Rules of Bennett: The Complete Collection

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Rules of Bennett: The Complete Collection Page 2

by Ember Michaels

  Wilson nodded to Bennett and walked out of the room, leaving us alone.

  Bennett walked over to the window and closed the blinds, the small action kick-starting my heart into a racing fit. I knew I’d pushed the envelope with his father, and now that we were alone again, the thought of another punishment shook me to my core. I was still sore from my earlier punishment and considering we were in his territory, there was no telling what he could do to me.

  I kept my eyes down as I felt his presence moving back toward me. He stopped in front of me, his hard chest appearing in my vision. His shirt was tight enough to show off the curvature of every muscle he had, which would’ve been sexy had the body not belonged to a menacing psycho.

  “You know you’re going to pay for your behavior, right?” His low voice cut through the silence of the room, sending a chill down my spine.

  Despite that, I looked up and glared at his smirking face. “You can do whatever you want to me, but you won’t break me,” I stated firmly.

  He laughed. “Yeah, we’ll see about that after you and I have had a few sessions together,” he said, grabbing my arm again.

  “You know, men that get off on hurting people smaller than them usually have small dicks,” I said as he dragged me back through the house. “What’s wrong, Bennett? Your last girlfriend break up with you because you have a micropenis?”

  “You probably ought to shut up while you’re ahead,” he said, his voice tight.

  “Did I strike a nerve? Is that it? You have a small dick? How sad for you. I’d probably be a murderous cunt, too, if I didn’t get any action with my tiny dick.”

  “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.”

  “Okay, fine, Mr. Micropenis,” I quipped.

  The people we passed all looked at me and shook their heads, secretive grins tilting their lips as Bennett and I strolled back toward the entrance of the bunker. I couldn’t be sure if it was because they were amused at what I’d said, or they knew what was in store for me because of my insubordination, but the sight of it made me uneasy. Bennett nodded at a man who stood near the door, pulling me back into the hell that was the bunker.

  “You’re awfully quiet now,” he mused, opening a door and flipping on the red light outside the door. The earlier screams that filled the hallway were gone, and in this house, I wasn’t sure if that was a bad thing. The innocent part of me wanted to believe that their punishment was over, and they were sent back to wherever they’d come from. The logical part of me, however, knew those girls could also be dead.

  “I already told you that you can’t break me,” I stated, hating to hear how shaky my voice was.

  He glanced at me and smiled. “The mind can only take so much,” he said and shrugged. “We have plenty of time to find out, don’t we?”

  Closing and locking the door, he walked past me to a three-drawer cabinet as I stood in the center of the room. After hearing the tortured girls earlier, I’d expected to see chains, whips, a table, and many other sinister things that Bennett could think to put in there to torture someone with.

  Instead, the room was empty aside from a single wardrobe and the three-drawer cabinet across the room. If the room had been full of furniture, I might have had an idea of what he could possibly do to me. Not knowing made it even more frightening.

  I watched as he stuffed something in his pocket before he turned around, revealing a pair of leather cuffs. He stalked toward me, shaking his head as I folded my arms across my chest.

  Without warning, he grabbed my arm with a yank and roughly turned me around. I fought back a whimper as he pinned my arm behind my back, securing one of the cuffs around my wrist.

  “I don’t know if you think this is some kind of game,” he started, grabbing the other wrist. “But if you think you can get in my head with your bullshit, you’re sadly mistaken.”

  “I must’ve gotten in your head if you’re about to punish me for it.”

  “Punishment? Nah, this isn’t your punishment,” he said as he secured the other cuff. “This will be tame compared to your punishment.”

  A shiver rolled down my spine, but I fought to keep my face clear of any emotion. I braced myself for what was to come as Bennett pulled down the zipper at the back of my dress, but I was confused when he didn’t take it off. Instead, cool square stickers touched my skin before he pulled the zipper up halfway. I could feel a small plastic box sitting inside my dress just below the zipper.

  “Do you know what a micropenis is?” he asked from behind me.

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes. I’m sure you know what it is, too.”

  When he walked around me and stopped in front of me, any other sarcastic words I’d been prepared to spew at him disappeared into thin air.

  His slacks were unbuttoned, revealing the front of his boxers as well as a thick erection. His eyes were hard and cold as he glared at me, fear replacing the bit of fight I had inside of me.

  “I keep telling you that mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble,” he said, his voice a low, dark growl. “On your fucking knees.”

  “Fuck you and the whore that birthed you,” I spat at him. For the first time since being in his possession, true anger colored his face.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” he asked.

  I swallowed hard. Anytime I’d said something before, he’d only smirk, grin, smile, or laugh at me. But to see his face turn red with true anger, his hands tightening into fists at his side, and his flaring nostrils, I knew talking about his mother seemed to hit a real nerve. I also knew I was about to pay for it big time.

  “N-nothing,” I stammered.

  His hand was on my throat before I could even blink, squeezing hard.

  “Oh, no. You had so much shit to say earlier. Don’t be a pussy now. Repeat what the fuck you just said,” he growled.

  “It was nothing; I’m sorry!” I squeaked out.

  He roughly pushed me away as he reached into his pocket. “You’re going to be fucking sorry,” he growled.

  As soon as the last syllable left his mouth, my entire body locked up as an electric current ran through me. I dropped to the floor like dead weight, my muscles seizing and cramping as my chest tightened.

  “Do you think I have time to fucking play around with you?” he bellowed. I took in a gulp of air when the electricity stopped, my heart beating so fast in my chest that I thought it would burst. My muscles twitched, a pins and needles sensation creeping all over my body.

  “Let me explain something to you.” Bennett squatted down next to my twitching body. “You belong to me. I will do what I want, when I want, or you’ll suffer the consequences.”

  “You…won’t…get away…with…this,” I sputtered.

  “You gonna do something about it?” he taunted. “I can shock you until your heart stops and bring you back to life just to do it all over again. You want to know the best part?”

  I glared at him but didn’t answer, a scream ripping through me as the current started all over again. My muscles burned like hell, spasming so much that I thought they’d tear.

  “Answer me!” he yelled.

  Uncontrollable tears rolled down my cheeks. Embarrassment flooded through me as I practically drooled on myself and lost control of my bladder. Bennett looked at me in disgust.

  “Shameless slut,” he spat. “The best part is that you can’t do a fucking thing about anything that happens to you here. I’d advise you to get with the fucking program.”

  He pulled me up onto my knees by my arm, my body shaky as my muscles still twitched. My body shook with fear and anger, tears still rolling down my cheeks. Bennett removed his cock from his boxers, my throat tightening at the thickness and length.

  “Since you can’t seem to keep your mouth closed when I tell you to, I’ll give you something to keep that fat mouth of yours busy,” he ground out.

  “Please,” I whispered as I watched him stroke his growing erection.

  “Don’t beg now. You weren’t begging when you talked abo
ut me having a micropenis earlier. You weren’t begging when you called my mother a whore.”

  “I’m sorry,” I cried.

  He smiled. “You will be. Now open up and don’t make me tell you twice.”

  This was so wrong. How could someone be so evil to do this to another person? I wasn’t his, and I never would be. As Bennett slowly moved toward me, all I could see was Heath’s disappointed face. I’d just made love to him the night before, and now I was being violated by another man who didn’t care that my heart and body belonged to someone else.

  A quick jolt of electricity snatched me out of my thoughts. The strained yelp that came from my throat didn’t even sound like me. Bennett reached behind and loosened my ponytail, gathering my loose hair at the top of my head to use as leverage.

  “Open your fucking mouth,” he ordered, his voice low and deep.

  “I can’t fit all that in,” I whimpered.

  He laughed. “I don’t care what you can handle. I’m going to make you choke on the fucking words you were so confident in earlier,” he said. “If I have to tell you again, I promise I will light you up like a fucking Christmas tree.”

  I slowly opened my mouth, unable to stop the desperate tears flowing from my eyes.

  “Wider,” he stated.

  I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and forced myself to obey his command. Without warning, he thrusted himself into my mouth. I gagged around his size, unable to breathe as he pushed farther. My lips burned as they stretched around his girth, the taste of copper filling my mouth.


  I jerked against the leather cuffs and tried to pull away from him, but he only gripped my hair tighter and secured his other hand behind my head to keep me still. The remote in his hand pressed against the back of my head, and I prayed to God he didn’t accidentally press it while he held onto me.

  “Fuck, that’s it,” he groaned, finally pulling back after a few seconds.

  Before I could even take a full breath, he thrusted deep into my mouth again, his hips moving quickly against my face. No matter how much I tried to move away or pull my head away, it didn’t stop his assault on my throat. My surroundings blurred as I grew lightheaded, panic settling over me as I slowly suffocated.

  “As much as I hate your mouth, your throat is so good to me,” he groaned. “Panic is making everything inside of you tense up, and it feels so good around my dick.”

  I tried to scream. I tried to see if I pulled on the leather hard enough if it would break. My screams only came out as choked grunts and jerking at the cuffs only made my wrists burn. My efforts were useless; all I could do was take whatever he dished at me and pray I made it out on the other side.

  “Can’t say anything now, can you?” he panted. “Hard to talk shit when your mouth is full of cock, isn’t it, slut?”

  I whimpered, tears burning my eyes as he pushed farther, his cock gagging me. “If you throw up on me, I’ll rub your fucking face in it,” he growled. “Take it like the slut you are.”

  Just do what he says so this can end, a small voice said.

  I tried not to panic as it became harder and harder to breathe, praying to God that Bennett would finish and just leave me alone. I could only be strong for so long before I was bound to break, just like he wanted. My eyes cut toward the wall, my heart nearly stopping in my chest when I saw Heath standing there. He only shook his head as hurt filled his handsome features, a current of guilt crashing over me.

  I’m so sorry, I thought. I’m so sorry I got you into all of this.

  The room slowly spun around me, my eyes unable to focus as Bennett’s grunting sounded further away from me. I no longer cared about breathing, about being trapped by Bennett. I just wanted to fade away from all this and forget that Bennett Moreno ever came into my life. I wanted to hug my friends and tell them that everything would be okay. I craved to have Heath’s arms around me, promising to keep me safe. As I drifted away from this room, from Bennett, from the hell that was my new life, I kept Heath’s face in the front of my mind.

  But the thought was short lived.

  Another jolt of electricity coursed through me, my eyes snapping open as my body spasmed.

  “You don’t get to check out that easily, bitch,” he growled. “I want you present during every second of this.”

  He yanked my head up, barking at me to open my mouth again. He thrust deep into my mouth, only pulling back a few times so I wouldn’t pass out again.

  “You are fucking mine; you hear me?” he groaned. “You’re mine to do whatever the fuck I want as my dirty little whore, aren’t you?”

  He pulled out of my mouth, and I gasped, trying to catch my breath.

  “Aren’t you?” he repeated, slapping my cheek with his heavy cock.

  “I will never be yours,” I forced myself to say.

  And I wouldn’t.

  He could do whatever he wanted to me, and I would never be his. I’d never care about him or forgive him for what he’d done to me or those I loved. He could have my body, but he’d never have my heart and mind. I would die before I gave in to him.

  He growled, his grip on my hair so tight my scalp burned. His thrusts were fast and angry as I gagged on his cock and willed myself to not throw up. He continued his relentless assault, making it harder to breathe as his cock filled my throat. Just as I thought I would slip again, he quickly pulled out and stroked his cock with one hand as the other tilted my head back.

  “Ah fuck,” he groaned as threads of his cum spurted onto my face.

  I cringed when the warm fluid touched me, feeling dirty all over. Not only did he violate me, he put the icing on the cake by humiliating me, too.

  He panted above me and let go of my hair, his heavy cock hanging between his legs. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his cellphone. I squinted against the flash that popped on as he pointed the camera at me. In his other hand, he held the remote to the machine that shocked me and pointed it at me.

  “Behave or you’ll fry,” he said, his voice low. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I murmured, my voice trembling.

  His phone beeped as he pointed it at me again, still holding the remote to the electrical unit. “Look up at the camera, pet,” he said to me.

  I swallowed my pride, my throat sore and raw as I forced myself to look up.

  “Look at her; such a good little slut she is after I’ve fucked her face,” he said and chuckled. “Vanessa Taylor, the makeup mogul, on her knees after deep throating my cock just hours after her boyfriend’s death.”

  Though I wanted to scream, I kept my mouth shut. I couldn’t take any more electric shocks. My entire body throbbed with pain; I just wanted sleep. I wanted an escape away from here, no matter how temporary.

  “I am Vanessa Taylor, and I love being a filthy slut for Bennett,” he said, his lips ticked up into a grin. “Now say it.”

  He’d already degraded me, humiliated me, and violated me. After what he’d done to me, I felt like a filthy slut. No matter how many times I would wash my face, I’d always feel his cum on me as if it’d burned me. I could never clean that memory from my mind, always feeling like the filthy slut he used me as.

  “Say. It,” he ground out, his finger flexing on the button of the remote.

  “I’m Vanessa Taylor,” I croaked, my words sticking to my throat.

  “And?” he asked impatiently.

  “And…I love being a filthy slut for Bennett,” I finally said, defeated.

  “That’s right, bitch. You’re nothing but my little slut. The whole world is gonna know how I just fucked your face and how I plan to fuck your tight little pussy, your sweet ass, and your face all over again like the slut you are.”

  All I could do was shake my head as I willed myself not to cry. He chuckled and then the camera went off.

  “And now for your punishment,” he said.

  My eyes darted up to his. “Wasn’t this punishment enough?” I exclaimed.

shook his head as he stuffed his cock back into his boxers. “No, that was part two of my plan to ensure you fall off the map to everyone from your past. I’m getting ready to execute your punishment now.”

  After pulling the electrodes off my back and pulling the machine from my dress, he walked over to the door, unlocked it, and gestured to someone in the hallway. The two burly men who’d brought Alice to Bennett came into the room, stalking toward me.

  “Put her with the rest of the girls,” Bennett said as he fixed his pants. “Just chip her; don’t tattoo her just yet.”

  “What?” I exclaimed as the men pulled me to my feet. “You said I was a pet!”

  “You don’t act like you want to be,” he said with a shrug. “So, now I’m going to send you with the rest of the girls who can’t be trained to be a pet.”

  “No! I’m sorry! Please,” I cried as the men dragged me toward the door. “Bennett! Please!”

  He didn’t say a word, only watching as the men finally took me out of the room. My heart pounded against my rib cage as the men took me farther and farther from Bennett. The screams of other women filled the hallway once again, my fate becoming crystal clear.

  If I didn’t figure out how to get out of there, I would be as good as dead.


  Aurora’s screams filtered down the hallway as Hulk and Matthews dragged her farther away. I let out a long sigh when silence finally cloaked me, turning off the light in the room and walking out. Adrenaline rushed through my body as my anger slowly subsided. I should’ve had more control. I shouldn’t have reacted when she spoke about my mother. The last thing I needed was for her to pinpoint any weaknesses to use on me later.

  I had to give her credit though. The woman had major balls. It was rare to come across a woman who knew how to fight back instead of cowering and automatically submitting. Though her mouth said that she’d never break, I knew otherwise. They always did eventually, and I had all the time in the world to play with her. I always enjoyed a challenge; it made breaking them so much more delicious.


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