Brocke: Meeting the Parents

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Brocke: Meeting the Parents Page 1

by Vi Voxley

  Brocke: Meeting the Parents

  Alien Warlord’s Conquest

  Vi Voxley



  1. Cora

  2. Brocke

  3. Cora

  4. Cora

  5. Brocke

  6. Cora

  Also by Vi Voxley

  Alien Paladin’s Woman Excerpt

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2016 Vi Voxley

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Brocke: Meeting the Parents

  Alien Warlord’s Conquest

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this work may be used, reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use. This book may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Vi Voxley. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

  Cover © Jack of Covers

  You can find all of my books here:

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  Created with Vellum



  There was an ancient curse back on Terra. It said: May you live in interesting times.

  In Cora's mind, she'd done that and more. As an officer of the Militant, in charge of surveying and keeping order across the Galactic Union, she was bound to see plenty of action. Being a cop on Terra was bad enough, dealing with alien races and mysterious cultures was just the cherry on top of that.

  So, after life gifted Cora and her new warlord husband Brocke a chance to tick off "saving the world" on their bucket lists, she was ready to lay off excitement for a while.

  That quickly gave her a chance to appreciate the meaning of another saying.

  Be careful what you wish for.

  "Are you sure you'll be fine here?" the warlord asked Cora for what seemed like the millionth time.

  Biting her tongue not to point out Brocke's overprotectiveness, Cora gave him a serious look, or at least tried to. It was very difficult to stare down a towering powerhouse of a warrior when he was more than a head taller than Cora. She had to crane her neck to glare, but she didn't let that stop her. There were important things to be done, they were both aware of that. And besides...

  "Yes," Cora said, her voice growing naturally softer when she spoke to him. "Stop worrying. I am in the Citadel. This is your father's keep. There are, like, thousands of warriors here who will keep me safe. Men and women the chieftain trusts. Doesn't that count for anything?"

  For a while, peace and quiet worked for Cora. While Brocke worked to dismantle the evil that had threatened a whole planet, she took a breather. Gaiya, her adoptive new home world, was beautiful and rich after all, a perfect place to get some nice peace and quiet.

  If it weren't for the Corgans, of course.

  The Galactic Union strongly advised against traveling deeper into the Corgan realm. As the gate world, Gaiya was a little more hospitable, but it still came with warning signs in the travel guides. Provoking a Corgan warrior was widely considered a form of criminal insanity.

  Considering she was married to one of the most powerful – and one of the most vicious – warlords, Cora didn't mind them so much.

  She couldn't deny, however, that trying to picture Brocke taking time off was a bit of a stretch.

  Brocke did the glaring part so much better than she did. Cora supposed that his savage looks helped with that. Bright blue eyes shining from under a mess of black hair were perfect for making anyone reconsider their position.

  As the guardian of Gaiya's only prison Gomor, Brocke did that a lot. Being intimidating came naturally to Corgan warriors. Brocke was a giant even among them, with wide shoulders and the traditional tattoos covering half of his face. It served to reason that his glare would be that much more effective, too.

  A young, red-haired woman with hazel eyes that always smiled was no match for that.

  "My father can be too lenient," Brocke growled.

  Right. Nadar Brenger, known for his leniency across the galaxy, Cora scoffed.

  His deep voice sent a pleasant thrill through Cora's body, but she wasn't done with the guardian yet.

  "That is most definitely the first time someone says that about Nadar Brenger," she retorted.

  And there it was. Brocke's lips curled into a reluctant smile, the wild look in his eyes becoming gentler as he pulled Cora into his embrace.

  "Probably," he allowed. "The chieftain isn't known for his merciful qualities."

  "He is not," Cora agreed, pushing on. "So maybe you can trust his chosen warriors to keep me safe while you are away? Maybe you can trust me to keep me safe while you’re away."

  "None of them are worthy. And in your condition–"

  "Of course they're not," Cora said, wrapping her hands around Brocke's thick neck, watching as the guardian grinned a little at that. "You are the best of them. Everyone knows that. Which is why you need to go and do this. I – we – will be fine right here. I hear your mother had a very nice walkway built on the upper floors. I'll take a walk and then maybe work on my program a little. We need to be sure all of Condor's followers are found."

  "You're right," Brocke agreed, sighing heavily. "This is for your safety and that of our child."

  Brocke paused, sounding not entirely convinced. But at least he seemed to be agreeing, however reluctantly.

  He slid his hand gently over Cora's belly. She closed her eyes in pleasure. There was something incredibly sweet and intimate about Brocke's carefulness with her, even if Cora missed being fucked so hard she couldn't remember her own name.

  The downside of her current blessed state.

  "And when you come back," she teased, "we can lock ourselves into this room and not come out for weeks."

  The guardian growled approvingly, his bright blue eyes filled with desire.

  "I don't think a few weeks is enough," Brocke said. "But it's a good start. I believe Gomor can work for a while without me. I like your idea. After we've met the chieftain, we have plenty of time."

  Er, what?

  "What?" Cora asked, jumping back a little and wriggling out of Brocke's arms. "I thought Nadar Brenger is away."

  "My father will be returning in a few days. It's his keep, as you said. Condor is dead and life on Gaiya can return to normal. The more I think on it, the more I'm convinced that he let me handle Condor to see what I could do. And now we will start to repair what Condor broke."

  "Yes, yes," Cora said, "that I get. Condor and everything. But you’re saying that we are meeting him in a few days? And your mother too?"

  "Yes. Is there something wrong?"

  Brocke's confusion would have been almost funny to see if Cora had been in anything resembling a joking mood. She searched for words.

  "Meeting the parents is kind of a big thing on Terra," she finally said. "I thought we'd have a little more time."

  Brocke gave her a look, making Cora glance down at herself as well with a frown. Her gaze stopped on her still-flat belly and realization hit her.

  Oh. Right. I guess I’ve had enough time…

  "You have nothing to worry about," Brocke said. "You helped to bring down Condor and we are expecting a child. And you are my chosen, my fated. There is nothing else to be said."

  "About the fact we met less than a month ago and I'm already pregnant?" Cora asked, although she couldn't keep the smile off her face whenever Brocke mentioned their baby and their future

  Brocke snorted.

  "Corgans don't think like that," he said. "The chieftain certainly won't care. Besides, my mother is Terran too. And considering how little time passed between their meeting and them having my sister Deva, it shouldn't be an issue."

  That helped a little, but Cora still couldn't entirely shake the nervousness.

  "The chieftain is not known for his benevolent temper either,” she pointed out.

  As far as distractions went, it seemed to be working. Brocke was looking more amused and less worried with each second.

  “Are you saying he scares you?” the guardian asked her.

  “Nadar Brenger has made enemies break their own swords as a sign of submission rather than face him,” Cora argued. “I haven’t been around your people for long, but try and argue that is a common behavior among you guys. I also have it on good authority that the concept of giving up wasn’t introduced to your culture until a few thousand years ago.”

  I might have overdone it, Cora thought, looking at Brocke’s raised eyebrows.

  “You are very well informed,” Brocke finally said. “How do you know all that?”

  “I was going to say I read, but I was honestly expecting you to argue a little.”

  “You said nothing wrong. It’s just surprising to me that you’d know all that, but I suppose your job requires that. The Militant’s records are good. I must make a note to mention that to the chieftain.”

  “So it happened?” Cora asked, baffled. “Your father really made actual warriors sink so low as to break their own swords?”

  Of all the things she’d picked up about the Corgans over the years, that was the one rumor Cora had firmly put down as just that – a rumor. Corgan warriors were fierce and stubborn to a fault. The two long, thin swords were their signature weapons. She’d never seen a warrior without them.

  Even Brocke treated the blades like detachable limbs. Cora had honestly expected the guardian to take them to bed, but for all their savagery, Corgans weren’t insane. Their bed had remained sword-free. At least for now.

  “He did,” Brocke confirmed. “It was one of the first stories ever told about him.”

  “I couldn’t be less surprised,” Cora deadpanned, but it seemed her attempt to take Brocke’s mind off leaving her alone had worked.

  “Have no fear,” the guardian said, gently running his fingers through her short curly red hair. “I will be back before you know it and I’ll see that the chieftain loves you almost as much as I do.”

  Cora nodded reluctantly, letting Brocke pull her up into a wild, passionate kiss. Her fingers ran over the guardian’s dark leathery armor that she still thought made Brocke look like he was dressed in dragon scales.

  A part of her dearly wished to let out a small moan and enjoy the ride that would unavoidably follow. The images of what Brocke looked like underneath the armor were almost too delicious to bear, but she refused to give in to her lust. The pregnancy hormones were driving her libido through the roof, but she couldn’t distract Brocke now that he was finally ready to leave.

  They’d delayed too many times already under remarkably similar circumstances.

  So she took everything she could from the kiss, enjoying the way Brocke’s hands ran over her back, tugging at her dress. With a warning yelp, Cora pulled back.

  “I’ll try and be calm until you get back,” she promised before Brocke could say anything.

  “Alright,” the warlord growled, his blue eyes alight with desire, “but I will not forget about your idea of locking ourselves into this room after it’s all done. I can’t wait to have you writhing under me, to thrust into your tight, eager pussy and make you cum screaming my name.”

  Cora swallowed dryly. The way he could go from warlord to ferocious lover in the blink of an eye still had her reeling every time.

  “I don’t think I’ll forget either,” was all Cora managed to reply.

  She dug her fingers into the folds of her dark green dress very hard until Brocke was out of the room. Only then did she bite her lip and let out a moan, closing her eyes and imagining Brocke doing everything he’d promised.

  Outside of their quarters, Cora could hear Brocke threatening the guards with death, pain and hellfire if they let anything happen to her.

  Everything seemed to be normal in the Corgan realm.



  Restoring order to the world had been tedious.

  There was no other word for it. Brocke had already done the dangerous and complicated part.

  He and Cora both, in fact. They had brought down the enemy together and while Condor was gone, his filth remained. Olyra, the great underground network where the priest had found supporters, was on the brink of boiling over.

  The chieftain had authorized Brocke to clean it up.

  He could have done it the hard way, but after so much bloodshed on the holy world, Brocke chose not to. He had given the miscreants a week to leave the dark tunnels and rejoin society. While they faced the ominous choice of certain or uncertain death, Brocke had taken Cora to the Citadel.

  The days they’d spent there were free of the darkness and fear they’d met in. As a warlord, Brocke wasn’t one for big words, so he only hoped Cora knew how much he’d enjoyed simply being with her. All his life, he had thought his place was in the heart of darkness on Gaiya, but it wasn’t. Cora had shown him that.

  Now, even the misery of the dark prison Gomor he guarded couldn’t bring him down.

  After a week, Brocke had returned at the head of a warrior unit and destroyed what was left of Olyra’s defenses after its occupants had fled. They broke every secret passage and gate, letting in the Haunters.

  The deadly predators of Gaiya’s forests had now taken over, ensuring no one would ever live in Olyra again.

  Before meeting Cora, Brocke would have likely enjoyed carrying out such a task, but he found it exhausting in a way nothing ever had. The distance was excruciating to bear.

  When he returned to the Citadel three days after last seeing Cora, it felt like there was a weight on his heart. Every bit of Brocke ached for her closeness, her sweet scent and soft lips. With every day he’d been away, the world had become a little more blurry and Cora’s image before his eyes more clear.

  Only a moment longer…

  She was waiting for him right behind the gigantic bay doors as Brocke approached on his speeder bike.

  The guardian saw the gates roll open and Cora’s gorgeous figure there, standing on her tiptoes to see him.

  Brocke jumped off the bike before it even properly stopped, reaching Cora in three long strides and lifting her into his arms. She squealed in delight, wrapping her hands around Brocke’s neck and kissing him until they both ran out of breath. He spun her, loving the way she smiled at that, barely able to resist taking her right then and there.

  “I was so damn wrong,” Cora whispered to him. “Three days without you were horrible. I don’t know how I can handle that when you have to return to Gomor. I know it sounds so stupid when I say it out loud. Like, I should be able to handle three days. It’s nothing. I’m being silly–“

  Brocke cut her off before Cora could say anything further.

  “Every second without you was a torture,” he said. “I could never have imagined how bad it would be. If this is how it is, I will not go back to Gomor.”

  The startled expression on Cora’s face told him that wasn’t exactly what the little Terran had wanted to hear.

  “No, no,” she protested at once. “They need you there. We’ll figure something out.”

  “Yes,” Brocke promised. “Whatever you need, I will give you.”

  “Anything?” Cora teased, her hazel eyes shining with joy.

  “Of course,” Brocke growled. “You know I would give every inch of me to make you happy.”

  “Nothing so dramatic,” Cora laughed. “I just want you to take me to our room and fuck me so hard I can’t walk afterwards.”

  Brocke didn’t answer that. There was nothing to say because there was no question whether or not he would. The warlord lifted her into his arms and carried her all the way through the Citadel, paying no attention to anyone. As far as he was concerned, there was no one else in the galaxy right then but him and Cora.

  The doors slid shut behind them in the room they had claimed just a second before Brocke put Cora down to stand as gently as he could and ripped her long dress down the front in the very next heartbeat. Her startled, expectant moan was the single hottest thing Brocke had ever heard in his life.

  Or so he thought. Right up to when Cora looked at her ruined dress and Brocke could see the flames of lust flare up in her eyes.

  “Fuck me,” Cora whispered to him, backing away towards their bedroom. “I need you. I need you to fuck me as hard as you can.”

  Brocke growled, a deep sound at the back of his throat.

  That had sounded like a challenge. Every Corgan warrior loved them, but Cora’s was without a doubt the best Brocke had faced.

  Cora's whimpers of pleasure filled the room. Brocke couldn't tear his eyes away from her perfect form, lying beneath him as he thrust into her wet, welcoming pussy. The guardian could feel her nails digging into his back, Cora trying desperately to keep herself from cumming too soon, but Brocke was relentless.

  She'd asked him to fuck her hard and without holding anything back. He was giving her just that, or as much as he could without harming her, but Brocke had yet to hear any complaint from her. Quite on the contrary, Cora's cries urged him on every time he stopped for a moment to make sure he wasn't hurting her.

  Cora spread her legs wider, giving Brocke a better angle to slam his cock deeper into her. The walls of her pussy clamped down on his thick length, the heat enveloping him almost dizzying. He kissed her lips, feeling her bite back teasingly, clearly needing more of every inch of Brocke she could get.


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