Hunt for the Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 3)

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Hunt for the Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 3) Page 3

by PP Corcoran

  "I think that was a ‘thank you,’ Corporal," chuckled Travis.

  Philippa mimicked the alien’s movements, in an attempt to acknowledge the thanks, before the three of them set off for the waiting shuttle.

  The outer airlock of the shuttle was already open as they reached it and there was a suave suited civilian and a gaggle of suited Navy techs waiting for them.

  "Lieutenant Travis, I'm Clare Honeywell, part of Ambassador Jelav's First Contact Team. We'll take the prisoner in first, sir. If he’s from Planet II, his atmosphere is richer in nitrogen than Earth’s norm so we have a pressure chamber set up with his requirements. Once he's through we'll bring you in and you can brief the ambassador personally."

  Travis and Philippa waited at the foot of the ramp as Honeywell gestured for the alien to follow her into the airlock. With a glance back at Philippa, he slowly walked up the ramp and Philippa lost sight of him as the airlock closed.

  Travis opened his link to Philippa. “So we get to brief the ambassador personally. Huh, when was the last time you heard of a civilian listening to what a couple of lowly marines had to say? Five gets you ten we get a pat on the back and a mumbled thanks for your help before we find ourselves back out in the cold."

  "You never know, sir. Jelav is a Garundan so he might do things a little differently."

  "I'll believe it when I see it, Corporal."

  The airlock door cycled open and both marines entered. The airlock cycled quickly and moments later Travis and Philippa were able to remove their helmets. Both gave their crew-cut hair a good rubdown as they did so. It was probably the most irritating thing about wearing the Wraith suit for long periods, no matter how much you tried not to think about it, you just wanted to rub your head sometimes. The day someone invented a way to scratch your head without removing your helmet would be a very happy day for many a marine. The inner door slid open and Travis and Philippa stepped into the shuttle proper. The well-lit personnel bay, which normally held twenty Wraith-suited marines and their gear, was instead full of bustling civilians, all seemingly talking at the same time. Not knowing what to do next, the two marines just stood by the airlock and waited patiently. The sea of civilians parted as the form of an elderly, but remarkably sprightly, Garundan made his way over to the marines.

  "Ah, Lieutenant Travis and Corporal Papadomas. Welcome, welcome. I believe it is you we have to thank for our guest."

  Travis answered, “We didn't really have much choice but to bring him with us, Mr. Ambassador..."

  Jelav waved a dismissive hand at the lieutenant’s attempt at an explanation. “However it came about, Lieutenant, you have allowed us to meet a new race, something which doesn't happen every day." The ambassador glanced toward the rear of the cabin, as if in a hurry to return. He hesitated and then asked, "Would you like to meet our guest in the flesh, so to speak?"

  An excited, "Oh yes!" slipped out of Philippa’s mouth before she could stop it.

  The diminutive Garundan gave the small open-mouthed laugh of his people. "This way, then." The animated civilians parted as the ambassador strode to the rear of the cabin and stopped in front of the protective plasteel window. Hard as steel but clear like glass, plasteel was the perfect alloy for jobs like pressure windows and habitat domes in unfriendly atmospheres.

  Seated in the small chamber was the still-partially suited alien. Philippa had no idea what he looked like beneath his pressure suit and was eager to find out. Looking through the plasteel, Philippa was confronted by what she could best describe as the head of a bird of prey atop a hominid body.

  Two large, round, brown eyes stared back at her unblinkingly from a head covered in bright white feathers, which changed to darker brown as they disappeared under the pressure suit’s neck joint. Where a human mouth should be there was a protrusion of yellowed bone curving eloquently to a sharp point.

  The alien stood and approached the plasteel until it stood directly in front of Philippa. The hands came up and formed the same cross-body move as before, but this time the suit gloves were off. Philippa's eyes widened in surprise as six thin, bony fingers touched shoulders before giving a short nod of the head. Philippa returned the gesture and the alien retook its seat.

  Another soft chuckle came from Jelav as he noticed Philippa's reaction. "That’s right, Corporal Papadomas. Our guest has six fingers. It looks like this is our first encounter with a race who escaped Saiph DNA manipulation."

  Ever since the discovery of Saiph DNA manipulation on nine different worlds which had been intended to bring forth a species to climb to the top of their respective intelligence chains and become the foremost species of their planet, scientists had prophesied we would, undoubtedly, run into a race who’s development had been free of Saiph interference and who had reached a level of development which would be comparable, if not superior, to our own. And here, behind the plasteel looking back at Philippa, stood a member of that race.

  "How are we doing with the translation software?" Jelav called to no one in particular.

  A harassed-looking tech off to one side of the chamber answered without raising his head from his terminal, "We've run all the radio transmissions through the computers, Ambassador, and I think I've got the algorithm close enough for you to understand each other. The computer will automatically refine itself as you go."

  Jelav gave Philippa the open-mouthed grin of his race, "Shall we, Corporal? It was you, after all, who brought us our guest."

  Philippa cleared her throat before stepping hesitantly forward until her face was inches from the plasteel. "Hello. My name is Philippa. Philippa Papadomas of the Commonwealth Union of Planets and we mean you no harm. What is your name?"

  Inside the chamber, the bird-like head cocked to one side as the speaker repeated Philippa's words in his own language.

  The alien regarded Philippa with unblinking eyes for a few seconds before saying, "I am Weloo. First Grade Technician. I see your computing machines are very advanced." Again the cocking of the head to one side. "Have you come to kill the last of us?"

  Philippa hesitated in her response, taken aback by the matter-of-fact question. Jelav took her hesitation as his chance to speak, "Weloo. I am Ambassador Jelav. As Philippa stated, we have no intention of harming anyone. We seek only peaceful contact with your species."

  Weloo looked from Jelav to Philippa and back again, "You are not of the same kind?"

  Philippa regained her composure and answered calmly, "No, we are not the same species. The Commonwealth we belong to is made up of different races from different planets. Who are these people you talk of? Are they the ones who destroyed the planet around which this moon orbits?"

  Weloo’s fingers balled into fists and he became very still. His mind’s eye seemed to conjure the image of his irradiated home. "Six cycles ago they came. Eighteen huge ships. We tried to speak to them. Our best scientists used radio, laser, and even went so far as sending up a small spacecraft to make personal contact with them, but instead they just kept coming on in total silence. When they reached high orbit they opened fire. Bombs fell on every city. Every town and then every village until there was nothing left. In less than two rotations, Edasich was no more.”

  "Edasich? Is that the name of your people?"

  Weloo looked up as the vision of his destroyed world cleared. "We who remain came from many countries on Edasich and before the destruction, we each claimed to be a citizen of that country alone. We had already established a small subterranean base here on this moon for scientific research. A joint venture between the different nations. However, neither they nor their people remain, so we survivors are all just Edasich now. Nothing more and nothing less."

  "But how did you survive the attack?"

  "Our base commander, Felan, saw the first bombs fall and ordered every non-essential system shut down in the hope we would evade detection. We kept the radio receivers on and heard the calls for mercy on every frequency. Their pleas were never answered. When the last bomb fell, the si
lent ships turned around and simply left. Felan ordered the power levels kept at minimum in case they somehow discovered us. For forty rotations, we stayed the same way. The recycled air was always stale and the cold... many succumbed to the cold while some took their own lives in despair. We had nearly reached breaking point, so Felan allowed the reactors to be brought back up to full power. The hydroponics labs, which had only been experimental, were now our only hope for food so they were expanded and we mined for water trapped in the ice below ground. It has been a struggle but we have survived."

  A double tone in Travis' ear bug alerted him to an incoming signal. "Go for Travis."

  "Travis. Captain Zubek. It looks like your prisoner’s friends are massing just inside the airlock."

  "Hold on, sir, I'm going to put you on speaker." With a touch of his suit controls Travis activated his external speaker. "Go on, sir."

  “I’m expecting some sort of breakout imminently. If they come out shooting, it won’t end well for them. I have a company plus on the crater lip. Tell Ambassador Jelav if he's going to do something then now’s the time."

  "Understood, sir." Travis cut the link.

  Inside the chamber, Weloo looked distraught. "Let me speak to them. They probably think, as I did, that you are the same people who attacked us before and are back to finish what you started.”

  Jelav looked at Travis, who shrugged. "It’s your call, Ambassador. All the way here, Weloo was allowed to use his suit radio to speak to his base so they know our rough numbers. They probably don't know our dispositions but if they come out the airlock firing Captain Zubek, will cut them to shreds."

  Seeing he really didn’t have a choice, Jelav turned back to Weloo. "Weloo, please tell your people to wait. Tell them we will defend ourselves if they fire upon us but we will make no attempt to enter the crater. I’d very much like to speak to this Felan. If he’s willing, I’ll meet with him at a time and place of his choosing."

  Weloo was already speaking animatedly into his suit’s pick-up. His head took on the now familiar cocking movement as he listened to the reply.

  Through the corner of his eye, Jelav saw the comms tech give him a thumbs-up, so he was prepared for Weloo's next statement.

  "Felan has ordered all personnel to hold their positions. He asks you meet him by the airlock and orders me to remain here as your... guest until your safe return."

  Jelav waved a hand dismissively. "I don't believe that’s required, Weloo. I’d prefer for you to accompany me to this meeting." Turning to Philippa and Travis he said, "Would you be so kind as to make yourselves available as escorts, Lieutenant? We leave as soon as I suit up." Jelav headed for the suit room.


  The walk back to the crater holding the airlock door for the sub-surface base took the small group of Travis, Philippa, Ambassador Jelav, his assistant Clare Honeywell, and Weloo less time than it had taken to reach the First Contact team’s shuttle. Understandably, Weloo was anxious to get back to his own people and Philippa was forced to place a restraining arm on his shoulder a number of times so that the diminutive Garundan ambassador could keep up. When they finally arrived at the crater’s lip, it appeared to be covered in a solid wall of marines. Each one had their weapons trained on the still-open airlock door that Philippa had disabled with her plasma torch.

  The sight of the amassed marines caused Weloo to stop in his tracks. His head scanned left and right as he took in the firepower on display. The voice of Jelav broke into his study of the marine lines. "Would you like to tell Felan we are approaching the airlock now?"

  Weloo dragged his attention back to the ambassador. "Of course. One moment please, while I change channels."

  Behind his mirrored faceplate, the ambassador let his eyes cross over to where Honeywell was standing directly behind Weloo. Her position was no accident. Part of her job was to monitor the Edasich communications. It wasn’t that the ambassador didn’t trust Weloo, but in his experience it always paid to have a little insider knowledge in any negotiations. Honeywell's thumbs-up signal coincided with Weloo coming back onto the inter-suit channel.

  "Felan is making his way to the airlock now and requests we join him there."

  "Please lead on, Weloo."

  The Edasich stepped over the crater’s lip and headed down its steep walls, closely followed by the Commonwealth delegation.

  The double beep of an incoming signal sounded in Philippa's ear and a quick check of her HUD showed it was Travis. "Go for Papadomas."

  "If this all goes to hell, Corporal, you grab Honeywell and I'll take the ambassador. Try to get clear of the line of fire and let the covering force do their jobs. Understood?"

  "Oo-rah, sir."

  The party approached the open airlock and came to a halt. Unnoticed by either of the diplomats, Travis and Philippa had taken up flanking positions within easy arm’s reach of each of their chosen charges.

  A figure stepped from the airlock, dressed in a similarly beaten and bedraggled spacesuit as Weloo. Crossing the small distance between them, Weloo stopped in front of what, presumably, was the figure of Felan. With more flourish than he had shown to Philippa, Weloo crossed his arms, gloved hands to shoulder blades, and bowed deeply, holding the position until Felan stepped forward and touched his right hand to Weloo's left shoulder. Weloo straightened and Felan leaned his helmeted head forward until it was touching Weloo’s helmet.

  Sneaky, thought Philippa. With their helmets touching, both Edasich could hold a conversation without having to use their suits’ radios, as their voices could be heard through the touching helmets. They'd need to shout but it effectively prevented anyone from listening in. Philippa had to give him her grudging admiration.

  By the way, the Edasich's helmets bobbed up and down, they were having a very animated conversation, which went on for a number of minutes until they finally separated and Weloo stepped to one side. For the first time, Felan addressed the Commonwealth group directly.

  "If I am to believe First Technician Weloo, you have the top of the crater lined with soldiers. Correct?"

  "Base Commander Felan," began Jelav, "My name is Ambassador Jelav, representing the Commonwealth Union of Planets. What Weloo has told you is correct. There is a large number of soldiers and warships are in orbit above us, but they are there as a precaution only."

  "A precaution, Ambassador? A precaution against what? Was it not your soldiers who attempted to enter our home? Was it not your soldiers who kidnapped one of our own? Have we made any aggressive moves toward you? I demand you withdraw your soldiers and send your warships away at once! This is our home and you are not welcome here."

  Jelav paused before answering in his most conciliatory tone. "If you so desire, Base Commander, we will withdraw from this place and leave you in peace. We have no wish to force ourselves upon you. But... if I may?"

  Even though he was dressed in a spacesuit, it was easy to see the reluctance in Felan's jerky arm movement, which Jelav took as permission to continue.

  "First Technician Weloo has indicated to us you are the last survivors of the Edasich and life is hard for you here. As a sign of our peaceful intent, may I offer some food stuffs from our stores to bolster your hydroponics?"

  Everyone could hear the skepticism in Felan's voice even through the computer-aided interpretation. "And you would do such a thing why? You know nothing about us and I have already told you to leave."

  Jelav raised his arm and pointed at the dead planet low above the horizon. "Because, Base Commander, not too long ago these humans who stand beside me gave my people succor when we were in need. They did not do so because they had to, they did it because it was the right thing to do. It is a lesson that my people have taken to heart. You are in need and I can help, so I choose to."

  For a long moment, the six individuals from three different races fixed their eyes on a dead planet hovering millions of kilometers away in complete silence.

  "What of the soldiers and your warships?" Felan asked in a less a
rgumentative tone.


  "Yes, Ambassador."

  "Please tell Captain Zubek to contact the cruisers and order them to withdraw to the edge of the system. Once he has done so, he is to embark all his marines and return to the fleet. Only my shuttle is to remain on the surface. And when I say all his marines are to return to the fleet, I mean you and the corporal too."

  Travis could not believe what he was hearing but like a good marine, he followed his orders. No sooner had Zubek acknowledged the order than the small group made out the shadowy figures of marines leaving their firing positions and heading for their shuttles on the double. Less than five minutes later, all but one of the marine shuttles were loaded and their straining engines lifted them clear of the moon’s surface. They angled away on course for the waiting fleet.

  Beep. Beep. "Go for Travis."

  "Heads up, Lieutenant. I'm holding the last shuttle for you so hustle up, it’s a long walk home," said Zubek over the link.

  "Understood, sir, we're on our way. Travis clear." With a quick tap, he changed channels and opened a link to Philippa. "Our ride’s waiting, Corporal, let’s bounce."

  "Aye-aye sir," Philippa turned, prepared to double time it to the waiting shuttle, but something stopped her. Turning to face Felan, she replicated Weloo's earlier respectful bow. Holding it for a few seconds before standing back upright she spun in place and set off after Travis who was already bounding up the crater walls on his power-assisted legs. A call on the open radio channel stopped both of them in their headlong dash.

  "Wait!" Called the unmistakable sound of Felan.

  Both Travis and Philippa came to an instant halt.

  "Perhaps I was too hasty in my earlier statements, Ambassador Jelav. You’ve withdrawn all your soldiers and warships, as you said you would. Even these last two, leaving yourself unprotected and defenseless in front of me. How do you know I won’t now take you hostage and demand your people supply the things I need, rather than wait on your charity?"


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