With the Band (With the Band #1)

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With the Band (With the Band #1) Page 27

by Natasha Preston

  “You wouldn’t even know which end to put the bread in, Kitt, so I don’t know why you’re taking the piss.”

  “Have you ever thought that I pretend to be an awful cook, so I don’t have to do it?”

  She takes a minute before replying, “No. I think you’re just horrible at it, but please feel free to cook us all some bacon and prove me wrong.”

  Fuck, she’s got me. If I don’t do it, she’ll think she’s won, and if I do it, she’ll have food cooked for her and still win.

  And from the cocky head tilt and pursed lips, she knows it, too.

  She puts her hands on her hips. “Well?”

  “Well, I’ll sit right here and let you win while getting me meat.” If I’m losing, I’m getting something out of it.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Mark watching us. He’s intrigued, confused almost. He enjoys seeing how we interact because he can see that we’re meant to be. But he’s still watching.

  “Fine. I’ll make it. You’re buying dinner anyway.” She smiles and heads to the kitchen area.

  “When have I not paid, Tex?”

  “I’ll treat you one day.”

  She bloody won’t, but I don’t want her to. I want to be the one who looks after her. And I will. Tex has a pretty strong personality, but I’m not backing down from that. She can kick and scream, but she’s mine, and I’m taking care of her.

  “Where’s Milo and Cooper?” Will asks, flopping down beside me and throwing his hands behind his head.

  “On the piss somewhere, I think. That, or screwing some chicks.”

  “Men are disgusting!” Texas shouts over her shoulder.

  I watch Texas while she cooks. Her head is tilted to the side as she flips the bacon with one hand and looks at something on her phone with the other. She turns away, and I realise it’s because she’s reacting to something she’s read.

  Her shoulders slouch, and I’m on my feet. Something is up.

  I walk over to her, stand close, and ask, “What’s going on?”

  “Last night, you cheated on me with this chick,” she replies, shoving her phone in my face.

  “Tex, no, I—”

  “Don’t,” she says, ending my sentence. “I know it didn’t happen. It’s been twenty-four hours, and I can’t count how many times one of us has cheated or there’s been a new rumour. I can’t keep up on any of my pages because they’re being bombarded, and anytime I step outside this bus, people are there in crowds, waiting to fire questions and tell me how to live my life.”

  Shit. This never bothered her before, but like she said, it’s been a day, and she can’t keep up. She’s already had enough. I can’t wait to get this show over with, then we only have a quick stop in Finland before home.

  “I’m sorry, baby.”

  She wraps her arms around my waist. “It’s not your fault, Kitt. I need to stop looking so much. I’ll ignore it. Doesn’t matter what anyone else says anyway.”

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  Letting go, she gives me a playful shove. “I’m better than okay. I have you. Now, go sit down, and stop distracting me, or I’ll never get this cooked to perfection.”

  I watch her for a second, looking for any signs of indecision.

  There is none. She’s still sure about us. She’s still all in.




  We’re back in the UK for a week before going to America. I thought I’d feel less stressed here, but the storm surrounding our relationship is raging. It’s pissing me off because I don’t get stressed.

  I’d just like to be a regular couple, even for a day.

  Kitt is worried because I’m not as chipper as I usually am. I need to regroup and get my fuck it back. I need to hold my middle finger up and say, Sod it.

  Easier said than done.

  Kitt rolls over on my bed and throws his arm across my waist. That helps. “Are you really kicking me out?”

  “Yep,” I reply. “I don’t want you to see me before I’m ready.”

  “That’s a stupid idea. I like seeing you before you’re ready.”

  Tonight, we’re going to a red-carpet event, a movie premiere, and it’s the first time Kitt and I will be together in public as a couple. It’s time. Maybe once we’ve confirmed what everyone already knows, I’ll do better with not caring.

  While I’m with Kitt, I’ll get more attention. It’s always going to happen. So, maybe what I need to do is get used to how it is now. Is this how Peyton felt when she joined the cast, and things got crazy?

  “Go, Kitt. Promise, I’ll make it worth it later.”

  I watch the struggle in his eyes. He wants to stay, but he wants me to make it up to him.

  “What will it be, Daniels?”

  He kisses my forehead, rolls over, and catapults himself off the bed. “Until tonight,” he calls over his shoulder.

  I laugh and fall back against my bed. Thought so.

  Time to get ready.

  I’m torn. I want to be me because no one else can do it better, but I want to be what Kitt deserves.


  No, no.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  Fuck the posh dresses. I’m going as me.

  And if I ever think like that again, I’m going to stab myself in the head.

  Shunning the long-length ball gowns, I slip on my deep red skater dress and black heels. I will be exactly who I am, and I don’t care who doesn’t like it. Let people say I’m not enough or that my clothes aren’t red-carpet worthy. They don’t matter. I have Kitt, and there will be alcohol.

  I’ve grown up in the spotlight, but my dad sheltered me from much more than I realised until recently. Now, I’m jumping into it with both feet. There’s no way I can keep as much privacy anymore, not since I’m with the heartthrob lead singer in one of the fastest rising bands.

  “Damn it!” I snap, poking my hair in front of the mirror. I’m in the dress I want, but my hair is not going right.

  Dad laughs from my doorway.

  I frown at his reflection. “What’s so funny?”

  “You’re stressing about your appearance, pumpkin. You’re turning into a girl.”

  I glare at him and go back to the unruly mop on my head. “This is all your fault. Why did I have to get your stupid hair? Jennifer’s hair is perfect all the time, and mine always looks like I’ve just woken up.”

  “You’ve never cared about your hair before, Texas. Why now?”

  “Because it won’t pin up properly!”

  “And you think Kitt will care what your hair looks like?”

  “No…but I do.”

  Dad walks into my room with a frown on his face. He pulls my hand away from my hair and gives it a squeeze. “If you care what the whole world thinks, I’ll call a hairdresser in now. If you only care what you think, leave it alone.”

  “You’re right,” I reply. Sod the hair. It can be down. I give him a hug. “Thanks, Dad.”

  He hugs me back a little harder than usual and kisses my forehead. “Anytime. You look beautiful, by the way.”

  “Thank you. I don’t really like the whole dress thing.”

  “There’s my girl.” He releases me with a smile. “I’m proud of you, Texas.”

  “Thank you. I’m proud of you, too. You’re handling this Kitt thing a lot better than I thought. You even gave him a compliment there. He really wouldn’t care what my hair is like.”

  “And I’ll keep dealing with it just fine as long as he doesn’t hurt you.”

  “He won’t. This is more than what he had with other girls.”

  Lots and lots of other girls who I choose to forget about on a regular basis. A few pop up here and there to sell their kiss-and-tell stories, and those are the ones I feel sorry for. All they have of him is a memory and a couple hundred. Their time with him isn’t even private anymore. I could never share anything that’s just between us with the world, no matter what
the price tag was.

  “I understand that. I guess I’ve seen a lot of rock stars over the years. Each generation seems to…enjoy what the nature of the business has to offer more and more. I never wanted you to be a part of that.”

  “Never bloody will be. If Kitt didn’t like me back, there was no way I would’ve let anything happen between us. I won’t be Jennifer.”

  “Texas…” he warns.

  “Whatever. You don’t want me to be a teen knocked up by a touring rock star either. Good thing I’m not Jennifer, and Kitt’s not you.”

  “I really wish I’d lied to you about your conception.”

  I grin. “But we have a no-lying-to-each-other rule.”

  A rule I have seriously pushed.

  “Yes, we do. Remember that, Texas.”

  Oh, that’s a warning. Whenever he asks a question about Kitt, he and I both know I’ll have to give him a straight, honest answer.

  “Kitt’s here,” I say as the front door opens and slams.

  “I’m so glad I never took away his key,” Dad says sarcastically.

  “Play nice, please. He’s important to me.”

  He groans and walks out, muttering something about hating me getting older. Clearly, he’s still oblivious to the fact that I’m already older.

  I take one last glance at myself and sigh. It’s a shame I can’t do this in shorts and flip-flops.

  As I walk downstairs, I hear Dad and Kitt making small talk. They laugh, and the sound of my two favourite guys makes my heart swell.

  Kitt’s eyes focus on me as I come around the corner. Dad says his name, but Kitt’s eyes don’t move, and his mouth is open. Dad turns around, but I don’t see his reaction to Kitt’s ogling because I’m doing the same.

  I’m used to Kitt being in jeans and a T-shirt. It’s not often he’s in a tux. He’s so gorgeous that I want to bash my head against the marble floor. Or maybe jump him.

  His black tux is a slim fit, and the top button of his white shirt is undone. He’s never looked so sexy—well, except for when he’s wearing just a pair of those slim jeans. Biting my lip, I walk the last few steps in a daze of filthy thoughts.

  Dad clears his throat, and I stand up straight, embarrassed that he caught me and Kitt eye-fucking each other.

  “Be in the kitchen,” he mutters before making himself scarce.

  Kitt steps forward until he’s right in front of me. I look up, and the way he’s staring at me makes my heart ache in the best way.

  “Hi,” I whisper. “You look good.”

  Kitt continues to stare. His eyes are glowing red-hot. Finally, he gulps and licks his lips. “Texas…shit. You’re stunning.”

  “Do not get used to it. The dress thing won’t be repeated often, and I think I’m going to fall over in these stupid—”

  Kitt effectively ends my rambling by sealing his mouth over mine.

  Usually, when he knows my dad is around, Kitt is extremely reserved when it comes to me, but right now, he’s not holding back. And I’m not complaining. I hold on and kiss him back.

  Twenty minutes later, we’re in the limo. I have Ted with me and the new guy, Lars. Hank is here also. I get on with him well enough to feel comfortable having him shadow me, so my extra security isn’t too bad.

  “Do we really have to do this?” I ask, gripping Kitt’s hand.

  “Not if you don’t want to,” he replies.

  “Hey, you’re not supposed to give me an option. You know we can’t just blow it off!”

  “Sure you can,” Cooper pipes in. “He’s Kitt fucking Daniels, and if he wants to skip out on an event, he can. And I’ll come with you.” His eyes go wide. “Please, let me come with you.”

  Coop hates these types of things. Just give him the after-party, and he’s happy.

  “No one is skipping this,” Dad says.

  “Yeah, Coop,” Jimmy adds. “And no more drinking beforehand.”

  Cooper scowls. “How else am I supposed to get through this shit film?”

  “You don’t know it’s bad, idiot. You’ve not seen it yet,” I say.

  “There are no fights or car chases. That’s how I know it’s shit. At least you two can suck face to pass the time. What do I have?”

  Kitt sticks his middle finger up and tightens his grip on my hand. Cooper, the bastard, did that on purpose. Thankfully, Dad doesn’t react, and the incident is quickly forgotten. Plus, our limo has pulled to a stop in front of the red carpet, and it’s our turn to get out.

  Cameras are flashing, and actors from the film and celebrity guests are taking photos along the way. I’m terrified. There is absolutely no way I’m going to make it inside without falling on my arse. Kitt had better not let go.

  “Let’s do this. I call dibs on Elizabeth!” Milo says, causing Cooper to swear like a sailor. He wanted the star tonight.

  “You can’t just call a person, Milo!” I snap.

  “Of course you can. Look up the shotgun rules, babycakes.” He flashes me a smile and opens the door.

  The screams make me flinch. We wait for everyone else to get out. Dad, Jimmy, and Will take their time, and I know they’re looking for fans, so they can do autographs and pictures. They always make time for fans.

  Milo and Cooper practically bound around in search of the best-looking women to approach. No change there either.

  Kitt gets out next and turns around to take my hand.

  I guess we’re going straight in for it then. It’s probably best.

  I smile up at him when I’m standing successfully. No tripping so far. Win.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  He leans in for a kiss. I manage to forget everyone else when his lips touch mine, but I sure as hell can’t ignore the reaction. This is definitely what people who don’t even personally know us want.

  I’d like to be able to say that you can’t be too invested in the love lives of people you don’t know, but you absolutely can. I was devastated when Chad Michael Murray and Sophia Bush divorced. I was Team Brocas until the bitter end.

  Kitt breaks the kiss after a second, keeping it classy and not allowing time for either of us to get carried away. Good thing really. We do not need any more of our private life on camera.

  His name is yelled over and over, and hordes of women shout that they love him. Many of them shout that they love us, and I even hear, “Kexas,” being screeched, too.


  This is insane. Keep walking. Do not fall and make a twat out of yourself.

  He pulls me close under his arm and occasionally stops us to chat with someone or to pose for pictures. A few groups are holding Filthy Sound handmade signs—one saying, I Heart Kitt 4eva, which plain just makes me cringe.

  He stops. “Hey, ladies.”

  They practically orgasm in front of us.

  “Oh my God, we love you!” a girl screams in his face. “Will you sign our banner?”

  “Of course.” He lets go of me, takes the girl’s Sharpie, and scribbles his signature over the banner that already has Milo’s and Cooper’s autographs on it. Their phone numbers are probably on the back by now, too.

  “Do you want a picture?” he stupidly asks them.

  Like they’re going to say no.

  “Oh my God, yes! We’re so excited you and Texas are a thing. We just knew it!”

  “Want her in it, too?”

  The little prick.

  I want to openly glare at him, but that’ll make me look like a total bitch, so I smile.

  The girls nod eagerly, and I smile as I turn awkwardly, so I’m in the bloody photo as well. Kitt holds me tight to his side and smiles at the pink leopard-print phone.

  Another thing I don’t like.

  Find me a bloody pink leopard. Just one.

  “Thank you,” I say politely to the girls once the photo is done.

  “See you around,” Kitt says, taking my hand and leading us closer to the door.

  I just want to be inside now. I was fully prepared to have ph
otos for the press and paparazzi, but fans, too? Nope. That was not discussed. I’m not really that comfortable being around crazy fangirls unless I’m one of them. And I haven’t been a fangirl of Filthy Sound ever. I know them too well.

  We stop again and pose for proper pictures. Kitt kisses the side of my head, so I figure we don’t have to hold back all affection. He isn’t. I wrap my arms around that toned waist and smile.

  This isn’t so bad when it’s just us. I need to quickly get used to the sheer amount of people interested in me and him as a couple.

  Fuck it. I love him, and I’m not giving him up for anything, so I might as well get on board here.

  Embracing my new official status as Kitt Daniels’s girlfriend, I tilt my head toward him and pose perfectly for pictures that I’ll no doubt see splashed all over social media tomorrow.




  Texas handled the red carpet perfectly. She always does. I really don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about my relationship with her.

  The film finishes with a round of applause from the audience, and Tex turns to me.

  “That was awesome!” she gushes, clapping along with everyone else.


  It was good. The part I didn’t like was where my girlfriend fanned herself when male lead, Aaron Conner, got naked.

  “You liked some scenes better than others, huh?” I ask her.

  My band laughs, suddenly interested in our conversation. They know exactly what I’m talking about because they know Tex is a little pervert.

  She shrugs innocently. “It was a good scene. Very tasteful and classy.”

  “Yeah, the dude has a very classy cock,” Milo deadpans.

  “You wouldn’t know, dipshit. Yours is probably covered in boils,” Tex calls back.

  Milo’s mouth opens, but his shock is hidden behind amusement. He’s as proud of her for that comeback as I am.

  Cooper, laughing and pointing to Milo’s cock, throws his head back and says, “Burn! Shit, man, you’d better not have any of that crap. We share a shower.”

  “Yeah, that’s how STDs are spread,” I reply sarcastically.


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