A Special Summer (Love Conquers All)

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A Special Summer (Love Conquers All) Page 6

by Wells, Victoria

  After she got dressed and fixed her hair, Summer grabbed money from the dresser for carfare as she hurried down the stairs to put on her boots, coat, hat and gloves. As she proceeded to head out the door, she picked up the dreaded document and shoved it into a large leather hobo bag she slung across her shoulder. Concerned with getting back home before the blizzard hit it totally slipped her mind she had not signed the consent.

  Coming up out of the subway at Walnut-Locust, wanting to turn back around and go home because the snow was coming down in large flakes covering the ground, Summer was fighting the tears that were threatening to fall. “I knew this was going to happen. Those weather people don’t know what they’re talking about. Later this afternoon, early evening my foot. It has

  to be at least three to four inches out here already,” Summer fussed aloud not caring if passing pedestrians thought she was loco.

  Maneuvering in the wind and snow was difficult; the brutal wind was biting at her face and fingertips. Summer wanted to put her gloved hands in her pockets to keep warm, but couldn’t, she needed her arms held slightly away from her body to keep her balance. Why can’t I get a stinkin’ hot flash right about now? I… am… freezing!

  Summer’s face stung from the cold as she glanced up at the tall building at Eighteenth and Walnut. She signed the visitor’s log and took the elevator up to the twentieth floor. As the doors opened, her heart pounded as she stepped off into the main lobby of Stiles Enterprise. I just want this to be over with.

  As Summer approached the receptionist desk, a middle-aged woman greeted her.

  “Good afternoon, how may I help you?”

  “Umm, I’m here to see Mr. Stiles.”

  “What is your name and what company are you with?”

  “My name is Summer Jackson and I’m not with a company.”

  “Oh, yes, Mr. Stiles is expecting you. If you like you may have a seat while I intercom him.”

  As Summer took a seat, she nervously rubbed her fingers up and down the thick leather strap of her handbag. She watched as the receptionist informed Nick she had arrived. As she waited it occurred to her this was the first time she’d ever been to Nick’s office.

  Whenever she’d suggested meeting him at work he’d tell her, “I keep work and my personal life separate.” Now all of a sudden he didn’t care that his and her personal lives were on display for all to see. Summer could tell the receptionist was wondering who she was since she wasn’t affiliated with a company.

  “Miss Jackson, you can go back to Mr. Stiles’ office. Do you know where it is?”

  “No ma’am.”

  The receptionist pointed, “Straight back to the end of the corridor.”


  Waddling down the long corridor, Summer had to stop to remove her hat, gloves and coat. Of all times she was starting to have a hot flash. She was sweating and perspiring all over the place. Well isn’t this a blip, I’m sweating like a freakin’ pig. Before she knocked on the door, she wiped her brow with the heel of her right hand and then wiped her sweaty palms on the leg of her pants. That’s better, now at least I won’t look all sweaty.

  Summer knocked on the solid oak door with the gold plaque that read, Nicholas Stiles, President and CEO.

  “Come in,” came the command from the other side.

  Summer’s breath caught as she walked in the office. Why? Why did he have to be so darn handsome? Nick was the epitome of fine. She couldn’t help but to be drawn to the powerful figure talking on the phone as he motioned for her to take a seat in the chair in front of his desk.

  She placed her hat, gloves, coat and bag on the chair to her left as she eased herself down into the chair. Fretfully she placed her hands in her lap and studied her nails as she waited for

  Nick to end his call. Summer was aware of how his eyes traveled over her; she became uncomfortable as his dark gaze focused on her large belly.

  As Nick continued his phone conversation, Summer tried not to pay attention to how his tailored navy suit fit his muscular frame. She couldn’t see his shoes but knew they were just as fly as the suit. Her gaze traveled to his mouth as he talked. He had the most sensual lips she’d ever seen on a man.

  All of a sudden out of nowhere, she had to use the bathroom as the fetus shifted and tap-danced on her bladder. Gripping the sides of the chair, pushing herself up to her feet, Summer left the office with the restroom being her destination. When she had to go, she had to go; she didn’t have time for an explanation as Nick curiously watched her leave the office. Summer’s sudden urge to use the restroom gave her a brief reprieve from his penetrating gaze.

  Ending the call, he was wondering where in the heck she ran off to. He leaned back in his chair as he waited for her to return. Summer’s appearance surprised him. He noticed how radiant her complexion was and how pregnancy hadn’t distorted her facial features like it did some women. As a matter of fact, she was more beautiful to him. Even her hair appeared more luxurious.

  Summer had always been a distraction to Nick. As he talked with a potential investor, his attention shifted to her as she placed her right hand on the side of her belly. He wondered if the baby moved as she patted the area where her hand was and softly mumbled something to her belly as she smiled. As he studied Summer, he could tell her belly had grown since he last saw her. He wanted to touch it, to communicate with his baby the way she’d just done. Before Nick would let his thoughts take him any further a tiny voice warned, don’t get your hopes up like the last time.

  Summer lightly tapped on the door. She jumped as Nick barked for her to come in.

  She avoided his eyes as she timidly sat down in the chair. She prayed for this ordeal to be finished as quickly as possible.

  Summer’s body language spoke volumes to Nick as her shoulders slumped and she held her head down. She was afraid of him. He knew her fear stemmed from the night he showed up at her house unannounced. After he met with Kevin, he realized Summer’s surprise condition had been the straw that broke the camel’s back. Yes, he was pissed with her, but he wondered if he hadn’t had a lousy day if it would’ve made a difference? Would he have come down on her so hard? As he looked at her, he was reminded of how she cried and tried desperately to give him an explanation.

  Clearing his throat, he asked “Did you bring the document?”

  Too afraid to say anything, Summer nodded her head.

  He watched as she nervously reached into a large black leather hobo bag as her hands trembled.

  Summer was so shook up she dropped the heavy bag on the floor. Leaning down she quickly snatched the bag up off the floor and continued to rummage through it in search of the document. That’s when it hit her. Oh, no I forgot to sign it. What am I going to do?

  Summer bit her bottom lip and nervously told him in a small voice as she pulled out the crumpled paper. “I didn’t sign it yet.”

  “I thought you said you signed it?” His tone was low and tight as he gazed at her.

  Lowering her eyes to avoid his hard gaze, her voice was barely a whisper. “I meant to sign it before I left home.” Digging into her bag again, continuing her search she mumbled, “Where is my pen?”

  “What was that?”

  “I… umm…I can’t find my pen.”

  He picked up a pen from his desk and handed it to her.

  Scooting her bottom to the edge of the chair, she placed the document on the desk. While reaching for the pen their fingertips touched. Summer jerked her hand away from his touch as if it burned her skin. Memories from the night a few weeks ago flooded her mind when she tried to touch him and he not so kindly demanded she take her hands off of him. Tears stung her eyes as she relived the stab of his hurtful words. She remembered a time when her touch was what he craved. She pushed ancient thoughts aside as she signed what might be the fate of her baby away. She wanted, so badly, to beg him not to make her do this. But, was stopped by the stony mask he wore.

  Handing the document and pen back to Nick, Su
mmer bit down on her bottom lip to keep the tears from falling. Determined not to cry in front of him again, after he’d taken the document and pen, she stood and begin to put her things on.

  Pointing to the window at the blizzard fiercely coming down she said, “I better get going now; it’s getting worse out there.”

  Nick turned his attention to the window; he sensed Summer’s uneasiness the longer she stayed in his presence. It hadn’t slipped pass him she nearly jumped out of her skin when their

  hands touched, or how she fought hard to hold tears back as she anxiously made haste to leave. “You can’t go home by yourself in that storm.”

  Summer stared at Nick like he had two heads. “I have to get home now.” I wouldn’t be out here in this mess if it weren’t for you, she wanted to scream at him, but knew better not to.

  “Not by yourself, you’re not. Sit back down and give me a few seconds. I’ll take you home.”

  It was more of a command than a request. Although she couldn’t stand to be in that office another millisecond, obediently Summer sat back down. It was becoming too much of a chore being around Nick, his attitude and behavior toward her was becoming more unpredictable.

  Placing his briefcase on the desk, he put files along with that awful document inside before closing it. Nick doubt a courier service would make any last minute runs. The document was too sensitive not to be in his possession until it could be delivered to Mr. Steinberg.

  Standing up behind his desk, walking over to the coat rack grabbing his coat and scarf, donning them, and then snatching the briefcase he said, “Let’s go.”

  Standing at the curb on Eighteenth and Walnut, Summer’s teeth chattered as she waited for Nick to bring his vehicle to the front of the office building. She could have waited inside the lobby, but decided not to. She was in a hurry to get home and away from Nick. The sooner she could hop in the car, the sooner and closer to home she would be. Wrapping her

  arms as far as they could go around her body, vigorously rubbing herself trying to generate heat, Summer was praying Nick would hurry. The black Benz rounding the corner and easing to a slow stop with flashing hazard lights was the best sight she’d seen all day. Well, with the

  exception of Nick’s handsome face. Despite their present circumstances, she still thought he was the finest man she’d ever laid eyes on.

  Effortlessly, Nick swung the door open taking long strides to the curb where Summer was. Quickly his arm went snuggly around what used to be a tiny waist as he pulled her close to him. The last thing he wanted was for her to slip and fall on the icy covered ground and hurt herself or the baby.

  Summer tensely flinched and nearly lost her balance. She hadn’t expected him to touch her like that. Take her by the hand maybe, but not wrap his arm around her. It had been so long since she’d been anywhere near having his arms around her.

  Nick gently tightened his hold on her. “Whoa, careful now you don’t want to fall.” A grim expression covered his face when she flinched. It had been the second time in less than an hour she had recoiled at his touch; a touch that at one time ignited her passion. Does she think I’m going to hurt her? She knows I would never do that to her. Doesn’t she?

  Gingerly, Nick guided Summer to the vehicle and helped her inside without any further mishaps. His mind was elsewhere, still tripping over how she was responding to him. He hadn’t heard Summer when she thanked him for helping her in the car.

  Summer’s heart sank when Nick never acknowledge her thanks. She couldn’t win. It seemed at every turn she did or said something to irritate him. The grim expression his handsome

  features wore when she flinched at his touch said it all. What was wrong with him? He act as if the last time he saw her they were in each other’s arms. Humph, he was the one who told me ‘take your hands off of me.’ So why was he looking all perplexed?

  Traffic was gridlock. Nick turned to KYW to get the latest traffic report. With the storm blowing into the city earlier than previously forecasted, all bridges leading into and out of the city were closing, public transportation was being cancelled and all government offices were closing. The reporter advised the public to stay indoors because the roads had become increasingly dangerous as the snowfall steadily accumulated at a rapid pace.

  Summer felt like a noose was being tied around her neck. Gripping the side of the leather armrest, the knuckles on her left hand turned white as her right hand slowly inched to press the button, automatically rolling down the window a bit. She felt as if she couldn’t breathe. As soon as the cool air rushed into the window, Summer took a deep breath to get the welcomed oxygen into her lungs. She did this a few more times until she felt she was able to breathe comfortably again. This can’t be happening, not now. If she had taken the subway she would have been to Fern Rock by now. From there the walk wouldn’t have been too bad. On a good day, she had done the walk in fifteen minutes. So what if it would’ve taken her a little longer. Besides, she had the option of taking a cab home from the train station.

  Glancing sideways at Nick and taking in his strong profile wondering, why is it every time I do as you tell me I find myself getting into a big mess? Regret immediately swept through her as she rubbed her belly. She had just referred to her baby as a ‘big mess.’

  As Nick switched the radio back to the jazz station, the rush of cold air drew his attention to the partially opened window, then to Summer. Her dainty nostrils were slightly flared as she took in deep breaths. Further inspection revealed tiny beads of sweat on her brow she hadn’t

  bother to wipe away and a petite hand gripping the armrest so tight he was sure fingernail prints would be left in the soft leather.

  “If you’re hot I can turn the heat down or off.”

  “I’m fine now.”

  Nick studied her stiff profile. “You sure?”

  Summer nodded her head. “Yes.”

  Nick knew she was far from being fine. She would probably be fine with swimming in the middle of the ocean with sharks than to be in such tight quarters with him.

  Nick shrugged his shoulders and tapped the steering wheel with his fingers to the tune of the song playing on the radio. He was never going to get Summer from Center City to Oak Lane with the magnitude of the blizzard. Now was just as good as any time to tell her since they hadn’t moved two blocks in the last ten minutes.

  “You know you’re not going to make it home.”

  “I know,” Summer whispered. As she peered out the passenger side window, a single tear slid down her cheek. Quickly she wiped it away before Nick could see it. She hadn’t been quick enough though. He saw the tear before it even fell.

  Chapter 7

  A fifteen-minute drive to Nick’s waterfront penthouse had taken over an hour because of the bumper-to-bumper congestion. Everyone on the roadways was trying to make it home in what was becoming the worst storm of the season.

  The congested traffic irritated Nick to no end. Silently the pair rode the elevator to the top floor, twenty-four stories. As they stepped off the elevator into a contemporary living room, Summer was glued to the spot where she stood.

  At one time, Nick’s penthouse had been like a second home to her. She was familiar with every square foot of the spacious luxury dwelling. However, this did nothing for the level of uneasiness she was presently experiencing. Summer felt out of place, she wanted nothing more than to be at home curled up on the sofa drinking hot chocolate as she watched old movies.

  It was written all over her face, she’d rather walk on hot coals barefoot than be secluded with Nick in his tower.

  As he shrugged off his coat, he instructed Summer to do the same. Trudging in the snow and then waiting in it had completely saturated her pants from the ankles up to her mid-calves. She was not surprised when he said, “Your pants are wet. You need to take them off.”

  Summer looked down to inspect her pants, which was useless; her protruding belly obscured her view. She had been so preoccupied with thoughts of home she h
adn’t noticed the

  wet cold fabric clinging to her legs. As she sneezed covering her mouth, “Aaachewww!” her mother’s words admonished her again.

  Nick said, “Bless you,” as he gestured for Summer to hand him her coat.

  “Thank you.”

  “Come with me.” Turning and going to the hall closet, hanging up their coats he made his way to his bedroom with Summer lagging behind. Dreading every step, her legs became heavy upon entering the master bedroom suite. The instant she stepped across the threshold memories of being with Nick invaded and crowded every corner of her mind. If she could turn back the hands of time, she would’ve never made the fatal mistake of treading onto forbidden territory.

  After months of dating, Nick remained a perfect gentleman. Summer, however knew it was just a matter of time before they’d become intimate. Every kiss, hug, and caress wore down her resistance. In the beginning the tiny voice in her head warned, don’t do it. After months of kisses, hugs, and caresses, the tiny voice became a faint whisper, hardly audible. When she decided to take the plunge, share his bed, the voice was buried so deep she never heard its pleas.

  Nick was a drug to Summer. She was a clean vessel tasting an illicit substance. And like many addicts the first time was a bit awkward, but nevertheless enticing enough, exhilarating enough, to keep going back for more. The addiction was so strong she let fundamentals she’d been raised with like going to church fall by the wayside. Whenever she asked, “Why don’t you go to church with me on Sunday?” The answer was always, “I’m not ready for that yet,” which was always followed up with a suggestion to go to a jazz brunch, an afternoon game to see the Sixers or to play a couple sets of racquetball. Initially she tried to resist but the Jones for her drug was too strong, too overpowering.


  The baritone sound of her name snapped her back to the present.



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