Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8

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Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8 Page 32

by Bianca Sommerland

  “We dated back in high school. I probably should have gotten in touch with him.” The very idea made Shawn’s stomach turn, but the alternative was Steve finding another way to get to him. Which was unacceptable. And he didn’t want Charlotte concerned. “Give me his number. I’ll call him tomorrow. And I’m sorry he bothered you.”

  “Shawn…look, I don’t usually get involved in your personal life. I know you enjoy your freedom, and you’ve managed to publicly maintain a positive reputation, regardless of how ‘easy’ you are.” Charlotte sighed. “But I need to know. Is this man going to be a problem?”

  “Not at all.” Shawn considered carefully how to make Charlotte believe him. “He’s important in his field and isn’t accustomed to being ignored. You have clients like that. Remember the one freaking that he couldn’t get a last minute reservation at that fancy restaurant in New York? You called me because I knew the owner. I dealt with that for you. And I will deal with this.”

  She let out a tired laugh. “You’re right. And this isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever had to handle, but it’s not what I’m used to with you.”

  “It won’t happen again.”

  “Promises, promises.” She lowered her voice. “All right, I’m going to convince Paula to go back to bed. But if you need me to deal with him, just say the word. It’s the playoffs, Shawn. No distractions, got it?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Shawn held his smile after ending the call, trying to convince himself to buy the story he’d told Charlotte.

  Steve won’t be a problem.

  He’d traveled a long way. Chosen to use his vacation time to watch Shawn play. Shawn refused to delve deeper into what that might mean.

  But he couldn’t forget their last exchange.

  “You want me to meet your wife after the game? I can do that.”

  “You fucking know that’s not what I want from you.”

  Maybe Shawn should give Steve exactly what he wanted. It was just sex. Maybe the man just needed to scratch that particular itch. Once he’d gotten what he wanted, he would go back to his life. And leave Shawn the fuck alone.

  Imagining Steve touching him again made his blood run cold. But at least it would be over. Steve could go back to being a mistake he’d made. A part of his past.

  “Shawn?” Justina slipped into the kitchen, holding a blue plastic cup with a Batman logo. “Are you okay?”

  Shawn placed his phone on the table and went over to hug her. “Why wouldn’t I be? Is Bran sleeping?”

  “Yeah, he just fell back asleep with Heath. Kimber was out like a light as soon as I tucked her in. She wanted to take care of her brothers, but she relaxed when I told her I had them.” Justina laced her fingers behind his neck. “Thank you for sticking around.”

  “You would have managed without me; you’re great with the kids.” Shawn combed his fingers through her hair, tipping her head back so he could gently taste her lips. “I’m glad I was able to be somewhat useful.”

  “Somewhat? Bran loves you already. Heath seems terrified of the kid half the time, and Bran notices. If I’d been alone with them at the hospital—”

  “Or tonight?” With the kids sleeping, Shawn knew his presence probably wasn’t needed, but he was reluctant to leave. They’d be heading to Toronto tomorrow night to make sure they were well rested for game six on Tuesday. He didn’t have much time left with her.

  You’ll have the whole summer, dumbass.

  Only if she didn’t wake up one morning and come to her senses.

  You sure you’re not just avoiding being alone, Easy?

  No, it wasn’t that. He didn’t have to be alone. Tonight or any other night. One phone call and he’d have all the company he could want. Warm bodies to fill his bed. To fuck and forget.

  If he stayed here, with Justina, he’d probably be sleeping on the floor.

  And with kids asleep in the other room, he didn’t expect more than a few soft kisses and sweet words. Justina might be a passionate young woman, but if he was uncomfortable with the idea of having sex in Mason’s house, she likely wouldn’t even consider it.

  “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to, Shawn. We’ll be okay.” Justina rose up to kiss him before he could open his mouth. “But I’d like you to.”

  He grinned, picking her up and carrying her to the living room. “I was hoping you’d say that. I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

  Justina nibbled her bottom lip as he lowered her to the sofa. Her eyes went to the dark hall. “Shawn, we can’t—”

  “Justina, before you finish that sentence, please understand I don’t mean sex. Though I will enjoy playing out a few of your dirtier fantasies when I get you back to my home. Into my bed.” He framed her chin with his hand and bent down to give her a long, slow kiss. “I like being close to you. Enough that I’ll probably be very sore in the morning.”

  Her nose crinkled in confusion. “That’s an odd line. Why would you be sore?”

  “It’s not a line.” Shawn’s lips curved as he glanced down at the hard wood floor. “I told you I’d give you a reason to want more of me. If my sleeping on the floor simply to stay with you doesn’t prove I’m serious, nothing will.”

  Putting her hand over her mouth, Justina let out a muffled laugh. “How noble of you, Shawn. So I get the sofa bed all to myself?”

  Heat rose up the back of his neck. The voice in his head was howling with laughter.

  Real smooth, Easy.

  “Ah…yes. That’s exactly what I meant.” Shawn was pretty sure even Ian would be amused at his lame assed attempts to be a gentleman. This whole putting in an actual effort to win the girl was a lot more difficult than he’d imagined. “You’re used to sleeping alone, so—”

  “Nice try, Mister.” Justina stood and gave him a little nudge toward the hall. “The closet right by the bathroom has some sheets and blankets. Go get them while I open this up.”

  “Pushy little brat.” Shawn hooked his arm around her waist, kissing her cheek before turning her away from the sofa. “I’ll open this. You’re making me feel very foolish.”

  “I know, but it’s cute.”

  “Cute?” He arched a brow at her. No one had called him cute since he’d hit puberty. “I think the word you’re looking for is sexy. Handsome. Maybe well endowed?”

  “Cocky, arrogant, and egotistical might be fitting as well.” Justina smirked at him. “But I prefer cute.”

  Put that way, ‘cute’ wasn’t so bad. He inclined his head. “Yes, let’s go with cute. Can you get the sheets, cheeky?”

  “Absolutely.” She hesitated as he began piling up the cushions beside the sofa. “Have I earned myself a spanking yet?”

  Oh hell yes! Shawn shot her a sideways glance as all the blood pumped into his cock. “Several.”

  She blushed, like she was excited by the idea, but embarrassed that she’d been bold enough to let him know. Padding down the hall quietly in her socks, she quickly grabbed the sheets and a thick, gray blanket. Once he had the bed pulled out, he helped her make it. Then stripped out of his shirt and pants, leaving his boxers on and climbing under the blanket.

  Justina curled up at his side, her head on his shoulder. He could get used to holding her as he fell asleep. One of the few things he had little experience with. He usually tried to distance himself from lovers, even if they spent the night, because cuddling was dangerously intimate. But he wanted intimate with this playful, sexy, lovable young woman.

  And despite her original plan to make their time together short and sweet, she didn’t have the experience to avoid tender moments like this.

  “I should probably tell you… I’ve changed my mind.” Justina rested her hand on his bare chest, her soft fingers curling against the light hair, her lips brushing against his neck as she whispered. “One night with you won’t be enough. I want to play with you again.”

  “That’s good to hear.” He trailed his fingers up and down her arm. “I’ve just gotten comfortable.”

  “So have I.” She sighed and her fingers stilled. “And I shouldn’t. I know better.”

  He frowned, not sure what to say to that. She was right to worry. If he was any other man, she could get hurt. She’d given him something precious, and no matter what she intended, she couldn’t be completely detached.

  If he’d tried, he could have made this simple. Offered to train her. Given her friendship and nothing more. To avoid hurting her, he should have helped her guard her heart.

  But for the first time, he hadn’t been able to set those boundaries. For her. Or for himself.

  “You’re safe with me, Justina. I don’t blame you if you don’t believe any of the promises I make, but believe this: I will do everything in my power to keep you from getting hurt.” He could tell by her steady breaths that she’d fallen asleep, but he needed to say the words as much as she needed to hear them. And he would say them again. “I’ve never asked for a chance. I’ve never deserved one. But thank you for giving me one.” He rested his cheek on her hair and let his eyes drift shut. “You won’t regret it.”

  Chapter 26

  Cleaning up after breakfast the next morning took forever. Justina finally finished sopping up the egg and orange juice that Bran had managed to get everywhere. Using the back of her wrist to brush away the hair sticking to her forehead, she looked over to where Shawn was scrubbing every frying pan Mason owned.

  Kimber had been sweet to make a surprise breakfast for everyone. She’d tried to be so quiet, but Justina and Shawn had been jolted awake by the scent of something burning. Seconds before the smoke alarm went off.

  Aside from burning the pancakes and the hash browns, Kimber had done a pretty good job. Which Justina had tried to convince her when the teen broke down in tears.

  Shawn and Heath were more believable, polishing off enough food between them to feed the whole team. Bran, however, had thrown a full-blown tantrum and refused to eat more than a few bites of toast.

  Crazy start to the day, but while the kids quietly watched a movie in the living room with Heath, Justina got to admire one of the sexiest men she’d ever met, proving himself even more perfect. She wasn’t used to watching a man clean, but for some reason, it was hot.

  She might not have grown up imagining Prince Charming, but she’d always told herself she’d find a man who wouldn’t sit back and make her do everything in the house. Much as she loved her father, she hated how he left all the chores to her mother when they both worked the same crazy hours.

  Her mother had often warned her not to expect anything else.

  “That’s just how it is, baby. You’ll grow up very lonely if you don’t learn to let a man be a man.”

  Strangely enough, Justina had been perfectly fine with that idea. She’d been too busy training to bother with boys in school—not that any had shown interest. Maybe if she hadn’t been so shy, so focused on her schoolwork and on taking care of her little brother, she would have cared more about being noticed.

  Then again, looking back, would any of those boys have been able to give her what she’d experienced with Shawn?

  Letting out a soft snort, she shook her head. Not likely.

  “What’s so funny?” Shawn glanced over his shoulder at her as he wiped down the sink. He frowned when she shook her head and squeezed the sponge over the mop bucket, using it to clean the orange juice under the chair. “I wish you’d have let me handle that.”

  She grinned as she inspected the underside of the table, finally satisfied that there was nothing sticky left anywhere. “I chose this because those pans were bad. You should have let them soak for a bit.”

  “I’ve handled worse. This is why I do the cooking and White…” His brow furrowed and he turned back to the sink. “Sorry.”

  “Why?” Standing, Justina dried her hands on her jeans and slipped up behind Shawn to wrap her arms around his waist. “I know you miss him. Things were different for you two before and a lot’s changed. We haven’t discussed much about your relationship, but I don’t think we have to.”

  Letting out a low growl, Shawn turned, picked her up by the waist, and sat her on the counter. He braced his hands by her hips and gave her a hard look. “Of course we ‘have to’. Why would you say that?”

  “Because it’s none of my business.”

  “None of your… Damn it, Justina. What if I say it is? What if I say I won’t do anything without considering your feelings?” He lowered his head and lifted one hand up to rub over his eyes. “Fuck, I’m doing this all wrong. Forget I said that. I’m gonna scare you off.”

  “Shawn Pischlar, stop assuming I scare that easily. I’m trying to keep this from becoming too serious between us, but I like you. I accept you.” She palmed his cheeks and smiled down at him. “Is it that hard to believe I don’t want you to change?”

  “Just a little.” Shawn turned his head to kiss her palm. “I expect to have to make some difficult choices at some point.”

  His lips were so soft; focusing on his words, rather than how much she wanted to kiss him, was a challenge. But he’d be leaving in a few hours, and the last thing she wanted was for him to second-guess every move he made because of her.

  She had an idea. A crazy one she’d never have dreamed up with anyone but Shawn.

  One she hoped would appeal to his ‘Easy’ side.

  “This is going to sound bad, but I meant to ask…” She pressed her teeth into her bottom lip. “Would it bother you if I tried to seduce Ian?”

  Shawn blinked.

  Somewhere behind him came the sound of something hitting the wall. Hard.

  She peeked over Shawn’s shoulder, relieved to see it was only Heath. The poor guy had grape juice all over his chin and splattered on his shirt. He stood there, lips parted. Then dropped his gaze to the floor.

  “Bloody fucking mess. Sorry.” Heath hurried over to the counter to grab the paper towels. “Be out of your way in a minute.”

  Shawn shot her a wicked smile, then cleared his throat. “Ladd, stop.”

  Heath dropped the paper towels and straightened.

  “Come here. Let’s get you cleaned up first.” Shawn leaned his hip against the counter beside her as Heath approached. “We’re going to have to wash that shirt. Take it off.”

  Bad, bad man. Justina punched his shoulder, sure she was earning herself another spanking. “Shawn, Mason will kill you. Behave.”

  “What? I’m just going to go throw his shirt in the wash.” Shawn smirked at her as Heath handed over his shirt, a flush spreading over his tight, smooth, muscular chest. “I’m sure he can get cleaned up on his own, but feel free to help him if he needs it.”

  With that, Shawn walked out of the room.

  Justina snickered as Heath crossed his arms over his chest, his cheeks going red. He wasn’t that much younger than her, but she had a feeling he was much less experienced.

  After the last few days she’d spent with Shawn, anyway.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to jump you, Heath.” She hopped off the counter and pulled a rag from one of the drawers, tossing it to him to dry his face before moving the mop bucket to clean the spill. “Shawn’s teasing you. Go take a shower, I’ve got this.”

  Heath shook his head. “Don’t feel right, you cleaning up after all of us.”

  “Okay.” She stepped back, letting him wipe up the mess, hating how stiff and uncomfortable he looked. Maybe Shawn had gone too far. “If he bothered you, just say so. He’ll stop.”

  “He didn’t.” Heath hunched his shoulder, his hand fisted around the sponge. “My agent got me on this team for a reason, Justina. I just…I haven’t been ready to talk about anything.”

  “Or talk much at all, from what I’ve heard.” She considered the young man, wondering if she could help him. Shawn certainly could, but her warning about Dominik had been only half joking. “You don’t have to tell me anything, Heath. But I hope you know you can talk to your teammates. Mason or Shawn. Or almost anyone else.”

“Yeah…I might.” He shrugged. “It’s weird, how chill everyone is. In Russia, guys got real tense when stuff was brought up.”

  “Is that why you’re so quiet?”

  He shrugged again. “Always was.”

  “Ah…” She could tell he’d shared as much as he was comfortable with. Which was a start. Hopefully, being around Shawn and Dominik and the other guys would give him the confidence to come out of his shell. “Do you need anything before you guys head out? You probably want to spend time with Bran and Kimber, but I could go to the store for you.”

  “I’m good.” Heath grinned, taking the bucket to the sink to empty it. “Hey, speaking of White…”

  Were we? Her cheeks heated as she realized he meant the conversation he’d walked in on. “What about him?”

  Rinsing out the bucket, then storing it under the sink, Heath remained silent until he turned to face her. His overgrown, dirty blond hair fell over his eyes as he ducked his head and tucked his thumbs in the pocket of his jeans.

  “You won’t have to try.”

  As he slipped out of the kitchen, she stared after him, shaking her head when Shawn strolled back in, a crooked smile on his lips.

  He pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips to her forehead. “I think he was flirting with you. I’ll have to keep an eye on him.”

  “Why? Jealous?” She tipped her head back, hoping he wasn’t. He had no reason to be. She had her hands full with him.

  And possibly Ian if Shawn liked her plan.

  Shawn chuckled. “Nope. You’re not the only one who likes to watch, pet.”

  Her cheeks were probably beet red. She hid her face against his chest.

  He put his hands on her shoulders and eased her away from him. “Don’t go all shy on me now. I want to hear more about you seducing Ian. You caught me off-guard, but I’m intrigued.”

  She lifted her shoulders, then realized she probably looked like Heath when he went all nonverbal. So she cleared her throat. “Well, it would probably be easier if we were close.”


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