Fairy Ring

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Fairy Ring Page 5

by Nicolette Andrews

  Normally when she played at being mad he found it charming, but now he found it exceedingly annoying. Where had she been while he faced dangers to rescue her? The heat was beating him, sapping all his energy.

  "Where did you get that dress."

  She looked down at it, picking up the edges, without looking at him, she said, "it was a gift from the Thorn King."

  "Are you a fool! Why would you take anything from him?"

  She looked up at him, hurt and anger in her gaze. "Don't blame me, I told you we shouldn't go through the forest. I did what I had to to save you."

  Edric shook his head and laughed, each breath felt like it burned, the heat in this place was overwhelming. This wasn't her fault.

  "I shouldn't have yelled. I'm sure you've been through quite the ordeal as I have. I have half a mind to go back there and make him pay."

  "Don't!" she shouted, her voice echoing off the walls.

  He turned to her, brows raised in confusion.

  "Are you defending that monster?"

  She looked away down the stairs. "He was kind to me, it is in their nature to deceive, but I don't think he meant us any harm."

  Edric made an incredulous noise. All this time he had been searching for her and she was treated like a princess given a fancy dress and who knew what else. But wasn't that just like Brenna? She loved the finer things in life. Things he could not afford to give her.

  A question came to mind, "Brenna, have you thought at all to what we'll do when we get to the next town?"

  She looked at him with a puzzled expression. "Does that really matter right now?"

  "Answer me, what do you think will happen?"

  "We'll buy a farm and love and care for one another." She spat out their dreams like an accusation.

  "How do you think we're going to buy that farm?"

  She rolled her eyes. "What's your point?"

  "We need money, Brenna, and we don't have any."

  "You'll get a job."

  "It isn't that easy to find work. And even if I did, a farm is expensive. You'll have to work too, washing clothes and the like."

  "Then that's what I'll do." She placed her hands on her hips glaring at him defiantly.

  "You've never worked a day in your life. What are you gonna do when there's no money to put food on our table and you can't afford nice dresses and your cosmetics?"

  The color drained from her face as if she was realizing these things for the first time. "Why are you saying this?"

  He slid down the wall so he was squatting beneath her. He titled his head into his hands. As if his fears were all that had been keeping him upright. "There's something I need to tell you." He said toward the ground.

  "What is it?" her tone was wary.

  He gulped. "I saw a vision of our future."


  He rubbed his neck and avoided her gaze. "Well, we were actually rather miserable. You got fat and I became a drunk."

  "I get... fat?" she hesitated, "Are you saying you're having second thoughts because of that?"

  He got to his feet and grabbed her hands, realizing too late how awful his words sounded. Tears gathered along her lashes. He waved his hand in front of her, forcing her attention back on him. "No that's not it, we just looked miserable. In the vision we were very poor, and we suffered a lot of hardship. And you told me that if I had not run away with you, then you would not have ended up losing all your children and I wouldn't have started drinking. So I thought..."

  "That you wanted to call it off? That you want me to return to that prison." She crossed her arms over her chest and spun away from him. How could he make her understand that this was for her own good? She had a good life, a charmed life. All he could give her was his love and that might not be enough.

  When he reached for her, she knocked aside his hand. Her flesh, when it brushed against his, was feverish and clammy. And he realized as she ran up the stairs and out of sight, the suffocating heat which threatened to strangle him had dissipated. He sighed and leaned back against the wall. It was better if he let her go, surely. She would find happiness without him and he would move onto the next town as he had always done.

  His reassurances were dashed however, when he heard Brenna's scream.


  Brenna ran, eyes blurred by tears, when suddenly fire leaped out of the ground blocking her path. She screamed and stumbled backward a step as a man burst from flames and stood blocking the flaming blockade. His hair was crimson and around his neck was a torque with a red gem that flickered in the firelight.

  "You have wandered where you do not belong, girl," he said. His breath brushed over her with a touch of heat.

  "I'm sorry. I did not know where I was going." She sniffled and rubbed the tears from her eyes.

  "Well you should have.

  Edric, having heard her scream, came running up from behind her, and stepped in front of her, shielding her from the man.

  Edric threw out his hand and said. "Stay away from her."

  "And who are you?" the red-haired man asked.

  "I am her protector. Why have you blocked our way? The Thorn King made us a deal, if we leave before sunrise we're free."

  Brenna looked to Edric, perhaps she had been too hasty getting upset with him. Of course, he still loved her. He wouldn't have come running to her rescue if he didn't.

  "You can take this way to freedom, if you pass my test." The red-haired man said with fists placed one on each hip.

  Sweat poured into her eyes, but she thought it indelicate to wipe it away. Her skin chaffed from the pressure of the heat of the room, radiating off the man and the flaming barrier. But only Brenna seemed affected by it. Edric, who had been sweating before, looked at ease now.

  Edric grabbed her hand, "Don't worry. I will sort this out." Her stomach twisted with guilt. She had lashed out at him out of guilt, the thought of the kiss she shared with the Thorn King weighed heavy on her chest like a stone.

  Edric turned to the flame man and asked. "What must we do?"

  Sweat rolled down her cheeks, and dripped onto her shoulder. Her palms were slick with it. She rubbed her hands on her dress.

  "Those who can step through these flames will find the freedom they seek." He gestured with his hand toward the barrier of flame.

  "This is unfair, we're human, we can't walk through fire!" Edric shouted at the fae creature.

  A smile curled the fae man's lips. "Those who hold no deceit in their heart will walk through unharmed."

  Edric stared at the flames for a long time, without a word. While Brenna brushed her fingers to her lips where the Thorn King had kissed her. If she told him the truth they would leave this place together, but she'd also lose him. How could he forgive her for such a betrayal? It was more than the kiss, she had lingered too long in the Thorn King's company when she could have left to find Edric. She was frozen in place, if she asked to go another way, he would know she was hiding something. Her tongue was swollen filling up her mouth, and her clothes were drenched with sweat from the heat of this tunnel. Desperate for a breath, she tugged at the collar of her dress.

  Suddenly, Edric turned to face her. "I need to tell you the truth."

  She blinked at him in surprise, "I'm terrified of running away with you."

  His words were like a cold bucket of ice over her.


  He took her hands into his. "I'm sorry, Brenna. If we leave Thornwood, we'll only make one another miserable. But the least I can do is return you to where you belong."

  "Where I belong?"

  "You need the finer things."

  She pulled away from him. "Is that what you think of me?"

  He took a step toward her, but she took a step back. "We don't time to fight, it's almost sunrise."

  "Did you even love me?"

  "What sort of question is that?"

  She shook her head. "Everything we had was a lie. You've seen the future and now you're done with me?" Tears sprung to her eyes on
ce more. Perhaps the Thorn King was right, maybe he couldn't make her happy.

  She turned to run away but he grabbed her by the hand stopping her along the steps.

  "Hate me if you want, but I won't leave you trapped here. Go back to your father, I will never forgive myself if I don't save you."

  She yanked her hand away. "I don't need you to save me."

  "Don't be stubborn, Brenna."

  He pulled her closer to the fire, as they drew closer the flames became unbearable. Just a hand's space away and she felt as if her flesh would melt off her bones. She lurched backward, tears streaming down her face. The honeyed taste of the king's kiss turned to bitter bile in her throat.

  "Stop," she shouted.

  "Don't be afraid, you'll be safe," Edric said holding his hand out to her.

  "But I won't," she said as she lowered her gaze to the floor, too ashamed to look him in the face. "I kissed the Thorn King."

  Edric dropped his hand to his side. The only sound was the crackle of flames.

  "You kissed him?" Edric said at last his voice incredulous.

  She couldn't bring herself to face him. If only she had resisted the Thorn King's temptation, if only she had been stronger.

  He took a few steps back away from the fire, eying it warily, perhaps realizing how close he had come to burning for her lies. "Did you even care that I went missing? You've spent the entire night drinking and dancing while I searched for you."

  When she saw the hatred in his eyes, it was as if she was seeing him for the first time. Her eyes fell to the place where her locket had once hung. "You gave me up without a fight before that."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "You gave him my locket, even though you swore you'd keep it forever."

  "I had no choice!" his voice echoed all around them trailing down through the hallway.

  "Are you going to cross or not?" the red-haired man asked.

  Edric turned on him and for a moment, she thought he would punch him for interrupting. He reached for the place where her locket used to hang. Then he turned to the flame man.

  "I demand I speak to your king," Edric said.

  The flame man pointed back down the hall. "Go the way you came, and you will arrive in his throne room."

  Edric stormed down the steps, and Brenna chased after him. When his temper was hot he didn't think clearly.

  "What are you trying to do?" she shouted after him.

  "I'm going to make a new deal," he snapped and kept on walking.

  She grabbed him by the shoulder and forced him to face her. "You shouldn't try and tempt his anger, what if we can never leave?"

  "That would suit you, wouldn't it? Then you can remain with your beloved Thorn King."

  His accusations were like a slap across the face, and a truth she could not deny. She turned to look away.

  Her silence was a harder blow than any words ever could be.

  "I hope you're happy."

  He disappeared out of sight down the hall, while Brenna fell to her knees.


  Edric threw open the door at the bottom of the stairs, and stomped out, not into the hall of doors and not the chamber from which he left. But onto a grand room filled with thorns and bright white flowers. The ceiling made up of tangled vines and the walls the trunks of large trees. At the far end of the room were two thrones. And in one throne sat the Thorn King. A cape of green moss flowed over his shoulders. His chest was bare, and wrapped around his arms were bands of vines.

  He stormed up toward the throne but as he got closer the full splendor of the Thorn King made him hesitate. The uncanny green eyes glowed as they regarded Edric. This was not just some boy who'd kissed his sweetheart. This was a powerful creature, one of unspeakable danger and Edric was still his prisoner. His anger had blinded him for a moment but as the Thorn King stared down at him from his throne, he felt suddenly very small and very powerless.

  "It is almost morning, shouldn't you be leaving," the Thorn King asked, his voice echoed around the chamber. Around his neck Edric saw Brenna's locket. Something grabbed a hold of Edric's heart and squeezed.

  "You lied to us." He pointed a finger at the Thorn King. "You used that necklace to bewitch Brenna."

  The King leaned forward, resting his knobby elbows on his knees. The locket swung forward swinging back and forth mocking Edric. "When did I ever lie to you, Edric? You gave me this in exchange for your freedom." He pinched the locket between his thumb and forefinger.

  His words were cold and sent a shiver down his spine.

  "You led me on a wild chase for Brenna when you had her all the time. And you..." he couldn't make the words pass his throat.

  "I kissed her."

  He wanted to punch that smug smile right off his face. How dare he. The Brenna he knew and loved would never betray him like this.

  "You seduced her. You used your magic to confuse her."

  The king stood and strolled down from his throne to stand in front of Edric, he was a head taller than him. And there was danger in those green eyes.

  "What Brenna did was by her own choice."

  "I know her, she wouldn't have done that."

  "How well do you really know Brenna?" he asked. He paced around Edric, while he slowly turned in place to keep the king in front of him. This monster would stab him in the back the first chance he could. His mistake had been believing he'd not use tricks to keep Brenna from leaving.

  "Don't pretend you know her better than me."

  "Oh but I do. I've watched over her since the day she was born. Her family and my kind have a special bond you see. They are bound to the forest by blood." The Thorn King waved his hand and in his hand were two vials, each with a few drops of red thick liquid. Blood? Edric narrowed his eyes at the Thorn King.

  "You're blood too has been spilled here."

  Edric touched the place where the thorns had scratched him in prison. They'd just started to scab over. These were more of his illusions meant to sway him away from the truth.

  "You bastard, I'm tired of your tricks," Edric growled.

  The king shook his head. "Don't you see. She can never leave Thornwood, it is much a part of her as it is a part of me." He lifted up his hands and the flowers all around them bloomed, filling the air with their sweet fragrance. Edric's eyes darted around. The king sauntered up to one of the flowers plucking it from the vine.

  As soon as he did, it withered, curling up in upon itself. "What you saw in the Dreamer's pool is your fate, if you take Brenna away from here, that is what will befall you both."

  Edric balled his hands into a fist. "I know that. I've given her up. Keep me here if you must, but let her go."

  The king gave him a slow smile. "Even if I were to lock you in the dungeon for 100 years?"

  Edric hung his head, this was his fault. None of it would have happened had he not led them here. "Do what you must."

  The Thorn King threw his head back and laughed. "You've amused me. But I will not keep you here. A deal is a deal. But to show that there is no ill will between us, I will give you a gift." He removed the necklace from around his neck, opened the locket and took out Brenna's lock of hair. With a wave of his hand, the hair transformed into a ring. He removed the cork from the vial and poured the blood onto it. It transformed into a ruby stone.

  He held it out for Edric who only stared at it as if it would bite him.

  "Take it," the king said.

  "Why would you give me a gift?"

  "For bringing me my bride."

  Edric had to hold back his angry shout. "Give me Brenna and you can leave a wealthy man. If you wear this ring it will give you everything you ever hoped for."

  "I don't care what the price, I won't give you Brenna." Edric turned to storm away.

  "What will you do? Doom her to a life of misery or give her a life she's always wanted."

  Edric froze. "I won't leave her here to be your prisoner."

  "She would not be my prisoner but be m
y Queen. Think Edric, what does she want more than anything?"

  His head drooped, he could never be with her. Not with the future that laid before them. Her only chance at happiness was with the Thorn King, he could see that now.

  Edric turned around to face the King. "Swear to me you will let her make that choice."

  The Thorn King smiled. "It has always been."

  He took a step toward the King but kept his hands at his side, taking this ring from him felt wrong. But the visions of the future continued to haunt him. He held out the gift, the chance for a life Edric had only dreamed about. But one without Brenna.

  He closed his eyes and before he could second-guess himself he took the ring from the King's hand.


  She had lingered in self-pity on those steps for a few minutes. I can't let it end this way. She leaped up and ran down the stairs after him. He should have only been a few feet ahead of her but by the time she got to the bottom of the stairwell, he was gone.

  The door opened onto the Throne Room. At the far end of the room the two empty thrones sat side by side. They were made of tangled vines, and thorns jutting out from all sides.

  "Edric?" she called his name but he did not answer.

  Instead her own voice echoed back to her.

  The wind blew through the trees, and it almost sounded as if they were trying to reply, but she could not make out the words. When she spun around to try and catch a strain of the sound, she found the door she had come from had disappeared. Even the passageway she'd taken the first time she'd come here was conspicuously absent. She was surrounded by trees, ancient trees twice as thick as she was tall.

  Clutching her hand to her chest, she turned back to the thrones. The one on the right was no longer empty. The thorn king stood up, his hand outstretched to her.


  "Where is Edric?"

  He stepped down from his throne, a cape made of moss trailed after him as he approached her. The crown on his head made of sharp thorns looked even more opposing surrounded by all the dagger points of this throne room. He did not disguise his appearance this time, and he was both beautiful and terrifying.


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