Wound Tight (Made in Jersey #4)

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Wound Tight (Made in Jersey #4) Page 13

by Tessa Bailey

  And damn right he followed.

  Milo caught a glimpse in the panoramic window of Renner unbuttoning his shirt and coming after him. Despite his bravado and catwalk stroll, a rave was taking place in his stomach. For several reasons. What if he disappointed Renner with his inexperience? What if he was rushing into something he wasn’t ready for? Hell, what did he know about sex with a man, apart from being incredibly aware that the idea got him hot like crazy?


  “Relax,” Renner breathed into his neck, gliding a hand down Milo’s abdomen. His fingertips stopped just short of Milo’s cock, brushing back and forth across his happy trail. “I’m an aggressive man, and I won’t hold back about what I want to do with you in bed.” He laid a hard kiss beneath Milo’s right ear. “But if you’re uncomfortable at any time, we’ll stop and go eat Cap’n Crunch.”

  The tension eased from Milo’s muscles. “I’m even more sure I want this after hearing you say that.” He turned to find Renner without a shirt and— “Jesus Christ, boss man.”


  “You’re built like a brick shithouse.” Milo hesitated only a moment before trailing his palms over Renner’s pecs, watching his nipples stiffen. All of him stiffen, down to his concrete-slab abs and thick, corded arms. “Those shoulders are only a preview, aren’t they?”

  “Is this your roundabout way of saying I’m attractive?”

  “Nothing roundabout about it. You’re a dime.” Milo dropped his hands to Renner’s belt, unfastening it and letting the buckle sag to one side. Then he set to work on the button and zipper, nearly swallowing his tongue when his knuckles brushed the huge bulge waiting on the other side. “Maybe I should start calling you pretty boy instead.”

  Renner’s mouth twitched, but his breath was starting to grow stuttered. “I wouldn’t recommend it.”

  Milo pushed the pants down over Renner’s hips and shrugged. “Concessions, right?”

  “Get on the bed, Milo.”

  “Loud and clear.”

  Milo sat down on the edge of the bed, but only had a second to marvel over the ridiculously soft mattress before Renner took his shoulders and pushed him flat on his back. It was familiar, that position. He’d been there countless times, his body ready to give. But there was something different about Renner putting Milo on his back.

  Renner came with him.

  He paused with his mouth just above Milo’s, both of them groaning while Renner locked their hips into a tight position and thrust. Once. Right there. “Oh fuck,” Milo moaned, making a grab for Renner’s ass just as the kiss started. And it didn’t just start, it took off like a fired bullet. One of Renner’s hands took a fistful of Milo’s hair and held him steady while he devoured, using his tongue to lap up the harsh, hungry sounds that Milo couldn’t seem to contain. His thighs were out of his control, too, riding up Renner’s hips, sliding back down, while the man used and abused his mouth like it had been begging for disrespect.

  Had it been? Who cares. Disrespect me. Just don’t stop.

  “Tell me what you think about,” Renner demanded, pulling away. Hair had fallen over his forehead and along with that furrowed brow, he looked like a dirty, medieval lord of the manor. “When you think of being with a man—”

  “When I think of being with you.” Milo pushed back Renner’s runaway hair, but it fell right back into the same position. “You, boss man.”

  “Me, then,” Renner murmured, after a moment. “How do you imagine…us?”

  Milo had kept the words locked down deep for a long time, but the chain was broken, and nothing would be contained. Nothing would stay inside. “Sometimes I think of you naked and laid out and you’re just letting me…touch. Or lick. Whatever and however I want. But it’s…”


  “It’s understood that I’m on borrowed time.” Milo swallowed a sharp groan when Renner dragged the thick ridge of his cock against Milo’s. “Because you want me a certain way and you—”

  “I get what I want,” Renner finished, his tone heavy. Full. “I already let you borrow time once today. Remember that? When you got on your knees and swallowed me down?”

  Milo’s eyelids fell and he arched his back. “Hell yeah I remember.”

  “You liked it. That’s good.” Milo’s eyes flew open when he felt Renner’s mouth traveling a path down his chest. Another new sensation. Stubble and…weight. Perfect. “Sometimes what I want is exactly what you need, Milo.” When he was mouth level with Milo’s cock, Renner fisted the aching flesh, brushing the head with his lips. “You’re going to love learning that lesson.”

  The head of his erection vanishing into Renner’s mouth was the last thing Milo remembered before the struggle set in. The struggle not to come. He shouted something strangled and unintelligible at the ceiling, his hands flying over his head to clutch the slatted headboard. So much room inside Renner’s mouth. Almost…too much? Were men’s mouths always larger, or was it just this man? He didn’t know, but there wasn’t an inch of him left out of the warm, hungry suck Renner was giving him. And that’s what made his balls wrench tight like they needed to empty themselves fast, because he’d never felt anything like Renner between his thighs.

  “Slow…” Milo heaved a jagged breath. “Down.”

  He looked down at Renner…and realized the man was just as lost to the moment, his eyes shut tight, his cheeks hollow. Just as Milo had been while kneeling on the office floor. Getting pleasure from giving pleasure. Those ridiculous shoulders flexed in the dim light, moving in time with the wet, sucking sounds. Milo’s own abdomen hollowed and rebounded like a trampoline, his hips pumping toward the most incredible mouth job of his life. It was dangerous to speed his release like that, but his body seriously didn’t give a shit.

  “It feels too good, Renner…I can’t.” A small amount of liquid escaped from his tip and Milo hissed a breath between his teeth. “Stop. Stop. I’m going to come.”

  Renner let his pulsing cock go with an expression that was half satisfied, half hungry for more. He was nothing short of breathtaking, his solid body covered in a light sheen of perspiration, his shined-up lips catching the light. “Fuck, I want to taste what you give up to your first man so bad.” He prowled up Milo’s body, his cock straining against his stomach. Milo thought he was coming in for a kiss, but he stopped and reached for the nightstand, opening the drawer and taking out a clear bottle. “There’ll be time for tasting, though. A lot of it, because your cock hits my throat like a dirty fuck dream. So thick and excited for what it’s been dreaming about. I can already hear the sound of your security belt hitting my desk while I yank your pants down around your knees.”

  Milo reached down and fisted his balls, breathing deeply through his nose so he wouldn’t come. “Too much. Too damn much.”

  Renner leaned down and kissed Milo, twining their tongues together in a slow, comforting kiss that didn’t remain that way for long. By the time Renner broke away, Milo was stroking himself off, his stomach and chest heavy with a multitude of weights and emotions. “Tomorrow, you’re going to have a very different idea of too much,” Renner rasped, sliding his hand beneath Milo’s ass. His fingers pressed at the entrance…and they were wet. Really wet. When had that happened? “Say you want it.”

  “I want it,” Milo growled, zero ability to regulate his tone. “You know I do.”

  With the words still lighting up the air, Renner’s mouth closed over Milo’s again…and his fingers slid deep. “Mine.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Renner had never been so certain of anything in his life. Inside his chest, his heart was roaring like an engine. There was no way to achieve detachment here. Had there ever been a way with Milo? No…no. Since the beginning, he’d been affected, and now he’d sunk down into quicksand. He didn’t want to be rescued, either. There might have been a buzzing going off in the back of his mind, warning him to hold back, but it wouldn’t be now. It wouldn’t be physically, because
Renner flat-out wasn’t capable of not giving Milo everything inside him. All the words and emotions he’d kept locked away from everyone else.

  Milo shuddered beneath him, his mouth falling open with a sound of pleasure/pain. Renner’s fingers moved in and out, pushing farther with each stroke, and all the while, Renner split time between kissing Milo’s sexy mouth and watching his ink-covered body writhe and flex in the muted light. It took a huge reserve of willpower not to wrestle the man onto his stomach and fuck him through the goddamn headboard. Or hell…maybe keeping him on his back and looking him in the eye. That would be a first, wouldn’t it?

  One that made his pulse pick up speed.

  Milo wanted it on his stomach, though. He’d said so. Did that mean he was hesitant to be so intimate, so soon?

  “Renner…” Milo’s hand slipping up his chest snapped him out of his head. “Feels good…it’s starting to feel so good.”

  Christ, the vision of Milo’s half-mast eyes, his mouth opening to release slurred words, his plump cock lying across his belly…it burned itself into Renner’s memory. Nothing hotter. Nothing better. No one I want or need more.

  The continued realization that he’d fallen hard for the security guard had Renner reeling more than a little bit. But Milo’s increasing groans and pumping hips had him throwing his mental bullshit on the back burner. Carefully, he drew his fingers out of Milo, unable to stop himself from leaning down and taking a long, rough suck of Milo’s swollen cock, groaning when a touch of saltiness coated his tongue. Between his legs, his own flesh was weighed down and miserable with the need to rock into Milo’s tight ass. Rock and rock. A pounding started in his temples, his blood heating until Renner could actually feel it flowing.

  His rasping breath punctuating the air, Renner reached for the bedside table once again and closed his fist around a condom packet. His gaze clashed with Milo’s, and he could see what the other man wanted. What he needed. And that he was tasking Renner with giving it to him.

  Biting down on the condom between his teeth, Renner slid two hands beneath Milo’s hips and flipped him over on the bed, both of them moaning at the rightness of the position. The rightness for them. Light and shadow played across Milo’s splayed back, shifting as he grabbed on to the headboard. There was no choice but for Renner to take a moment to appreciate the work of art underneath him, because doing otherwise would have been tragic.

  He conformed his palms to the smooth roundness of Milo’s bottom, running his thumb through the split down the middle. “You think I would have let someone else take this home?” Watching Milo’s knuckles go white on the headboard with expectancy, Renner reared back with his right hand and slapped it across the waiting flesh. “You think I would have risked you not being given every goddamn thing you need?”

  Another biting spank.

  “No…” Milo breathed, his shoulders heaving. “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  A sharp pain hit Renner between the ribs as he rolled the condom down his cock. “Don’t worry, I’m about to make it really clear who the fuck you go home with.” His mouth was begging for the salty smooth texture of Milo’s skin, so Renner dropped forward and allowed his tongue to lick pathways up Milo’s neck, down between his shoulder blades, and up his spine. He was almost too distracted by Milo’s harsh curses to use the bottle in his hand, but he knew how necessary it was. With the slick glide sufficient enough, Renner gripped his cock with a grunt and slid it between Milo’s cheeks, riding the warm curves with desperate surges of his hips.

  Milo punched the headboard with a choked rendition of Renner’s name. “Don’t stop doing that. Please. I love it.”

  Renner’s laugh was agonized and full of lust. He wasn’t even inside Milo yet and his reactions were off the charts, his buttocks flexing, voice straining. A man didn’t stand a chance against Milo’s brand of honesty—it was sexy and gut-wrenchingly beautiful at the same time. And it belonged to him, goddammit. Didn’t it? Yes. Yes.

  The rush of possessiveness had Renner jerking Milo’s hips off the bed, grinding that lube-slicked ass into his lap. “Show me how you would have danced with me tonight.” He thrust so hard Milo was forced to catch himself on the pillows, the material clutched between his fingers. “Get the other men touching you out of my head. Do it now.”

  Renner added Milo’s ability to adapt and rise to any occasion to the list of things Renner loved about him, because the man pushed his knees wider on the bedspread. No hesitation, except maybe the second he paused to groan into the mattress. Both of their breathing racing out of control, sweat forming between their bodies, Milo moved his backside in a figure eight, dragging Renner’s stiff cock along with him. “Like that, Renner?” His back rolled, shoulders to waist, like wake from a boat. “You could have been out there with me. All you had to do was demand it.”

  Shit. He was losing his composure here. Milo was giving him a lap dance from his hands and knees, though, and who the fuck could keep a thought in their head with that happening? His hand moved on its own, traveling around the bumping rhythm of Milo’s hips to jerk him off…and damn it if the torture didn’t only increase, Milo’s body grinding back on Renner’s dick. And then Milo had the nerve to look back over his shoulder—all heavy-lidded and ready to submit—making it impossible for Renner to wait another second. There was a wire connecting every aching erogenous zone below his waist and it grew hotter and tighter every time the man beneath him popped his hips. Like a trained entertainer who’d been working it for the wrong crowd all along. Renner needed inside Milo now or he would lose his mind.

  He lunged forward, flattening Milo on the bed, wedging his mouth up against the panting man’s ear. “There’s a limit to what I could stand from you in public, Milo. That’s your second lesson tonight. You put your ass in my lap and this is what happens.” He fisted his erection and guided it through Milo’s glossed ass cheeks, stopping right where he needed it to go. So damn bad. “Relax, baby.”

  The endearment was unexpected, but Renner would have died before taking it back. Especially when Milo’s response was to slide his left hand back. Reaching for Renner’s.

  Renner stared for a moment, heart hammering in his throat, before twining his fingers with Milo’s and squeezing his hand tight. The craving for even more closeness with this man became undeniable after that. Renner pressed his stomach and chest to Milo’s spine, burying his open mouth against his neck…and pushed his cock halfway home, hot friction wrapping around his flesh and throttling it. A fist pushed low in his belly and twisted, making the urge to come almost unbearable. His blood surged with the claim he was making, the dominance of it, the responsibility of being the first.

  “Fuck,” Milo breathed, his back bunching into knots beneath Renner. “Okay, okay.”

  Renner choked on an inhale and beat back the simultaneous urge to plow forward and pull out, to stop Milo from experiencing any pain. Their hands were so tightly clasped, they were both probably going to lose circulation. Worth it, though. Worth it. He could feel every wince and draw of breath from Milo, as if it were coming from his own body. And maybe that kind of connection with another person should have scared him, but nothing was scarier than stopping. Not being there when Milo experienced the completion to come. Being the reason for it.

  “Try to…” Renner closed his eyes and licked the patch of skin beneath Milo’s ear, attempting to center himself, even though his dick was pulsing, begging to ram deeper into the constricted space between Milo’s ass cheeks. To shove those cheeks wide and watch himself tunnel into that slippery, untested entrance. “Try to breathe. Try to relax.”

  “I could tell you the same thing.” Milo laughed into the pillow, but it turned into a groan. “It feels bad and good at the same time.”

  Yeah. Renner knew the feeling. “This isn’t borrowed time, Milo. We’re on your time right now.” He reached for the bottle he’d discarded near his thigh and slid it between them, applying more of the liquid, gritting his teeth as the moisture coa
sted and dripped around their joined bodies. Need to move. Need to come. “I want to spread you open and pump until I can’t see straight, but I’m not moving until you ask for it.”

  “Well, when you say things like that…”

  They both laughed, but it was strained with lust. And something else.

  It was the sound of a bond being cemented.

  “Tell me more about how it feels for you,” Milo said. “I…I think this thing inside me that likes to make you happy…it does something to take away the pain.”

  I could love this man.

  I could love him forever.

  Maybe I already do.

  “You—” Renner heard the emotion in his voice and worked to stabilize it. “You were weird about coming into this place? Like maybe you didn’t belong?” He pushed a kiss into Milo’s neck, stroking the spot with his tongue, commanding himself not to thrust into the slightness squeezing the top half of his rigid cock. “I felt like I’d walked in here with the fucking jackpot, baby. You have any idea what you do to me?”

  A subtle tilt of Renner’s hips made Milo clench around him, sending heat slamming into his tightened-up balls. “I’ve been watching you, too. Watching you move and laugh and give me attitude for months. Now I’m inside you. Giving you your first fuck.” Releasing Milo’s hand, Renner wedged his own between Milo’s body and the mattress, gripping the man’s cock tight. Jesus, it was thick, probably hurting as much as Renner’s. “I’ve never been so hot to get off in my life. Been hot for it all along. Nonstop. And that was before I knew you were going to feel this fucking sweet taking my dick.”

  Milo’s muscles had relaxed in increments while Renner spoke, and now he tilted his hips and ripped a growl from Renner’s chest. “More.”


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