Enslaving Dana (Mission Pleasure Book 3)

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Enslaving Dana (Mission Pleasure Book 3) Page 6

by Scarlett Sanderson

  Sir Ambrosia: You’re quiet over there, sweet cupcake. I didn’t offend you, did I?

  Instead of touching herself, she coughed and swallowed, trying to get some moisture back into her dry throat.

  submissivecupcake: No, no, not at all. Was just thinking…processing…

  Sir Ambrosia: Hopefully good thoughts?

  submissivecupcake: Definitely good thoughts. From what I told you, you know those are the things that intrigue me too. Bondage, oral servitude, maybe even a little domestic servitude. As I said, I don’t have any RL experience (apart from our night) so not sure if I’d actually like any of it.

  Her doorbell rang. Dana glanced at her phone and cursed. Stella texted about twenty minutes ago to say she was on her way over. They had a dinner date and she’d completely forgotten.

  submissivecupcake: Shoot, I have to go. Completely forgot I have a dinner date with a friend.

  Sir Ambrosia: Male or female?

  submissivecupcake: *grins* jealous?

  Deep down, she hoped he was.

  The doorbell rang again, she could hear Stella mumbling through the wood and Dana shouted “Give me a few minutes, Stella.” She couldn’t leave Bastien hanging.

  Sir Ambrosia: Of someone spending time with you in the real world as Dana? Always. Have fun my sweet cupcake. See you soon.

  She wished they could spend time together away from the internet. Keeping their relationship platonic was going to be hard, but it had to be that way. It didn’t stop her from wishing things were different. The real test would be when they finally started working together on a daily basis.

  Dana fired off a final message.

  submissivecupcake: You are such a charmer. Good night, Sir A. See you soon.

  Chapter Seven

  Dana held a towel in her hands and wrung it tightly. She watched the tiny hand on the clock slowly tick towards 7am. It was Friday. Better known as D-Day. The day she opened her store. In t-minus three minutes, she’d unlock the door and let the world in. Hopefully. Maybe she wouldn’t get any customers.

  Her stomach lurched. “Oh god.”

  She felt Bastien’s large hand on her back, heating her skin, before he said, “Here.” He handed her a cup of black tea with a splash of milk. From the scent of bergamot she deduced it was Earl Grey.

  Dana flashed him a weak smile before taking a sip. “Thanks.” Not even his masculine presence could calm her today. She was too damned nervous.

  “No problem. The bergamot will settle your tummy.”

  The warm tea settled in her stomach, soothed her. She watched Bastien load another batch of muffins into a section of the glass counter. The muscles in his shoulders bunched and danced as he moved. For the past week they’d worked long days to perfect the menu for the café and the products for sale. Although Bastien might not have any formal pastry training, every creation tasted like magic.

  Working with him on a professional level was easier than she’d expected. He was a genuinely nice guy. Very attentive, funny and smart. He did everything he’d promised, deferring to her on matters business. It was her store after all. He did offer suggestions, some really good ones.

  The only problem was he looked like some kind of wounded warrior god, and every time he stepped in her vicinity, she wanted to throw herself as his feet. She couldn’t ignore the sexual chemistry that sizzled between them, but neither of them acted on it. Bastien had been a complete gentleman, never mentioning their alternative online relationship. There had been a few moments when he’d stared down at her, those amber eyes blazing with heat, and she’d thought he was going to kiss her, but the moment past and they’d reigned themselves in.

  Despite her best efforts, she was falling for Bastien Berkley. Big time.

  Her phone alarm buzzed indicating it was time to open her doors for the first time. She jumped and some of the tea sloshed onto the counter. “Urrgghhh…”

  “Don’t worry about it”, said Bastien, “I’ve got it.”

  Dana nodded. Excitement and fear danced along her nerve endings. What if she tanked? What if the place never took off? How would she afford to live? Terrorized by the ‘what ifs’ Dana hadn’t realized Bastien stood directly in front of her. She looked up into his piercing eyes as he cupped her chin gently.

  “Stop thinking. This place is going to be amazing. How can it not be with my tempting treats?” He grinned. “Trust me, Dana. You’ve put the work in, now it’s your time to shine. Deep breath, then go see to your customers”

  He stroked a lazy, sensual pattern that melted the tension from her bones. For a few seconds she allowed herself the indulgence of being touched by him. She closed her eyes and let his strong, steady masculine aura permeate her senses.

  He was right, of course. She wouldn’t wuss out now. Her patisserie was going to be a mega-success. She opened her eyes, flashed him a small smile, inhaled and stepped around him, keys in hand as she moved towards the door.

  “Time to do this.”

  Thankfully, there was a small crowd outside. She’d been promoting the hell out of the place all over social media and the local papers. For opening day, she offered free coffee to anyone who purchased pastries, cakes or baked goods. It seemed to have worked.

  She pasted on a welcoming grin. “Welcome to Bitter Sweet. Please come in.”

  The murmur of customers and the appreciative “oohhhs” she heard as they reached the counter made her preen. She looked over at Bastien who’d come to help with front of house duties this morning. Two women were practically going gah-gah over him as he explained how he came up with new creations and sweet talked them into buying a whole box of delicious, sugary goodness.

  Who wouldn’t go gah-gah? A drop-dead gorgeous man with biceps the size of melons, a devastatingly rugged face with a killer smile and who baked? Bastien was a real catch.

  A hint of jealously bubbled beneath the surface as one of the women patted his arm.


  Whoa. Where the hell had that come from? They weren’t exclusive. They weren’t even in a real relationship. She no right to lay claim to him.

  He caught her eye and gave her a wicked wink. Heat flushed her cheeks and her heart fluttered. He might not be hers but it was becoming harder and harder not to think of him that way.

  Shaking off her thoughts, she walked back to the counter, intent on giving her first patrons the best customer service. Hopefully they would continue to come back.

  She was her own boss now. She had staff relying on her. She needed this to work to prove to everyone she’d made the right decision when she’d turned her back on a stable career.

  No turning back now. This was the new normal and she intended for it to be a success. No matter what the cost.

  * * * * *

  After the lunchtime rush, Dana finally got a chance to sit down for more than two seconds. Her feet hurt like hell but the endorphins racing through her system kept her going. Day one and her patisseries was proving a roaring success. People complimented her on the atmosphere, the delicious cakes and the glorious coffee, which was roasted locally.

  Big up for supporting local business, especially as she was one.

  Bastien came out of the kitchen with another small tray of Black Forrest Cupcakes. Those had proved the most popular and the man was a machine when it came to keeping up with demand. She couldn’t believe how no one had snatched him up before. He was an amazing pastry chef.

  “Thank you,” she said, “for everything today. You’ve been baker, server and a great PR rep for this place.”

  He shrugged. “All part of the service. Want this place to be a success just as much as you do.”

  “I hear you.” Completely understandable. It was his job on the line if Bitter Sweet bombed. Bile rose in her throat and she swallowed. Going under was not something she wanted to think about right now. Not today.

  She slipped off one of her pumps and massaged the arch of her foot. “I shouldn’t complain but my feet are on fire.”

nbsp; Bastien wiped his hands on his apron, removing some residual flour before pulling up another stool. He patted his lap. “Up.”

  Her mouth gaped open. “Huh?”

  He leaned forward, caught her ankle and straightened her leg so her foot rested in his crotch.

  She squirmed. “Bastien, what are you doing?”

  He stilled her movements by circling her ankle with his hands, his grip firm. “Your feet look swollen. Could do with a massage.”

  Heat rushed through her body like an erupting volcano. This was soooo wrong. “Honestly, you don’t have to. My feet are not some place you want to be going right now.” She’d always loved having her feet rubbed. What if she got carried away? It would be crossing the line they’d drawn.

  She squirmed some more, trying to retract her foot.

  “Quit it.” Although there was no malice behind his words, the commanding tone wasn’t lost on her. She stilled immediately as something in her brain switched off.

  “Let me soothe you.” He began to rub slow, steady circles on the balls of her foot.

  Although she sat rigid, willing herself not to react, he knew exactly the right amount of pressure to make her groan.

  Unable to stop herself, she moaned. “Wow, that feels soooo good.”

  Bastien moved lower, delicately across the arch and further down to the bottom, before sweeping up with a long, languid stroke that made her toes curl.

  “Oh god…” she murmured, before letting her head drop back and her eyes close.

  She heard him chuckle. A low, deep masculine chuckle that tightened things low in her body and set her clit throb. She lost herself in the tantalizing sensations of his capable hands on her skin. It felt amazing.

  “Other foot.”

  Instead of protesting, she removed her other shoe. He lifted her leg so both feet were in his lap before he massaged both at the same time. Heat radiated from his crotch. If she pointed her toes, she would be able to feel his cock. Molten desire raced through her veins, quickening her pulse. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at him. His gaze fixed firmly on her face. The dark heat of intense desire seared her skin. Needing to look away, she dropped her gaze and stared at the extensive bulge in his jeans.

  Oh my god.

  She’d not really taken much notice of his cock at Decadence, she’d been too busy enjoying the moment. Sebastien Berkley was most definitely hung and turned on.

  Instead of being mortified, it heightened her own need to epic proportions. She shifted in her seat, wet her dry lips with her tongue. When a tic beat wildly in his jaw and his eyes widen, she knew she’d made a mistake.

  Take me, her treacherous body demanded. Take me into the kitchen and do whatever you want with me.

  It was a terrible idea. Completely unethical. It flew in the face of everything they’d agreed. To separate their personal and professional lives.


  “Bastien,” she whispered slightly breathless. A plea in her tone.

  A shrill, feminine squeal of delight made her jump away from Bastien and almost fall off her stool. She pressed a hand to her heart, hoping it wouldn’t beat out of her ribcage as she glanced over the counter at her friend.

  Stella beamed and said “Something interesting going on here?”

  “Absolutely nothing,” Dana shoved her feet back into her pumps and stood. “Been a long morning and Bastien just offered to ease the ache in my feet.”

  Stella quirked a brow. “Uh-huh.”

  Her tone rang with disbelief, and to hide her embarrassment Dana motioned at Basiten who was washing his hands. “Stella Howell meet Sebastien Berkley. My baker extraordinaire and creator of all the fine goodies you see before you.”

  Bastien wiped them on a towel, before sticking out his hand in greeting. “Pleasure to meet you Stella.” He flashed her a killer smile.

  Stella practically purred. “Likewise.”

  Her friend eyed Bastien as though he were a tasty treat and another stab of jealously shot through Dana. Both Bastien and Stella were single and adults, they could do whatever the hell they wanted. She had no right to feel jealous.

  Yeah, but he’s yours.

  She mentally bitch slapped the traitorous submissive in her mind who’d already laid claim to him.

  “I just came by to show some support.” Stella leaned over the counter, pulled Dana into a hug and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “This place is amazing, babe. Truly. I’ve seen it in various stages but it just feel so…alive right now. You’ve done well. I’m so proud of you.”

  Dana saw the pure joy pour out of her friend and felt guilty for being jealous a moment before. Stella loved her. She was her best friend. Always there for her through thick and thin. If she wanted to ask Bastien out, Dana couldn’t think of a better person for him to date.

  She choked back some of the happy tears and waved a dismissive hand in front of her face. “First day. We’ll see how I feel six months down the line. And anyway, it isn’t all down to me. This guy is the one creating the masterpieces.”

  Stella perched on one of the stools at the end of the counter where people could wait for their coffee take-outs. “Am I gonna get to taste any of these?”

  Bastien loaded a plate of all the best-selling goodies of the day—black forest cupcake, salted caramel brownie, apple Danish—and put them in front of Stella.

  She took a bite of the brownie. “Oh honey,” she crooned, “I want to marry you right now.”

  Both Dana and Bastien laughed.

  “You are gonna have the ladies lining up for a piece of this every day,” she said as she continued to chew.

  “Hope so,” Bastien replied. “Nice meeting you, Stella but I better get back to the kitchen. Have some dough proving for tomorrow’s croissants.”

  Both women watched him walk away and Stella bit down on her knuckles. “Girl, that man is fineeeee. And he bakes like a demon. Where can I get me one of those?”

  Placing a cup of coffee down in front of Stella, she answered, “No idea. Didn’t even know they made them that way, but I’m so lucky that he applied for the job here. I mean, hell, the way he cooks, he could be in any top patisserie. You should see some of the elaborate stuff he’s done during the last few weeks. I’m even thinking we should expand into custom make cakes for celebrations, but not running before I can walk.”

  “Good idea. Soooo, is he single?”


  Dana bite back the bitchy retort and stole a piece of the apple Danish. “Yep.”

  “Excellent.” Stella stared hungrily into the kitchen for a few seconds before switching her attention back to Stella. “And how’s things going with Sir A?”

  She blushed. “Really well. Really, really well actually.” As Stella was pushing Dana into dating, she’d finally caved and told Stella she was exploring her desires online with a man called Sir A. She didn’t tell her Sir A also happened to be the god in her kitchen.

  “I’m glad. Just be careful, okay? Don’t get too involved. After all you have no idea who he is, what he looks like, what his history is. He could be a seventy year old man or married with a dozen kids.”

  If only she knew. Dana hated lying to her friend, but it was necessary. She and Bastien had an unconventional relationship. Stella wouldn’t understand. Hell, she wasn’t sure she understood it.

  She chatted with Stella a bit longer before her friend left to go back to work. The afternoon passed in happy blur. They had a flurry of customers through the day and another rush of commuters on the way home picking up desserts.

  By the time Dana closed up at the end of the first day, she knew she’d made the right decision to move from accounting. This was what she wanted to do every day.

  Despite the semi-erotic moment they’d shared earlier, there was no awkwardness between her and Bastien, for which she was grateful. She’d pushed thoughts of him dragging her into the kitchen and fucking her senseless to the back of her mind. Locked them away in a box never to see the light of day.
Not while at work anyway.

  Bastien helped her tidy and clean up before getting his coat. “Good first day. See you again for round two tomorrow.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at him, couldn’t contain her elation at the productive first day. “Definitely.”

  They held each other’s gaze. Neither one wanting to break eye contact. Zings burst along her nerve endings, sparking them to life. Sexual tension sizzled, palatable in the air. Did she want him to kiss her? No. Definitely not. Maybe. He’d be a great kisser. Demanding and sensual. His beard would tickle her skin, adding a delicious friction. As a Dom he’d take what he wanted, command her, and give pleasure in return.

  He was the first to break eye contact. “Good night, Dana,” he said as she headed towards the door.

  With her heart hammering and her breathing labored, Dana replied, “Night, Bastien.”

  As the moment passed, she sagged against the counter. Maybe their arrangement wasn’t such a good idea after all.

  Chapter Eight

  One glorious month had passed since Dana first opened the doors to Bitter Sweet. She looked around at various customers milling around and smiled. The first day hadn’t been a fluke after all. Bastien’s creations were going down a storm. They’d even got an extremely favorable write up in the local newspaper and on food blogs. She’d increased the social media presence and they’d scored a commission for an elaborate wedding cake. Hopefully the first of many.

  As all her customer’s seemed happy either chatting, reading or looking at their phones, she decided to take a quick peek at the wedding cake. Bastien was due to deliver it tomorrow and he was putting on the final touches.

  When she walked into the kitchen, Dana gasped. “Bastien…” she said as she circled the stainless steel island, “That’s beautiful.”

  Four tiers of perfectly white iced cake sat on top of one another. There were elaborate hand carved patterns in the icing, but what was truly amazing were the thousands of tiny hand-made icing flowers cascading down the masterpiece.


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