26 After getting one hit on Monday: Stan Musial: “The Man’s” Own Story, 202.
27 On Tuesday Lil: The Legend of Stan the Man Musial.
28 “He told the fans”: Gerry Ashley, interview, 2009.
29 “At first, I wasn’t too keen”: Lee Kavetski, “Stan ‘The Man’ Musial—A Class Guy,” Stars and Stripes, Pacific edition, Jan. 24, 1988.
30 The hosts would give: Ruben Amaro Sr., interview, Mar. 22, 2010.
31 Without knowing it: Sadaharu Oh, with David Falkner, A Zen Way of Baseball (New York: Times Books, 1984), 82.
32 “Butch Yatkeman”: Solly Hemus, interview, Apr. 14, 2010.
33 His parents did not name him: Curt Flood, with Richard Carter, The Way It Is (New York: Pocket Books, 1972), 67.
34 “My mom said”: Gerry Ashley, interview, Jul. 14, 2010.
35 “I said, ‘I think Solly deserves’ ”: Golenbock, The Spirit of St. Louis, 432–33.
36 “His kids hated me”: Solly Hemus, interview, Apr. 14, 2010.
37 “Please tell him”: Email from Gerry Ashley, Apr. 2010.
38 “He gave me a lot”: Solly Hemus, interview, Apr. 14, 2010.
39 “I took a pretty good cut”: Stan Musial: “The Man’s” Own Story, 211.
40 “The Cardinals have been generous”: Sporting News, Jan. 27, 1960.
41 “Stan Musial, who functioned”: James A. Michener, Sports in America (New York: Random House, 1976), 271.
42 Hemus did make two good moves: Stan Musial: “The Man’s” Own Story, 214.
43 While Musial was observing: Lester J. Biederman, “Musial Deeply Hurt by Card Treatment, His Friends Claim,” Pittsburgh Press, Jun. 14, 1960.
44 Many years later: Broeg, The Man Stan, 31.
45 “By then, when I’d go home”: Bob Broeg, “Stan Musial’s Fight to Keep Playing,” Sport, Apr. 1963.
1 “Oh, my God”: Angie Dickinson, interview, Mar. 10, 2010.
2 Musial often told: Stan Musial: “The Man’s” Own Story, 3.
3 apparently White suggested Musial: James A. Michener, Report of the County Chairman (New York: Random House, 1961), 155.
4 “No time was designated”: Ibid.
5 Michener called him: Ibid., 158.
6 “I played in Denver”: Ibid., 159.
7 “a strikingly beautiful young woman”: Ibid., 155.
8 “Artie, you were a sensation”: Ibid., 163.
9 “We had no ball club”: Angie Dickinson, interview, Mar. 10, 2010.
10 “Jeff and I had dated”: Ibid.
11 This was red-state: Michener, Report of the County Chairman, 179.
12 “I said, ‘Oh, my God, why?”: Angie Dickinson, interview, Mar. 10, 2010.
13 “You ought to talk to Angie”: Tom Ashley, interview, Mar. 22, 2010.
1 In his own locker: Ruben Amaro Sr., interview, Mar. 22, 2010.
1 Brooks Lawrence, a rookie pitcher: Golenbock, The Spirit of St. Louis, 414.
2 Hemus confused Gibson: Gibson and Jackson, Sixty Feet, Six Inches, 235.
3 “He was more like a dad”: Gibson and Jackson, Sixty Feet, Six Inches, 214.
4 “I watched George punish himself”: Broeg, “Stan Musial’s Fight to Keep Playing,” Sport.
5 “The more time you spend”: Stan Musial: “The Man’s” Own Story, 216.
6 Crowe praised Musial: George Crowe, interview, Jan. 7, 2009.
7 “We played side by side”: Flood, The Way It Is, 52–53.
8 Musial was upset: Ibid., 77.
9 “They invited all but the colored”: Ibid., 56.
10 In 1961, the two doctors: Rosalie Peck, interview, Oct. 2008.
11 “Do you mean to tell me”: Flood, The Way It Is, 57.
12 “Busch was just worried”: Bill White, interview, 2009.
13 “the year I got out”: Bob Gibson interview, Sep. 29, 2009.
14 “All those years”: Mildred White, interview, Dec. 5, 2008.
15 Stan and Lil have never talked: Gerry Ashley, interview.
16 “Bill’s Wife Solved Problem”: Sporting News, spring 1962, undated clip courtesy of Mildred White.
17 “People would drive by”: Brad Snyder, A Well-Paid Slave: Curt Flood’s Fight for Free Agency in Professional Sports (New York: Viking Press, 2006), 180.
18 “Best hitter I ever saw”: Bill White, interview, 2009.
19 “The Cardinals were different”: Gibson and Jackson, Sixty Feet, Six Inches, 189.
20 This chapter is informed by: Howard and Wimbish, Elston and Me, and interviews with both. Also, Brian Carroll, “Wendell Smith’s Last Crusade: The Desegregation of Spring Training, 1961,” The 13th Annual Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and American Culture, ed. William Simons (Jefferson City, N.C.: McFarland Press, 2002).
1 “Stan was on the bench”: Jack Olsen, “That Johnny Keane Is a Fine Manager Is What He Sure Is,” Sports Illustrated, Apr. 13, 1964.
2 With Keane’s encouragement: Stan Musial: “The Man’s” Own Story, 84.
3 “We’ve got a one-run lead”: Alvin Jackson, interview, Feb. 13, 2009.
4 Lil had missed: Stan Musial: “The Man’s” Own Story, 227.
5 “We came back”: John H. Zentay, interview, Nov. 29, 2010.
6 “It was clear there was affection”: Ibid.
7 “Zentay would remember: Ibid.
8 “My mom was impressed”: Gerry Ashley, email message, Nov. 29, 2010.
9 “Everything I have I owe”: Les Biederman, “Musial’s Storied Career Opposite of Reckless Cobb’s,” Pittsburgh Press, July 17, 1962.
10 Decades later, Tim McCarver: Tim McCarver, interview, Nov. 13, 2008.
11 “I’m afraid”: Bob Broeg, “Devine, Busch Say No; Cards to Make Stan Veep When He Quits,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Nov. 6, 1962.
12 “I tried to pitch”: The Legend of Stan the Man Musial.
13 “Normally, a guy”: Joe Torre, interview, Jul. 9, 2009.
14 Musial broke the news: Olsen, “That Johnny Keane Is a Fine Manager.”
15 The family stayed up: Gerry Ashley, interview.
16 “I don’t wear dark glasses”: W. C. Heinz, “Stan Musial’s Last Day,” Life, Oct. 11, 1963; Hano, “Stan Musial’s Last Game,” Sport.
1 Thomas Ashley, interview.
1 “Stan was there”: Anonymous posting on St. Louis Memories, 2009, http://genealogyinstlouis.accessgenealogy.com.
2 “Washington would have been”: Gerry Ashley, interview.
3 “Calisthenics are fine”: Associated Press, “Cardinals Give Musial Free Hand to Encourage Physical Fitness,” Mar. 22, 1964.
4 Because the job paid: Giglio, Musial, 277–78.
5 “LBJ had Stan lobbying”: Tom Ashley, interview, 2009.
6 “But didn’t you find”: Kahn, “Of Galahad and Quests That Failed.”
7 Musial still gravitated: Stan Musial: “The Man’s” Own Story, 230.
8 “I knew Red needed experience”: Bob Broeg, “Red and Stan—Spirit of St. Louis,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Oct. 7, 1967.
9 He had always talked: Bob Broeg, “Honored in Brooklyn and Poland, Stan Remains the Man in Motion,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Jun. 21, 1990.
10 “When you’re in that house”: Gerry Ashley, interview, 2009.
11 “Their house is like anybody else’s”: Helen P. Nelson, interview, Jun. 29, 2009.
12 “Lil is one of the finest”: Danny and Pat Litwhiler, interview, Apr. 2010.
13 “He came to my house”: Robert Hermann, interview, 2009.
14 “I’m sure it happened”: Tom Ashley Jr., interview, Aug. 13, 2009.
15 “It was pretty dangerous over there”: Col. James Hackett, interview, May 12, 2009.
16 “We would split up”: Brooks Robinson, interview, Oct. 5, 2009.
17 “I wa
s just young and stupid”: Joe Torre, interview, July 9, 2009.
18 When Musial got home: Jack Herman, “War Zone Trip Warms Musial,” St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Nov. 21, 1966.
1 Musial agreed: Neal Russo, “Musial Replaces Howsam as GM,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Jan. 23, 1967.
2 “As the reader already knows”: Flood, The Way It Is, 66.
3 “Stan said, ‘Hey’ ”: Dal Maxvill, interview, Jan. 14, 2009.
4 “Maris was very temperamental”: Bill Bergesch, interview, 2008.
5 “Tell me one thing”: Bob Broeg, “Gussie Scores on Devine’s Home Run,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Dec. 6, 1967.
6 “Gentlemen, I have a feeling”: Broeg, The Man, Stan, 234.
7 “It was so cold”: Alvin Jackson, interview, Feb. 13, 2009.
8 “When the club”: Dal Maxvill, interview, Jan. 14, 2009.
9 “He says, ‘Well’ ”: Red Schoendienst, interview for ESPN Century 2000, Nov. 29, 2000.
10 When Stanley really needed: Broeg, The Man, Stan, 234–35.
11 Tim McCarver said: Tim McCarver, interview, Nov. 13, 2008.
12 “He has actually shown”: Broeg, “Red and Stan.”
13 “Stan twiddled his thumbs”: Hunter, TV One-on-One.
14 “If you want to do”: Red Schoendienst, interview for ESPN, Nov. 29, 2000.
15 On December 5: Stan Isle, “A Big Rumble in Cardinals’ Executive Suite,” Sporting News, Dec. 1967; John J. Archibold, “Bing’s Return,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Dec. 5, 1967.
16 It was Christmas Eve 1967: John Kopchak, interview, Nov. 29, 2010.
17 “Are you a millionaire?”: Kahn, “Of Galahad and Quests That Failed.”
18 “Gentlemen, I don’t think”: “Busch Lectures on Fan Alienation,” New York Times, March 23, 1969.
19 At the Supreme Court: Snyder, A Weil-Paid Slave.
20 There was no reason to expect: Flood, The Way It Is.
21 “Spring of 1972”: Keith Hernandez, interview, Nov. 10, 2008.
22 “I invited my old coaches”: Halls of Fame: Stan Musial.
23 “The church was jammed”: Fay Vincent, interview, Dec. 30, 2008.
24 Late into the night, Musial: Paul Nuzzolese, interview, 2008.
25 He could show up anywhere: Ray Corio, interview, 2008.
1 “Stan included her in things”: Verna Duda, interview, Mar. 2009.
2 While Stan was still playing: Roger Kahn, interview, Mar. 4, 2010.
3 “She had a hard life”: Tom Ashley, interview, Feb. 2009.
4 Whenever the Cardinals played: Bob Broeg, interview, ESPN, Nov. 29, 2000.
5 “We would see him”: Edward S. Musial, interview, Jun. 2, 2009.
6 In 1965, Musial had a ranch: Stewart, Stan the Man, 165.
7 erratic behavior: Giglio, Musial, 296.
8 Stan would also return: Ed Musial, interview, ESPN, Dec. 18, 2000.
9 Then he shuttled around: Statistics courtesy of John Hall.
10 Ed did work with Stan: Giglio, Musial, 289–90.
11 “I went the other way”: Ed Musial, interview, ESPN, Dec. 18, 2000.
12 Stan remained loyal: Stewart, Stan the Man, 212.
13 “Maybe it is characteristic”: Dr. Charles Stacey, interview, May 12, 2009.
14 “I passed to Pope”: Bimbo Cecconi, tour of Donora, Mar. 2009.
1 Tom Ashley, interview.
1 “They liked being out somewhere”: Tom Ashley, interview, 2009.
2 “As a boy I had nothing”: Anne Morris, “Passing of a Man of Letters,” Austin American-Statesman, Oct. 17, 1997.
3 It took an army: Herman Silverman, Michener and Me (Philadelphia: Running Press, 1999), 29, 32.
4 “Jim and I were signing”: Tom Wheatley, “Musial Admired,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Feb. 13, 1996.
5 “I’m a Democrat”: Kahn, “Of Galahad and Quests That Failed.”
6 “The relationship between Dad and Stan”: Helen P. Nelson, interview, Jun. 29, 2009.
7 “She corrected him”: James A. Michener, Pilgrimage: A Memoir of Poland and Rome (Emmaus, Penn.: Rodale, 1990), 71–72.
8 “Mr. P. was relentless”: Email from Karen Wessel Fox, Oct. 7, 2009.
9 “I don’t think Polish jokes”: Kahn, “Of Galahad and Quests That Failed.”
10 Ed Piszek went: Michener, Pilgrimage, 76.
11 “The clock was ticking”: Christine Schiavo, “Personal Words Mark Funeral for Mrs. Paul’s Mogul,” Philadelphia Inquirer, Apr. 4, 2004.
12 Christenson had met: Larry Christenson, interview, Jan. 6, 2009.
13 “But that was explained”: Michener, Pilgrimage, 17.
14 Musial met some Polish relatives: Ibid., 32.
15 A staggering portion: Lech Walesa, “Excerpts from Debate Between Lech Walesa and Alfred Miodowicz, Nov. 30, 1988,” Making the History of 1989, http://chnm.gmu.edu/1989/items/show/540.
16 Musial and the rest: Michener, Pilgrimage, 35.
17 Michener greeted the pope: Ibid., 85.
18 “Three courses served by a nun”: Ibid., 86.
19 “I’m entitled to be here”: Ibid., 89.
20 “I watched Stan interact”: Jim Murray, interview, Jan. 20, 2009.
21 Like many people: Larry Christenson, interview, Jun. 26, 2009.
22 “Grasping my hand”: Michener, Pilgrimage, 93.
23 “When I saw Musial”: Richard L. Thornburgh, interview, Jan. 7, 2009.
24 intrigue was taking place: Christenson, Murray, Thornburgh interviews.
25 “Stan could have been”: Jim Murray, interview, Jan. 20, 2009.
26 Musial was so identified: Pat Henry, interview, Dec. 3, 2010.
27 Musial retained his bond: Maureen Dowd, “For Bush, a Polish Welcome Without Fervor,” New York Times, Jul. 11, 1989.
28 In 1990, Stan and Lil: Giglio, Musial, 300.
29 The friendship between Musial and Michener: Hunter, TV One-on-One.
30 McEwen wrote he had received: Tom McEwen, “Mr. Michener’s Tour of Tampa,” Tampa Tribune, Feb. 9, 2008.
31 “I took the bouquet”: Tom McEwen, “A Sports Night to Remember with Stan the Man,” Tampa Tribune, Jul. 25, 2009.
32 After turning ninety: Frank Eltman, “James Michener Remembered by Friends, Colleagues at Manhattan Memorial,” Associated Press, Nov. 18, 1997.
33 Musial described him: Stephanie Simon, “Famous Novelist James A. Michener Dies at Age 90,” Los Angeles Times, Oct. 17, 1997.
34 Fifteen months later: Patricia Rice, “Area Basked in Pope’s Visit,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Apr. 3, 2005.
35 Edward Piszek later went through: Schiavo, “Personal Words Mark Funeral.”
36 “They remained friends”: Helen P. Nelson, interview, Jun. 29, 2009.
1 George Vecsey, “Mantle’s Teammates Say Goodbye,” New York Times, Aug. 16, 1995; Bob Costas, interview, Nov. 18, 2008; Tom Wheatley, “Farewell to the Mick; Mantle Dead at 63: ‘A Yankee Forever,’ ” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Aug. 14, 1995.
2 Few people in the church knew: Jane Leavy, The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America’s Childhood (New York: HarperCollins, 2010), 56.
3 The two players had something else: Leavy, The Last Boy, 38.
1 Ten feet five inches tall: Neal Russo, “Smiles, Kisses and Tears at Musial Statue Unveiling,” Sporting News, Aug. 17, 1968.
2 “I saw the sculptor”: Kahn, “Of Galahad and Quests That Failed.”
3 “great, great honor”: Halls of Fame: Stan Musial.
4 “I’ll say this, Jeannie”: Broeg, The Man, Stan, 240.
1 “I wish I could have gotten”: Tom Wheatley, “Musial Admired by Those Whom Musial Admires,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Feb. 13, 1996.
2 “You have
a feeling”: Fay Vincent, interview, Dec. 30, 2008.
3 For many years, the Clipper: Nick Nicolosi, interview, 2008.
4 “You know, Joe and I”: Garagiola, It’s Anybody’s Ballgame, 94.
5 “The headline in the newspaper”: Buck, “That’s a Winner,” 82.
6 Actually, headlines in the Post-Dispatch: Bill Smith, “Musial Cries ‘Foul’ on Garagiolas’ Suit,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Apr. 19, 1986; Joe Mannies, “Business Splits Old Friends,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Apr. 27, 1986.
7 The suit was filed: Giglio, Musial, 292–95.
8 “It was no coincidence”: Buck, “That’s a Winner,” 82.
9 The Cardinals’ staff learned: Bill Madden, “Musial Tosses Gutter Ball Over Garagiola Split,” Daily News, Oct. 26, 2006.
10 In July 1996: James N. Giglio, “Prelude to Greatness: Stanley Musial and the Springfield Cardinals of 1941,” Missouri Historical Review, July 1996, 429–52.
11 It was a fairly: Email from James N. Giglio to Scott Lehotsky, Mar. 5, 2004.
12 One shunned acquaintance: William Bottonari, interview, Nov. 12, 2008.
13 “Stan would sit”: Bob Costas, interview, Nov. 18, 2008.
14 “We’ve learned a lot”: The Legend of Stan the Man Musial.
15 Gerry and Tom Ashley: Tom Ashley, interviews.
16 Musial then told: Roger Kahn, interview, Mar. 4, 2010.
17 “I quit while I still”: Kahn, “Of Galahad and Quests That Failed.”
18 Dublin for the Irish Derby: James Hackett, interview, May 12, 2009.
19 Torre also went: Joe Torre, interview, Jul. 9, 2009.
20 Stanley would almost always show up: Mickey McTague, interview, 2010; Bob Broeg, “The One-Man Band Played On and On,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Apr. 14, 1996.
21 “Stan would sign”: Larry Christenson, interview, Jan. 6, 2009.
22 Another constant in Stan’s life: Gerry Ashley, interview.
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