Saint's Fall (Fallen Saints MC Book 3)

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Saint's Fall (Fallen Saints MC Book 3) Page 6

by Winter Sloane

  “When?” he asked. Saint shrugged off his pants again and for a second, she was distracted by the sight of his buff, naked body.

  Olivia focused on the conversation. “Ten years ago. I snuck into your room as a dare from Marsha.”

  “Marsha. Miranda’s kid. Your friend,” Saint mused. “I see. What else did you do?”

  “Nothing. I got cold feet five minutes in,” she admitted. His room still looked the same. The furniture remained unchanged. A desk filled with papers. A messy bed. A row of guns lining one wall.

  Saint settled on the bed and patted the space next to him.

  “Change of bandages first,” she said.

  He groaned but nonetheless stayed put as she checked the wound again. She grimaced, seeing it had opened a little.

  “Maybe we should hold off sex for a while, just until the wound heals,” she said.

  Olivia thought he would protest, but Saint only nodded.

  “Good opportunity for me to take you out.”

  Olivia looked at him. The disbelief must’ve shown on her face because he said, “Tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up after your shift.”

  “What if I’m busy?”

  Saint raised an eyebrow. “Are you?”

  “No,” she admitted. “Three days is a short time to make friends, although I do get along with the nurses at St. Luke’s.”

  Saint settled himself on the bed and she lay next to him, head on his chest while he stroked her hair.

  “Tell me all about it.”

  “You want to hear about my job?” she asked in surprise.

  “I want to know everything about you.”

  This is nice, Olivia thought, relaxing in his arms. She told him about the patients she saw today, about the doctors and staff she worked with. She fell asleep while talking. Olivia was certain tonight, she wouldn’t be plagued by dreams of Brett coming after her with a wicked kitchen knife. In Saint’s arms, she felt completely safe and protected.


  Brett: I’m getting closer. Once my PI narrows down his search, you’ll have to answer to me, you unfaithful bitch.

  Olivia stared at Brett’s latest text for a second. Each time she blocked his number, a new one popped up. It was as if Brett knew she was purposely ignoring him. The bastard didn’t like that. She should’ve deleted this text like all the others.

  She had other things to think about than reading his messages during her lunch break. Like her date tonight with Saint. Had he even gone on a single date his entire life? She leaned back against the lockers. He’d been so insistent on taking her out on a real date, so eager to prove he could be the man she wanted. It was kind of cute. Saint would blanch if he ever heard her use that word to describe him.

  Another text message popped. This one was from Saint and it brought a smile to her lips.

  Saint: Missing you so fucking much, baby. Can’t wait to see you tonight.

  Olivia: Me too.

  Olivia tucked her phone in her pocket. She had nothing to fear. Olivia had Saint’s and his MC’s protection. There was a state-of-the-art security system installed in her home. Brett was probably bluffing about his progress. Did he have nothing better to do than intimidate her?

  When she thought about their painful romance, she couldn’t summon any good memories. Mostly fighting and screaming matches that ended with Brett resorting to using his fists. Olivia had managed to escape him and that abusive relationship, but she still kept looking over her shoulder. That chapter in her life hadn’t been resolved, not by a long shot.

  I have a job, and I’m falling fast and hard for Saint, she reminded herself. Olivia had ceased analyzing the pros and cons of her relationship with Saint. She simply had to be content with finding out where this particular route would take.

  “Olivia, thank God you’re back. You’re needed in the emergency room,” said a voice. Mandy, the part-timer the hospital hired to man the reception desk.

  “I’ll be right out,” she informed Mandy.

  The rest of her day passed by in a blur. Olivia was beat by the time her shift was over. She hoped Saint didn’t have anything complicated planned for the night. When she texted him and asked him for hints, he refused to give her one. Well, if he took her to someplace fancy and she was underdressed, that was on him.

  Olivia left the hospital, mood lifting when she spied her man in the parking lot. Saint looked good, dressed in his usual battered leather jacket, black shirt underneath, jeans, and work boots. He’d been scowling as he got off a phone call, but he lit up at the sight of her.

  Saint let out a whistle. “You look good enough to eat, baby.”

  Did she? Olivia had changed out of her scrubs and picked a simple black dress that hugged her figure, bared her shoulders, and fell to her knees. Saint had seen her in a baggy sweater and in her scrubs. She wanted to put in an extra effort for tonight.

  As she approached him and his Harley, Saint crossed the distance between them. He slid one possessive arm over her waist and tugged her close for a sizzling kiss that left her breathless for a few seconds.

  “Wow,” she said afterward. “You missed me that much, huh?”

  Olivia couldn’t believe it. She was actually teasing and flirting with him with ease. Gone was the shy girl who had a crush on a dangerous and older man. Gone was also the angry and broken woman who was too terrified to trust another man again. Spending more time with Saint was changing her and maybe it was for the better.

  “You bet,” he said. The smirk didn’t leave his lips as he took out her helmet and set it on her head.

  “Where are you taking me tonight?” she asked. “Am I dressed right?”

  “You’re too fucking perfect for words,” he said.

  They mounted his bike. Olivia was surprised Saint drove toward the outskirts of town. He slid onto a familiar road, one that led to the MC clubhouse. He was taking her there? Disappointment sank inside her like a heavy stone, but she shook her head. Olivia told herself not to make any hasty judgments yet.

  Saint parked his bike in the parking lot. This entire strip of road had businesses that belonged to the MC. The lights in the chop shop next to the clubhouse were off. Business was over for the day. A couple of MC members hung in the parking lot, and she could hear music and laughter inside the clubhouse. Saint mentioned the repairs were done. She noticed the other MC men giving her curious glances. As if Saint understood her growing discomfort, he pulled her body close to him. That made her look at him. Saint nodded to some of the men.

  “This way,” he said. Saint took her hand. He didn’t walk right inside the clubhouse but instead led her up a flight of stairs at the side of the building.

  Good thing Olivia was never comfortable in heels, so she wore flats tonight. Her heart hammered as they ascended. Olivia felt like a teenager again, one who was on her first date. Anticipation set in. Olivia wasn’t disappointed as they stepped onto the roof.

  Bright lights were strung everywhere, illuminating the table set for two at the center. There were candles lit, matching plates and cutleries. A wine was chilling in a bucket. Next to it was a picnic basket Olivia guessed was filled with good.

  She gasped. “You did this all for me?” she asked.

  “Who said I didn’t have a romantic bone in my body?” Saint asked. His challenging stare was hot enough to drench her panties. Olivia was almost tempted to skip dinner and let Saint have his way with her.

  Cool your jets, she reminded herself. “Let me guess. You asked for Bonnie’s advice?”

  There could only be one other woman in Saint’s life who’d give him valuable advice.

  “Damn right.”

  She giggled, unable to help herself. A lesser man would’ve been embarrassed he had to ask his daughter for dating advice. Not Saint. He wore confidence on his sleeve, be it his business or his personal life.

  “You hungry?”

  “I can eat,” she admitted.

  He flashed his teeth at her. “Good. Let’s chow down.�

  Chapter Ten

  Saint could listen to her for hours. As Olivia told him how her day went, he focused his entire attention on her words. On her soft and sweet voice. Devil said Olivia had him pussy-whipped. Maybe his brother was right, but Saint didn’t give a damn what the others thought. He didn’t miss the envious looks his other MC brothers cast his way when they arrived.

  She was magnificent and she was his alone.

  “What about you?” she asked. “How did your day go?”

  “Pretty good. Had a meeting with the mayor, then the club had a discussion on how to deal with the Red Dragons MC.”

  Saint promised he’d never hide any secrets from her. If she were to become his old lady, violence would be part and parcel of their lives. Olivia also seemed to appreciate his honesty. At the very least, he’d spare her from the grislier details of his operations.

  “They’re still out for your head?” she asked with a shiver.

  She was scared for him. He could tell. Now that Bonnie and Hawke had left Redemption, the Red Dragons had painted a target on his back. No doubt sooner or later, they’d find out about Olivia. How important she was to him. Saint decided not to divulge this disturbing piece of news to her. He couldn’t risk scaring her off for good. She might have an iron stomach, she tended to his shoulder after all, but even Olivia had her limits.

  “They won’t stop gunning for me,” he said.

  She looked stricken. Saint reached for her hand across the table. Olivia hadn’t been kidding about being able to eat. They decimated all the cheese, expensive cold cuts, sandwiches, and crackers in the basket. Wine included. Well, wine for her and beer for him.

  “Don’t worry. I’m great at staying alive. It’ll take more than a few stray bullets to kill me,” Saint reassured her.

  She released his hands and he didn’t like that one bit. “Bonnie mentioned you’ve nearly been killed twice this year alone. It’s scary being with someone who’s courting death.”

  Impatience sparked inside him. Saint lived his life on his own fucking terms. This was how it had always been. Olivia could never change what he was. The MC life was all he knew, and he loved every fucking second of it. Saint reeled in his temper before he said something he’d regret.

  They were having a nice time tonight. Saint could sense her opening up to him. The last thing he wanted was to ruin tonight.

  “I don’t chase after death,” he told her. “But I won’t sit still and let my enemies run me over either.”

  “I get that. I understand this is the life you’ve chosen. I just can’t help but be worried for you.”

  Saint dragged his chair out. He walked to her, lowered his mouth to her, and kissed her. Olivia tasted a little of the red wine she drank. Red wine and raspberries. A potent combination.

  “I have you in my life right now. I’ll be careful,” he said.

  She rose, kissed him back. He reached for the zipper behind her dress. In moments, they were fumbling for each other’s clothes like hungry animals deprived of touch for so long. It wasn’t that cold tonight, and Saint had pulled out a portable heater on the roof. He told all his men to stay away from the roof tonight so Olivia had he would have ultimate privacy.

  Saint led her to the small nook of blankets and comforters he’d prepared at the corner of the room. Olivia was out of her dress and standing in her underwear, wearing the recent gift he’d sent her. Black lace undergarments that hid nothing from the imagination. His dick pressed up against the zipper of his jeans. Saint lowered her to the blankets until she lay before him like a rumpled queen, her legs spread, her breasts upright.

  He was out of his clothes in seconds. Saint climbed on top of her. He took her mouth again, gave her left breast a squeeze. Her answering moan when he released her only fueled his lust. He kissed her neck, ran his hands possessively down her tempting curves. Olivia hooked her legs around his waist, pulling her close.

  Neither of them mentioned condoms. Why bother when they were both clean? Saint had himself tested recently and she told him she hadn’t been with anyone in months. Just Brett. Brett, the abusive fucker who didn’t know what an angel destiny handed to him, but Saint knew. He’d own her in every way, make her so addicted to his cock, to his body, she’d never be found wanting. Saint wanted to fill her with his hot seed, knock her up so they’d have a kid together.

  Saint would worship her for the rest of her life if she let him.

  He buried his dick inside her cunt, groaning at her heat. She was always so tight for him.

  Saint pushed in and out of her, strokes rough and wild. Olivia met him for every thrust, gripping his shoulders. Saint lost awareness of where they were. All that mattered was Olivia’s body fused with his own, his dirty soul reaching out to brush against her pure one.

  Neither of them lasted long. In moments, Olivia splintered apart. She came, calling out his name softly. Music to his ears. Saint pounded in and out of her a few more times before filling her pussy with his seed. They collapsed on the blankets, spent. Olivia curled her body automatically against him. He liked how she immediately sought his heat, how needy and trustful she’d become of him.

  “Did I ace this date?” he asked afterward, making her laugh.

  “Yes,” she said, smiling. “Yes, you did.”

  “Then we’ll go on plenty more until you’re convinced you’re meant to be my woman.”

  She pressed a kiss on his throat. “I think I already am.”


  “Someone’s in a good mood day,” Devil remarked the following morning.

  Saint had just sent Olivia home an hour ago. By this time, she was probably on her way to the hospital.

  “It’s a good time to kill some Dragons,” he told Devil.

  He glanced at the MC brothers he’d assembled. Iron would be shadowing Olivia. He wouldn’t take any chances when it came to her safety. Apart from Devil, Chains, Bear, Colt, and Steele had his back. Saint would only take a small contingent of men today. The rest would be taking care of their businesses, guarding their territory.

  Saint didn’t want a repeat of the recent disaster. No one was going to fucking shoot holes into his clubhouse again. Chains and Bear were sharing a crude joke. Colt and Steele met his gaze steadily.

  “Let’s ride and get this shit over and done with,” Saint said. He cracked his knuckles then gripped the handlebars of his Harley.

  They rode out of their headquarters. His crew started for roads that would lead them out of Redemption and toward Mountain Lake, the town under the control of the Red Dragons MC. Last night, Devil and he had agreed on a seldom-used route that would hide them under the cover of trees. They encountered a couple of vehicles on the highway. The road thinned. They saw no one. Just miles of trees and nothingness.

  Saint passed by an old gas station, then a rundown convenience. An old man hurried out. Saint was guessing he was the owner. He sped up. Saint couldn’t take any chances. That old man might ring up Rooster, the President of the Red Dragons MC.

  The wind felt cool on his face. The late-afternoon sun bore down on them. According to trusty intel, a spy who lived in Mountain Lake, the Dragons were probably passed out at their clubhouse today. They were celebrating some shit or another, late into the night. Once Saint received a photo of the passed-out bikers from the spy, he decided to take action.

  Saint glimpsed the Lusty Maiden in the near distance, an old farmhouse converted into a roadhouse that served as the Dragons’ headquarters. They hadn’t encountered any guards. No cops on the road or any of Rooster’s men. Zero trouble. It was almost too good to be true. Luck was finally on his side. Saint killed the engine a mile from the roadhouse. He dismounted, checked the semi-automatic he carried.

  Once he dealt with these wannabe thugs, Saint could focus on his personal life. The image of Olivia all tangled up in his bed that morning rose up in his head. Saint had stood looking down at her for a few moments, admiring her creamy skin, her long shapely legs, her breasts pe
eking under the fabric. Last night had changed things between them. Maybe for the better.

  “Saint, Chains and Bear went ahead,” Devil said, his voice bringing him back to reality. “I didn’t hear any gunshots. Let’s take this opportunity.”

  Saint nodded, a little annoyed with himself for getting distracted in the thick of the action. Well, if Saint had to be honest, he was playing dirty, but the Dragons hit them first. They crossed the line when they tried to assassinate not only him but also Bonnie.

  “This is like shooting ducks in a barrel,” he said.

  “Let’s not get too hasty yet.”

  He grunted. The rest of his team tailed him as he walked forward, into the fortress of an enemy. Saint wouldn’t really use that word to describe the sleazy establishment. They walked in, unchallenged. The two guards Rooster posted outside the roadhouse were both passed out. More Red Dragons MC members lay inside, snoozing. It smelled awful in there, like something had died, combined with the scent of alcohol, sex, and must.

  Saint kicked at a discarded condom wrapper, along with a syringe. According to their intel, the Red Dragons also sampled the cocaine they sold on the streets. It appeared they snorted the shit of it, more like. Saint found Rooster, half-naked and sprawled on the bar. The MC President only stirred when Saint pressed the barrel of his gun to his forehead.

  His other MC brothers didn’t make any unnecessary moves. He’d warned them beforehand that they were only here for Rooster. No one else. Chains and Bear were trigger-happy fools, but this time, they stayed put and obeyed his orders.

  “What the hell?” Rooster grumbled. The President of the Red Dragons MC froze when he saw who held the gun.

  “You made a fucking mistake when you gave the order to gun me and my daughter down.” Saint wanted Rooster to look into his eyes. In his dying moments, Rooster would know it was his enemy who signed his death sentence.

  “Saint, listen, let’s work out a—”

  Seeing Rooster pleading for his life and trying to worm his way out of this disgusted Saint. Rooster should have known what he’d signed up for when he sent those assassins after Saint. He pulled the trigger. There was a silencer on his gun, but it still made a little noise. The bikers around Rooster groaned.


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