Rules of Bennett: The Complete Collection

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Rules of Bennett: The Complete Collection Page 54

by Ember Michaels

  I scowled at him. "You're fucking impossible. And to think that I'm fucking stuck with you because of this fucking baby," I mumbled.

  "Whether you had a baby or not, you're stuck with me." He narrowed his eyes at me. "I don't know what you're planning or plotting but know that you aren't leaving here." The malice that shined in his eyes took me back to the dark times where his presence alone would make me shut down. It was the same malice that was in his eyes when I first met him, when I looked up at him after he beat and raped me, and every day I saw him when I was in hell.

  "I'm not planning anything," I whispered, my trembling voice causing my alter to scoff in disgust.

  "Good," he said, his voice flat. "You may be my wife and you may be pregnant, but I have no problem reminding you of the man you already think I am. Watch yourself and your mouth." His warning didn't go unnoticed. I only nodded, unable to speak as the words stuck to my throat in growing fear. He stared at me for a long moment, his gaze hard before he finally turned his attention back to his phone for the rest of the ride.

  We finally arrived down the street of a house in the country, all the lights off. "Stay here," he said and got out of the car. I looked out the back window to see the guys getting out of the truck, all of them huddling in front of it and talking. I couldn't hear anything they were saying, and my curiosity was getting the best of me.

  I moved to touch the door handle, but my alter stopped me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," it tsked. "For someone to be so scared of this man, you sure like to do shit to piss him off."

  I blew out a breath and folded my arms across my chest. "Just be patient and wait," I said out loud. "He'll come get me when they're ready."

  But instead, all the men went toward the house without another glance at the car. I waited, glancing at the driver in the rearview mirror, but he didn't say anything to me either. A light finally came on in the front of the house, shadows moving around in front of the window.

  "Fuck this," I mumbled after a while, opening the car door and stepping out into the warm night air. My heels clicked along the asphalt of the street as I walked down the road toward the house, a million of emotions running through me. I knew Bennett would be upset, but I had just as much of a right as he did to be present to witness it. Even if I couldn't have a hand in it, I should be able to see the death of the man who killed my sister. If he was only going to make me stay in the car the entire time, what was the point of bringing me in the first place?

  My heart pounded in my chest as I walked up the paved driveway, already hearing the shouting on the inside of the house. I turned the knob of the front door and stepped inside, the sounds of punches and shouting coming from my left. I turned to see Bruce, Saint, and Nyxin pummeling the guy as the fought to put him in the chair. I stood frozen to my spot when I locked eyes with Bennett. Dangerous anger burned in his gaze as he stared at me and he crossed the room in an instance. I gasped when he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the front door.

  "Didn't I fucking tell you to stay in the car?" he growled, spittle flying from his mouth.

  Help me, I called out to my alter.

  "You're on your own girl. I told you not to get out, but you didn't want to listen. You're gonna have to deal with that consequence. I'm busy," it said and went quiet.

  "I-I-I just wanted to—"

  My words were stopped when he slapped me hard, sending me to the floor. I looked up at him in shock, crawling away from him as he stalked toward me.

  "I've tried to be patient with you and you just keep testing me," he said.

  "You said you couldn't hurt me anymore," I whispered, the stinging finally settling in.

  "And you believed me? You’re the one who said you were pregnant, not handicapped, right?" He chuckled. "I guess that means my chance is blown, huh? So much for being the good guy."

  Bruce walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "We're here for him, not her, Bennett. Let's get this done," he said.

  Bennett continued staring at me before nodding toward the door. "Go back to the fucking car and if you get out of it again, we're going to have a bigger problem when we get back home."

  I slowly stood to my feet, holding back tears as I walked past him and out the door without another word. As soon as I stepped off the porch, hot tears ran down my cheeks as I walked down the road and back into the car.

  "You can't let your guard down with someone like him," my alter finally said. "He isn't someone who can be saved. All he'll do is destroy you in the process, which is why he needs to be destroyed."

  But he said he was going to change. He said he'd wanted to make this work—

  "You were the one crazy enough to believe him. The devil lies all the time. Just be glad he slapped you. It could've been so much worse."

  I wiped my eyes and settled into the seat. He was still the monster. He was still the devil. And I'd been so stupid to think he'd ever be anything other than that.

  After what felt like eternity, the men exited the house. Bennett got into the car without a word to me, only speaking for Joseph to take us home. He didn't apologize for what happened in the house, he didn't tell me anything that'd happened or anything. A part of me wanted to ask, but I could still feel the anger he emitted in his presence alone, so I didn't want to press my luck. Halfway through the ride, he grabbed my hand but still didn't say anything. I looked at him, his eyes still fixed out the window in deep thought. I didn't dare pull away from him, but I couldn't stop myself from shaking under his touch. He glanced at me and frowned, looking down at our hands and then pulling his away.

  "You're already starting to bruise," he simply said. "Get an ice pack as soon as we get home."

  I fought the urge to scoff. Get an ice pack as soon as we get home. After what happened tonight, that was the only thing he could think to say to me. I wrapped my arms around myself, squeezing myself a little harder to where I hoped my baby could feel it. I didn't have much left. Bennett and his father took that all from me. The only thing I had was myself and a baby that I wasn't even sure that I really wanted. Even if I got out of here, how would I be able to love a child that would look like their father? How could I look at my baby and not think of all the horrors I'd experienced at their father's hand? The pain? The abuse? And as I looked over at him, blood staining his suit and some of his skin, how could I trust that he wouldn't hurt them too? He'd said he wouldn't hurt me now that we were married, and he couldn't even keep his word about that.

  "You're awfully quiet now," he finally said, breaking the intense silence around us. "On the way here, you had everything in the world to talk about."

  "I don't have anything to say," I murmured, keeping my eyes down. He was silent for a while. I could feel his eyes on me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

  "I don't know what you want me to say, Aurora," he said with a sigh.

  "You don't have to say anything." I looked out the window. "I just got what I deserved, right?"

  I could see his reflection in my glass, his eyes on me as his lips were fixed into a frown. I only heard him sigh and neither one of us said anything for the rest of the ride.

  Carrie looked at me in alarm as I stopped by the kitchen to grab some ice for my face. "What the hell happened to you?" she asked, reaching up to touch my cheek. I flinched away from her touch, not realizing how much it still hurt.

  I could see Bennett in my peripheral talking to the guys, but I could still feel his eyes on me. I shrugged as I put some of the ice in an ice bag. "I got hit in the struggle, but it's fine."

  "Why were you even there? You're pregnant," Carrie scolded.

  "I wanted to be there. Besides, it was mafia business and it was my job to be there," I said and closed the freezer. Bennett stepped into the kitchen with his hands in his pockets and looked at me, something unfamiliar in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. I walked past him without a word, already over tonight. Any hope I thought we had was out the window. I finally accepted him for who he w
as, and I knew I couldn't love the man he was.


  His voice stopped me in my tracks in the hallway. I didn't turn around, only slowing to a stop. His footsteps echoed on the wooden floor as he took a few steps closer to me until he was next to me. I still couldn't bring myself to look at him, even when he came to stand in front of me.

  "Why didn't you tell her the truth?" he asked.

  I didn't even know why I didn't tell her. There were the obvious reasons, but I didn't have to lie to her. She knew what kind of person he was; I wouldn't even doubt that she'd immediately assumed that he'd done it.

  "Because as queen of La Fedeltá, I have to maintain that your word is still your bond." I met his gaze. "Even if you and I both know that everything you've said from the moment I signed that contract were nothing but lies."

  "I didn't lie to you," he said.

  "Oh?" I scoffed. "So, this bruise appeared on my face out of thin air after you told me you'd bring no harm to me?"

  "You brought that onto yourself," he said tightly.

  "Right," I nodded. "So how about this? How about I just not be the queen of your new family and we just go back to how things were? You'll go back to being my master and captor and I'll be your pregnant whore who knows her role. Because at least then I'll know the type of man I'm getting instead of a man who can't keep his fucking head on straight and make up his mind of whether he wants to truly be a good guy or the bad one."

  He only stared at me in response, his earlier anger returning before he turned and walked away from me. I shook my head and went into the bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I kicked off my shoes and took the ice pack into the bathroom with me, examining my cheek. It was starting to turn purple a little, still tender to touch. I sighed as I turned on the water. I'd gotten all made up and it just went to waste. I would've been better off staying at home. At least then, I could've just been upset about Bennett not allowing me to go instead of realizing that I'd been a fool this whole time to believe a word he'd ever said.

  I washed my makeup off my face and got ready for bed, holding the ice pack against my cheek as I moved around the bedroom. Turning off the light, I got into bed and rolled over to my side. I didn't know if Bennett would come to bed and at this point, I didn't care. A wave of nausea rolled over me and I closed my eyes, forcing myself to take deep breaths. I didn't know what would happen between the two of us, but I knew I had to keep my guard up with him. Maybe my alter was right; I couldn't help him. That also meant I couldn't trick him either because he was entirely too predictable. With conflicting thoughts rushing around in my mind, I finally dozed off into an uncomfortable sleep.

  A vase of white roses and a small brown bear sitting on my nightstand was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes. I slowly sat up, still looking at them. I plucked the small white envelope from the flowers that had my name on it and pulled out the envelope inside of it.

  I'm sorry.


  I tossed the card on the nightstand and pulled the blankets back from my legs. His side of the bed was untouched, signaling that he never came to bed last night. After a quick shower and getting dressed, I opened the bedroom door to find Bruce standing there instead of Saint. He looked down at me with soft eyes.

  "Good morning," he said.

  "Morning," I murmured, closing the bedroom door.

  "Are you looking for Bennett?"

  I shook my head. "No. He's the last person I want to see right now," I mumbled as I walked down the steps. Everyone spoke to me as I made my way through the living room. I gave them a small smile as I passed them, moving quicker to my destination. Though everyone treated me like the queen Bennett claimed I was, he definitely wasn't treating me like it.

  When I reached the dining room, I saw him already sitting at the dining room table, a full plate of breakfast before him as he spoke on the phone. He looked up when I entered the room.

  "Yeah, I'll get that to you in a few hours," he said, watching me as I sat down across from him. "Let me call you back a little later. I'm having breakfast with my wife right now."

  I fought the urge to roll my eyes as Savannah put an identical plate in front of me, pouring me a glass of orange juice. "Do you need anything else?" she asked.

  I shook my head and gave her a small smile. "No, thank you, though," I said. She nodded and disappeared back into the kitchen, leaving me alone with Bennett.

  "How are you feeling?" he asked.

  "Fine." I reached for the syrup sitting on the table, feeling his eyes on me the entire time.

  "Did you see what I left you and the baby?"

  "Yeah, thanks."

  "I have a couple of meetings today. Would you like to come with me?"

  I shook my head. "I'm sure you have it handled. You don't have much need for me to be there," I said.

  He sighed deeply and leaned back in his chair. "Any other time you'd be upset that I didn't include you."

  "I figured that's what you'd want. It's probably best anyway. You made your point last night," I said softly.

  He was quiet for a long moment before he sighed again. "I lost control last night and I'll take full responsibility for that," he said, his voice low.

  "It is what it is, Bennett," I said and dug into my breakfast of pancakes, bacons, eggs, and fresh fruit. He didn't say much to me for the rest of breakfast, turning his attention to his ringing phone that seemed to ring with another call every time he hung up another call. Once I was done, I pushed back from the table and stood. He waved his hand as if to stop me, but I ignored him, walking into the kitchen where Bruce and Savannah were. I looked away as they kissed, clearing my throat when I became too uncomfortable. They slowly backed away from each other, Bruce whispering something to her before turning his attention to me.

  "Need something, boss lady?" he asked as he walked over to me.

  I nodded to the door leading to the bunker. "I'd like to spend some time with the children," I said. "Could you take me to them?"

  "Sure," he said with a nod. He unlocked the door and gestured for me to walk ahead of him. I stepped forward, the chill of the bunker's hallway a stark contrast from the comfortable temperature of the main house. I looked over to him as we walked down the quiet hallway.

  "Savannah seems really happy with you," I said.

  He nodded. "I try to keep it that way. It hasn't been easy with everything she's gone through here," he said.

  "I bet." I gave him a small smile. "It's nice to see her happy though. Her last guy was a dick."

  It felt as if it were years ago when I was in my penthouse in South Carolina celebrating my "one-hour millionaire" status and getting engaged. Kandace and I had comforted Savannah after her revelation at the table and were all trying to be as happy as we could be. But that only happened months ago. Even though she went through her own hell here, she was getting her happily ever after. A part of me was jealous about that. A part of me wanted to wish that Bennett was capable of being better, but I'd be lying to myself to think that a marriage or a baby would change that.

  "He just needs time," Bruce said, as if reading my thoughts. "He's still pretty uptight about Wilson."

  "All the time in the world won't fix whatever's wrong with him," I mumbled as we reached the dead-end wall. Bruce revealed the hidden keypad and unlocked the wall to open the door. The sounds of children laughing nearly made me smile, my hand automatically moving to my stomach. Bruce chuckled.

  "Get ready for that. Just thinking about the hell a Moreno kid would bring to this house is giving me a headache if they're anything like their father," he teased. I giggled.

  "Hey now. Can't have you talking shit about my little angel here," I mused and immediately wanted to slap myself. Bruce's grin faltered a bit as he looked at me.

  "Still having a hard time processing it?" he asked.

  We came to a stop in the doorway of the room the children were held in and I sighed. "I don't know," I said truthfully. "This wasn't even suppo
sed to be my life. Stephanie was supposed to be living this. She was supposed to be Bennett's wife and they were supposed to have children. He's so worried about what could happen to me that he's managing to fuck everything up in the process."

  "I understand where you're coming from, but I can't say I blame him for wanting to protect you." He gestured to the room. "Here you are. I'll be right out here."

  I nodded and entered the room, Giselle squealing when she saw me. "Aurora! You came to visit me!" she exclaimed, running across the room. Her innocence made me smile, which made me wince as the soreness in my cheek reminded me of last night. I push the negative memories away and crouched down and held out my arms, closing them around her when she crashed into me.

  "My daddy said you might come to play with me and you came!" she exclaimed.

  "I did," I said as I let go of her and stood to my feet. Taking her hand, I looked down at her and smiled. "So, what do you want to do?"

  "You can help me make my cake," she said, pulling me over to a table with balls on Play-doh on it. She let go of my hand and grabbed a small roller, rolling it over the Play-doh. I got down on my knees across from her and grabbed a ball of Play-doh.

  "What are you making a cake for?" I asked.

  She gave me a cheeky grin and leaned over. "I'm getting married to my boyfriend," she whispered.

  I giggled. "What will Daddy say about that?"

  "It's a secret!" she whispered again and giggled.

  I pretended to zip my lips and throw away the key before we both burst into a fit of giggles. As we made Play-doh cakes and had pretend weddings with Barbie dolls, I couldn't help but wonder how things would be if I had a daughter. I wondered what kind of things she'd like and if we'd have play dates like this.

  "Your ring is pretty," Giselle said, cutting into my thoughts. Her brown gaze was focused on the ruby ring on my finger, one that now didn't mean as much as it used to.


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