191–92

  Nixon and “kitchen debate,” 275

  OKB-1 and, 278

  R-7 development and, 21–23, 26–30, 34–44, 54, 56, 64–65, 71–72, 98, 101, 128–29, 191–92, 204–6, 269

  R-16 development and, 246–47, 271

  rise to power of, 18–20, 28, 41–42

  satellite program and, 42–44, 114, 143–44, 148–50

  secret speech of, on Stalin’s crimes, 18, 30–33, 41–42, 60, 62–64, 73, 75, 93–94, 128

  Sputnik I and, 160, 180, 184, 187–89, 195–96, 199–206

  Sputnik II and, 209–12, 216–17, 245

  summit of 1955 and, 24

  U-2 and, 124–27, 129–31

  uprisings of 1956 and, 62–64, 73–77

  Vanguard failure and, 241, 257

  “we will bury you” speech of, 109–10

  Zhukov ouster by, 188–95

  Khrushchev, Sergeicareer of, 100–101, 272

  father’s political life and, 41, 111, 192, 194, 195

  R-7 and, 18, 20–22, 27–29, 34, 36, 39–40, 42–44, 98

  Sputnik and, 195–96, 203, 205

  U-2 and, 125, 130–31

  Killian, James, 53, 93, 135, 218–19, 223–24, 243, 249–50

  Killian report, 53, 117

  Kim Il Sung, 88–89

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 137

  Kirichenko, Aleksei, 18, 27–38, 195

  Knerr, Hugh, 9

  Kodak company, 116

  Kolyma mines, 66, 100

  Korean War, 24, 47, 80, 89–90, 183

  Korolev, Sergei, 186, 195, 220, 261, 266

  background and early career of, 103–9

  death and legacy of, 273–75

  dog in space with Sputnik II and, 209–12, 217

  honors awarded to, 203–4

  illness of, after Sputnik II and doubts about R-7, 245–47

  Khruschev okays projects of, 27–29, 33–36, 39–44, 56

  known only as Chief Designer, 27

  marries Ksenia, 106–8

  marries Nina, 99–100

  Nobel Prize denied to, 203

  orbital velocity problem and, 262

  overselling of R-7 and Glushkov cause problems for, 64–72

  R-7 delays and, 95–103

  R-7 first successful flight and, 113–14, 129

  R-7 loading problem and, vs. R-16, 246–47

  race of, vs. von Braun, 100, 102

  satellites pushed by, 135–36, 142–50, 269

  Sputnik successes of, 150–56, 158–60, 188, 196–99, 201–12

  Stalin purge and, 33–34, 66, 109, 203–4

  Koroleva, Ksenia Vincentini, 100, 106–7, 108, 155

  Koroleva, Natalia, 66, 100, 106, 108–9, 203

  Koroleva, Nina Kotenkova, 99–100, 102–3, 147

  Krock, Arthur, 59, 182

  Kuznetsov, Viktor, 102, 142

  Laika (dog in space), 215, 246

  Land, Edwin, 117–18, 249–50

  Land report, 117–18, 132–33

  Lang, Fritz, 92

  Larson, Arthur, 185

  Le Figaro, 199

  Legislative Reference Service, 230

  LeMay, Curtis, 24–25, 57–59, 81, 89, 101, 125–26, 217

  Lemnitzer, Lyman L., 164, 220

  Lenin, V. I., 21, 31, 61, 72

  Leningrad, siege of, 35

  Life, 173, 216, 222

  Lionel Corp., 277

  Lippmann, Walter, 182

  Little Rock school crisis, 139–41, 150, 168–69, 174, 177, 182, 201

  Lockheed company, 119

  London, 4–6, 36

  London Daily Herald, 241

  London Sunday Times, 208

  Lubell, Samuel, 173–74

  Luce, Clare Boothe, 216–17

  Luftwaffe, 4, 235

  MacArthur, Douglas, 46

  Maksimov, Alexander, 98

  Malenkov, Georgi, 109, 149

  Malinovsky, Rodion, 101, 193–95

  Manchester Guardian, 199

  Manhattan Project, 166

  Mann, Woodrow W., 140

  manned space missions

  plans for, 185, 211–12, 247–49

  USSR achieves first, 268–69

  Mao Zedong, 89, 208–9

  Marchetti, Victor, 58

  Margerison, Tom, 207–8

  Markel, Hazel, 181

  Mars, 87–88, 234–35

  “Mars and Beyond” (TV segment), 234

  Marshall Plan, 37, 118

  Martin, Glenn L., Co., 226–27, 242, 258

  Marx, Karl, 21“massive retaliation” doctrine, 24

  Mazur, Dan, 225, 227

  McCarthy, Joseph, 57, 67, 88–89

  McDougall, Walter, 186, 222

  McElroy, Neil H., 164–68, 219, 244, 247–48, 250, 265, 276

  Medaris, Jessie, 163

  Medaris, John Bruce, 224

  ABMA satellite and Jupiter C programs kept alive by, 129, 134, 161–68, 178, 186–87, 218–20

  background of, 45–47, 51, 162–63

  Explorer launch and, 248–50, 253–56, 258–59, 261, 263–67

  heads ABMA and resists spending cuts, 46–48, 50–52, 54–55, 79–83

  later career and death of, 276–77

  Meet the Press (TV show), 132, 242

  Meisenheimer, John, 264

  Mexico, 200

  MiG-19 and MiG-21 jets, 124, 130

  Mikoyan, Anastas, 207, 209

  military-industrial complex, 276

  military spending

  U.S. 50, 52, 57–59, 79, 170, 174, 219, 223–24, 226–27, 274–76

  USSR, 38, 71, 191

  Miller, Herbert I., 127–28

  Milwaukee Sentinel, 173

  missiles and rockets. See also intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM); intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM); and specific agencies, individuals, missiles, and nations

  accelerometer calibrators and, 7

  accuracy of targeting, 35

  aluminum alloys and, 52

  apex predictor for, 262, 266

  boosters for, 99

  combustion chambers of, 13–14, 34, 69

  engines of, 34–35, 69–72, 102–3, 150, 158, 225–28, 271<
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  escape velocity and, 146, 158

  fuel or propellant for, 12–14, 34, 69–72, 101, 150–51, 154–56, 205, 233–34, 247–48, 254, 260, 263–64

  “gap,” 131–32, 221–22, 247–48, 251–53, 274

  guidance and steering systems of, 3, 5, 13, 30, 70, 82, 95–97, 101–2, 151, 254

  heat shield and nose cone of, 34–35, 70, 96, 113–14, 129–30, 144, 147–50, 163, 166, 211, 218, 220, 246, 249

  pressurized with nitrogen, 151, 155, 156

  range of, 35–36, 40

  reentry problem of, 96

  “spinning bucket” on, 254, 262, 265

  “sweet” point and, 96

  transmitters, 151, 159, 255

  weight of satellites and, 167–68, 172–73, 185, 214–15

  Mittelwerk factory, 11–13, 87, 277

  Moldovans, 63

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 18, 27, 30, 32, 38, 41–42, 44, 62–64, 72, 74, 76, 109, 111–12, 149

  Molotov-Ribbentrop nonaggression pact (1939), 8, 27

  Mongolia, 189

  moon flight, 185, 215, 247, 249, 273–75, 277

  Moscow Higher Technical School, 107

  Moscow Institute of Power Engineering, 22

  Mosley, Leonard, 230

  Mozzhorin, Yuri, 144

  Mrykin, Aleksander, 143

  Murrow, Edward R., 4–7

  Mzhavanadze, Vasil, 61

  N-1 lunar rocket, 273

  NAACP, 139

  Nagy, Imre, 75–76

  Napoleon, 22, 190

  Nashville Tennessean, 177

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 76

  National Academy of Sciences, U.S., 92

  National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA), 223

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 223, 248–49, 274, 277

  National Defense Education Act (1958), 274

  National Guard, U.S., 50–93

  National Intelligence Estimate (September 15, 1954), 23

  National Science Foundation, 227

  National Security Agency (NSA), 59, 129

  National Security Council (NSC), 53, 78, 117, 132, 180, 184, 221, 240, 244, 254

  document NSC 162/2, 50

  National Space Establishment (NSE), proposed, 223

  Naval Political Department, USSR, 111

  Naval Research Center, U.S., 134

  Naval Research Laboratory, U.S., 179

  Navy, U.S., 47, 79, 166

  Vanguard and, 133–34, 162–63, 225–28

  Nazi Germany, 1–15, 26, 30, 39, 83–88, 166, 234–38, 258, 261, 277

  USSR invaded by, 189–90

  NBC, 132, 171, 181, 242

  Nedelin, Mitrofan, 102–3, 147, 153–55, 205, 246–47, 271

  Nesmeyanov, A. N., 136

  Neufeld, Michael, 237–38

  New Look Defense Policy, 50–51

  Newsweek, 173

  New York Herald Tribune, 173, 213, 216

  New York Post, 222

  New York Times, 59, 94, 136, 171–72, 174, 182, 199, 204, 214–16, 219, 232, 250

  Nicholas II, czar of Russia, 104

  Nickerson, John C., 82–83, 134, 161


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