Death's Storm (The Divinities Book 2)

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Death's Storm (The Divinities Book 2) Page 11

by Lia Davis

  Now they had two rescue missions, and Lydia, her new bestie, would have her mother back. A lump formed in Khloe’s throat, and a tinge of jealousy rose. No, she would not be envious of Lydia. She of all people deserved good news.

  “We can’t say anything to her.”

  Khloe cut her gaze to Kalissa. “She has a right to know.”

  “Not right now. She’s been through too much and is now healing from childbirth. Give her a few days.”

  Nodding, Khloe propped her elbow on the countertop to rest her chin in her palm and watched Zach cut up veggies for omelets. The sight made her smile. The man loved to cook, almost more than he loved to chase bad guys. He didn’t care what species he was chasing either.

  The demons were the worst out there.

  “We have to find the children. I think they should be our priority,” Zach said without breaking his veggie-chopping rhythm.

  “So Angelica and Kristof are left to fend for themselves?” The words jetted out more furious than she’d intended.

  “They are adults. We know where they are, and we know they’re alive.”

  “He’s right,” Kalissa’s agreed. “We can’t go charging into the warehouse. The demons may, in turn, harm the children. We can’t risk it.”

  Khloe growled in frustration. “We don’t know where they are.”

  Mel sat a cup of coffee in front of her. “Angie and Kris are fighters and very strong. In fact, I wouldn’t put it past Kris to be planning something. He’s not the type to sit and wait.”

  Light footsteps came up from behind, keeping Khloe from asking another question. Swiveling the stool around, she smiled. Bethany held little Logan in her arms, wrapped up like a burrito in a blue blanket. She stopped next to Khloe, who peeked at the tiny face showing out of the blanket.

  “He’s perfect.” Khloe lifted her eyes and met Beth’s. “I miss Cassia when she was this small.”

  Kalissa appeared next to them. “Can I hold him?”

  “Sure.” Bethany handed off Logan, instructing Kalissa on how to support his head.

  A familiar warmth enclosed Khloe from behind, followed by Jagger’s arms around her waist. She leaned back and breathed in his sandalwood scent. When his lips touched her temple, she closed her eyes, enjoying the connection, the feel of him. She lifted her hand, touched his cheek, and froze.

  Pulsating energy thumped on her skin, but it wasn’t from the growing bond between her and Jagger. The wards around the property were going off. Everyone except Jagger and Bethany felt it.

  Zach rushed around the counter and ushered Kalissa and Beth out of sight. Khloe bolted off the stool and marched straight for the front door. Ayden and Mel were one step ahead of her.

  Jagger gripped her wrist, halting her. “What’s going on?”

  “The wards are going off. A demon has entered the property.” She twisted out of his grasp and exited the house.

  Rumbling along the ground like the sounds of a stampede made her smirk. Teddy-Bear stormed to the front of the line. With a flash of light, they were two separate hellhounds instead of the Siamese twins they’d been born as.

  A few moments later, three bodies emerged from the tree line to the left of the driveway. The magical energy that pulled at Khloe’s own signature told her two were Divinities. The third was a demon, and the reason the wards went off.

  Mel let out a sob. “Angelica? Kris?”

  She stepped forward toward the trio. Khloe and the others filed in behind her. The demon shifted nervously at Kristof’s side.

  “Who’s the demon?”

  Kris meet Khloe’s gaze. “I’d ask you the same thing.” His gaze shifted to peer at Jagger. Khloe stepped in front her demon. That got a crooked grin from Kris. “But I know there are only two Death Demons alive, and they’re loyal only to Hecate.”

  Jagger stepped forward, pressing his hard body into hers as if hearing an undercurrent of threat in Kris’s tone.

  Mel cleared her throat. “Kris, do explain your demon.”

  After a few seconds, his shoulders eased, and he twined his fingers with Angelica’s. “This is Ryn. He helped us escape, and I thought he could be useful. He’s very much aware that he dies the minute he betrays us.”

  Out of the three of them, it was Angelica she studied briefly, noting the faint scars that streamed down her face and the blank stare in her sea-green eyes. The damn demons had blinded her.

  Khloe shifted her attention to the stranger with them. The demon lowered his head like a servant. Which he was. His power level was that of the lowest Khloe had felt in a Lackey before, almost muted. The perfect slave to his demon master, unable to fight back. Khloe couldn’t help the small amount of pity that rose in her chest.

  “Ryn, these are the Divinities. Well, some of them.”

  “Let’s go inside. Zach was making breakfast.” Khloe turned toward the house. Teddy-Bear had rejoined and shrunk back to the size of a two-headed Rottweiler. Teddy nuzzled her hand. She stroked his fur. “Keep your eyes on that demon.”

  She bounded up the steps and entered the living room as Zach and Kalissa waited by the stairs. Khloe had opened her mind to her twin and telepathically let her know what was happening.

  While breakfast was being prepared, they filled Angelica and Kris in on Demetrius and the Sinew. When Angelica asked about her children, everyone fell silent. It was Kalissa who spoke. Khloe was grateful, too.

  “Well, you have a beautiful, healthy grandson. Lydia gave birth a few hours ago, and she’s upstairs resting.”

  “And Jacen?”

  The hopefulness and longing in Angelica’s voice broke Khloe’s heart. This time, it was Ayden who stepped forward. He knelt down in front of where she sat on the sofa and took her hands to bring them to his face. “It’s Ayden. Todd’s son.”

  A smile lifted her lips, and she moved her fingers over his face. “You’re all grown up.” Then she frowned. “I’m sorry about your parents.”

  Ayden took her hands in his again and spoke softly. “Jacen…made a sacrifice. He risked his life to save mine. I’m so sorry.”

  Angelica fell silent and slid her hands from Ayden’s.


  She shook her head and held up her hand. “I want to freshen up and see Lydia and the baby.”

  “I’ll take you up.” Kalissa came around and took Angie’s elbow.

  After the women had left the room, Kris asked, “So do you know what Demetrius is up to?”

  “We believe Khan is raising an army with the Dark Divine. The bastard, Demetrius, even stooped low enough to taking the children.” Khloe didn’t bother to rein in her emotions. Thunder rumbled over the house.

  From the corner of the living room, sitting at the desk, Ryn broke his silence. “I know where the children are.”

  Chapter 19

  Jagger followed Khloe as she rushed up the stairs to her room. Jagger stood propped against the doorframe, watching her sensual form fly around the room as she gathered clothes to shove inside a duffel bag. She grabbed her laptop and case. “Do you always go off half-cocked?”

  Teal eyes met his, and she smiled. “Yes, I do. It’s how I get things done.” She moved past him, making sure her hip brushed his growing erection. Tease. He would pay her back for that the first chance he got. With a low growl, he followed her down the stairs.

  “Zach, Mel, and I will be about ten minutes behind you. That way, we’re not obvious and don’t alert them that we know something. I’m sure they’re still watching the house,” Ayden said as he came out of his and Kalissa’s bedroom.

  Jagger nodded then pointed to Ryn. “You’re with us.”

  Khloe said she knew where the farmhouse was where Ryn claimed the children had been taken. It was only an hour drive from the Divinity House. Plenty of time to press the Lackey for more information.

  Five minutes later, they were buckled up and on the road.

  “What did you do for Demetrius?”

  The demon’s head snapped in Jagger
’s direction then to the rearview mirror to look at Khloe. “I ran computer surveillance and security.”

  “No shit!”

  Jagger laughed, knowing full well what Khloe’s outburst meant. “Then you’ll know the layout of the farmhouse and how to get in.”

  Ryn nodded.

  “Lighten up. You just bought yourself more time to live.” Jagger let out another chuckle and looked at Khloe’s amused expression.

  “What’s wrong with your powers?”

  Silence invited Jagger to peer into the backseat to see a confused look on the demon’s face. “Your powers are…weak.”

  “Demetrius gives us a serum that weakens our magic. It doesn’t work on Divinities, and he’s trying to make one that does; at least he was before I helped the only two he had escape.” A gleeful grin spread across Ryn’s face.

  “Dude, you’re screwed,” Khloe said with a laugh.

  Jagger held in his amusement. “How long until the serum wears off and you gain your strength back?”

  Ryn shrugged. “I managed to skip the last dosage two days ago. Another day, and I’ll begin to regain my powers, but don’t worry, I’m full-blooded Lackey.”

  Khloe snorted. “I’ve fought a few Lackeys, and they not all that weak.”

  “You fought the scouts. Demetrius—”

  Jagger held up his hand. “Let me guess. The scouts are given a serum to boost their powers.”

  “Nice. The worker bees get shafted while the soldiers get power boosts.”

  Jagger raised a brow at the pity in her tone, but he let go. They rode the rest of the way in silence.

  Khloe pulled over a block past the farmhouse and parked on the shoulder. She scanned their surroundings. “Everything’s quiet.”

  Turning her gaze to Jagger, she watched as a lazy smile lifted his sensual lips, and he stretched his large, muscular frame. Khloe suppressed the urge to run her hands down his body. Hell, forget the hands. She wanted her tongue to do the roaming.

  She gasped in surprise when he captured her mouth with his, his tongue slipping inside, searching. Warmth pooled between her legs, and her panties dampened.

  A tap on her window startled both of them. She twisted around ready to hurl a fireball at someone. Ryn stood outside the car, arms folded over his chest, and a smirk on his face. Damn demon.

  Khloe removed her seatbelt and climbed out of the car. Once Jagger was at her side, they crossed the road and walked into the woods. The farmhouse was surrounded by wards. No surprise there. She didn’t consider any other option. She just wanted to get close enough to the house to get a visual. With Ryn, they had their map.

  Stopping at a break in the trees right before the magical barrier that served as an alarm system, she saw the two-story farmhouse. It was about half the size of her family home, but it was cute. A wrap-around front porch with white columns on either side of the front door added to the family appeal.

  “The children are kept in a room in the basement.”

  Ryn’s voice was way too close to her. With her index finger, she poked him in the shoulder and pushed. He took the hint and moved. Jagger chuckled beside her. She rolled her eyes and headed back to the Lexus.

  Ten minutes later, they sat in the living room of a two-bedroom suite. Ayden had booked two suites side-by-side. Khloe’s laptop was open, and with Ryn’s guidance and knowledge, she was surfing Demetrius’s security system. It took all the fun out of breaking in, but it was much quicker to use the password.

  When they found the layout of the farmhouse, she plugged the laptop into the TV, using it as a secondary monitor so everyone could see the images.

  “Ryn said the kids are kept in the basement.”

  The demon bobbed his head. “There’s a room down there with a bed, refrigerator, and bathroom.”

  If he was trying to reassure her that the children were provided for, he did a lousy job of it. “It sounds like a cell to me.” She clutched her hands into tight balls and tried not to lash out. He was trying to help.

  Jagger covered one of her fists, and she relaxed her hand and allowed his fingers to link with hers. His warmth and power cradled her. She’d never been one to depend on someone for support, but with Jagger, she wanted to let down her guard and allow him inside. Their gazes locked, and for a brief moment, that’s all she wanted.

  As if picking up on her shift in focus, Ayden cleared his throat. “We’ll go at sundown. Ryn, can you get us past the wards?”

  “Not a problem.”

  The meeting broke with everyone going to their areas of the rooms. Khloe was glad for the break. Although she wanted to get the kids away from the demons and safe at home as soon as possible, she needed some private time with Jagger. They had to discuss their future—if they had one.

  She picked up her duffel bag and strode to the nearest bedroom. Jagger entered a few seconds later and shut the door behind him. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Brushing her hair aside, he placed a soft kiss on her neck.

  She’d promised herself she would never feel this again, never trust another with her heart. Now it was too late. Jagger had stolen it.

  His fingers traveled up her arms to her shoulders. Desire roared in her veins like a fiery tidal wave.

  “I’ve been waiting to get you alone.”

  Jagger’s growled confession in her ear sent the fiery wave straight to her core. She pressed her back into his front with a moan and slid her hands up the sides of his legs and around to his ass. Another growl followed by a hiss came from Jagger, making Khloe smile in satisfaction at his arousal.

  When one of his strong arms snaked around her waist and held her in place, she lost any control she’d hoped to have. But, she was okay with it. The sense of peace and the promise of complete bliss allowed her to lower her guard and submit to his demands.

  Chapter 20

  Gods, this woman drove him mad. Everything about her pushed Jagger further over the edge of sanity with each passing moment. He feared he would never get enough of her, never be able to let her go.

  He drew in her scent as he glided his hands down her stomach to the hem of her T-shirt and tugged it over her head. She shifted as if to turn around, but he stopped her. Her pulse picked up, but it wasn’t out of fear. It was in anticipation of what he would do to her.

  Khloe’s desire drifted over him, caressed and enticed him. With her back pressed to his front, he lightly slid his fingers over the soft skin of her arms. She shuddered and released a barely audible sigh. He buried his nose in her neck, relishing her natural chocolate-rose scent. She was his, and he wanted to possess every inch of her.

  Walking her forward to stand in front of the dresser and mirror, he suppressed a growl at the sight of their reflections. Khloe in nothing but her blue jeans and white lace bra and him fully dressed.

  “You’re beautiful.” He touched her cheek with his lips and moved to her ear. She didn’t respond. Her teal eyes held his while her hands wrapped around to grip his ass, pressing their bodies tighter together.

  Closing his eyes, Jagger regained control over the mounting need inside him. When he opened his lids, he cursed. Khloe had removed her jeans by magic. Half of her sensual mouth lifted in a smirk as she rotated her hips against the stiffening erection behind his zipper.

  He placed his hands on her hips, halting her torturous teasing. Holding her still with one hand, he moved the other down beneath the waistband of her panties. When his fingers slid between her slick folds, she sucked in a breath. Upon her exhale, she released a whimper and melted into him.

  Khloe braced her hands on the dresser and moved with his strokes. Jagger entered her with one finger then two. He watched as she rode him, closed her eyes, and threw back her head. Each movement she made drove him closer to his own release. Her bottom rubbed over his hard cock still confined behind denim.

  “Let go, Khloe,” he growled and kissed her cheek and trailed kisses to her neck. “Come for me. I want to feel you come unglued.” />
  Her walls clenched his fingers as he pumped in and out of her while his thumb caressed her clit. Her little pants became heavier and more frequent until she released a muffled scream as an orgasm overtook her.

  When the last shudder rolled through Khloe’s body, she melted into Jagger. It was a good thing he still held on to her. He withdrew his hand from between her thighs and she went to turn around, only to be stopped with his hands on her hips.

  His lips brushed against her ear, his warm breath caressing her cheek, sending tiny prickles over her skin. “Don’t move.”

  The growled demand sent a hot, wild need straight to her sex, and she groaned and ground her ass into his jean-covered cock. A hiss escaped his lips, and his grip on her hips tightened. Grinning, she reached back to unbutton his pants.


  It was a warning, and it made her giggle. Gods, she hadn’t felt this giddy in a very long time. Not since before her parents had died, and even longer…before Mark had ripped her heart out. Closing her eyes, she pushed the uninvited, dark thoughts away and focused on Jagger. He grounded her in a way she didn’t think possible.

  Damn. She was falling in love.


  She lifted her hand to his head and slid her fingers into his short, black hair. “I’m fine. Just make it so my thoughts don’t wander. And lose the pants.”

  A chuckle vibrated through her as he said, “Yes, ma’am.”

  “That’s better.”

  She gasped at the feel of his hard length, bare against her rump, his jeans and her panties now gone. Damn, he was fast. She didn’t even sense him use his magic. It wasn’t the first time, either. They’d have to talk about that, she decided.

  Jagger ran his hand up her back, gently pushing her upper body until she was bent forward. With his knee, he nudged her legs apart. Bracing her hands on the dresser, she watched him in the mirror. When he slid inside her, all reason and most of her sanity evaporated from her. She managed to keep her eyes open and locked with Jagger’s, now laced with sparks of crimson. His fangs poked out from behind his lips, and she shivered at the memory of them piercing her skin. Would he bite her again?


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