More Rules For Cheri (New Rules Book 2)

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More Rules For Cheri (New Rules Book 2) Page 12

by Markie Morelli

  “If you become too difficult, either I or your daddy will have no problem providing the discipline you need to correct your poor behavior.

  “This is not a joke. Maintaining your health is of the utmost importance. Ensuring you are physically fit, at least in relation to how it applies to the lifestyle you have chosen to lead is important. I don’t take it lightly and neither should you. Are we clear?”

  Chéri nodded, looking at the floor.

  “Use your words, Chéri. I will be asking you many questions and I want to hear your answers, not have to watch to see if you are shaking your head.”

  “Yes,” she said softly. “I understand.”

  “Good. Now let Daddy help you remove your clothes and go to the scales.”

  “Is there a gown?” she whispered, looking around. “Or a dressing room?”

  “No, there is not,” he replied. “Before you leave here today I will have examined every inch of your body. I see no reason to pretend otherwise. Now do as you’re told. In my office, you are the child and I am the adult. Your daddy is here to make sure you are safe and also to pick up some pointers regarding your care. You have nothing to worry about beyond being a good girl. Now get moving.”

  Michael watched as she turned around and walked slowly over to him. This guy could certainly use a better bedside manner, he thought as he pulled Chéri to him for a quick hug before beginning to undress her. She was shaking and he was nearly tempted to tell Dr. Franklin he’d changed his mind. If not for the fact this doctor had Mark’s trust, he might have done just that.

  When Chéri was naked, he took her hand and led her to the scale.

  “We’re ready, Dr. Franklin.”

  “Good, now let’s see what this little bit weighs,” he replied rising and joining them. “Hmm, 127 lbs. That’s a bit high for her height, according to the current guidelines, but considering her age it’s acceptable. You look like a big strong man. I imagine you don’t have any difficulty handling her. Try to limit her sweets. Is she on a bottle?”

  “No, not yet, but that’s where we’re heading,” Michael replied.

  “I’ll give you a list before you leave of the better alternatives to formula. You want something nutritious, but low calorie, especially if you’re going to use it for meal replacement. Okay, Chéri, over to the table and your daddy will help you up.”

  There was a step stool, but instead he lifted her up, using the action to hug her for a moment before setting her down. She crossed her arms over her chest as soon as he released her.

  “You’ll be happy to know I’m not going to do any bloodwork, so no needles today,” the doctor told Chéri as he tugged her arm down and wrapped a blood pressure cuff around it. “I’m sure it’s safe to assume she has a regular MD who checks her cholesterol levels, thyroid and the like?”

  “Yes, she does,” Michael replied.

  “So we’ll stick to the basics,” Dr. Franklin nodded as he put his stethoscope in his ears and pumped up the cuff. Jotting the numbers down on her chart, he proceeded with the usual. He checked her ears, throat and listened to her heart and lungs. He felt her neck, asking her to swallow. He looked into her eyes with his tiny pen light and asked her about her vision and whether she suffered from headaches.

  Chéri answered quietly and seemed a little more relaxed, until he said, “Okay, over on your tummy. I’m sure you know what’s coming next.”

  Michael tensed; certain she was going to put up a fuss. Instead she shot him a look that quite clearly expressed her feelings regarding this exam and rolled over with a huff.

  “Do you use a standard rectal thermometer?” Dr. Franklin asked.

  “I do on occasion, especially if I think she’s not feeling well, but I prefer the ones that make an impression, if you know what I mean.”

  “I certainly do,” the doctor replied with a slight laugh. “Okay, Chéri, relax your bottom for me now. I can see you’ve been spanked, and quite recently too. Let’s not have a repeat performance.”

  Michael watched as the thin rod slipped inside his wife’s bottom and fought down his frustration. It should be him doing that, he thought almost angrily until he remembered this was all his idea in the first place. With an inaudible sigh, he waited the required five minutes and relaxed when it was withdrawn.

  “Perfect,” the doctor announced, placing the thermometer on a tray on top of the rolling stand slightly to his left. “Turn back over, little girl. It’s time to examine your breasts.”

  Chéri complied but the look she shot him suddenly had Michael’s hand itching. It wasn’t as though she hadn’t known this was coming or hadn’t agreed. She had, maybe under protest, but she had. They’d discussed the need to have someone to call with questions if they ran into problems. Now she was looking at him as though he had horns.

  “Are you a breast man, Michael?” Dr. Franklin asked as he manipulated Chéri’s breasts, paying special attention to her nipples.

  “I’m an everything man,” Michael replied with a grin. “There isn’t a part of her I don’t adore.”

  “Chéri, did you breast feed your children?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “You could have and probably should have,” he replied. “It’s very good for you and your nipples were made for hard sucking. You could have nursed quite easily. Do you mind if I show you something, Michael?”

  “No,” he replied. “I’m interested in anything you feel might be of use.”

  Turning away the doctor went to a cabinet and took out a small machine.

  “This is a breast pump,” he said, setting it on the table beside Chéri. “Most little girls love their nipples teased and sucked. Of course, we know that nearly all women do,” he continued, “but that’s beside the point. This little machine is a wonder,” he said, nestling a cup attached to a tube over the tip of each of Chéri’s nipples.

  “Now there won’t be any milk, of course, although that is a possibility if it’s something you’re interested in. There are certain hormones that can be administered to encourage milk production. I don’t do that here, but I do know of a doctor who does.

  “In any case, with this machine, the stimulation is pleasant and the result amazing,” he continued, flipping a switch.

  Michael heard the gentle whirring of the machine and immediately Chéri started fussing. Soon she was wiggling, her hands coming up to remove the cups.

  “Chéri,” the doctor scolded sternly. “Put your hands at your sides and don’t move them.”

  “I don’t like this,” she whined, arching her back.

  “Nonsense, I can see your pretty nipples responding already. Behave yourself. I’m trying to show your daddy something.”

  “No,” she wailed, her legs beginning to shake.

  “Michael, there’s a drawer on that side of the table. Open it and get your girl a pacifier. We’re not going to listen to this all afternoon. Look how red and elongated they are becoming,” he said. “Yes, they are perfect for piercing.”

  Chéri squealed out in protest and Michael pressed the pacifier between her lips, fascinated by what he was seeing. Leaning over, he placed a firm hand on her naked tummy, holding her in place.

  “Is that common?” he asked as the doctor switched off the machine and removed the cups, revealing Chéri’s red nipples. They were nearly three quarters of an inch long and he gently grasped one between his fingers and squeezed, eliciting a low groan from his wife.

  “Not really common, but it is done. Some daddies love the sight of their baby girls with pretty little jewels dangling from their nipples. Others like to adorn their babies with tiny nipple clamps and still others use the rings. They fasten around the nipple when it’s erect and keep it that way. I’ve seen baby girls come in with expensive gold chains that connect them. One little tug and they are more than happy to behave and submit like perfect little ladies to their exams.”

  Glancing at her face, Michael ignored the accusing pout and smiled.

don’t know about the piercings, but I will definitely be looking into one of those machines,” he replied. “These are simply stunning,” he continued, still stroking the nipple closest to him. “Even if I only use it for punishment, it will be worth the price. She doesn’t appear to like it very well, but do you mind if I check something?”

  “Not at all. It’s always best if daddies take an active part in their little’s exam. It makes it feel more personal and less stressful.”

  “Thank you,” Michael replied, sliding his hand down her tummy and cupping her mound. Instantly he felt the heat and dampness. It was obvious the breast pump affected her as it did him. He sent a stern frown in her direction.

  “Do not try and hide your responses from me,” he ordered sharply as he watched her face color in a full blush. “I know you too well for that and I won’t have it.”

  She turned her face away, sucking madly on the pacifier and he said no more.

  “Let’s move on,” Dr. Franklin suggested.

  Chapter 12

  Chéri was pretty sure she knew what was coming next. Normally an internal examination, either by her GYN or Daddy didn’t worry her much. Today, however, was an entirely different story. This doctor wasn’t troubled at all by her need for a little modesty. Neither was her daddy, but that was different.

  Dr. Franklin was attractive as Susan said, but Chéri sensed he had a darker side. She wondered if he had a little girl of his own, or just got off dominating other men’s babygirls. Not that it mattered. He was going to do exactly as he pleased and apparently her daddy was going to let him. It was humiliating and a bit frightening.

  “I’m sure I don’t have to explain these to you,” he said as he attached a set of stirrups to the end of the table. “Now slide your bottom down here like a good little girl.”

  Chéri wiggled until her daddy actually scooped her up and moved her.

  “The only difference in this exam is that I’m going to secure your legs. I’ve had one too many kicks in the head from naughty little girls to skip it, and based on what I’ve seen of your personality thus far, I think it’s for the best.

  “There are also a few things your daddy requires instruction about, and I think this is the best position. Just place your legs in here,” he said, moving them into place. Taking a set of wraps, he secured each of her legs. She could wiggle a bit, but that was all. “Good girl,” he praised when he had her firmly in place.

  “Why don’t you come down here, Michael?” he suggested, arranging a very bright light to illuminate her entire genital area. “Then you can stop me and ask questions if need be.”

  Michael squeezed her hand and moved to the foot of the table, just behind the doctor’s left shoulder. Chéri gave him the stink eye and continued sucking.

  “I see you keep her shaved,” the doctor remarked. “That’s really the best course. You can see everything and it helps her maintain her ‘little’ persona, besides being so lovely to look at. It also offers much more of a bite when pussy spanking is required.

  “I’m not going to use the speculum,” he stated, slipping on a pair of gloves. “I’m sure you’re quite familiar with it, as you say on your form you use it for the exams you administer. Also as I won’t be doing a pap smear, I don’t see the point. I’ll be able to feel everything I need to.”

  With that, he promptly plunged two lubricated fingers into her vagina causing her to lift her bottom off the table with a squeal. Immediately he withdrew his fingers, stripped off his gloves and rose.

  Walking to the side of the table he pulled out a wide leather strap and drew it across her abdomen, fastening it to the other side of the table and pulling it snug.

  “I thought we might be able to forgo this kind of restraint, but I can see I was mistaken. It’s a good thing you’re on your back, young lady, or I would ask daddy to give you a sound spanking.”

  Resuming his position at the end of the table, he pulled on new gloves and was inside her in seconds, thrusting clear to her womb and causing a deep moan to escape around the pacifier.

  “Be still,” he snapped as he pressed firmly on her pelvis with his other hand.

  He was in no hurry. His large fingers seemed to touch every part of her, and from every direction, until he’d moved in a complete and painful circle. Then he narrowed in on her g-spot.

  “Have you found her g-spot, Michael?” he asked, looking over his shoulder.

  “Yes, I have, both visually and by touch. She’s amazingly sensitive.”

  “Yes, I can see that and it’s quite large. Hard to miss on this little one. I’ll bet you manage quite well with just your cock. Its position is textbook.”

  “I do and I agree. Once our relationship changed and I began to examine her, it opened up a whole new world for us, sexually. I believe she’d only experienced clitoral climaxes prior to that. What a waste,” he sighed.

  “How long have you been experimenting with age-play?”

  “About three years,” Michael replied.

  “Yet you’re just getting to this point? Amazing.”

  Chéri wanted to spit out the pacifier and tell them both she didn’t appreciate them talking about her like she wasn’t even in the room. Unfortunately, she didn’t dare. While she knew what to expect from her daddy if she didn’t behave, the doctor was uncharted territory. It wasn’t worth the risk as he seemed so very dominant and foreboding.

  She sighed in relief when she felt him remove his fingers, until she heard the snap of another pair of gloves.

  “I’m going to examine your rectum now,” he informed her. “It will be a bit uncomfortable, but Daddy says he’s already availed himself of this sweet opening, so it shouldn’t be too bad. Just try to relax.”

  She almost laughed. Really? Try to relax when a total stranger with hands the size of hams was going to probe her. It was impossible and ridiculous to even ask it of her and she rolled her eyes before staring at the ceiling and nearly biting the pacifier in half.

  The sound of the lube being squeezed out had her tensing, but this new doctor was nothing if not persistent and he presented his finger at her tiny opening firmly.

  “Poor little girl,” he said gently. “I can feel how hard you’re trying to keep me out and it’s just not possible, little darling. The thing for you to do is push out a bit like you’re trying to poop. I really don’t want to hurt you.”

  It was the kindest thing he’d said to her all day and for some reason a tear streaked down her cheek. She didn’t even like him. It had to be some form of Stockholm syndrome or something because, before she knew it, she was obeying him and bearing down.

  He was gentle, she’d give him that. He didn’t plunge into her like he’d done to her vagina. Instead, he eased in, pausing when her bottom contracted involuntarily.

  “That’s it, little girl,” he praised. “You’re doing very well. No, don’t tense up. I have to get much deeper than this. Ah, that’s it, yes just like that. Let me in, babygirl.”

  By the time he was satisfied, Chéri wondered if his entire arm was in there, or just up to his elbow.

  “She’s very tight, Michael,” he remarked. “How many times have you taken her here?” he asked.

  “Just once, but I plan to make it a regular part of our routine.”

  “You did well to get in here at all,” Dr. Franklin chortled. “Did you stretch her first?”

  “Yes, for quite a while.”

  “What did you use?”

  “A ridged anal dildo.”

  “I would advise something smooth. Those ridges can do damage, especially the rubber or plastic ones. If you’re going to use one, I would suggest one made of quality glass or stainless steel, and inspect it frequently for flaws. They are also much easier to sanitize.”

  “I’ll make a note of that.”

  “Also, many daddies are so enthralled when they are finally able to breach this final barrier, they over use it, resulting in a lax sphincter muscle. It can cause problems, especially in o
lder women. I would suggest no more than twice a month, unless of course, an anal punishment is called for. In that case you must use your best judgment.”

  Chéri nearly snorted. It would be a cold day in hell before he got anywhere near her ass again after what he’d put her through today. And if this damn doctor didn’t get his huge finger out of her, she was going to scream.

  Then he added a second finger and she did scream, spitting out the pacifier so hard it flew to the end of the table

  “Chéri, behave,” Michael warned. “Dr. Franklin is only trying to help us.”

  “Your Dr. Franklin is about to split me in two,” she roared, squealing when he probed deeper and rotated his fingers.

  “Is she always this sassy and vocal?”

  “No! At home I would blister her bottom for this kind of conduct,” Michael snapped.

  “Well, I would say be my guest, but we aren’t quite finished here and I think it’s best to keep her restrained for the next part. I am, however, through ‘splitting you in two’ little one,” he said, withdrawing his fingers.

  “What next part?” she demanded. “We must be nearly finished here. You’ve about turned me inside out.”

  “I don’t feel any hemorrhoids or abnormalities,” the doctor said, stripping his gloves off and ignoring her completely. “Tell me, did you administer an enema before you took her anally?”

  “No, I used two suppositories,” Michael replied, shooting her a look that clearly indicated what he thought of her performance and promising retribution.

  Chéri stuck her tongue out at him.

  “I always advise at least two enemas prior to anal intercourse. The first one to get things moving should be followed by a rinse. It’s really the safest way if you don’t want any issues. Most little girls hate them so they keep quiet, even though they can be quite soothing in the right circumstances. Frequently they refrain from telling their daddies they are having trouble moving their bowels.


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