Dope Girl 2: Just like daddy

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Dope Girl 2: Just like daddy Page 9

by Sa'id Salaam

  "So where's your girl? She let you come out without her?" Cameisha heard herself ask. She was mad at her mouth for speaking without permission but since it was in the air, she waited for a reply.

  "My fiancé is very jealous even though she doesn’t need to be. She is number one." Juan replied.

  "Well, I aint nobody's side piece!" Her mouth spat again. She thought about covering the hole with her hand before it said anything else crazy.

  "My friend has this on a regular so let me know when you are ready." Juan said, letting her statement pass.

  "Can you get oxy's? I need…um, they sell good too." She requested.

  "Unfortunately, I have yet to find a good source. We have coke, weed and meth but no oxy. Not yet, anyway." He said revealing himself.

  "A-yo, what's the ticket if I buy weight?" Meisha asked thinking like a dope girl should.

  "You mean like a hundred pounds? I can go…"

  "No! I meant like ten or so!" Meisha cut in.

  "For you five a piece." He said. "Call when you are ready."

  "Will do, Papi." Meisha said and got out. She made a fist and extended. Juan laughed then bumped it with his own.

  Pedro followed her with his eyes as she rushed back into the building. He meant to follow Juan too but he was gone by the time his eyes unglued from Cameisha's ass. He was in such a foul mood; he went to one of his baby mama's house and took it out on her. First he beat the pussy up then her to make himself feel better.

  Chapter 17

  "This shit is that shit!" Cynthia cheered at the sight of the new weed. She was unofficially a sales person too since she knew all the other pot heads and druggies.

  Being a middle man, she earned a little money or weed as she shuttled all over campus. This allowed her to spend her generous allowance on the high end clothes she loved almost as much as getting high.

  “Still aint coming off none of them oxys?" Cynt asked greedily.

  "No!" Cameisha snapped startling everyone in the room. Aqua and Dasia were bagging up tiny dimes to squeeze every dime out of the package. They were eager to get some money up so they could get away from Jackie who had enough of company. She would say little things to let them know they had worn out their welcome. Stuff like, "Yall worn out your welcome."

  Luckily for all, the first pound of potent weed sold in a day. The nearly two thousand dollars in small bills looked like a million dollars to the girls, especially Jackie. She wanted no parts of the operation but still felt left out. Cameisha still looked out for her but it wasn't like having your own.

  "Time to get an apartment!" Meisha announced when she counted out 1,800 dollars.

  "Yes!!!" Aqua cheered and broke out doing the fat-fat dance. The fat-fat dance was contagious so Meisha and Dasia got up and joined her.

  Jackie turned her lips at the display. Prison caused her to miss this age of life and it stung. Slowly a smile spread on her face and she stood too.

  "Yall show me this damn dance!" She demanded.


  A nearby apartment complex catered to the college students. Cameisha's school I.D. got them a hundred dollar move-in special. The six hundred dollar deposit was the same amount as the monthly rent but the first month rent was reduced to a hundred bucks.

  "Ohh, this my room!" Dasia sang as they ran around the vacant unit for the first time.

  It had two bedrooms and she had selected the large master bedroom with bathroom as her own. The other bedroom was about the same size as the dorm room they all currently shared. Actually, Cameisha had planned to keep that one herself.

  "Ooh that's yall room." She said changing her mind and alerting them to the fact that they would be sharing a room.

  "Ok." They said in unison like they often did. They were so used to sharing a project bedroom with siblings, cousins and aunts; two to a room was luxury. Plus, it was their own.

  There was still about 1,200 dollars left after paying for the apartment. Two hundred went to get the lights and cable turned on which left a stack to spend at Wal-Mart.

  The deal was to hold back re-coup plus fifty percent of sales. That meant that out of the two grand they stood to make off a pound, nine hundred went to the cause while they split the rest three ways. That meant over three hundred dollars apiece. The first pound sold in a day, so at that rate they stood to make over two grand a week.

  The crew each pushed a shopping cart through the local Wal-Mart filling it with household items. Air mattresses served as bedroom sets for now. They bought pots and pans, plates and flatware. Cute bath sets were picked for both bathrooms and of course, TV and stereo to put in front of the two futons they purchased for the living room.

  It took two taxis to get all the stuff back to the apartment but the girls weren't done yet. After setting their haul inside, they hit the supermarket to load up on junk food and frozen meals.

  The next pound sold in a little more than a day, so a little shopping was in order. Since Cynthia had a car, she drove and Jackie tagged along armed with her stipend check. The whole twenty five dollars.

  "I'll meet you guys in the food court." Cynthia blurted and was a blur as she took off to the mall's high end store.

  "Holla!" Aqua echoed and made a b-line to a plus sized store named Big Girls Need Luv.

  "I'ma see what they talking about up in here." Dasia said slinking off towards the low end boutique. The gaudy outfits in the window said the store sold all the gear a hoochie mama would need for a club night.

  "Guess it's me and you." Cameisha said as she and Jackie strolled through the mall.

  The conversation was light and friendly but Meisha knew something was on her friend's mind. She also knew her well enough to let her bring it out on her own.

  Jackie watched as Cameisha selected a mid-thigh teal colored suede shorts. Suede knee length boots and blouse a shade lighter completed the ensemble. While she tried it on, Jackie searched the racks for something her twenty five bucks could purchase and found nothing.

  "Does my ass look fat in this?" Cameisha asked. She came fully out of the dressing room and turned around to show her ass like a Facebook picture.

  "Yes." Jackie answered honestly. Truth be told, the girl had a fat ass so everything made her look like she had a fat ass.

  "Good!" Meisha cheered since that's what she was going for. She rushed back into the dressing room to change back into her clothes.

  "You aint find nothing?" She asked as they reached the checkout counter and saw her friend was empty handed.

  "No, I, um…a-yo put me down." Jackie said making up her mind.

  "Down with what?" She asked although she knew the answer. She had to ask to get put on; there would be no more handouts. Not with her and the girls grinding to get it.

  "I want in with you, Dasia and Aqua. I wanna help. I wanna shop too." She admitted.

  "Bout time. You can start tonight. You can hold down the fort while we go party!" Cameisha exclaimed.

  The girls met at the food court and shared meals from six different restaurants. After filling their bellies, they headed home to shower and change because it was party time!

  Chapter 18

  "Oh hell to the naw!" Cynthia protested at the sign for twenty dollar valet parking. Cameisha would have sprung for it but she already pulled off.

  They parked a few blocks away on Peachtree Street in a free lot and walked back to the club. Just as they arrived at the trendy club, a Benz full of fly girls came to a giggling stop. Four bad bitches piled out and paid the valet. The door man lifted the velvet rope and got a tip as they giggled past him. Meisha suddenly felt plane and didn't like it. She was a bad bitch too and saw her future.

  She felt mixed emotions an hour ago when she swallowed the last of the pills that made her soar. It had kicked in and she felt great, but what about tomorrow?

  "Erv-G!" Dasia screamed when they walked in and saw her favorite rapper on the stage. He was shirtless and sweaty as he ran through a medley of his hits. Dasia rushed towards the stage
pushing girls out of her way as she went.

  "Groupie!" Meisha called at her back but it was wasted. "Come on yall."

  She looked at the entrance of the V.I.P. section and sighed. That was where she belonged but it was beyond her reach; at the moment anyway. They settled for a table that offered a good view of the crowded dance floor and V.I.P. She couldn't help but notice that most of the chics up there were groupies. Sipping champagne and smoking weed on ass credit. The dope boys and rappers were putting the pussy on lay-a-way until after the after party. Some had hands under short skirts playing in the coochie while they partied. Cameisha knew she belonged up there but not as a groupie. No, she was meant to pop bottles.

  “Say Shawty, aint that yo girl over there?" Big Shawty said when he spotted Cameisha and company at their table.

  He loved the fact that she dumped him and threw it in his face every chance he got. Shawty fought off a smile watching his jaw tighten when he saw her.

  "Bitch swear she all that." Pedro growled, with jealously. They sipped on cheap beer while the girls guzzled glasses of colorful cocktails. Guys flocked and swarmed around the table full of pretty girls.

  When Cynthia got up to use the bathroom, Pedro came up with a plan. In his little mind, fucking one of her friends would be get back so that's what he set out to do. While she was inside peeing, he was waiting outside plotting.

  "Sup Miss Molly?" Pedro said, and then flashed his gold teeth.

  Just like fat kids love cake, Cynt loved drugs. The mention of pure MDMA known as mollies could not be passed up. Cameisha only had weed and wouldn't sell or share any of her oxy.

  "You got some?" The future addict asked intently.

  "We can go cop some if you wanna hang out. You wanna hang out?" Pedro asked pouring on the charm.

  "Sure! Let me go tell my girls I'm leaving." Cynthia said. She turned around then stopped in her tracks. She was hardly bout to leave a club with a strange guy to get high and have sex and didn't know his name. So she asked, "What's your name?"

  "Call me um, Dre." He replied. It was close to his real name but his brain didn't respond quickly. Had he had more time, he could have come up with something better.

  "Ok, I'm Cynthia." She said, having exchanged names took being a hoe out of the equation.

  "We can run a train on that hoe!" Big Shawty announced eagerly. Most of the pussy he got was scraps and leftovers so he hoped his partner would put him down.

  "You gone hafta get you a junky tonight Shawty. This one is special." Pedro said plotting. This girl was his way to get in Cameisha's business not to mention she was fine.

  "Where's Aqua at?" Cynthia asked with a curious frown when she returned to find Meisha alone at the table.

  For a reply she pointed over to the dance floor. There was Aqua working it out with a football player. They were battling step for step, dance move for dance move. It was a tie until Erv-G went into his fat-fat song. Being one of the originators, she ate him up and got a round of applause from the dance floor.

  "I'm ‘bout to go. Me and my friend..? Um-Dave?" Cynt frowned trying to remember his name. She almost said Molly since that was where her mind was. The pure MDMA beat the hell out of the generic ecstasy tabs polluted with God know what that floated around campus.

  "Bye hoe." Cameisha teased but Cynthia left so fast she missed it.

  "Erv-G want me to come to the hotel with him!" Dasia cheered, bouncing up and down and clapping her hands like she hit the power ball. She turned and took off before Meisha could respond.

  Next was Aqua. Cameisha watched her approach the table holding a linebackers hand. She let go a few feet from the table and came alone.

  "I um…"

  "Met a guy?" Cameisha asked helping her along.

  "Yes!" She giggled.

  "And you bout to go home with him?" Meisha added.

  "Yes." Aqua giggled shyly.

  "Use protection and have fun." She advised motherly.

  "I can't get pregnant anyway." Aqua reminded, since her mother had her fixed years ago.

  "No but you can get burned, clap, AIDS." Cameisha shot back. Aqua smiled and nodded and took off.

  Cameisha finished her drink through a swarm of come ons and stood to leave. She stepped from the club and pulled her phone from her purse to call for a taxi. A glance at the screen showed several missed calls and two voice mails. After calling for a taxi, she checked the messages. The first was from Jackie.

  "A-yo, this shit is crazy yo! People been coming like every few seconds for these shits. I sold about 50 of them already!" She yelled into the phone.

  Cameisha heard what she didn't say, that she was hooked. Money is far more addictive than any drug. That's because you can do so much more with it. The dealers are the real junkies.

  The next call was from an unknown number that would have been sent to voice mail anyway. She hit the button and listened to see who and what it was about.

  "Hey…um Cameisha, this is um, Bilal. I um, I'm saying, I…..look. I cannot ignore our connection. I don't know what's going on in your life but I…well, this is my new number so you can call me." Bilal managed to get out.

  "Okaay!" Meisha giggled then listened to the message again. The cab pulled up in the middle of the third playback and dropped her off at the apartment by the tenth.


  The night was the first time Jackie directly sold drugs but it was a night of firsts for all of the girls. It was the first time Cameisha had been to an adult club and as for the rest of the girls…

  "Be right back Shawty." Pedro announced as he pulled to a stop in front of a house in mid-town. He ran inside and copped a few grams of powdered molly from a white dealer he dealt with. In a flash, he was back in the car headed for the hood.

  Knowing there were too many people at the trap house, he decided to spring for a hotel, well motel actually. Pedro was a cheap nigga to his core but this was an investment so he parted ways with thirty bucks for two hours. The clock began when he took the keys so he had to work fast.

  The pampered rich girl frowned as she walked into the dank motel room behind Pedro. She was use to 4 or 5 star hotels but this place smelled like a pamper.

  "Oh!" She exclaimed as the smell hit her nose. She realized it was futile to try to hold her breath so she took sips of air to stay alive.

  Pedro went over to the small table and emptied the package of powder on the table. Using his expired driver's license, he made three lines on the table. He rolled a bill into a straw and snorted one line in half then switched nostrils and inhaled the rest.

  "Here." He offered passing the bill to Cynthia. She accepted it quickly and snorted both lines even quicker. In an instant, electric currents ran through her being.

  "Drank?" Pedro asked pouring a generous shot of liquor into a paper cup and a splash of soda.

  "Umm…sure." She replied curiously at his past tense use of the word as well as the off brand products. The can of soda actually said, 'drank' and listed the flavor as blue. "I would love some drank."

  He tossed his drank back and she followed suit. Since they were playing follow the leader Pedro stood and stripped. The clock was ticking so he had to move on to the main event.

  The drugs had Cynthia needing to be touched. She quickly peeled off her designers to get naked. She scanned his muscular build and settled her eyes on his rock hard erection. His nuts had a musty odor but she was past the point of return.

  They met in the middle of the sex stained bed. Pedro roughly snatched her leg in the air by an ankle and plunged inside of her. The rough neck thug fucked the daylights out of the prissy diva. She changed her mind about it being a once night stand once he banged an orgasm out of her. He could get it anytime he wanted.

  Pedro grunted and came inside of her. She had meant to tell him to pull out but that would have fucked up her own orgasm. Her mind flashed to her supply of morning after pills that she kept for accidents such as this.

  "You do coke?" Pedro asked before pulling out
of her.

  "Sure! You got some?" She replied eagerly. There weren't too many drugs Cynthia didn't do. If you had it, she would give it a try. He picked his dingy jeans up and produced another small package. Cynthia followed him over to the table where he made a few more lines, only this time he didn't do one. One of the side effects of coke is a limp noodle. He needed his dick so he passed.

  "So who got the weed at your school now?" He asked casually as she snorted the coke.

  Cocaine is a truth serum and she began to tell all she knew about Cameisha's operation and since she was an un-official member of the crew she knew all about Cameisha's operation.

  Pedro was a hater deep in his heart anyway but hearing how much better she was doing than him had him steamed. She wasn't even from his city and she already had a connect. He may not be much of a dope boy but at least he had another occupation to fall back on; armed robber.


  Dasia did indeed get invited back to the hotel but she was one of many. Rapper Erv-G was a big freak and needed some freaks to freak with. Once they arrived at the five-star hotel, a body guard spread the refreshments on the table.

  When the groupies all bent over to snort coke off the table, Dasia followed suit. All the girls smoked, snorted and sipped with the rappers entourage. Only a few would be invited back into the bedroom to have the honor of fucking the super star. The rest would gladly settle for the D.J., security, hype man and homeboys. At least they could still brag that they went back to Erv-G's hotel room and got fucked. They would leave out the part of it being his barber or driver of course.

  "You, you and…you." Erv-G said as he selected his bedmates for the night. Dasia was picked second and actually clapped.

  Inside the inner sanctuary, the rapper had them all strip and dance while he captured it on his phone as he smoked a blunt. "Yall kiss." He instructed and they all, yes Dasia too, complied.

  It was Dasia's first time kissing a girl and she liked it. A few minutes into the make out session one of the girls ate her pussy, also a first. She liked that too. Liked it so much she returned the favor and that too she liked. The girls made each other cum several times while snorting coke in between.


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