Under the Stars: Bright Lights Duet #2

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Under the Stars: Bright Lights Duet #2 Page 16

by Louise, Tia

  I’m not as sure-footed as usual, but I jog the half-block and cross the narrow road. My boots scuff in the gravel as I cross the street, thudding up the stairs, but when I reach the door, both Armand and Roland are inside, standing side-by-side and blocking my view of where Landry fell.

  Heat rises in my neck, and conflict cyclones in my chest.

  I’m a cop, and even though I have the head injury to prove I acted in self-defense, even though I know this guy is responsible for many crimes, I don’t relish taking a life.

  But when this motherfucker threatened my baby, “Is he dead?” I step forward, and Roland steps to the side.

  My eyes go to the spot they were inspecting and see…

  It’s empty.

  “He’s gone.” Armand pivots to face me, his jaw clenched. “Either he staggered out on his own, which means he could turn up dead in the swamp tomorrow, or someone came and got him, which means we need to get back to Evie. Now.”

  “Fuck,” I hiss, looking at the bloody stain on the floor. “Did you see any kind of a trail… anything out back that shows where he went?”

  “Nothing.” Roland’s expression is grim.

  “We have to go,” Armand says, breaking the spell. “We have to decide what to do about the baby, your trip to Seattle…”

  I step back, shoving my hand in the front of my hair, wincing as my fingers hit the wound on my scalp. “We can’t leave like this. What about Jillian?”

  “You’re not taking her to Seattle,” Roland snaps. “Not if you plan to go after Gavin. He’ll retaliate.”

  My eyes clash with his, and I can’t hide how I feel. “And what happens if this guy is alive and decides to come after you and Jilly while I’m gone?”

  “Taking her with you makes you vulnerable.” Roland steps back and starts for the door. “Before we do anything, let’s get back to my place.”

  The three of us head for the door, quickly going down the steps. I have to pause a moment at the bottom for the world to catch up to me.

  “If anything happens to her…” I can’t even complete the sentence. I’ve only known my daughter a short while, but she’s an irreplaceable part of my life.

  “Nothing is going to happen to Jillian, I promise you that.” Roland’s eyes flash to Armand, and the tall fellow nods.

  “Evie loves her. I’ve become fond of her as well…”

  “So you’ll help us?”

  Armand shrugs. “I doubt I’ll have a choice.”

  We’re back at the store, and I’m pleased to see Lara unlock the door and step out when we get close enough for her to recognize us.

  Her voice is soft, hopeful. “Is he dead?”

  I go to her, pulling her against my chest and holding her so close. Just the feel of her body against mine renews my strength.

  “He’s gone,” I say against her ear. “It’s clear I shot him, but we couldn’t find any sign of where he went or where he might be.”

  She pulls away, and I relax my hold on her. “What do we do now?” Her eyes move back and forth, and her anxiety reflects my own.

  “We need to get back to the house.” Roland opens the door to his car, taking the front while we take the back.

  Once we’re inside, I pull Lara against my chest again. The events of the evening, my injury and Landry’s words all churn in my mind and in my stomach.

  “If he’s still alive, he’s going to come after me,” I say softly. She lifts her chin to study my face.

  “Roland has a plan—something with Armand he wants to discuss when we get to the house.” Through the windshield, I study the black Audi leading us across the bridge and into the city. “I’m willing to listen, but I won’t leave if I’m not sure Jillian is safe. We won’t do anything until we’re sure she’s protected.”

  Lara relaxes in my arms, but my body is tense. I’m not used to putting my trust in others, especially people I don’t know well. What I need to do is get back into Landry’s house and search for that thumb drive… Destroy Gavin’s power, but getting back to Jillian overrides that plan. She’s my priority tonight.

  We have to stick to our first idea. We have to locate those old recordings—the ones that prove Lara acted in self-defense. The ones that show all the crimes committed under Gavin’s watch.

  Going to Seattle, getting Molly to help us is a long shot, and I have no guarantees the path I’ve laid out in my mind will work or if we’ll even be able to find what we need once we’re on the dark web. So far, nothing has gone the way I’ve planned.

  Everything has backfired and ended up in violence or gunfire.

  Fuck. This situation has to turn around.

  We’ve got to get ahead of these guys for once.


  Don’t be afraid. Just believe.


  Jilly is in my arms. Her little back is straight, and her bright eyes follow the men in the room just like mine do.

  “We’re not going anywhere until I’m satisfied she’s safe.” Mark’s arms are crossed, and his jaw is set.

  His face is clean and a butterfly bandage holds the sides of the cut above his left brow closed. I’m relieved his dizziness seems to have passed.

  Roland leans against the back of the couch, an unlit cigarette between his fingers. “The house alarm has motion sensors, broken glass sensors. No one is getting in here tonight. Or any other night it’s activated… which will be every night until I’m convinced this threat is over.”

  “He wouldn’t be stupid enough to try and get to you here.” The anger in Mark’s voice makes my heart beat faster. “He’ll wait until you go out, jump you in a fucking alley on your way to work or while you’re walking home.”

  Jilly jerks around to face me, and I kiss her little head.

  Armand’s smooth voice injects a much-needed level of calm. “Which is why my personal security will escort both of them everywhere.”

  Mark’s eyes narrow at him. “Remind me what you do again. Why you need personal security.”

  “It’s best if we don’t dig too deeply into the whys of my situation. Just trust that I won’t let anything happen to Jillian.”

  “Sorry.” Mark shakes his head. “That’s not good enough. You’re going to have to give me something.”

  Armand’s lips curl in that knowing smile. “I can assure you all my personal business dealings are legitimate. Unfortunately, my family—my father, uncle, brother—they’re still involved with less transparent enterprises. Which means I’m always careful. I don’t take chances with my valuables.”

  Evie returns to the room quickly, and Armand’s eyes meet hers just before he sits in the leather chair beside the couch. “Nothing will happen to your daughter while you’re away,” he finishes.

  “You know I’ll never let anyone hurt her.” Roland’s eyes are on my little girl.

  I hug Jilly closer against my chest, and Mark’s gaze meets mine. His is stormy with concern, but I’m inclined to trust our friends, especially after the way they helped us tonight.

  “Armand’s men are so nice,” Evie says, sitting beside me on the couch. “They’re always close, but you never feel crowded or in danger.”

  “Would it be better if she stays with Evie?” My eyes move quickly from Roland to Evie to Armand. “If that’s not a problem, I mean.”

  Armand watches as Evie rubs Jilly’s little back. “She’s welcome to stay with us if it makes you feel more secure.”

  “Oh, I’d love that!” Evie’s face brightens with her smile, and she reaches for the baby, taking her out of my arms. “Would you like to stay with Aunt Evie? Yes? Yes?”

  Jillian smiles and pats her cheek, making one of her sweet baby noises. My heart is so twisted, I don’t know what to do.

  Mark paces the room, shoving his hands in his hair and exhaling a soft growl. “If we didn’t need those files, I’d say fuck it. But not having that thumb drive, not knowing if Landry is dead or alive … It’s our only chance of ensuring Lara’s safety.”

nbsp; I go to him and put my arms around his waist, placing my cheek against his firm chest. His heart beats steadily, calming my fears.

  “It’s a terrible place to be… but I trust Evie and Roland.” Blinking up, I smile at Armand. “And Armand.”

  He smiles at me from where he sits in the chair. I’ve never known him well. Phillip has always been the more social of Evie’s boyfriends. Their situation is so unorthodox, but I do know I can trust her.

  Roland tosses the unlit cigarette on the top of his piano. “I don’t want her out of my house. I’d step in front of a bullet for her.”

  “I’d rather it didn’t come to that,” Mark says, still holding me close. “I’m not happy leaving… but we have to do it for Lara. We can’t wait for Gavin to learn what we’re doing and destroy everything. It could already be too late.”

  Stepping back, I catch his eye. “Should we call Molly now? Ask her to start searching tonight?”

  He puts his hands on my shoulders. “I already did. I didn’t want to share too much information in case anyone is listening. I basically asked her to search for things from the past.” He passes a hand over his mouth. “I don’t know if that’s enough or if we’ll be starting from the beginning when we get there.”

  Armand uncrosses his legs and stands. “If you feel well enough tonight, we’re taking off. It’s almost four.”

  “I’m so sorry. It doesn’t feel so late…” Jilly has fallen asleep on Evie’s shoulder, and my friend’s eyes are drooping as well, her head resting on a pillow.

  “Adrenaline,” Roland says. “You could spend the night here if you’d like.”

  “I’d like to sleep in a bed—if only for a few hours.”

  I take the baby from Evie, who wakes at once. “Did I fall asleep?” She looks around, and I smile.

  We all say our goodnights, and Roland activates the house alarm once they’re gone. Jilly is asleep on my chest, but I don’t want to put her in her room.

  “Can we move her crib to our bedroom?”

  Mark smiles, and goes to her little room. Roland stands in front of me, smoothing his hand down my arm.

  “You know I’ll protect her with my life, right?”

  Nodding, I step forward to give him a half-hug. It’s the best I can do while holding my sleeping baby.

  “I hate leaving this way.”

  “Just do what you need to make sure you’re safe. I’ll also never let you be taken to prison for getting rid of—”

  “I won’t let that happen.” Mark passes behind us, Jillian’s portable crib in his hand. “Let’s try to get a few hours of sleep.”

  * * *


  Lara’s head is on my bare chest. I’m propped up against the pillows listening to the soft shush of my daughter’s breathing from her small crib at the side of our bed.

  My forehead has stopped bleeding, but it still throbs with every heartbeat. The streetlight illuminates the window, and the house alarm is activated.

  Still I can’t sleep.

  I thread my fingers through Lara’s silky hair, thinking about everything that happened tonight. Landry, the bastard. I hope he’s dead. Armand, the mystery. He’s turning into an interesting ally. Roland and Evie, the faithful ones.

  The beautiful woman in my arms…

  I think about how sexy she was tonight in that green silk dress. Her voice has always hit me like a storm surge—knocking me out, destroying me, claiming me, since the first night I saw her.

  My mind drifts to that first night so long ago. We were so young, and she appeared at the top of that ladder wrapped in her dressing gown. She was shy. Then she took off the robe, and damn…

  Her incredible body was on full display, and I pretty much had blue balls for a week.

  Her lashes move against my chest. “Are you awake?” I ask softly.

  “Can’t sleep,” she says, and I slide to the side, down so our faces are a breath apart.

  “Are you afraid?”

  She shakes her head, her eyes blinking to my lips. “I’m never afraid with you here. And Jilly’s there… safe.” A little sigh. “I just can’t sleep.”

  I trace my finger along the line of her hair, sliding a dark lock away from her face. Her cheek is silvery in the moonlight. I remember falling in love with her under the stars.

  “Remember the night we ran around the city?”

  Her cheeks rise with her smile. “I remember you slipped and fell.”

  Warmth floods my chest for the first time in ages. “I remember you laughed.”

  “I fell in love with you that night.”

  Reaching out, I slide my hand under the thin cotton tank she’s wearing, placing my palm against the warmth of her bare skin. “I’d been in love with you for weeks.”

  “In lust, you mean.”

  My hand travels higher to cup her soft breast. “Sure, lust came first. I won’t try to deny it. You have the most beautiful body.”

  I drag her to me, pushing her shirt up so I can pull a tight nipple between my lips. I’m rewarded with a soft gasp. Kissing a line to the other side, I capture that soft peak, pulling her nipple between my teeth. She lets out a moan, and I reach up to place my fingers at her lips.

  “Shh,” I speak against her warm skin. “Don’t wake the baby.”

  My fingers leave her lips and move down, sliding between her thighs. She’s already wet, and heat surges below my waist.

  “I fell in love the more I got to know you.” I say, sliding my tongue around her nipple as my fingers circle her core. Both tighten at my touch.

  “Mark,” she whispers.

  “I loved your loyalty, your bravery.”

  I give her breast another suck, and she threads her fingers in my hair. “Does your head still hurt?”

  “Not a bit.” My erection strains in my boxer briefs.

  Moving down, I catch the sides of her panties, dragging them down her long legs, past her slim ankles. Her hips lift, and I watch her fingers tighten against the mattress in anticipation.

  Placing my palms flat on her skin, I open her thighs, letting my eyes travel the length of her body to her core. She’s beautiful, mouthwatering, and ready. Her lower stomach trembles, and I lean closer, running my nose along her inner thigh.

  “Mark…” Her voice breaks on a little cry. “Please.”

  I can’t help smiling at her eagerness. I’m about to lose it for wanting her, and I’m gratified to see her so on edge, so ready. Leaning down, I trace my tongue along that line where her thigh meets her hip. Her whole body jumps, and she lets out another whimper.

  “What do you want?” I say, moving slightly higher to kiss her stomach.

  “Please kiss me… there.” Her hips move, and I kiss her stomach lower.


  “Ohh… You know where.”

  A grin splits my cheeks, and I drag my tongue slowly along the line of her beautiful pussy. Her voice rises in a soft cry as I do it.

  “Yes,” she whispers, and I lean in closer, giving her clit a suck.

  Her body jumps. I dip my tongue lower, and her hips rotate in time with my mouth. I’m kissing her, tasting her, tracing my tongue all over her most sensitive parts, focusing my efforts on that taut little bud.

  When her hips start to jump, shudders breaking out in her thighs, I give her two more passes. Then I make my way higher. My erection aches for her. Her fingernails scratch along my hips, ripping at my briefs, dragging them down my hips.

  “Now,” she whispers, “I want you in me now.”

  Rising higher, I capture her mouth with mine, pulling her lips with mine, curling my tongue against hers. Her legs part, and I feel her hips pressing to meet me. Reaching down between us, I drag my cock up and down her slippery folds.

  She breaks away with a moan. “Oh, please… you’re killing me…”

  I won’t make her beg.

  With a solid thrust, I’m buried to the hilt in her tight, wet depths.

  “Fuck yeah,” I gasp,
my eyes squeezing shut at the onslaught of pleasure.

  Her clenching heat massages and pulls my cock. It’s the greatest feeling I’ve ever known. My hips begin to move, pumping and rocking, deeper and harder. She bucks her hips, meeting me thrust for thrust.

  “Lara,” I groan, biting the soft skin of her shoulder.

  “Oh!” She moans, spasms breaking out all around my dick. “Mark… Oh!”

  She’s coming hard, and I feel the shimmers moving like waves through her body. She pulls me under with her, and I close my eyes as the surges of ecstasy race up my thighs, centering in my pelvis, as I come, pulsing and filling her, following her through the stars to that blissful place of oneness.

  I wrap my arms around her and hold on as we drift through the clouds. Memories of putting a ring on her finger, dreams of our future life together…

  It’s so good.

  She sighs and holds my shoulders tight. Her legs are around my waist, and my cheek rests on her breast. She’s my angel, and I’m in heaven.

  “I love you.” Her voice is so soft and happy.

  With every heartbeat, I’m whole. “You’re mine,” I say, lifting my head to kiss her lips. “You’re always mine. I’ll protect you now and forever.”

  “It’s all I ever wanted.”

  I wrap her in my arms and hold her.

  Dangerous times are ahead of us, but right here, in this moment, I’m confident we’ll slay the demons. Holding her right now, I can see the future.

  Happiness is just within reach.


  I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.


  Molly meets us at the charter lot.

  After agreeing Jillian should stay at Roland’s, with Evie and a man from Armand’s private security taking over when he has to go out, Armand insisted we take his private jet.

  Mark surprised me by accepting quickly.

  One of the perks is it can be ready to go in as little as twenty minutes—or however long the pilot needs to file the flight plans. So after an endless night, we slept most of the day, and flew out of the city at three.


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