Code Name: Nina's Choice (Warrior's Challenge)

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Code Name: Nina's Choice (Warrior's Challenge) Page 18

by Natasza Waters

  Only Ghost could serve up a gut-shriveling dose of disapproval with his eyes, and it had the desired effect. What the hell? Ghost liked Nina. He was getting married himself. Maybe sleep deprivation was making him a little nuts. “Can Kayla babysit tonight?”

  “We have a dinner with Admiral Timmins tonight. Marg is babysitting.” He pushed the ring box toward him. “What’s the rush, Mace? You and Nina have only known each other for a short while.”

  “Sir?” Short while? Mace scanned the squad for answers. Everyone sensed Ghost’s reservations, and no one was going to question them. It had been bad enough Nina had wanted to move into her new place without him. He’d promised he would fit into her life, not try to make them fit into his. “I thought you guys might be a little happy for me?” He settled back in the chair. These guys were like his brothers. With a shrug of disgust, not to mention confusion, he said, “I don’t get it, Admiral. You’re acting like I said I was quitting the team.”

  Ghost rubbed his face with both hands and gnawed the inside of his cheek. He glanced at the other guys. “I’m happy for you, Mace. Nina is a wonderful woman.”

  It came out as flat as a pancake. Thick air wavered between them. “Sir, with all due respect, if there’s something I need to know, spill it.” A year ago the shoe had been on the other foot, and Ghost was turning himself inside out over Kayla, trying to resist her. He lost that battle big time.

  “I don’t want to sound like your father. You’ve got one already, but it’s—marriage, and Nina has—responsibilities,” Ghost stated firmly. He took a long draw off his beer and stretched for the menu.

  Unanticipated anger made him speak without thinking. “Gabbs is not a duty, she’s a brilliant, spirited little girl. I might not be wealthy like you, but I can support them both. Where’s the fucking memo that says I can’t be happy too?”

  Ghost’s jaw clenched as he dropped the menu to the table. “There isn’t one, Petty Officer Callahan, but marriage is a commitment.”

  He fired back. “You don’t think I know that? I’m not twenty-years-old, sir.” Mace swept the box up and shoved it in his pocket.

  The squad’s heads ponged back and forth, but they kept the mute button on instead of intervening.

  “You start workups in early December and then deployment follows that. You’re going to ask her to marry you and then leave her? Is that wise?”

  The aura around Ghost shifted. He’d asked the questions, but Mace knew he didn’t want a response. He’d worked with Ghost long enough to know when the conversation was over. The other guys looked just as confused, but they jumped into shop talk, leaving Mace to wonder what he had missed.

  * * * *

  Pushing the patio doors open Nina shouted, “Kayla!” Her eyes glanced across the elegant, but manly interior of Ghost’s home. Since he’d proposed, Kayla had been living with him. Ghost had gone to crazy ends to make the house kid-friendly. Kayla would roll her eyes and point out Adam couldn’t even turn over yet, but that didn’t stop Ghost from covering every outlet and removing breakables to above the three-foot water mark.

  Kayla strolled down the hall. “Just put him down.” She stopped. “Whoo, what’s wrong? The air around you is blue.”

  “Very fucking funny. You’ll never guess who just showed up at work. I just took the rest of the afternoon off.”

  “I’ll put on a full pot of coffee. Sit.”

  “I need alcohol,” Nina spit back.

  “You get coffee. Now sit.”

  “I can’t.” Nina rounded the kitchen island while Kayla watched with a wrinkled brow. She lapped it six times before stopping for a breath. “I’m dying here.” Fingernails tapped the granite top in quick succession. “You’re supposed to ask ‘what’s wrong?’”

  Kayla walked to the quaint mahogany kitchen table and pulled out the chair. “All right. What’s wrong?”

  “As if you didn’t know,” she shouted and threw up her hands.

  A quick, uncomfortable smile appeared on Kayla’s face. “Mugs are in that cupboard behind you, so are the filters and coffee,” she said, sitting down.

  Nina grabbed two mugs and snagged the milk from the fridge.

  “Did you tell him Gabbs is his daughter?”

  “No, he knew that already. I just confirmed it.” She buried her face in her hands. “Why the hell doesn’t he have a wife and six kids?”

  Kayla cleared her throat and Nina peeked through her hands at her. “Is the problem that he wants to know Gabbs or is it because he wants to know you? As I remember you had a serious heart palpation as you described it. Is it still there, and now you’re fretting about hurting Mace?”

  She shook her head. “I’m worried about Gabbs. This is going to be confusing.”

  “Nina.” She added milk to both mugs. “You know as well as I that kids are versatile. They haven’t had enough life experience to do anything other than sense your vibes. If she sees you are okay with this, she’ll be okay with this. Did you tell him about Mace?”

  “Yes, but I don’t think he’s really taking me seriously. He’s just remembering a week of hot sex, but he was serious about wanting to know Gabbs.” Nina sighed loudly. “This doesn’t impact my and Mace’s relationship, but it will impact Mace and Gabbs’, maybe.”

  “Good to hear you say that,” Ghost commented and settled in an empty chair. “I’ll have one of those, sweetheart.”

  “What are you doing home early?” Kayla asked.

  As Ghost opened his mouth, Nina said, “Do you ever have a loud footstep? You’re a fucking monster, why the hell doesn’t anyone hear you coming?”

  Now that Ghost was off-duty, the decorum could be dropped and she could take all her frustrations out on him. He was a man, after all.

  He ignored her while Kayla settled a mug in front of him, and Ghost took the opportunity to clutch her in his arms. The kiss that should have been saved for private went on and on like a rechargeable battery.

  “Seriously, I’m having a crisis here and you guys are making out.”

  Both Kayla and Ghost laughed, but it succeeded in cutting the epic kiss short. Ghost didn’t want to let his fiancée go and pulled her onto his lap. “Nina, it’s not a crisis.” Ghost said, reassuring her. “There’s lots of blended families out there. Gabbs will love having Wade in her life.”

  “Mace is…” She stalled, realizing Mace had been relegated to stepdad, not Gabbs’ one and only dad. Maybe that’s what was upsetting her.

  “Mace will adjust,” Kayla added.

  “You two are freaks, you do know that, right?” Nina shoved her chair back. “I mean you’re not supposed to know what everyone is thinking. And you both do it. It’s weird.”

  Kayla grinned and Ghost wasn’t going to let such close quarters go unattended. He kissed her cheek. “How’s our son?”

  “Fed and sleeping.”

  “Maybe that’s because he’s up half the night?”

  “He is?” Kayla sat up. “What the…?”

  “Sweetheart, you’re tired, you’re not hearing him cry.”

  “I should hear my son.” She looked instantly worried.

  Ghost shook his head at her. “I need coffee or a nap.”

  “Nap.” Kayla stood up.

  “Put me to bed, sweetheart.”

  “Thane, I think there’s something a little more—”

  Instead of arguing he grasped Kayla’s hand and pulled her behind him. “She’ll be right back, Nina.”

  Gawd. Nina rolled her eyes.

  A couple minutes later Kayla was back and she was wearing her benign face. “Oh, no you don’t. He didn’t want to be put to bed. He wanted to tell you something.” She pinned a glare on her friend.

  “I obviously trained you too well.”

  “Tell me. Kayla, I swear I’ll go Ninja nuts on you if you don’t.”

  “When are you going to tell Mace?”

  “Tonight. I know this is going to bother him. I just don’t know how much.”

�Ah, okay well…he’ll, you’ll,” she corrected, “adjust. I think, um, you should get it off your shoulders right away. Then enjoy your night together.”

  Had she just been sidestepped? She wasn’t sure. “I guess so. We haven’t had any real private time since Gabbs got here.”

  Kayla bent over and hugged her. “You’ll work it out together. Mace has a good head and a big heart. I’ll get us that coffee.”

  Nina worried her thumbnail. He doesn’t have a choice. None of us has a choice, except Mace. She gnawed harder. He could choose to walk away from them. Nobody in his family was divorced. Some of his siblings had been married for many years. Her parents had been married for thirty. Why was this bothering her so much? Ghost was right. There were lots and lots of blended families and it worked.

  “Stop that,” Kayla growled, filling her cup.

  “Oh, shut up, Cruella Deville. You two make me sick.”

  Kayla laughed and chucked a napkin at her. “I thought the same thing about you and Mace. No baggage. No hidden skeletons. Young. You’ve got it all.”

  “No baggage?” She grunted. “It just showed up. All hundred and eighty pounds of it.”

  * * * *

  Mace paced around his apartment for thirty minutes. He fingered the ring box in his pocket, heart on his sleeve, and a sheen of sweat on his brow. Tony looked up from the game and gave him a curled brow.

  “You look a little nervous there, bud.”

  “Sure, make a joke. One day you’ll be in my boots and you’re getting it back tenfold.”

  “Doubt it.”

  Mace stopped in front of the TV and Tony leaned to see around him. “You trying to tell me you’re never getting married?”

  “Doing just fine, buddy. Me, Tadpole and Ed are having a good time, while you’re headed for wedded bliss with Ninja Grasshopper and helping squirt with her homework.”

  “I’m going. Don’t leave a mess in my sink, asshole.”

  “Good luck.” Tony waved and gave him a salute.

  Five minutes later he rolled to a stop in Nina’s driveway. He drove because he’d planned to take Nina to a restaurant in San Diego proper.

  “Mace!” Gabbs met him at the door.

  “Hi, Little Red.” She gave him a kiss and he carried her into the living room.

  “Mom’s still getting pretty for you.”

  He smiled and plunked her feet on the sofa. “You want to take anything with you to Cobbs’ place?” She pointed behind him and he saw a little knapsack leaning against the wall.

  “A SEAL is always prepared,” she said with a decisive nod of her head.

  He broke out laughing. “Yes, they are.”

  “How come there’s no SEAL girls?” Gabbs asked, crawling onto his lap and slinging a small arm around his neck.

  “Ah, well—”

  “Because the U.S. Navy is filled with chauvinistic bastards,” Nina said, strolling into the room.

  Holy heaven and hell rolled into one woman. His heart nearly leaped out of his chest. Nina’s legs went on forever before they hit the short green, body-hugging dress. How could it be, even though he’d seen her naked so many times, that his dick went stiff every single time his eyes landed on this woman? She’d stacked her hair on top of her head, and wisps curled around her cheeks. She was the only woman for him, and suddenly he couldn’t get to the restaurant fast enough. That ring was coming out the second they were seated. He’d sweated over how to ask her. Should he wait? Have it brought out as the fourth course? Now he knew the answer.

  With three inch heels, which just added more sexy to her stature, he was a total soul slave to this woman, and he was going to make sure she kept those on tonight, but the rest was coming off with a slow, sensual touch. By the time his finger circled her favorite place, she’d be coming hard and panting his name.

  “Mommy, you’re so pretty!” Gabbs said, staring up at her mother. “I hope I grow up to look like you.”

  “I don’t,” Mace spouted. “I don’t want a line of boys at the door after my little girl.”

  Gabbs giggled and fell back on the couch.

  A knock on the door brought Gabbs to her feet. “I’ll get it.”

  “Don’t forget your bag, Gabbs,” Nina reminded her. She bent over and landed one on his lips and they both made it last a little longer. A quick sweep of his tongue elicited a little moan from her. Maybe he could convince Marg to keep Gabbs all night. After all, once Nina said yes to his proposal, they should have a little “them” time.

  “Mommy, it’s the man from the Seaport place.”


  Nina almost leaped away from him. “Ah.” Her eyes shot down to him and then at the door. “What?”

  “And he’s got a puppy,” Gabbs screeched.

  Mace rose to his feet and turned to see who was at the door and bringing puppies. A guy with jet-black hair and broad shoulders stood in the small entryway. He knelt down in front of Gabbs. “For you, sweetheart. Your mom told me you wanted a dog. I thought maybe you could take care of her.”

  “Mooooom, can I?” Gabbs gushed.

  Nina stood frozen to the spot. Mace swung a look at her and she paled, her lips in a tight line.

  “Mom, can I?” Gabbs asked again, but when Nina didn’t answer, she turned her attention to the guy. “I forget your name?”

  “Well,” the guy cleared his throat, and said slowly, “My name is Wade, and I’m a friend of your mom’s, but I’m also someone special to you.”

  “You are?” Gabbs tilted her head while squeezing the squirming puppy in her arms.

  He scratched the little fluff ball in Gabbs’ arms behind the ear. “Yes, Gabriella. I’m your father.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Slowly, Mace pivoted as if someone had nailed his foot to the floor. He looked at Nina, but her eyes were riveted on Gabbs’ father. What the hell?

  “Wade, you really should have called before coming over,” she said, rounding the couch and walking to the door.

  “Uh.” His smile wilted and he glanced at Gabbs. “Sorry, I guess I just wanted it to be a surprise. These too.” He presented a bouquet of roses from behind his back.

  Mace couldn’t feel the ground beneath him, probably because it had just been ripped out from under him. Nina had lied to him?

  The guy finally noticed him. “You must be Mace.” Wade strolled toward him. “Lieutenant Wade Cayson. Sorry I don’t know your last name. Nina just told me your first name when we had lunch.”

  Had lunch? He did what any good SEAL would do: slapped an expression that revealed nothing on his face, but the anger simmering below sea level was rising fast. “Petty Officer Mace Callahan, Navy SEALs,” he said. This guy was a lieutenant. Nina had mentioned he was Navy. If Gabbs didn’t know who he was, Nina had been hiding him from both of them.

  “You look amazing, Nina,” Cayson said with a steaming gaze up her legs to the top of her head. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  Nina had regained her color, and now her cheeks flushed. “We were just leaving. I—”

  “Mom, can I take Lexi to Kelsey’s?”

  “Lexi?” Nina echoed.

  “Yeah, that’s gonna be her name.” Gabbs smiled up at Wade. “Thank you.” Her brow wrinkled a little, and she quickly looked at her mom.

  Nina swallowed and blinked. “Yes, well, I think we better leave her here. We’ll find a place to put her, so she doesn’t run all over the house. I’ll find a blanket and we can put her in the laundry room.”

  “Look Mace, I got a new puppy.”

  He knelt down and Gabbs brought the dog to him. “She’s cute, Gabbs.”

  “What kind of dog is it?”

  “Looks like a…”

  “Long-haired German Shepherd,” Wade cut in. “She’ll protect you when she gets older. You’ll have to train her and feed her, but she’ll be your best friend.”

  “I will. I promise.” Gabbs petted her gently. “Will you help me train her, Mace?”

Gabbs.” He glanced at Cayson, who was sizing him up.

  “SEALs are out of the country a lot. When’s your next deployment?”

  Well, fuck you too, asshole. You’re not obvious at all. “Just finished. I’ll be here for a while.”

  “Don’t you transfer between here and Virginia?”

  “Hey, hey.” Kayla stepped through the doorway with Ghost behind her, and Adam in his arms. “Thought we’d come pick up…Gabbs. Oh… hello.”

  Wade stood up. “Hello again. Sorry, I didn’t get your name last time.”

  Mace shot a look at Ghost, and his expression turned severe. A small light flickered to life. Had he known? Is this why he acted so weird at lunch?

  “Admiral Austen, I didn’t realize… is this your wife?” Wade asked.

  “Kayla Banks, soon to be Kayla Austen.”

  “Congratulations, sir. Ma’am.”

  “Look what I got, Uncle Thane!” Gabbs ran over to them.

  Ghost hunched down. “A puppy.”

  “Her name’s Lexi.”

  Ghost gave her a grin, and kissed her on the cheek. “And who gave you that?” As he said it, his gaze targeted Cayson, and it wasn’t friendly.

  “My dad.”

  A Halon couldn’t have sucked the air from the room any quicker than her innocent answer, but Mace knew it was probably only his heart that shriveled to dust.

  “Gabbs, come on, let’s put Lexi in the laundry room,” Nina said, reappearing.

  “Thane, I’ll take Adam,” Kayla said, bundling their son into her arms.

  “Listen, I think I’ll give you guys some time to talk,” Mace said. He needed to get the hell outta here and get a grip.

  “Mace!” Kayla caught up with him in the driveway, blocking his access to the car door. “Nina was going to tell you tonight. He just popped up the other day.”

  “Looks like Cayson wants to jump right in and be a dad. The way he stares at Nina, I’d say he wants to jump into her bed again too.”

  “Nina doesn’t want that. Obviously Cayson threw in a surprise attack showing up like this. After the shock, Nina is going to be spitting nails at him, but she won’t make a fuss with Gabbs around.”


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