by Lass Small
“He’s been lax and unattentive for some time. I haven’t seen him in this condition since you left. Why you?”
And she sassed as she fondled him, “We’re old friends.”
“You shouldn’t neglect friends. They go into a decline.”
“He seems just like he always has.”
Tyler ignored that and went to the basics. “How come you’re here in my bed? How did you get over my double-whammy kiss so fast?”
“Well, actually, I didn’t plan to come here. I was taking off my clothes to go to bed, when I found I was putting on a long coat over my naked body. And I went out the door, past Hennie who was saying something or the other, and I got into my car and—” She shrugged remarkably so that the blanket slid a little and distracted him. She went on logically, “—and the car just drove me over here.”
“I’ll get it a full lube job tomorrow.”
She smiled slowly. “That’s what I came for. A lube job. I’ve been so dry and—”
“You’ve come to the right place. Are you sure you can handle the whiskers?”
“Let me feel.”
“Exactly what are you going to feel?”
“Well, I’ll have to find your whiskers so that I can decide—”
But he’d kissed her. He groaned in agony or something terrible by just the sound, but he’d always done that when he wanted her. She was not at all alarmed—not anymore. She remembered the first—
But he’d slid down next to her, lifting her over and on top of him. He moved his hands on her bare and bumpy body. He made sounds that were hoarse and serious. He was in such agony. He was so intense.
So she was distracted. Men tend to do that to women. A woman can have a perfectly good comment or story to tell, and he just goes along and does all sorts of remarkable things and makes a woman forget what all she was going to say. Tyler was like that. Skilled that way. She was him.
He said, “You used to like this.”
And she said, “Ummmmm.”
He said, “You’ve been neglected. These are bigger. I’ll have to rub them down.”
And she said, “Ahhhh.”
His breathing became harsher.
Hers became quicker. She wasn’t the zombie she’d been after he’d kissed her at Hennie’s place, she was concentrated more and she was very intense! She was a participator. She moved her hands around on him. And she made sounds that riveted him. Her movements had the same response.
Their kisses were hungry and wet, and they just about ate each other one way or another. It was shockingly intimate. They acted like they were devouring each other. And no one was hurt or cramped or squashed. Well, she might have been but she didn’t notice.
It was such intense awareness that the whole, entire place could have been torn down around them, and they would never have noticed.
They went up that thrilling spiral and shared the ultimate moment of just about oblivion before the thrilling pulsing began like the beating of a big drum. And they came floating, swirling down, back to reality... and exhaustion.
They lay for some time. They were still coupled. He’d moved just enough to release her body from some of his weight. And they lay silent and gasping, their breathing unsteady and hard, their breaths shivering with the thrills that still throbbed in their bodies... more gently then.
She said, “Wow.”
He groaned.
She smoothed his damp hair and caressed his wet forehead. She said, “That’ll be a hundred dollars.”
“I’ll find my wallet in a few minutes. You’ve just about finished me.”
She said, “I thought we might do it again.”
He snored gently.
She laughed. “You’re a fraud.”
He said, “Ummmm.” And he moved his face to the side of her head and nuzzled her there.
Then he started nuzzling other places. He was serious.
She said, “Forget it.”
And he assured her, “You don’t have to do a thing. Just stay where you are. I’ll handle everything.”
“I just bet you would. Uh-uh, cut that out.”
He gave that classic complaint, “You sure lose interest fast.”
“That comment has a familiar ring.”
He inquired, “Know who said it? You.”
She laughed. “I can see that. What else have I said?”
“You say Nol!’ a whole lot.”
“Actually, I can’t recall one time.”
“So. Who was the no-er?”
“Men always say women say that, and I thought if I told you so, you’d say, Okay. Go ahead.’”
“Why would I say that?”
“Because you love me—”
“I do? When did that happen? I don’t remember falling in love with you. It seems—”
“—and you don’t want me hungry and hurting.”
“How can you possible be hungry and hurting’ after that voracious session of intercourse?”
He gasped, “Can you say that word out loud?”
“There’s all kinds. Intercourse means many things. It means communications, sharing—”
“That’s the one I like. But I want you to promise me that you’ll stay away from Tom Keeper.”
“He’s harmless.”
“I can’t believe you could be that...unknowing.”
“What was the word you skipped? The one you substituted as unknowing. What was the original word?”
But Tyler asked, “What were you doing with him?”
And she lifted her eyebrows just a tad and inquired, “With whom?”
“Tom Keeper!”
“I asked him how I could get you back.”
“Oh.” Then he asked carefully, “And how did he reply to that?”
“He told me to be kind to you. That you’re a good man.”
“Oh.” Then Tyler asked, “What did he really say?”
“He told me to quit fooling around and pay attention.”
“Kayla, did you ever make love with him?”
“How’d you not? He’s really something.”
“He’s okay, but he wasn’t an ex-husband. I only sleep with ex-husbands.”
“You haven’t been...sleeping.”
“Not yet.”
“Can I fool around a little with you?”
“Oh, I suppose.”
“What’s your hand doing there?”
She leaned up and looked. “Why, how shocking!”
He laughed. “See? You’re just as randy as any man. You greedy woman.”
“I was shocked that you’re...unclothed...and there’s Godzilla all eager and attentive and waggling around—”
“I suppose you ought to calm him down.”
“Why would I do that?”
He explained logically, “Because you love me.”
“’re right! I do love you. I hadn’t realized—”
But he’d kissed her witless and she forgot what all she was going to protest and pretend and lie about.
They remarried after a while when they remembered they weren’t. And the renewal marriage was a blast. Actually a whole box of champagne blew up. But it was a great party. Everyone was there. Even Tom Keeper, but that’s another story.
And the two newly reweds lived happily ever after.
ISBN : 978-1-4592-7195-1
Copyright © 1997 by Lass Small
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Table of Contents
“Maybe We Ought To Have A Kid,”
Letter to Reader
Title Page
Books by Lass Small
About the Author
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten