With the Band (With the Band #1)

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With the Band (With the Band #1) Page 36

by Natasha Preston

  Translation: Will wants to sleep with Irish chicks.

  “Thanks for not being a wanker about this.”

  He laughs and sits on a stool, finally comfortable and over the shock of me wanting his daughter forever. “Thank you for never breaking her heart.”

  It’s a threat and one that is completely unnecessary because the only thing I would never do for that girl is hurt her.

  I dip my head. “You got it.”




  “What do I get for the rock star who has it all?” I ask Milo and Cooper.

  We’re out shopping for Kitt’s twenty-third birthday, which is in three days, and none of us have a single clue. I’m so grateful that I get to spend his birthday with him before he goes to rock Australia. I’d hate to be separated on special occasions.

  So far, Coop is the only one suggesting things to get, but as you can imagine, it’s all highly inappropriate.

  “Sex coupon?” Milo says.

  I roll my eyes because that was obviously coming at some point.

  “He can have sex with me anytime he likes. He doesn’t need a coupon.”

  “Oh!” Coop says, slamming his hand down on the table in the café.

  Great, we’ve managed a few minutes alone, and now, he’s drawing attention to us.

  It’s not that bad here. We’re in a fucking expensive coffee shop where a drink costs about the same as the rent for a one-bed flat, but that does mean people aren’t all over us.

  “You could get him a coupon for sex with someone else.”

  I can, what?

  Milo and I look at him, waiting for that to sink in and for him to realise what he’s just said.

  Cooper stares back.

  “Really, Coop? You think I’m giving my boyfriend something that’ll grant him a shag with another woman? And do you think Kitt would even want that?”

  Because he wouldn’t.

  Despite having hundreds of women willing to do anything with him or to him, I know categorically that he would never stray. He loves passionately, and he’s fiercely loyal. Kitt would never risk my heart and our relationship for anything.

  He puts me above a career he’s wanted since childhood.

  “All right, just thinking of ideas.” He mouths, Wow, as if I’ve said something ridiculous.

  “Can we get back on track, please?” I put my head in my hands.

  This is hard. I want his birthday to be perfect, I want to show him how much he means to me, but I don’t know how. Since we started our relationship, Kitt has gotten real good at the romance thing, but I’m still lacking in that department.

  “Why is this stressing you out so much, Tex?” Milo asks. “Kitt doesn’t want things. You’ve given him everything by being with him.”

  Coop’s eyes are back on me. “Wrap yourself up for his birthday.”

  I ignore the pervert and reply to Milo, “He’s always going that extra mile for me. I want to do the same for him. If I’m all he wants, how do I give him more than that?”

  “Anal,” Coop says.

  “Oh, seriously!” I snap, trying to look annoyed, when I want to laugh.

  Cooper shrugs and leans back in his chair.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Milo freeze. He’s staring at the door with his eyes wide, his mouth open, and his hands gripping the table.

  I follow where he’s looking. A cute girl with dusty-blonde hair and eyes brighter than turquoise is planted to the spot, watching him like she’s just seen a ghost.

  Okay, who is she?

  “Milo, you all right?” I ask.

  But he’s not hearing me.

  The girl takes a few steps closer after a deep breath. “Hi, Milo,” she says so timidly that I’m scared she’s going to cry.

  “Lexi,” he whispers back as he stands up.

  Cooper’s eyes shoot up.

  Seriously, I’m the only one who has no idea what’s happening here.

  “You’re here,” he says.

  “I never left, Milo.”

  Oh, there was some hostility there. Something big went down between them because the atmosphere is palpable.

  “Lexi! I’ve missed you, babe,” Cooper says, smirking at Milo.

  He’s cut down by a look that screams murder, but that’s exactly what he was going for.

  “Are you free, Lex?” Milo asks nervously. He looks unsure of his own words.

  Lexi looks like she wants to say no and run away. She looks sad and scared, and it kind of makes me want to punch Milo because whatever happened between them, he broke her heart pretty thoroughly.

  “I am. I just came in here for coffee before heading home.”

  Milo looks back at me. I’m not sure if he’s seeking permission or maybe some help.

  “Of course. We’ve got this. You go with…”

  He shakes his head. “Sorry. Texas, this is Lexi, my childhood friend.”

  Why do I think he’s using the term friend very loosely?

  “Lexi, this is Texas Knight. She’s—”

  “I know who she is. It’s nice to meet you, Texas.”

  Perfect. She’s seen my almost topless picture.

  I shake her hand, and that’s when Cooper stands up. Tugging his arm, I bring him closer to me because I have a feeling if he tries to hit on Lexi, no matter if he’s only doing it to piss Milo off, Milo’s head might explode.

  “Lex,” Coop says, dipping his head.

  Lexi gives him a smile, and I’m happy to notice that he has no effect on her. Milo notices it, too, and his posture relaxes a fraction.

  “See you later,” Milo mutters to us, but his eyes stay fixed on Lexi. He walks around the table and stops beside her.

  “Um, we can go to my place. It’s not far,” she says.

  Coop and I watch them leave, and then he turns to me. “Bet he shags her again.”

  I roll my eyes. “I need to know everything.”

  “Childhood sweethearts,” he says. He takes a swig of his coffee. “When we started the band, it demanded his time, and they grew apart. Then we got to tour in clubs and pubs and shit. He broke it off because they were barely ever spending time with each other.”

  “Wow. So, they were around, what? Twenty when they broke up?”

  “Yeah. It wasn’t long before we met you.”

  “Is that why he’s a slut?”

  Coop’s mouth kicks up at the corner. “Yep. Cliché, right?”

  “What about you?” I ask.

  “Rock. Star.”

  “Come on,” I deadpan. There must be more to it than that.

  “Come on, what? I’m young and gorgeous and killer in bed. There’s not a woman in this world who could get me to settle down in my twenties.”

  “All right. Fine. Now, Kitt’s present?”

  “Threesome? Me. You. Him. I ain’t touching his, but you will love it.”

  “Know what? I’m going to call Peyton and get her advice.”

  “Now, there’s a woman I would settle down with. In about ten years.”

  “She’ll be thrilled,” I mutter dryly. “Let’s get out of here. People are starting to look.”

  “Where to?” he asks, getting up.

  “Home. I’ll have to think about his present. Again.” At this rate, I really will have to wrap myself up.

  “You’ll find something.”

  I’d ask what Cooper is getting for Kitt, but I’m sure it’s a sex toy of some sort.

  When I get home from shopping, Dad is by the front door with a small suitcase. He gives me a grin, and there’s a secret behind it.

  “All right, what’s going on?” I ask.

  Dad smiles. “Me, Will, and Jimmy are heading to Dublin for the weekend before Australia.”

  “Huh? Since when?”

  “Since now. You’ll know why soon.”

  “Oh God. You’ve not knocked up someone else, have you?”

  “Why is that your default?”

  “Because it’s fun to remind you of your fuckups.”

  He steps closer and pushes my hair out of my face. “You’re my daughter. You’ve never been a fuckup, and if I hear that language coming out of your mouth again, you’ll be grounded.”

  “And here I was, thinking that we’ve made progress in our relationship. I’m not a kid, remember?”

  “Just because you’ve stopped being a child doesn’t ever mean you’ll stop being my child. I don’t care if you’re nineteen or ninety. You’re stuck with me and my slightly overbearing, overprotective ways.”

  Slightly overbearing?

  I hug him tight. Although we’ve had a rocky road, trying to navigate an adult father-and-daughter relationship, I wouldn’t change a single thing about him. Not for anything.

  “I love you, Dad.”

  “Love you, too,” he replies, hugging me back and kissing the top of my head. “Something’s in the summerhouse for you. I’ll see you on Monday.”

  “Presents? Shiny things?”

  Laughing, he shakes his head and picks up his duffel bag. “Be good.” He holds his hand up. “Before you say a word, no, I will not get anyone pregnant.”

  I pat his head. “That’s the spirit. Have a nice time.”


  Saluting, I reply, “Going.”

  It’s bloody freezing and drizzling with fine rain—thank you, England—as I go out the back and dash down the path. Holding my hand out, I block the water from getting in my eyes and shove open the door.

  My feet root to the floor. “Oh my God,” I whisper as my eyes fill with tears.

  Kitt is standing in the middle of the room with a big bunch of roses. The wooden summerhouse is filled with flowers and fairy lights. The wood burner is on, making it toasty. Pillows and blankets are laid out in front of it. He has snacks and beer on the coffee table.

  “Hi,” he whispers.

  “Hey,” I reply, still looking around. The summerhouse is small, but he’s decorated it beautifully. “What are you doing here?”

  He smirks. “I’m here for my girl.”

  His girl. Gets me every time.

  I look into his eyes, and I’m falling, just like the very first time. Like Paris, the cage, the bus, every time I’ve awoken in his arms and been on the end of frantic and passionate kisses.

  I thought the time apart would heal my heart, and I’d get over him. It hasn’t, and it couldn’t. I love him more than I ever thought was possible.

  “I’ve made a lot of mistakes, Texas, and my biggest regret is letting you get on that plane to come home. I should’ve fought harder.”

  “No. Stop,” I say, taking a step closer to him with butterflies in my stomach. “It was the right thing for us both, and you know it. We needed space. You had to finish being a rock star, and I had to find out who I was. Let’s not go over old ground. Forward, not backward, remember?”

  He grins. “I know who you are even if you’re not always sure.”

  “Yeah? Who’s that?”

  He closes the distance and takes my face between his hands. Staring into my eyes, he whispers, “You’re Texas Knight. Beautiful, compassionate, funny, loyal, driven, and passionate. You love completely, and you’ll do anything for the people you care about. You love music and dancing and Netflix. You give as good as you get, and you always put one hundred percent into everything you do.”

  “If you want me to cry like a baby, continue!” I say, unable to wipe my eyes, as he’s holding my head hostage. I don’t mind in the slightest.

  With a smirk, Kitt sinks to one knee, and I think my heart gives up altogether. He stares up at me with love and adoration. Maybe with a few nerves mixed in.

  Oh God, oh God.

  Oh. My. God!

  Don’t hyperventilate. Don’t faint and miss this moment!

  “Texas Knight, my whole world changed when I fell in love with you. You forced me to reevaluate everything. You made me question everything, and the answer was always you. I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me, baby?”

  I’m dreaming. Right?

  I open my mouth to scream, Yes, but nothing comes out. This moment is something I’ve dreamed about for years, and it feels a million times better than I ever imagined. I swallow thick emotion and nod my head because my voice really isn’t working.

  Kitt’s smile is bigger and brighter than I’ve ever seen it before. He jumps up and tackles me in a bone-crushing huge hug. “Fuck yeah!”

  I attack his lips, kissing him with every ounce of love and happiness I feel right now. I’m soaring. Kitt ends the kiss way too soon and reaches into his pocket.

  Oh God. He has a ring.

  I already love it.

  When he presents the diamond to me, I’m breathless. It’s beyond beautiful. It’s a chunky rectangle that sits high with smaller round diamonds around it.

  “Kitt,” I whisper breathlessly.

  No one has ever been this happy before, I swear.

  I blink a few times to clear the tears blocking my view of the ring that means I’ll marry this man one day.

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it. I love you.”

  He sucks in a breath and presses his forehead against mine. As much as I love looking at the ring, I love looking at him more.

  “It was my mum’s. My nan’s originally. My grandad worked two jobs to be able to afford a ring he felt was equal to Nan’s beauty. It meant so much to them both. They knew they would hand it down, so when my dad told them he wanted to propose, she gave it to him. It’s why my nan only wears a wedding ring now. And when my mum died, the ring was given to me.” He takes a breath. “Texas, from the moment that ring was passed down to me, it has belonged to you.”

  “Oh my God, I love you.”

  I wipe my tears and press my lips against his. He kisses me back with so much passion that I feel like my heart is going to explode.

  Can you love someone too much? Because this is so overwhelming that it almost hurts.

  Kitt pulls back again, and I’m beginning to hate him for breaking our kisses. But then, he slides the ring onto my finger, and I let out a proper girlie little sob.

  “I want to marry you now,” he rasps, staring at the ring on my finger.

  “We kind of need someone to officiate, or it’s just a primary school marriage.”

  Looking up, he smirks. “I don’t think I’ll ever find enough words to describe how much I love you.”

  “You could just take me to bed and show me.”

  His eyebrows shoot up. “Well, I am a big believer in actions speaking louder than words.”

  I grip the hem of his T-shirt and pull him closer. “Then, action me up real good, rock star.”

  This book has been one of those never ending books that takes a lot of time and patience. Unfortunately, I possessed neither.

  So, I want to say a huge thank you to my girls who have gotten me through late nights and long writing sessions. Kirsty, Zoë, Hilda, Chloe, and Rachel, you girls keep me sane!

  To my husband, Joe, and our son, Ashton, thank you both for being so understanding when I was chained to the laptop.

  A big shout-out to the bloggers who have signed up to promote this release. You work long hours, often with nothing in return, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express how much that means.

  That brings me to my readers. Thank you so much for your love, support, and all of the amazing messages you send that make the late nights and (many) moments of pure stress and anxiety totally worth it.

  You’re all my rock stars.

  UK native Natasha Preston grew up in small villages and towns. She discovered her love of writing when she stumbled across an amateur writing site and uploaded her first story, and she hasn’t looked back since.

  She enjoys writing contemporary romance, gritty Young Adult thrillers and, of course, the occasional serial killer.

  Natasha Preston, With the Band (With the Band #1)




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