A Royal Bennet

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A Royal Bennet Page 3

by Melanie Schertz

  “Oh, my. Though I do not wish to think ill of someone, he struck me as quite…unique.” Darcy laughed. “He is extremely unique. I believe that is the reason he fits well with Aunt Catherine. I am certain he would evict the Bennet ladies from their home, if their father died. If she is in need of assistance, I mean to ensure she receives it.”

  “From what you have told me of Miss Elizabeth, I am looking forward to meeting her. Your stories of her interactions with Miss Bingley always made me laugh.”

  “She is an incredible young lady. I am certain you will find her to be one of the best ladies in England, handsome, kind, caring, intelligent, all wrapped up with a perfect smile, sparkling eyes and dark brown curls which bounce when she moves.”

  “William, are you in love with Miss Elizabeth?” Darcy continued to stare out the window, and was silent for several moments before responding. “I know I should not be, but I cannot stop myself. She is not wealthy, nor does she have connections, so our family will never approve of an attachment with her. But my heart cannot forget her.”

  “You should forget what others would think of her, and act on your heart. Love is so much more important than wealth, we have seen so many in society who cannot tolerate their spouse for more than a few moments at a time. I could not tolerate your being in such a relationship.”

  “If her father has died, if she is homeless and without any means of support, her circumstances are even worse. What would it do to your chances of marrying well, if I was to marry someone such as her?”

  “Do you love her?” Georgiana had a stern look on her face. When he finally nodded his head, she smiled. “If I wish to marry for love, then it will not matter to whom my brother is married. Any man who does not understand what a love match is, is not the sort of man I wish to marry.”

  “How did you become so wise?” Darcy turned his attention back to his sister. “What happened to my baby sister?”

  “I am growing up, with a loving and understanding elder brother to watch over me.” The carriage came to a stop, and the footman came around to open the door. Once Darcy and Georgiana stepped out, they made their way up the stairs to a fairly respectable townhouse. Handing the

  housekeeper his card, Darcy asked to speak with Mr or Mrs Gardiner.

  The Darcys were shown into the parlor, and were soon joined by Mrs Gardiner. “Good morning. I am Mrs Gardiner. How may I be of assistance?”

  “Mrs Gardiner, I am Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley. This is my sister, Miss Georgiana Darcy. We have come here to speak with your niece, Miss Elizabeth Bennet.”

  “Oh, my. Lizzy is not here. She left recently.” “May I be so bold as to ask to where she went? I ask because I am concerned for her.”

  Mrs Gardiner frowned. “Why would you be concerned for Lizzy?” “Two days ago, Miss Elizabeth was visiting Hyde Park. She came to my rescue, when two men assaulted me and attempted to rob me. As you can see, I was injured, and only today have been allowed out of my bed. When I learned it was Miss Elizabeth who had come to my aid, I spoke to my butler. He stated that your niece declared she was formerly of Longbourn. Has something happened with Mr Bennet? Has he perished?”

  “No, Mr Darcy, Mr Bennet is in good health. But there is a situation which has developed which forced Elizabeth to come here. Mr Bennet’s cousin, who is the heir to the estate, proposed to Lizzy. To Mrs Bennet’s vexation, Lizzy refused Mr Collins.”

  “I would hope so, for the man is a buffoon.” Mr Darcy declared. “Though he is, Lizzy’s refusal infuriated my husband’s sister. She has now determined to marry Lizzy to a neighbor who has a comfortable living, though he is older than Mr Bennet and has buried two wives under suspicious natures. Lizzy and my husband received expresses from Mr Bennet, urging Lizzy to leave Town quickly, as Mrs Bennet is planning to come here and fetch my poor niece.”

  “Good God.” Darcy exclaimed. “Forgive me, Mrs Gardiner. I should not speak so abominably. Can you tell me where Miss Elizabeth has gone?”

  “I am originally from Lambton, and we were planning to journey there in a week. I sent her ahead, by post. Do not fret, one of our maids went with Lizzy, and my niece is a sensible young lady.”

  “Might I ask where Miss Elizabeth is to stay, as I wish to speak with her?”

  “She will be staying with a friend of mine who owns a dress shop in Lambton.”

  Georgiana perked up. “Mrs Lackney?” She asked. Mrs Gardiner smiled. “Indeed. Mrs Lackney has been my friend since childhood, and we have kept in touch over the years.”

  “She has always been kind to me.” Georgiana smiled. “Your niece will be well looked after with Mrs Lackney.”

  “I believe my sister and I may be leaving Town soon, perhaps even tomorrow. I have long wished to return to Derbyshire.” Darcy stated, though he was fooling no one in the room. Georgiana and Mrs Gardiner were certain he wished to make the journey to see Elizabeth.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 3 Darcy and Georgiana had stopped at an inn to take some nourishment when they heard a familiar voice. “William, Georgie, what are you doing here?”

  “Richard, fancy meeting you here.” Darcy said, as he stood to shake the hand of his cousin. “I was in Newcastle delivering orders to the General, when I received a letter telling me you had been injured when you were laid upon by robbers. I was on my way to London, expecting to find you at death’s door.” Richard Fitzwilliam was the second son of an earl, Lord Matlock, and a colonel in the regulars.

  Georgiana looked down at her hands, folded in her lap. “I was afraid, William. You were in such a fretful way.”

  “I am much better.” Darcy stated in a kind voice. He did not fault his beloved sister for worrying over him, and, as Darcy and Richard shared guardianship over Georgiana, it was only right for her to contact their cousin.

  “I can see. Has something happened at

  Pemberley? I cannot imagine your traveling so soon after a head injury, unless something dire has happened at your estate.”

  “No, I…I desired returning home to recover fully. And there are some matters to discuss with my steward. Spring is not too far away, and it is necessary to be prepared for all spring brings to the estate. We have some tenant houses which will require repairs, there are some changes we will implement for planting this year, and many other issues which need to be planned out.”

  “My goodness, Wills, it is only February. It will not be until May when you begin to plant.” Richard could see that something was on his cousin’s mind, but decided to wait to see what unfolded.

  “Well, it is best not to wait until the last moment to have everything in hand. Speaking of which, I need to speak with our driver, so would you be kind enough to keep Georgiana company?” Darcy waited for his cousin to nod his agreement before he rose from the table and left the dining room.

  “Now, Georgie, tell me what is truly happening. I know Wills enough to know he is keeping something from me.”

  Georgiana’s eyes rose to meet her cousin’s. “Do you remember when he stayed in Hertfordshire with Mr Bingley?” Richard nodded his head again. “In William’s letters, did he ever mention a Miss Elizabeth Bennet?”

  “Yes, and it was quite odd for him to behave so. He has never written of any other young lady, besides you, that is.”

  “Miss Elizabeth was at the park when William was assaulted. She drove off the attackers, beating them with a branch she found. Miss Elizabeth has been forced to leave her home, due to her mother’s behavior towards her, and William discovered the information that she will be in Lambton, as her aunt sent her there. It seems the aunt grew up in Lambton, and has friends there. So William is determined to make his way to see Miss Elizabeth.”

  “This is highly unusual for your brother. Has the head injury brought about this change?” Georgiana smiled as she shook her head. “No, Richard, love has. William informed me that he is in love with Miss Elizabeth. It is my belief that he will ask for her hand.”

  “Whatever you d
o, do not tell my mother and father. Mother is determined to find the perfect young lady from society to marry your brother. She is also attempting to find a bride for me as well. It is fortunate my brother is married, or she would truly be upset with all of us. Samuel found a good society wife, one who gives Mother the respect Lady Matlock demands.”

  “I support William’s decision, and I pray you will too.” Richard Fitzwilliam smiled. “Of course, my dear Sprite, I will support your brother’s decision, after I meet the lady in question and satisfy my own curiosity.”

  ~~ ** ~~ Darcy returned to collect his sister, claiming his desire to be on the road again so they would arrive at Pemberley before dark. Colonel Fitzwilliam decided to accompany his cousins to their estate, for he wished to meet the young lady who was in Lambton. After meeting her, he would speak to Darcy and weigh in his opinion.

  The cousins rode the rest of the day in Darcy’s carriage. Georgiana and Richard discussed everything there was, with regards to his family, the threat of war with France and whether Richard would be sent to battle or kept in England to train new recruits. Darcy continued to stare out the window, saying very little, though his mind was busy. Thoughts of Elizabeth Bennet continued to flow through his thoughts, and thoughts of what he would say to her when he saw her again. Over and over, he rehearsed his words and actions, in his mind.

  The carriage arrived shortly before sunset, and knowing he would have to wait until the following morning soured Darcy’s mood, for it was his greatest desire to mount a horse and ride directly to Lambton, knock on Mrs Lackney’s door, and, when Elizabeth came into the room, kneel before her and ask for her hand in marriage.

  ~~ ** ~~ After partaking in breakfast and pacing about his study for an hour, Darcy could no longer wait to make the trip to Lambton. He was nervous, and wished to see Elizabeth immediately. Once he had requested his carriage brought to the front of the house, Darcy found his sister and cousin waiting for him in the foyer.

  “Wills, you did not think you would be visiting Lambton without us, did you?” Richard smiled. “Very well, let us be on our way.” Darcy struggled to hide his grin. The journey to the sleepy village was not long, though to Darcy, it felt as if it took years to arrive at the dress shop. Not waiting for the servant to open the carriage door, Darcy made his way out of the carriage, almost before it came to a halt. He did not wait for Richard or Georgiana, there was only one thing which held his attention. Elizabeth was inside this building and he needed to see her immediately.

  The bell on the door rang out, announcing his arrival in the shop. Mrs Lackney came from the back of the shop, greeting Darcy. “My goodness, Mr Darcy. It is a pleasure to see you. And Miss Darcy, welcome, welcome. What might I do for you today?”

  “Mrs Lackney, we were informed you have a guest staying with you. Mrs Gardiner told us that her niece, Miss Elizabeth Bennet, was visiting you until the Gardiner family arrives next week.”

  Mrs Lackney was surprised. “I have not seen Miss Bennet. I knew Helen and her family were coming to Lambton to visit, but I knew nothing of her niece coming ahead of them.”

  Richard was concerned. There had been reports of highwaymen robbing in the area. “Miss Elizabeth was supposed to have arrived two days ago. Have you not heard from her?”

  “My, I heard from Mrs Jackson at the inn, that there was a post carriage attacked. I had no reason to think anything of it, as I was not aware of anyone on it. You must check with her. I will go with you to the inn.” Mrs Lackney picked up her shawl and wrapped it about her shoulders as she made her way out the door, with the others following closely behind her.

  Reaching the front door of the inn, Mrs Lackney stepped inside as Richard opened the door and held it for the rest of the party. “Mrs Jackson, are you here?” Mrs Lackney called out.

  “Yes, yes, I will be with you in a moment.” Came a voice from the office which was behind the counter. A short, slender lady came out of the office a few moments later. “Ah, Mrs Lackney, what can I do for you today?”

  Darcy stepped forward. “Mrs Jackson, can you give me more information of the post carriage which was attacked? I need to learn what happened, as I believe a friend of mine was on the carriage.”

  “I highly doubt a friend of yours was traveling post, Mr Darcy, and there were only three ladies on board the carriage when the highwaymen descended upon it. Mrs Freemont was the elderly lady, and she happens to be a guest of ours.”

  “Please, Mrs Jackson, it is imperative we speak with Mrs Freemont. I must learn more of the other ladies.” Darcy was nearly frantic. How could this have come to pass? Where was Elizabeth?

  Five minutes past by at the pace of a snail. Mrs Jackson returned to the counter, with an elderly lady, introduced to the others as Mrs Freemont.

  “Forgive me, Mrs Freemont, but I am Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley. We have been told you were on the post carriage which was robbed.” “Yes, I was indeed. And I have determined I will never travel again. I sent a letter to my son to bring my belongings here, for I will settle in Lambton rather than make the journey further north.”

  “Can you tell me what happened to the other occupants of the carriage?” “Those poor dear girls. The one who was a maid was frightened, crying terribly. The other one, dear me, what was her name, well, she was standing up to the men. When they did not find any fortune, as they had suspected, they took the young ladies, pulling them onto the horses and rode off with them.”

  “Was the one young lady named Miss Elizabeth Bennet?” Darcy begged her. “Why yes, that was her name. Fiery young lady, though I do not hold hope for her being able to escape those men. They were frightfully evil, even with their faces covered.” Mrs Freemont began to tear up. “The men spoke of selling the ladies to a ship. I believe I heard one of the men say something of ships to Antigua. Those dear girls will be sold to some barbarian and forced to be a slave.” Mrs Freemont lost all control of her tears, as they came pouring down her cheeks.

  “Mrs Lackney, would you be kind enough to send word to Mrs Gardiner? I believe she will wish to know what has happened to her niece. I will begin a search for the ladies immediately.” Darcy stated as he prepared to leave the inn.

  “We will investigate the matter, Mrs Lackney.” Richard announced. “As a colonel in His Majesty’s army, it is my duty to protect the people of England.”

  Georgiana was beginning to cry as her brother and cousin assisted her into the carriage. All the way back to Pemberley, the men spoke of where they would begin to search for the ladies, while Georgiana sat quietly. As they arrived at the front steps of the grand house, Darcy began barking out orders to his servants.

  “We need several horses saddled and prepared to leave as soon as possible. I require three or four men to ride with my cousin and myself. We will be searching for the ladies who were abducted from the post carriage.”

  “Mr Darcy, Jim in the stable might be able to assist. His cousin was the post driver. They spoke the night after the robbery. He may know more about the situation.”

  “Very good, Rupert. Have Jim meet me in my study quickly. And have Fletcher pack a bag for me. We will be in the study, looking over the map.” Darcy was striding quickly in the direction of his private study.

  Georgiana took hold of her cousin’s arm. “Richard, I am frightened for William.” “Have no fear, Sprite. I will look after him. Now, promise me, you will remain in the house unless you are accompanied by at least two armed men. And I do not want you to leave the estate, not for any reason. I have a feeling Miss Elizabeth’s aunt and uncle will be on their way to Lambton soon. Keep in touch with Mrs Lackney. When the Gardiners arrive in the area, I believe your brother would find it appropriate for them to be invited to stay here. You have already been introduced to Mrs Gardiner, there should be no difficulties.”

  Georgiana decided that it was not the time to inform her cousin that Mr Gardiner was in trade, for it would not matter to Richard.

  ~~ ** ~~ Within two hours, Darcy, Richa
rd, Jim and three other men were all mounted and on their way to search for the missing ladies.

  The men were certain that, if Mrs Freemont had heard correctly when she heard Antigua, and the information Jim had heard from his cousin, the best port to begin searching would be Liverpool. From there, ships would be traveling to the islands.

  Darcy could not allow himself to think of what might happen to Elizabeth. Every time his mind drifted in that direction, his heart felt as if someone placed his chest into a vice, squeezing the life from him.

  Jim stated his cousin was certain the highwaymen would head west, but he was unsure whether to the north or to the south of where the robbery and abduction occurred. Richard was of an opinion they would head to Liverpool, as there had been word as recent as a month previous which spoke of ships making the journey to the islands and South America from the ports at Liverpool. There were some who believed young ladies were being sold in those areas, young ladies who were English born and bred. Elizabeth Bennet would be prime for selling. Not only was she beautiful, she was intelligent and caring. The very thought of Elizabeth being sold into some sort of slavery was more than Darcy could accept.

  ~~ ** ~~ Stopping at an inn to rest their horses and take some food and drink, Darcy requested a private room for their party to dine without interruption. Fortunately, there was no such room to be found, and the group was forced to share the dining room with other travelers.

  As they were finishing their meal, a young man, dressed in clothes of someone middle class,

  approached their tables. “Gentlemen, I was wondering if I could interest you in some trinkets to take home to your ladies. I have several pieces which would be perfect for a wife or girlfriend.”

  “I am not interested.” Darcy stated as he waved them off. Richard had other ideas. “Let me see the pieces you have. I am in need of a gift for my mother’s birthday.”

  Darcy instantly knew something was suspicious, as Richard’s mother had celebrated her birthday more than a month previously. Richard had purchased a beautiful mare for her gift, as Lady Matlock was fond of horses.


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