Rules of Bennett: The Complete Collection

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Rules of Bennett: The Complete Collection Page 5

by Ember Michaels

  The woman with blonde hair had sharp facial features, which made her look like a male villain in a bad wig. Her striped tube top seemed too small for her large breasts, almost like she just tied a strip of fabric around her chest. I averted my eyes when I noticed she wasn’t wearing panties under her short skirt. The other two women were dressed in similar ways. The one with jet black hair wore a fishnet top with no bra, her breasts basically on full display.

  “Aren’t you a sexy little thing?” the brunette said, her country accent evident.

  A tattoo of flowers trailed up her lean legs, beyond her skirt, and curled up to her pierced belly button. She looked the youngest out of the three women, probably no more than twenty-one. She twirled a lock of her hair around her finger as she looked down at me with a smirk.

  “Fuck off, Kerry,” Angelica spat. “Why don’t you and your friends go find a room and eat each other out like you do for your clients?”

  “Jealous that we still won’t let you put your disgusting lips on our pussy, Angelica?” she taunted with a faux pout before looking at me. “We actually heard you were bunking with us. Let’s show you to your room. You smell like you could use a shower.”

  “Yeah, we could smell you from across the room. That’s not very cute,” the woman with jet black hair said, waving her hand in front of her face.

  Heat flushed my cheeks when I remembered the accident I’d had when Bennett shocked me. Even though the women stared at me with sneaky grins on their lips, I couldn’t deny that I needed a shower. Plus, if Bruce was down here, that meant he wouldn’t let anything happen to me, right?

  As I prepared myself to get up, Angelica grabbed my arm. “Do you want me to go with you? You shouldn’t trust them,” she whispered.

  “And you shouldn’t trust her either. If she can turn on Alice, who's supposedly her ‘best friend,’ she’ll sell you out, too,” Kerry, the ringleader, said as she folded her arms across her chest.

  Angelica glared at her but didn’t deny what she’d said.

  “Yeah, that’s right. Angelica used Alice as a scapegoat and bailed on their plan when the alarm went off instead of helping her friend. Now the poor girl’s dead because of you,” the brunette said.

  I swallowed hard. Actually, she’s dead because of me.

  “Fuck off, Chasity. You, Kerry, and Rylan have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about,” Angelica sneered, jumping to her feet.

  “Oh, are you gonna do something about it?” Kerry taunted with a smirk, her green eyes boring into Angelica's.

  The muscles in Angelica’s jaw twitched for a few moments, her hands balling into fists as her sides. Kerry smirked.

  “I didn’t think so, you useless slut,” she said and tossed her hair over her shoulder before looking at me.

  “Do you want us to show you the shower or not, Ms. Tuna Fish? We’d rather not have you stinking up the common room.”

  I fought the urge to roll my eyes as I slowly got up, my nose wrinkling when I smelled myself. After the horrible day I'd had, a shower was definitely in order.

  They gestured for me to follow them and I did, leaving Angelica in her spot to fume as we left. They took me down a narrow hallway lined with doors and past a kitchen, moving all the way to the end of the hall. Kerry pushed open a heavy wooden door to reveal a locker room-style bathroom. Open showers lined against one wall with no privacy curtains, and the toilets, sinks and mirrors were on the opposite side.

  “You guys just…take showers in front of each other?” I asked.

  “Duh,” Rylan said, sharing a look with the other women. “We’re all girls, aren’t we?”

  I looked around, a feeling of dread weighing heavy in the pit of my gut. I prayed that Angelica was right about me not being down here permanently. There was no way I could ever get used to everything I'd seen so far.

  “Well, everything you need is already in here,” Kerry said, breaking into my thoughts. “Towels are on the other side of the showers, and soap and shampoo dispensers are in the shower.” Her eyes traveled down my body. “Let us know if you need anything.”

  “Thanks,” I said as an involuntary shudder ripped through me. I watched them retreat out of the bathroom, leaving me alone. The clicking of my heels echoed in the empty bathroom as I walked over to a shelf holding racks of white towels and washcloths, taking one of each before standing in front of a shower. I slowly peeled my dress off, my entire body sore from everything I’d been through today. I needed to wash Bennett off me. I needed to wash death off me.

  As the hot water pounded down on my head, I wished I could wash this nightmare away. I would’ve given anything to open my eyes and see that I was in my shower at home in my penthouse with Heath waiting for me in bed. His smiling face brought tears to my eyes once more, and I finally let them go.

  “I miss you so much,” I whispered, my heart breaking all over again. I cried for him, my parents, Savannah, and Kandice. For my old life. For all my hard work that went down the drain with a single signature on a document. I thought back to everything I’d been through at the compound, my heart breaking for myself because I didn’t deserve any of it, and yet, here I was.

  The bathroom door closed and made me jump, my eyes frantically scanning around as I wiped water and tears from my eyes.

  “Hello?” I called out, but no one responded. The only sound in the room was the running shower. After a final glance around, I quickly lathered up to hurry and get the hell out of here. A toilet flushed across the room, and I froze, listening hard as footsteps sounded.

  “Someone in here?” I called out again, but there was still no answer.

  I strained to listen, the footsteps moving again before the heavy door opened and closed. My heart finally stopped racing when I realized it was probably just someone using the bathroom. It was an open space after all.

  I almost laughed at myself for being so paranoid. Bruce was down here after all. For all I knew, he was probably standing outside the door waiting for me to come out. That is, if he was actually down here to babysit me. That thought alone brought me a tiny bit of comfort in a place that offered nothing but fear and torture.

  When the door opened and closed again, I didn’t pay much attention to it. I put my head under the stream of water to rinse the shampoo out of my hair, my ears still catching faint noise around me beyond the rushing water. Just as I washed the last of the shampoo out, I felt a hand on my breast and another cupped my mouth.

  My eyes jerked open to see Kerry, Chastity, and Rylan circled around me, Kerry’s hot breath on the back of my neck.

  “Don’t fight it,” she whispered, her fingers pinching my nipple.

  I pulled away from her, slipping on the shower tile and falling against Rylan. “Get off of me!” I screamed as I kicked my legs.

  “Hold her down and cover her mouth,” Kerry ordered.

  Rylan and Chastity grabbed me and pinned me to the floor, one of them holding a hand over my mouth. I squirmed against them as I watched Kerry walk around me to get on her knees, the shower head soaking her hair. She grinned as she forced my legs apart, her manicured, pointed nails trailing down my stomach to my bare pussy.

  “I always love when my women shave,” she murmured.

  I frantically shook my head. This was wrong. Where the fuck was Bennett when I needed him? Where was Bruce? Why wasn’t there anyone to stop them?

  “What a pretty little pussy you have,” Kerry cooed as her finger circled my clit. I kicked my legs and twisted my body, trying to get away from them with no avail.

  Kerry pinched my thigh with her other hand and shook her head. “Don’t fight me. If you’re a good girl, I’ll make you come.”

  “No!” I tried to scream, the sound coming out muffled with Rylan’s hand over my mouth.

  Kerry’s wicked green eyes looked up at me as she slowly lowered herself between my legs and took my clit into her mouth.

  I thrashed on the floor. This was not happening. Rylan leaned forward and took my
left nipple into her mouth, Chastity doing the same to my right. Caught up in their actions, Rylan’s hand fell from my mouth to palm my breasts, my body trembling as Kerry’s tongue lapped at my pussy.

  “No!” I screamed. “Help! Bruce!”

  “No one’s coming to help you,” Rylan sneered. “We’re Bennett’s prized whores. We make him the most money and in return, he lets us do what we want.”

  Chastity sat up and smirked at me. “I have something that’ll shut you up,” she said and moved to straddle my face. I immediately turned my face away, her bare pussy rubbing against my cheek as she ground against me. Disgust filled me as nausea rolled in my belly.

  “Back the fuck off now!” a male voice bellowed.

  The girls jumped as I scrambled away from them, curling up in the corner of the shower as tears rolled down my cheek.

  Bruce and Bennett stood a few feet away, fuming at the girls on the floor. Bennett’s eyes cut to me.

  “Aurora, let’s go,” he said, his voice sharp.

  He definitely didn’t have to tell me twice.

  I scurried over to him, putting on the robe he tossed at me. He glared at the girls still sitting on the shower floor before turning and walking away, pulling me away with him.

  He didn’t say anything as he walked me down the hall toward the Retribution room. My heart hammered in my chest at the thought of another punishment.

  “Bennett, please don’t,” I pleaded. “I didn’t do anything, I swear.”

  He didn’t answer; he only put his thumb on the access pad and opened the door, flipping on the light. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks as he untied the robe and pushed it off my shoulders. Even when I didn’t do anything, he still found reasons to hurt me.

  His eyes traveled along my naked body, something akin to lust growing in his eyes. Walking me over to one side of the room, he grabbed a pair of leather cuffs from the small table next to him and slapped them on my wrists before attaching it to the chain above my head.

  “Bennett, you have to believe me. I told them to stop but—”

  He shushed me with a single finger to his lips and a shake of his head. I opened my mouth to protest, but he only shook his head once more before walking back out of the room.

  I trembled as the AC kicked on, the cool air licking my skin as I stood there, chained and naked. What the fuck was going on? I didn’t understand why we were here or what he had in store for me, but I was fucking terrified.

  My heart jumped into my throat when the door opened, but instead of some nefarious contraption, he carried a bucket of soapy water in one hand and a towel and washcloth in another. I watched him bring the bucket over to me, remaining silent as he washed me all over again.

  He was oddly gentle, taking his time while washing my most sensitive parts. A chill rolled down my spine when he washed between my legs. The entire thing was eerily intimate, which I wouldn’t have been able to associate with someone like him had I not witnessed it myself.

  “Am I in trouble?” I asked, hating myself when I heard the trembling in my voice.

  The door opened before he answered, the three girls who attacked me now crying as Bruce, Hulk, and Matthews marched them into the room.

  “They are,” Bennett finally said as he tossed the washcloth in the bucket and dried me off with a warm, plush towel.

  I looked at the man in front of me, his full lips fixed into a frown and his eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated on drying me off. Was this another one of his mind games? To make me believe that he was a good guy only to show me how bad he truly was?

  Just play by the rules. You can break him just as he can break you, Angelica’s earlier words echoed in my mind. If that was what it took to survive Bennett, I had to give it a chance.

  “Thank you,” I murmured.

  He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. “I didn’t do this for you,” he said. “I don’t want any of their DNA on you when I use you as a demonstration.”

  I ground my teeth. So much for intimacy and him actually being a good guy for once.

  Bruce, Hulk, and Matthews forced the three women into wooden chairs with restraints built on them as the women all pleaded with them.

  “Bennett, we were only joking with her,” Kerry said with a nervous laugh. “It was just a little hazing, that’s all!”

  Bennett kept his hands in his pockets as he watched the men strap the girls down, but he didn’t say anything. The girls finally shut up and looked at him, their breasts heaving with each breath they took as we all waited on edge. It was one thing to have cocky Bennett in front of you, practically boasting about what he would do to you while he punished you, but quiet, calculating Bennett was terrifying. Even though he said I wasn’t being punished, I was still scared of what he’d planned to demonstrate with me that required me to be restrained.

  “When I sent Aurora down there to learn her lesson, I specifically said I didn’t want anyone touching her,” he finally said before turning to the guys. “I did say that, didn’t I?”

  “Sure did,” Hulk grunted, smirking at the women.

  “We didn’t know; we swear,” Chastity exclaimed. “We were only having a little fun with her since she's new.”

  “You did know,” Bruce suddenly said with a frown. “When I heard you girls plotting on going into the bathroom with her, I told you she wasn’t to be touched.”

  “It was just innocent fun, Bennett,” Kerry said, her voice tight. “And it wasn’t like she didn’t enjoy it.”

  “Enjoy it?” He looked back at me. “Did you enjoy their hands and lips on you, pet?” I shook my head. “I didn’t think so.”

  “You’re a liar!” Kerry spat at me from her chair. “You were on the verge of coming! We could all see it!”

  “I swear I wasn’t, Bennett,” I said, my heart racing. Bennett looked back at me and then back to the girls, a small grin forming on his face.

  “I see,” he said before stalking over to me.

  “No, no, no, please,” I begged, but he only put a finger to his lips and shook his head again.

  Fear consumed me as I watched him get on his knees before me, placing one of my legs on his shoulder. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable pain that I knew would come, but was surprised when pleasure streaked up my spine.

  He latched onto my clit, one of his strong hands squeezing my ass cheek while the other firmly held my other thigh to keep me upright.

  “Fuck,” I breathed, fighting the urge to grind against his mouth.

  Even though I hated this man’s guts, there was no denying he was incredibly skilled with his mouth. It was so wrong and another way of violating me, but it felt too good to fight him. After all the pain I’d been through today, I’d take the temporary pleasure he was willing to give.

  He let out a low groan against my flesh as he feasted upon me, his touch raising goosebumps on my skin. My hips bucked involuntarily as I blindly sought my orgasm, feeling it creeping up on the horizon.

  “Bennett,” I moaned as I jerked slightly against the cuffs still restraining me.

  Satisfaction filled his devilish gaze at the groan that left my lips when he slipped two fingers inside of me.

  “You’ll come when I tell you to,” he murmured. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, allowing the pleasure to consume me.

  Everyone else in the room faded away, my attention solely on Bennett and the pleasure he filled my body with. I had to be dreaming. He couldn’t be the same man who beat me with his belt. He couldn’t be the monster who electrocuted me earlier before shoving his dick down my throat. The man before me was attentive, sensual, and solely focused on bringing me pleasure, and knowing who he was, it was fucking terrifying.

  I whimpered and bit my lip, my orgasm quickly approaching as his tongue lapped at my clit and his fingers worked inside of me. I didn’t know what would happen to me if I came without permission, and I damn sure didn’t want to find out.

  He pulled his
mouth away from my clit, his fingers still pumping inside of me.

  “Come, Aurora,” he ordered.

  Pleasure bubbled up inside of me as he stroked my g-spot, my body trembling as my orgasm overwhelmed me.

  “Fuck! Bennett!” I moaned, bucking against his fingers as my juices ran down his hand and arm. My moans and incoherent words filled the room, everyone else slowly coming back as my awareness sharpened. Bennett grinned and stood to his feet, slowly pulling his fingers from me.

  My legs felt like jelly, shaking beneath me as I forced myself to stand. He leaned forward, his lips near my ear.

  “That sweet pussy of yours is mine,” he whispered. “And I’ll kill anyone who dares to touch it.”

  I shuddered at his words, it finally dawning on me what was about to happen. Bennett backed away from me with that sinister smile of his, licking my essence off his lips before turning to Bruce.

  “Grab the stuff from the freezer,” he said, grabbing a fresh towel to wipe his face and hands.

  My mind still swirled from post-orgasmic bliss, fatigue making my eyes heavy. I watched as Bennett faced the blushing women and nodded toward me.

  “When I walked in on you all, I didn’t see her body reacting to you the way it just did to me,” he said.

  “She was fighting it because she was embarrassed that she was with a woman,” Kerry quickly countered.

  Bennett shook his head. “If it felt good to her, I’d assume that she would’ve eventually stopped fighting you,” he said with a shrug. “But let me make one thing clear.” He pointed at me. “Her? She’s all mine. No one is to lay a single finger on her.” He moved a little closer to them and cocked his head. “I wouldn’t even let my own father touch her; what the hell makes you sluts think you’re special enough to do it?”

  Kerry swallowed hard as she met Bennett’s gaze, and I fought the urge to snicker. In the bathroom, she was so confident that Bennett wouldn’t touch her because the three of them were his “prized whores.” But even his prized whores would feel his wrath if they touched what belonged to him.


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