Zero Degrees Part 3: Miss Murderess

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Zero Degrees Part 3: Miss Murderess Page 11

by Leo Sullivan

  I pulled the visor down and looked at my face in the mirror. I had a bruise over my left eye, the other eye was starting to swell and turn purple at the bottom and my lip was busted and bruised. On top of that my entire body was aching. Honestly, I had to admit that Black had trained me well. When I replayed the move I did placing the big Russian in the Yoke, I couldn’t help but feel myself.

  For some reason he was suddenly speeding faster and we drove over a big ass pothole in the road. I grimaced in pain and felt something sharp poking me in my breasts. I reached down and pulled out the watch I had taken from Moskv. I had forgot I even had it. I couldn’t help but marvel to myself as I twirled the elegant watch in my hand. I was mesmerized looking at all the diamonds encased glimmering as I thought about all the death and destruction I had left in my wake.

  “Yeah, that was one hell of a scene back there. Especially that move I did on ole boy with the red head-.”

  Before I could get the words out of my mouth, Markur turned to me and said alarmed, “Somebody has been following us for the last twenty or so miles. I can’t shake them. I think it’s the KGB.”

  “Fuck!” I exclaimed and looked in my rearview mirror. There was a car following close behind us. I glanced over at the speedometer. Markur was doing every bit of ninety miles an hour.

  I pulled out my nine and cocked it to check for bullets in the chamber, but it was empty. I had somehow used them all.

  Suddenly the car lights flashed, signaling for us to pull over as the car rode our bumper.

  “What you want me to do? If I try to out run them we’ll kill ourselves driving on these icy roads.

  “Pull over. We’re just going to have to try to fight our way out of this.”

  “I can’t fight a lick and you’re in no condition to,” he said frightened as he pulled the car over on the side of the road. I still had the knife in my purse. I intended to use it as I pulled it out and held it under my thigh.

  To my surprise a white Audi pulled up beside us. It was going so fast that it fishtailed as it came to a stop.

  Darrick, Black’s brother stepped out. I didn’t know what to expect, so I kept my knife close to my side.

  “Oh shit,” I gasped.

  “Do you know him?” Markur asked with his top lip upturned.

  “Yeah, but then again I don’t think I know anybody anymore,” I said as I stepped out of the car. As I stood there while Darrick closed the distance between us, I prepared myself for an attack.

  The pain in my leg had crawled up to my back and I didn’t think I had any more fight left in me.

  Darrick put his hands up like he wanted me to see that he wasn’t armed. If he could fight like his brother he didn’t need any weapons.

  “I’m here to help you,” he said sincerely as he got closer to me.

  “Help me?” I asked staring at him looking all GQ in a gray wool p-coat. What the hell was going on? Why was he there and how had he found me?

  When he stopped in front of me he flashed me a pensive look and then peeked in the car.

  “Who is he?” He asked curiously with creases in his forehead.

  “Where have you been?” I shot back. The pain in my body made me grit my teeth.

  “We’ll talk about that later. Who is he?” Darrick asked again.

  “He is someone who helped me,” I answered feeling myself getting light headed.

  “Well, you need to get to a hospital. I’ll explain everything to you on the way. Don’t worry. I have connections everywhere. You’re safe. Uh, where is your earpiece?” He was looking around like he was waiting for someone to roll up and open fire on us.

  “Why?” I asked. “It’s for me to stay in touch with Black.”

  “I have to get you away from my brother and I’ll explain why, but you need medical attention right now. You look like you’re about to pass out.” A look of concern was etched on his face.

  I didn’t know who to trust at the moment. “Why would you want to get me away from…?”

  “No more questions. We will talk in the car. If you trust your friend tell him to follow us. Where is the earpiece?”

  I let out a frustrated sigh. Damn, I couldn’t remember where it was. I opened the car door and started searching inside.

  “What are you looking for?” Markur asked with alarm in his eyes. He had no idea what was going on.

  “Uh, it’s a little device that goes in my ear.”

  “Oh yeah. I put it in your bag,” he said smiling like he had done a good deed.

  I retrieved the earpiece and put it in Darrick’s outstretched hand. When he threw it down in the snow I didn’t bother to ask any more questions. Instead I told Markur to follow us. Me and Darrick walked to his car in silence as I braced myself to find out some more crazy shit.

  Chapter 13


  When I woke up on the sofa a few hours later the spot was quiet. Before leaving I checked the trash can just to be sure that my vision hadn’t been accurate. Maybe a nigga was just being paranoid and shit after all that liquor. When I saw the bag still in there and the condom and its wrapper, I exhaled. After taking the bag out, I tied it up and took it with me. When I got outside I noticed that Cynthia’s car was gone.

  Instead of following my instinct to call and check on her, I sent her a quick text instead. It was generic and only asked if she made it home okay. I didn’t wait for her response as I sat my phone in the passenger seat. All I could think about was Zero and how much I missed her. Even busting a good nut all up in Cynthia’s fine ass hadn’t erased that. Knowing damn well that it wouldn’t didn’t stop me from doing it. All I could do was hope old girl didn’t catch any feelings.

  After pulling up to the crib, I jumped out of the car rushing to get inside for that shower. I had left the hospital hours ago and had to get back to check on my bro. Leaving him there alone with Peaches that long may not have been a good idea. Especially if he woke up.

  Once my shower was over I grabbed my phone and noticed that Cynthia had texted back that she was fine. When I got in my car again I called Mundo to let him know about the delay of plans for Roberto.

  “Hola.” He said picking up on the second ring.

  “What’s up man? Look, I’m goin’ just get straight to the point. My brother got shot and it’s not really looking good.” I cleared my throat before continuing. “You remember me telling you about getting to Roberto so I could get my girl back. Well, come to find out her body was found, which makes me want to kill that son of a bitch even more. The thing is, I gotta wait until my bro is good and I don’t know how long that’s gonna be. You feel me?”

  There was silence followed by a deep sigh. “Yeah, I do feel you. I’m sorry about what happened to your old lady man and your brother.”

  I didn’t say anything right away as I focused on the road. The thought of seeing my woman one last time crossed my mind and for a second I thought there was hope. Then I thought about the fact that her aunt had her identified with her dental records. I still couldn’t make myself call her to confirm it. Instead I just sent her some cash to help with the burial. Shit, I didn’t want to face it and hearing it from her would make it too damn real.

  “Yeah, I ‘preciate that man. I’m still watching you, so don’t try to do anything sneaky. Trust is a luxury and comes at a high price, so in other words you ain’t paid for mine yet. In the meantime I need you to keep your eye on Roberto. Keep up with his moves and report to me if the bastard steps foot out of the state of Florida. You got me?”

  I pulled up to the light and could’ve sworn I saw that bitch Lexie in the car next to me. When I took a closer look I realized that it wasn’t her. Teena would be the perfect one to get her ass. As soon as I hung up with Mundo I was going to call her. If she hadn’t sent that nigga after me my mufuckin’ brother wouldn’t be in the fucking hospital. The fact that I couldn’t get my hands dirty was the only reason I was going to get Teena to do the job. If I wasn’t in the hot seat with the Fayettevill
e PD I would’ve done that shit myself. I had no problem killing a bitch who deserved that shit.

  “Honestly, you don’t have to watch me. I’m down to help you bring down that motherfuckin’ asshole. I told you that. Just let me know when you’re ready.”

  “A’ight. I’ll be in touch.”

  I dialed Teena’s number after I hung up and the call went straight to the voicemail.

  “Sup Tee. I need you to hit me up asap. Gotta run some shit by you.”

  After I hung up I turned the radio up. Of all songs, Pac’s “Me and My Girlfriend” was on. Shit, all a nigga could think about was my lady killer on the passenger side jamming to that shit. Damn, I loved that woman and I knew that I would never feel anything close to that again in my life.

  * * *

  Over a week had passed and Buff was awake, sitting up and all. The doctor said he would be able to leave the hospital in a week or so. Peaches was still around and had been staying in Buff’s bedroom at the crib. I really didn’t like having her there, but of course that nigga was happy to see her.

  When I had finally made it back to the hospital that day Buff’s eyes were wide open and it was like seeing Peaches had made his recovery quicker. He had been moved from ICU to a regular room a couple days after his surgery, so that was a good sign. His liver was healing, so his prognosis looked good.

  I had just left the hospital and was on my way to handle some business with a nigga who wanted to cop a few keys of soft, when my phone rang. Not recognizing the number, I still decided to answer it.

  “Yo,” I said waiting to hear the voice on the other end.

  “Zeus? It’s Jazmine. I’m sorry. I lost my phone and I’m using my sister’s. Have you heard from Teena?” She asked sounding worried. I could hear the intense sound of uncertainty in her voice.

  I actually hadn’t heard from Teena since that day at the hospital. After trying to contact her over and over I figured she had gone to New Orleans to be with her girl. It wasn’t like her not to check on Buff, but I figured she was mourning the loss of her friend. I still couldn’t say Zero was…Nah, I couldn’t say it. I didn’t even go to the private memorial her aunt had for her.

  “I haven’t seen her since ya’ll were at the hospital. I tried to call, but…” My voice trailed off.

  “Oh shit. I’m sorry. How’s Buff?” She asked.

  “Buff is better. He’s up and Peaches is there with him now,” I explained. “The doctor said he should be able to go home in a week or so.”

  “Peaches is at the hospital?” The panic in her voice grabbed my attention.

  I turned the radio down. “Yeah, uh, she showed up right after ya’ll left.”

  “That’s why Teena told me to stay here for a few more days.” She said it like it was a thought and she didn’t really mean to say it out loud.

  “What’s goin’ on Jaz?” I asked wondering what the hell she was talking about.

  She sighed and sounded like she was crying when she answered me. “I don’t know, but I need you to go by Teena’s and check on her. Look, Ze didn’t want us to say anything to Buff, but Peaches is a snake. She’s the reason why ya’ll were getting robbed and shit. Money told Zero that she was in on it the night she ran off. Ze didn’t want to hurt Buff, so we kept it a secret. The day after I got here Teena told me to extend my trip a few days longer, but wouldn’t tell me why. I haven’t heard from her and now I’m worried. What if Peaches did something to her?”

  My head was spinning as I put the pieces together. Peaches had been the one setting us up all along and Ze knew about it. It was just like her to want to protect my brother from pain, but that hadn’t been her place. We needed to know that bitch was crooked for situations just like the one that was unfolding at that very moment.

  “Fuck!” I yelled hitting the steering wheel. “That trifling bitch! I should kill her myself!”

  “Please, just go check on Teena for me. I need to know that she’s okay.” Jaz’s voice had risen in pitch and I could tell that she was about to lose it and start sobbing out of control.

  I made an illegal U-Turn because I was traveling in the opposite direction of Teena’s apartment on Cliffdale Rd. It was a good thing I wasn’t that far away.

  “Okay, I’m going,” I agreed putting my business aside for the time being.

  It was money over bitches, but Teena wasn’t just any chick. She was my woman’s best friend who had also become a friend of mine. The one thing I could say about her was that she was always hustling. It wasn’t like her at all to not ask for some work. She got off that shit as quick as she copped it. That alone had caused me to become suspicious.

  “That bitch is all up in me and my brother’s face like her shit don’t stink. I knew it was a reason I felt some type a’ way round her ass. How the fuck did she think she would get away with the shit she pulled? I mean, why come back knowing you did some shit like that,” I rambled as I hit the gas harder.

  “She obviously knows about Ze and thought it would be safe,” Jaz reasoned sounding as if she had calmed down a little.

  “But you and Teena knew, so…” Oh, so it made sense. Peaches would have to get Teena out of the way, but why risk it? What was her agenda this time? I had no idea, but she was not going to get away with what she had done to us and what she had possibly done to Teena.

  I tried to keep Jaz calm as I pulled up into the apartment complex they lived in. When I pulled up to the building I noticed both of Teena’s cars in their parking spaces. Knowing that would make Jaz more upset, so I decided not to mention it.

  “Are you there yet?” She asked anxiously.

  “Yes, uh, I just pulled up,” I said turning the car off, so I could go investigate.

  A chill ran down my spine and made me flinch. I didn’t have a key to get inside, so there was really no way for me to see if she was home. All I could do was ring the doorbell and wait, so I did.

  “What’s happening?” Jaz’s voiced boomed loudly in my ear.

  “I’m ringing the doorbell and knocking,” I said not really trying to pick a lock in a busy ass apartment complex. Somebody would see my black ass and call the cops quick as hell in a neighborhood like that.

  She smacked her teeth in frustration. “Shit! She would’ve came to the door by now. Can you peek in the windows or anything?”

  I walked off and tried to peek into the living room through a small space in the blinds, but I couldn’t see shit.

  “I can’t see nothin’ Jaz. I’m sorry. I would try to pick the lock, but…”

  “I know. Somebody might call the cops. Shit, shit, shit! Something is wrong Zeus. I can feel it.” Her voice was somber and I couldn’t help but silently agree.

  As I let out a sigh, I decided to check the other windows. It was a good thing that their place was on the first floor. I tried two more windows before making it to their bedroom window. There was a bigger slit in the blinds, so I figured I could see something.

  Then I did.

  Ah shit!

  Upon closer inspection, I noticed that Teena was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. There was no way to tell where the blood was coming from, but I figured she had been shot. The room was a mess as if someone had pulled everything out of the drawers. That must’ve been to make it look like a robbery gone wrong. Shit, I didn’t want to tell Jaz, but I had to.

  “Why are you so quiet?” She asked as I backed away from the window and made my way to the car.

  I didn’t say a word until I put my whip in reverse and drove away from there. My heart felt like it was in my stomach and there was a lump in my throat.

  “Damn Teena,” I mumbled as I shook my head. “She’s…she’s dead Jaz.”

  She screamed and then the sound of her hysterical sobs filled my eardrum. There was nothing I could say. All I could do was wait for her to let it out. I couldn’t hang up on her until I knew that she could breathe. Finding out that way had to be fucked up.

  Her cries had calmed down, but she was still
sobbing when she asked, “What did you see?”

  I reluctantly explained the scene to her trying to be sensitive to how she would feel. Of course she accused Peaches of killing her.

  “I know Peaches did that shit! I know she did! I’m gonna come back and kill that bitch myself!” She screamed sounding more angry than hurt at that point.

  “Look, I need you to do something for me. There’s no way I can call to report that shit with all the heat surrounding me, but her body needs to be found. I need you to call the cops and tell them something. Just don’t mention Peaches and stay where you are for now. It’s safer. She may come after you next if she did this so Buff won’t find out the truth. I’ll take care of that bitch. Don’t worry. I know that shit hurts. Believe me. I know exactly how you feel right now Jaz. I’m gonna call to check up on you later. Okay.”

  She sniffed. “I can’t believe this shit Zeus. Fuck! How did this happen?”

  I didn’t know what to say. All I could do was empathize with her in silence.

  * * *

  As I loaded the clip and punched it in my 380, I thought of how I could lure Peaches to my car. There had to be a way for me to pry her away from Buff’s side, so I could shoot her in the woods like a rabid dog. That what she was. A rabid bitch. She was the worst kind of female and I couldn’t even call her trifling ass a woman.

  Then I thought about my brother and his well-being. Should I at least tell him the truth about her before I merked her ass, or just let him think the bitch had ran off again? I didn’t know. All I knew was that bitch had to die. That shit was a must.

  The sound of the doorbell surprised me. It wasn’t like I was expecting company. After Yo Yo showed up and saw Peaches at the hospital they got into it and she hadn’t returned. I had stayed tight lipped about her girl Lexie though because I had plans for her ass too.

  Maybe it was Peaches returning to the crib. Shit, killing that bitch was going to be easier than I thought. I ran down the stairs two at a time and swung the door open in anticipation of ending Peaches’s ratchet ass existence right there on the doorstep.


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