Code Name: Nina's Choice (Warrior's Challenge)

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Code Name: Nina's Choice (Warrior's Challenge) Page 7

by Natasza Waters

  “Worked up an appetite?” he heard from the doorway.

  He looked up and realized more than a half an hour had flown past. Gabbs had conned him into shooting a few. She even scored on him once. She cheated, but he didn’t care. Gabbs inherited her mother’s long legs, and she ran like a spring fawn. Determined, deliberate, she put her energy on the target. “Sorry, are your parents gone yet?”

  “Waiting for you.”

  “You tried to get me in trouble, didn’t ya?” he teased Gabbs.

  Gabbs eye’s rounded. “I’ll tell them it’s my fault. They’ll believe that.” Gabbs ran between the door frame and Nina’s sleek one.

  “Don’t let her take control. You’ll be wearing a Canucks shirt before this week is over.”

  “I’m a Boston fan,” he said, meeting her on the step. “I’ll be tough.”

  “Uh-huh.” Nina turned and pulled him along behind her.

  No matter how much he already liked the little bundle of energy that was as tenacious as her mother—Canucks fan, not a hope.

  Chapter Six

  “Morning, Mom.” Nina padded into the kitchen wearing the big, furry pink slippers she’d found under her bed. They’d been there since she was sixteen. They looked more like road kill with mangy, matted fur, but they meant home.

  “Morning, darling.”

  “Nina, we need to talk,” her father said, laying the morning newspaper on the large walnut kitchen table.

  She leaned over and popped a kiss on her father’s cheek. “Morning, Dad.”


  Ugh, not good. “Can I face this conversation with a cup of coffee?”

  He gave her a dry look. “It’s not that bad.”

  “When you order me to sit, it’s something,” she said, edging toward the coffeepot. “Where’s Gabbs, Mom? She hopped out of bed early this morning.” Nina opened the glass cupboard door and plucked her favorite cup. Her mom was all class, and abhorred the fact there was a DND cup with big clunky letters and a mega handle ruining her fine china, but she didn’t toss it.

  “Out in the driveway.”

  “What?” A shot of fear gripped her for a second. She was home safe and sound, not in San Diego. Her mother eyed her the way moms do when they instinctually smell trouble. Nina had neglected to tell her parents about the Shark or Kayla’s disappearance for that matter. “What’s she doing?” she asked quickly to step around her mother’s appraisal.

  “Take a look.” Her mother grinned and peered out the window.

  Mace had the hood of her truck up, his head stuck under it. Gabbs sat on the edge with her feet propped on the engine block babbling away at him. Every once in a while he would tilt his head, and an enormous grin would cross that taut jaw she loved to follow with her tongue. A little laugh escaped her.

  “Gabriella really likes him already,” her mother said, searching her face.

  “Looks that way.”

  “Do you?”

  “Mom,” she drawled.

  “You brought a Navy SEAL home to meet us. That must mean something. You’ve never brought anyone here since Gabriella’s been born.”

  Nina crossed her arms and toed the tile floor. “No one was worth bringing home.”

  “Nina,” her father interrupted, saving her from further interrogation.

  “Yes, Dad.”

  “Bring the pot.”

  She grabbed it on a flyby, crossing to the table and refilled his cup. Sitting down, she reached for one of her Mom’s favorite bakery muffins. Her mother didn’t cook, but she had a connection to every culinary food source in the city of Victoria. Carefully she peeled the paper from the sides and broke it in half. “What’s up, Dad?”

  “I’ve asked my assistant to make an appointment for Mace at two o’clock.”

  “That’s great. Thank you.”

  “We had a chat this morning.”

  “You and Mace?” She gulped down the muffin, and chased it with some coffee.

  “I think he’s a little uncomfortable seeing me, so I’ve asked my partner, Dr. Dorchester to take his file.”

  “Why would Mace be uncomfortable about seeing you?”

  “Due to his injury, and what it’s affecting, I think he’s worried I’m going to give him the ‘Birds and the Bees’ speech about my daughter during his consult.”

  “Uh, well, uh-huh.” She blushed a little. She hadn’t thought of it that way.

  Her father was a good-looking man at fifty-eight. His hair had begun to gray at the edges, making him even more distinguished. She got her red hair from her mom, but getting her dad’s brilliant green eyes ended up as a perk. A few creases had begun to show, making him nobler. He had a respected practice and worked long hours between the hospital and the office to see all the clients sent his way.

  “I had that speech with him this morning.”

  She stopped chewing, and her eyes darted to him. “You didn’t.”

  “It’s not like you’ve given me many opportunities. It’s a father’s duty.” A small smirk lightened his usually somber expression.

  Staring at the ceiling was better than piercing him with an “I’m-gonna-kill-you” look. “Dad, please tell me you’re joking.”

  Her mom settled down beside her. “Afraid not, darling. I have to say Mace took it very well.”

  “Dad, what the heck? Mace and I are both thirty years old. I have a daughter. Are ya kidding me? I think we have the pitfalls of sex figured out.”

  “Mace understood,” her mother interjected.

  “Mom, Mace was being polite. That’s just downright embarrassing.”

  “Morning, all.” Dawn sauntered into the kitchen with bare legs and a breast-flaunting nightie.

  “Put some clothes on, tramp. Mace is outside. You’re not giving him a freebie.”

  “Shut up, Nina.”

  Her mother sighed and pushed the plate of muffins toward her sister, who slid onto a chair across from her.

  “Could ya just try to be a little less obvious? Ya know, like tone it down from über slut to maybe hussy?”

  Dawn’s eyes narrowed to slits. “Worried?”

  “I don’t think so,” she fired back. “You’d love it in San Diego, there’s plenty of loose chicks you could compete with.”

  Dawn ignored her insult. “Has Mace had breakfast? A guy that big and strong needs food. I was going to make him the works. He’s probably sick of your cooking.”

  Dawn thought she was so fucking smart, because unlike their mother, Dawn had a flare with food and had gone to culinary school. She worked as one of the top chefs at the Empress Hotel. “You’re not making him anything. Keep your gastronomic claws away. He enjoys my cooking just fine.”

  “Mom, guess what?” Gabbs yelled as she ran into the room, leaping onto her, knocking the air from her lungs when she landed.

  “What’s got you so excited?”

  “I helped Mace fix your truck. He showed me the oil stick, and the transmission fluid thingy, and where you put your windshield washing stuff. We filled that up by the way, it was low.”

  Mace stood with his mighty arms crossed over his chest and chuckled. “She’s a good helper.”

  “What are we gonna do now, Mace?” Gabbs asked, looking up at him like she was hanging out with her very own superhero.

  “You’re going to clean all that gook off your fingers, little girl,” Nina said, grabbing one hand and inspecting it. “Use soap.”

  “Come on, Mace,” Gabbs said pulling him after her as if the order was for both of them. “Mom wants us to clean up.”

  “Be right back,” he said winking at her.

  When Nina turned, Dawn sat with a scowl, chin propped in her hand. “Awww, what’s the matter harpy, he didn’t spare you a look?”

  “Nina, you are such a bitch.”

  “Ladies,” her mother chastised.

  “Hey, I’m not the one….”

  “Nina,” her father growled. She stopped talking out loud, and mouthed slut at her sist
er, who squeezed her lips into a tight line.

  A loud screech shot Nina to her feet.

  “What the heck?” her mother exclaimed.

  Another squeal followed by laughter set Nina’s feet in motion down the hallway. Grabbing the frame of the doorway, she swung into the bathroom and stopped in shock. It looked like a fire hose had exploded in the spacious bathroom. Mace and Gabbs stood stock still, dripping wet. Their faces frozen, just their eyes darted toward each other, then back at Nina.

  “Are you kidding me?” she yelled at both of them. “You’re cleaning this up.” She thrust an arm out and pointed at Mace and then her daughter. Snapping a towel from the rod, she flung it at Mace. He couldn’t keep a straight face and barked with laughter.

  “She started it,” he argued.

  Gabbs’ mouth dropped open. “Did not. Mace started it, Mom, I swear.”

  “I don’t care who started it. Clean up this mess.” Everything glistened with water droplets, the walls, the mirror, pretty much every surface pooled with water except maybe the bathtub. “Now.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Mace looked over at Gabbs and shrugged. Gabbs’ laughter tinkled from her as she took a sliding step toward Mace.

  “We’ll clean it up, baby.”

  “Oh, my lord,” her mother breathed, appearing in the doorway. She gave her granddaughter and Mace a raised brow, then a smirk tightened her cheeks. She coughed and turned, leaving Nina to sort things out, but she didn’t miss the chuckle that trailed behind her mother.

  “Mace, how come you call Mommy a baby? She’s not a baby, she’s a grown up.”

  Mace crouched down in front of her. “It’s a pet name. Like how Mom calls you Gabbs.”

  “Oh.” Gabbs darted a look between them. “Are you Mommy’s boyfriend?”

  He offered Gabbs a lopsided grin. “What would you say if I told you I loved your mom?”

  “I think that would be okay. Right Mom?” She looked up at her with big eyes.

  “Yeah, I think it’s okay. What do you think about that, sweetie?”

  Gabriella jumped across the bathroom and scrambled into her arms. “Mom, I like Mace,” she whispered.

  “Hey, no fair keeping secrets,” Mace said, swiping the towel across the counter, sopping up some water.

  “Mom, do you think Mace can love me too?” she asked. Gabbs wound her little arm around Nina’s neck. Mace stopped wiping and looked at them, his eyes always so beautiful; they absorbed everything in a room. He had that boy-next-door look no girl could refuse. Nina felt her insides melt even more. How had she gotten so lucky?

  “Gabbs wants to know if…” Gabbs’ little hand covered her mouth.

  “Don’t tell him, Mom.”

  She gave her daughter a warm cuddle. “Then you ask him.”

  Gabbs tucked her nose into Nina’s neck.

  Mace stepped up and wrapped his arms around her waist, pinning Gabbs between them. Her entire world became the size of only them.

  “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Mace offered.

  Her little girl wiggled to turn in her arms. “It’s not a secret. Not a bad secret.” Then she wrapped her arms around Mace’s neck and gave him a huge hug. “I’ll tell you if I don’t have to clean up the mess.”

  “Nope. We’re in this together, Little Red.”

  Could this work? Nina wondered to herself. Mace was so good with Gabriella, and she knew her little girl adored him already. Like mother like daughter, she supposed. Mace watched her, no doubt reading every eye movement, every twitch of muscle. His eyes weren’t just sharp looking into a scope. He analyzed everything around him with one sweeping glance. She’d seen him do it entering a room or going outside. It seemed ingrained in him.

  “Gabbs, why don’t you go get out of these wet clothes? I’ll help Mace clean up.”

  “Okay,” she said as Mace lowered her to the floor.

  She and Mace stood only inches apart. Who would speak first? She didn’t know what to say.

  “It’s too fast, isn’t it?” Mace took the helm with the question.

  “No,” she said quietly. “You’re perfect.”

  “Baby.” He cuddled her in his arms, and she breathed in Mace, needing him like air. “Every second I’m with you, I fall deeper in love. Your daughter is amazing, just like her mom,” he whispered on her lips.

  “I’m getting lost in you, Mace,” she breathed onto his lips.

  “I hope you never find your way out.” His mouth met hers, their lips touching with sweetness at first, and ending in breathless. Her hips pressed against his, and she felt the bulge. With a gentle push, she rotated just enough to let him know she wanted him.

  “Too many people around here,” he warned, his forehead resting against hers.

  “The door locks.” She sucked on his lip, stretched it just a little then let it go.

  His jaw tightened with a grin. “Later, baby, we have a mess to clean up.”

  “You’re no fun at all.”

  He made her shiver with a burning kiss. His eyes seared her with meaning. “I’ll make it up to you. I won’t stop until your body trembles with exhaustion. Everything from your mouth to your sweet sex will be mine to taste until I want to stop.”

  A low groan rolled up her throat.

  “After I see the doc today, you’re going to help me take the last step.”

  Her hands wandered down his hard chest, pausing on the bands of muscle across his stomach and gently brushing against what couldn’t be mistaken for anything but need for her. Mace’s eyes closed and he took a deep breath. “I can be pretty persuasive, Mr. Callahan.” She’d had to bite her tongue many times since he’d come home. Every time she’d tried to touch him, he’d stopped her. She worried he was embarrassed about his condition, but enforcing the six-inch separation rule wasn’t helping.

  “I hope so, Nina.” He threaded his fingers through her hair, and drew her mouth to his. “It’s you or no one.”


  They didn’t bother turning around until they finished a lingering kiss. Mace’s brow rose, and he kept his arm snugly around her body as they pivoted to find her father filling the doorway.

  “I’m heading off to the office. I’ll see you at two, Mace.”

  “I’ll be there, sir.”

  Her father eyed both of them and nodded. “Your sister has made breakfast, by the way.”

  Nina growled low in her throat and Mace snorted out a laugh at her response. “That’s really nice of her.” He pinched off a toothy smile. “Or not,” he added, winking at her father.

  “No, it’s not,” she spit out. When she looked to the door her dad had already vacated.

  Mace swung her around by the waist, and his fingers dug into her sides, tickling the hell out of her. “Maybe I should call Tinman and tell him to get his ass on a plane.”

  “I wouldn’t do that to Tony, he’s too nice.” She broke free and scooped up a towel. Mace used a foot to close the door, and with sure steps crossed the bathroom. He pushed her against the counter in front of the mirror, his body gently pinning her against it. His fingers slid beneath her shirt, palming both breasts from behind, his thumb and forefinger squeezing her nipples. “I don’t know why you being jealous makes me so hot, but it does.” With firm circles he teased her, and her folds moistened. Squeezing her nipples, he worked them into hard points.

  “Baby, are you wet?” One hand glided down her belly and inside her jeans. “Oh God, yeah,” he moaned into the back of her neck. “Take them off.”

  “What happened to later?” she whispered as his finger strummed her nub with a beautiful rhythm, teasing it and making her body sing. From the first time they were together he knew how to touch her.


  Her jeans rumpled like an accordion on the tiles. “Try not to cry out too loud, sweetheart,” he said, as he positioned her hands on the edge of the counter, then kneeled behind her. His tongue stroked from her bundle of nerves to her channel. The
sink sat on the top of the counter instead of flush, and she grabbed the edges to steady herself, wary that her grip was enough to crack the porcelain. With her legs parted, she felt open and wild. He moaned, and it was such a turn on, her moisture streamed from her. Mace lapped at her like he needed to quench a deep thirst. A quiver ran through her knees as his palms rode up the back of her thighs. With no barriers, his fingers slid into her wet channel, and he stroked her G-spot until she thought she’d pass out with ecstasy.

  “Turn around,” he ordered. With slow kisses he worked his way to her sensitive folds and covered them with his mouth, then sucked hard. A flash of brilliant light exploded inside her as her body tensed and convulsed. He kissed her flesh, and gently blew a warm breath across her skin. One last, long lick made her legs tremble. She slipped to her knees and Mace caught her on the way down, kissing her mouth, sharing her taste.

  “Guess I’m an impatient man after all.”

  She brushed a wave of hair from her cheek and clambered on his lap. “You are in so much trouble. After your appointment we’re going out. Mom can babysit.”

  “Going where?” he asked, giving her an inquisitive look.

  “A special club.” She had an idea that might just help Mace rejuvenate his stubborn body part.

  “Um, yeah, you—you’re talking about a BDSM club, aren’t you?

  “It’s very private.”

  “Babe, I’ve never been, and I’ll try just about anything, but I can tell you right now, it’s not going to work.”

  “Why not?” Mace adjusted her on his lap and caressed her face with a loving gaze.

  “Because it’s not just sex. You and I have something that goes beyond that. When you’re in my arms it’s like being underwater, but I can still breathe.” He brushed her bottom with a tender hand. “I know some people get off on watching kink, but it doesn’t mean anything to me. It gets me hotter than hell when you’re submissive for me, but it’s because it’s you. Tying you to a cross is not going to make a difference.”

  “How do you know, if you don’t try?”

  “Some things aren’t transferable, Nina. I promise I’ll talk to the doc about it, but I already know nothing can make me hotter than having you sit naked on my lap like you are now. If that doesn’t get a response, we have to look elsewhere. Watching other people in a club is the same as watching porn and we’ve tried that with nil response.” He pressed a deep kiss on her lips. “I’m sorry, baby.”


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